SULI DOE Summer 2021 Admissions

In summary: You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish." You don't know that.In summary, this thread is for people to post whether or not they received any offerings from the SULI 2021 program. The conversation includes an anxious individual who has applied for the internship and shares their impressive credentials, as well as others who have previously participated in the program and offer advice and insights into the application process. It is noted that GPA is not the only factor in the selection process, as individual lab scientists have their own criteria for choosing interns.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

This thread is for people to post whether or not they received any offerings from SULI 2021 program.

I am very anxious for this internship as I really want to get a position at Argonne Lab doing Condensed Matter Theory research or Quantum Computing research. I am a junior physics and math double major with a minor in nanoscience, I have a 3.92 GPA, taken graduate quantum mechanics 1 and 2 (Sakurai). I also have been doing research on dark energy axions for about a year and I am finishing up a paper. I also work as a TA for one of the intro to physics classes and I also have taken other graduate classes in math related to creating python and MATLAB simulations. I have given some presentations and also won second place at a local poster competition.

Please post whether you got into your applied program or not and your stats behind which they accepted you for. Anyone who has past experiences, please give advice or any inside info you can share about the application process. Thank You!
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  • #2
I was accepted into SULI/SLAC a little over 5 years ago. My background was nowhere near as impressive as yours I'm an electrical engineering major my GPA was about 3.2 at the time I did have previous internships (nanotechnology) where I coauthored a paper... just another paper on graphene... and was an undergraduate research assistant part of a III-V devices group at the time. The internship was in SSRL I mainly ran simulations before performing x-ray spectroscopy (NEXAFS). I used a lot of MATLAB too. It was fun. For that kind of opportunity I would definitely recommend at least the first inorganic chemistry class that covers molecular orbital theory... crystal and ligand field theory; I also referenced Atkin's Physical Chemistry and Semiconductor Devices Physics by Pierret very often throughout the internship.
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  • #3
That's cool man! Electrical engineers in nanoscience are sort of like applied physicists at that point. I am very interested in the engineering point of view on building nano-materials.
  • #4
I've applied to SULI at Berkeley Lab. I'm a Computer Science/Math double major at a large state university with a 3.7 GPA. Though only a second-year student, I have almost two years of research experience in a CS lab, and an undergraduate conference paper/publication already (on neural nets and ML). Haven't heard anything yet, but from the previous year's forums that I've read, Berkeley seems to be one of the last to let their accepted interns know (I'm kind of expecting to hear something around mid-Feb). I'm also super anxious to hear back, as Berkeley is a really, really exciting opportunity.
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  • #5
Hi! I did a SULI position last summer with ORNL and last year I found out on 2/5/20. But I think it depends on the lab. Currently waiting eagerly for this summer! You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish. I had around a 3.4. I think the most important thing is the essay question answers and your letters of rec. I am studying Materials Science and Engineering, and last summer I worked on corrosion in molten salt reactors, and had an amazing experience. I would highly recommend doing this program! This summer I wanted to try a different lab, currently waiting on NREL
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  • #6
rgoreb18 said:
You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish.

I don't think GPA is the only factor.
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  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
I don't think GPA is the only factor.
Oh it absolutely is not. If it was, I never would have been selected! But, it definitely gives him/her a much better shot. I'd say letters of rec/essays are probably more important
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  • #8
I don't think you understand the selection process.

Lab scientists get a list of applicants. Each individual scientist decides who, if anyone, on that list will be selected. They each have their own criteria. GPA may be a strong factor. It may not. Grades in individual courses may matter more. Or not. Letters may matter more. Or not. Previous experience may...well, you get the point.

The scientist makes her selection and an offer is generated, If the student does not accept, the scientist makes her second choice and so on.

It is wrong of you to say "You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish" You don't know that.
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  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
I don't think you understand the selection process.

Lab scientists get a list of applicants. Each individual scientist decides who, if anyone, on that list will be selected. They each have their own criteria. GPA may be a strong factor. It may not. Grades in individual courses may matter more. Or not. Letters may matter more. Or not. Previous experience may...well, you get the point.

The scientistg makes her selection and an offer is generated, If the student does not accept, the scientist makes her second choice and so on.

It is wrong of you to say "You're sure to get it with a 3.9ish" You don't know that.
Pay attention, applicants: this is exactly how the selection process has gone for every internship I've been involved with.

Though I will say that, at least for the ones I'm familiar with, the selection process opens at the same time for everyone, so often there's a rush to get the "best" applicants, and people tend use easy proxies like GPA for talent. That's obviously a generalization, but it has an effect.
  • #10
I know how it works, before I even applied I spoke to my would be mentor and he went over the whole process with me. In order for the individual scientist to actually see your name to chose you, you have to make it through a preliminary step in which they go over all of your personal stuff such as GPA, prior work experience and such. As I said in my prior post, GPA is definitely important and a good GPA will absolutely not hurt you. However, as I said, essays/letters of rec/prior work experience are definitely more important.
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  • #11

I applied to NREL as my first choice lab. I am a sophomore Atmospheric Sciences major at a large university. I have one year of research experience.
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  • #12
Applied to Fermilab as my first choice this year. If I'm not mistaken the Fermilab results come pretty late around March. Anyone hear back from any of the labs yet?
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Likes physicsllama
  • #13
I applied to TJNAF and BNL. I haven't heard anything back. I'm not sure when they typically post results, but I'm starting to get nervous. Did anyone else apply to Jlab?
  • #14
Mine years ago I didn't hear anything back until March so probably no need to be too nervous :)

Something else to help minimize those concerns is to apply for a lot of internships. Don't put all of your eggs into one basket. I'd put a lot into the internships I really wanted, then I'd apply for a good handful or two whatever I could reasonably do through other websites like Indeed or simply browsing careers directly on the company's website.

I thought I was surely going to get into the SULI program the following year. Whoops! I went to a community college and not sure what happened, but they added my birthdate to my transcript and whoever was reviewing my application disqualified me because of it. I wasn't thrilled, but I was aware of that rule and I wasn't careful enough. My other opportunity kicked in and I ended up doing an internship at NASA instead.

Some of the internship applications I put in... it didn't pan out for the term I was applying for. I've had a recruiter call me based off an old resume I put in for an internship, and I was interviewed for a full-time career position. It turned out very well and I worked there for nearly two years. I felt like it was a competitive and desirable job.
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  • #15
Thanks for the advice. It's reassuring to hear from people who got their acceptances in March in previous years. I'm following a similar strategy to what you recommend. Put a ton of work/effort into 4-5 programs that seem the most interesting. Simultaneously, I'm employing a "shotgun" approach where I apply to many jobs/programs that require less effort (like just uploading a resume/transcript rather than writing 4 essays like the SULI program).
  • #16
Just a heads up I saw two people on reddit who said they got accepted to PNNL.
  • #17
I just received an offer from PNNL
  • #18
Has anyone received an offer from NREL yet? I assume that each facility releases first offers at different times? I applied to ORNL as my first choice and NREL as my second choice last year, and I received an offer from NREL. But, we were struck by the plague and the offer from NREL had to be deferred to 2021. Despite this, all of us who were deferred to later terms had to actually reapply to the same facility that we got the offer from, but I haven’t heard anything from NREL yet.
  • #19
LordFarquaad420 said:

I applied to NREL as my first choice lab. I am a sophomore Atmospheric Sciences major at a large university. I have one year of research experience.
Have you received an offer from NREL yet?
  • #20
anthony2352 said:
Have you received an offer from NREL yet?
No I have not, and I do not know anyone who has.
  • #21
Heads up, there is someone on reddit saying they got accepted to NREL for the mechanical engineering-geothermal program.
  • #22
physicsllama said:
Heads up, there is someone on reddit saying they got accepted to NREL for the mechanical engineering-geothermal program.
Could you link the thread please?
  • #23
Sure, it's on the subreddit r/REU in the comments of the REU 2021 Megathread post. just ctrl+f NREL in the comments
  • #24
physicsllama said:
Sure, it's on the subreddit r/REU in the comments of the REU 2021 Megathread post. just ctrl+f NREL in the comments
Cool, thanks very much.
  • #25
A student I mentor who has a SULI gig at a DOE lab last summer just had an interview yesterday. So it is clear some of the labs are still in process. Last year they had the offer already by this time.
  • #26
I got an offer from Jlab on 3/4/21 for an SRF cavity project! Really excited for it.
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  • #27
Just received an offer from NREL today, thank you to everyone who has been keeping this thread updated.
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Likes physicsllama
  • #28
I applied to Oakridge and Idaho, no news yet. I'm applying to summer jobs assuming it's a no at this point
  • #29
username1989 said:
I applied to Oakridge and Idaho, no news yet. I'm applying to summer jobs assuming it's a no at this point
I applied to Oakridge and Ames, I know I didn't get into Ames as it wasn't my first pick anyways, but Oak Ridge is confusing as I haven't heard back either. From what it seems, it doesn't seem like anyone has heard back from them.
  • #30
Has anyone here heard from ANL yet? I haven't heard of anyone who has been accepted to ANL yet (or ORNL, which is my second choice) but I wanted to double check and see if anyone has any news
  • #31
The labs do not bundle up their offers. The procedure was described in #8.
  • #32
I applied to BNL and was accepted in mid Feb, however, my advisor told me that the internship for this year would most likely be online which is unfortunate : (
  • #33
CapnCrunch said:
Has anyone here heard from ANL yet? I haven't heard of anyone who has been accepted to ANL yet (or ORNL, which is my second choice) but I wanted to double check and see if anyone has any news
I believe Ames Lab already sent out their admission letters. I work at Ames Lab as a undergraduate researcher and that is what I was told by my professor.
  • #34
mjetty said:
I believe Ames Lab already sent out their admission letters. I work at Ames Lab as a undergraduate researcher and that is what I was told by my professor.
Are you positive that Ames has made its offers?
  • #35
The labs do not bundle up their offers. The procedure was described in #8.

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