Unique Date Ideas: Get Creative & Have Fun!

In summary, the conversation discusses ideas for a non-traditional date. The expert suggests going to a museum, a go-cart track, or a soup kitchen.
  • #1
Hi everybody. I'm going on a date with a girl tomorrow, I need some Ideas. We agreed that we both wanted something non-traditional, that means no movies.

What unique ideas can you come up with?
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  • #2
Where do you live?
  • #3
What sorts of things do you like to do? Quiet, intellectual, sports, outdoors, indoors? Without knowing where you live, I don't know what the climate is like there. Do you have places to go ice-skating, or if it's warmer, maybe there's a museum you can go to and then picnic on the lawn outside? If you're into it, are there any of those places that do drive-through Christmas light displays? That would seem nice for a first date if it's in the evening because you can ooh and aah at the lights, but mostly have a lot of time to sit in the car when you can drive very slowly which means you can talk a lot and get to know each other better.

Or, maybe you can find a place that has a rock-climbing wall and do that together?

Just tossing out a bunch of ideas...if they aren't your style, tell us what's more your style so we can help with better suggestions.
  • #4
Comedy club, or any activity that requires the two of you doing something together at the very least: bowling, pool, miniature golf
  • #5
there's a bug zoo in town here, I've always wanted to go to that. maybe there's somethng similar there?
  • #6
amusement park!
  • #7
strip club
  • #8
Rent Harold & Maude for some inspiration..

best dates i ever see on a movie screen.
  • #9
tribdog said:
strip club
The only on topic post in this thread!:-p
  • #10
Someone who hangs out at pf got a date? Ohh man lol, is KingNothing up for the funniest member award, cause with this thread he just got my vote!
  • #11
It also might be helpful if we had an idea of your age...under 18, between 18 and 21, or over 21. The types of places you can go would depend on whether you're old enough to get into some.

Is there any place near you with a go-cart track? That would be fun for a bit...race each other, etc. Sure, you can't talk to each other while doing that, but it is good at the beginning of the date when you're both still nervous. You don't have to try to think of things to say right away, and after you've done racing each other (if you do it, I'm going to violate the feminist code and tell you to let her win if she doesn't do it on her own), you'll have something to talk about all night long, especially if she's a little competitive.
  • #12
I live in minnesota. I'm 18, she's 17. It's sunday so it's hard to find places that are open.
  • #13
go fishing :-p

jk I don't know your interests or if you live in the country or city or whatever. Museums are kool, or perhaps a planetarium.
  • #14
Go help out at a soup kitchen - i met a girl that way once
  • #15
See that's the thing, it's not a big enough town to have a museum, planetarium, or soup kitchen.
  • #16
NewScientist said:
Go help out at a soup kitchen - i met a girl that way once
That's the best idea I've ever heard. A soup kitchen or something similar. There are things you can do outdoors too -- community beautification projects and such. I imagine it would give you plenty to talk about afterwards. I guess it depends on the woman though.
  • #17
KingNothing said:
See that's the thing, it's not a big enough town to have a museum, planetarium, or soup kitchen.
It's the holidays. There are no charity events going on anywhere?

Are there nursing homes? Hospitals? A children's hospital? Go shopping for some toys. Take them to the children's hospital. I'd certainly remember that date. :smile:
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  • #18
Rosie, my idea of a strange date is you and me. And since N/W will insist upon being there, you'd better be bi and teach her to be.
  • #19
This place gets weirder and weirder!
  • #20
Danger said:
Rosie, my idea of a strange date is you and me. And since N/W will insist upon being there, you'd better be bi and teach her to be.
No video cameras this time, right?
  • #21
Agreed... reluctantly.
  • #22
I'm probably too late but I think it would be fun to keep this thread going to share ideas. Let's see...

I once took a girlfriend to the nickle arcade to play House of the Dead. She had a blast but ofcourse she's a big fan of zombie slaying so it worked for her but not likely all ladies are going to be very impressed.

To go with Moonie's ideas there are placeds out here called Boomers where they have an arcade, miniature golf, gocarts, rock climbing, batting cages, laser tag, ect.. I have no idea if they have places like that where you are...
Ok apparently Boomers in particular are only in CA FL and NY.

Here's a place with listings particular to Minnesota...
Some of the listings look pretty neat. Boating, biking, skydiving...
Skydiving is great but probably a bit expensive for a couple of kids your age, and she probably would need to be eighteen to sign the releases and what not.

I once was going to take a girl I was dating out shooting at a shooting range. She was another odd one and would have loved it. Opportunity never presented itself though.

I took one of my exs to see a blackbox theatre adaptation of Bram Stokers Dracula. Going to an actual theatre is different enough from going to the movies but not that different really if you're wanting a more active sort of date.
Dinner and theatre is also another thing that you don't see very often that could be neat. There's only one anywhere near where I live as far as I know though.
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  • #23
Am I the only one here who notices that he came to a physics forum for date advice?

That said, if you're near Minneapolis, go see Triple Espresso. Its a hilarious play (my dad's cousin is actually in the company, though I don't think he's at Minneapolis right now). Dinner and theatre always work well.
  • #24
franznietzsche said:
Am I the only one here who notices that he came to a physics forum for date advice?

Notice that it's about strange dates. Where else would I go for strange?
  • #25
KingNothing said:
Notice that it's about strange dates. Where else would I go for strange?

Ah, that explains. Again, though, Triple Espresso. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You stand a decent chance of asphyxiating.
  • #26
So did you go on the date yet? If so what did you decide on and how did it go?
  • #27
Ooh, I really like that idea of going shopping for toys and then donating them to charity. This time of year, maybe there are some Toys For Tots drop-off boxes in the malls (you can probably find a listing of local drop-off locations online). You can have fun playing like kids at the toy store, and then feel really good about cheering up some kids when you donate them.

Probably way too late for this date, but if you want to do creative things for future dates, maybe you can sign up for some of those "classes" where you learn to make crafts like pottery, or folk dancing (small towns often have organizations that welcome beginners...attend a class to learn and then stay for the dance type events). I know it sounds totally hokey, but if you want different, it can be really funny to learn to dance together, especially stuff like contra dancing or square dancing, because you WILL trip over your own two feet a few times, and you will have funny stories about the people you meet there to talk about for years after.
  • #28
I went on the date tonight. Probably not going to work out between us. Not because of mistakes, but I asked her how big of a role looks played in her attraction to guys, and she said a big role. I'm not a very pretty person. We had fun though. How come all the good lookers have to be into good looking guys?

Oh well, such is life. I still have my hands. What I mean is, I like writing and playing videogames. Yes..
  • #29
Well, that sucks to hear.

I would have never of asked that question.

Anyways, good luck on your next date though!
  • #30
KingNothing said:
I went on the date tonight. Probably not going to work out between us. Not because of mistakes, but I asked her how big of a role looks played in her attraction to guys, and she said a big role. I'm not a very pretty person. We had fun though. How come all the good lookers have to be into good looking guys?

Oh well, such is life. I still have my hands. What I mean is, I like writing and playing videogames. Yes..
You have a lot to learn it seems. What people say is almost always irrelevant (well not really, but in this case yes). Odds are looks play a big role in her attraction to guys because all the guys she knows are losers and thus have no other attractive features. In fact, I'd put serious money on that. Looks only become super-important to attraction because those features that are more important to attraction are so rare in people.

On the other hand I'm a jaded jerk who does not exactly has something of a history of rather spectacular relationships (in terms of how disastrous they were) so maybe you shouldn't listen to me...
  • #31
franznietzsche said:
On the other hand I'm a jaded jerk who does not exactly has something of a history of rather spectacular relationships (in terms of how disastrous they were) so maybe you shouldn't listen to me...

That's precisely what my welcome e-mail suggested when I joined PF.

I know some of the guys she hangs out with though, and as homosexual as this may sound, they are pretty good looking (judging by what other girls have said). Oh well. Maybe I can convince her otherwise.

On the upside, attractive girls usually lead to more attractive girls, I'm sure some of her friends don't care as much about looks.
  • #32
KingNothing said:
That's precisely what my welcome e-mail suggested when I joined PF.

You're joking right? Right?

Actually it would be kinda flattering to know they warn newcomers about me right off the bat with the Welcome/Confirmation emails.

edit: Wow, i just reread the part you quoted. I need to proof read after rewording my sentences.
  • #33
franznietzsche said:

You're joking right? Right?

Sorry, but no. The 'joke' portion of my brain was burned off in a tragic house fire. I am incapable of creating or understanding humor.
  • #34
KingNothing said:
I went on the date tonight. Probably not going to work out between us. Not because of mistakes, but I asked her how big of a role looks played in her attraction to guys, and she said a big role. I'm not a very pretty person.
If looks are important to her, and she was interested in going on a date with you, that just might mean she DOES think you're good-looking, no matter what you think of yourself. Remember, everyone has different views of what they consider good looking. So, don't just give up based on that...she might have been complimenting you with that answer!
  • #35
Well, we never really pre-established whether or not it was a date. I thought it might be, so I planned as such just in case. But, she wore a sweatshirt.

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