Students failing their first course of Algebra

In summary, the author seems to believe that algebra is unnecessary and a stumbling block for students in the US. She also believes that students need to work hard and that the results will happen. She also believes that due to problems students face, such as homelessness or poverty, algebra is not helpful. Furthermore, she believes that there is a societal obligation to help at-risk students.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Education Advisor
Gold Member
This article sounds or reads like the same old problem:

Why should that be? Students fail algebra 1 either because of lack of effort, lack of motivation, or, if for any student the course is difficult, the need for just more time or repetition of the course.

Contrary to how some students found, algebra 1 was both difficult AND helpful. Took it ONE TIME to pass it, but repeated study ( as occurred upon continuing to other algebra courses), some of it on my own, was what helpted me to understand some of the more difficult parts of the course.

My belief about Algebra 1 is that you do not need to be smart - you just need to work hard; and the results will happen (successful results).
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  • #2
It appears to be more complicated than that .., as an educator I have seen students work really hard and still not get it.
If you really want to understand the situation, I strongly urge you to teach/tutor failing or at-risk students. Lots of them.
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Likes mechpeac and CalcNerd
  • #3
"One out of 5 young Americans does not graduate from high school. This is one of the worst records in the developed world.

This is very bad. Especially considering that compared to the rest of the developed world, the mathematics american high school students see is very easy and watered down.
And now they want to make things even easier and water things down even more? How does that make sense?
Why doesn't the US look at the other countries in the developed world and see why they can handle difficult math and americans can't?
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  • #4
I think the larger issue is not being explicitly discussed, which is something like: Should there be a minimum level of demonstrated proficiency-based content required to obtain a high school diploma? The same question could be posed for any academic credential.

Naively, the reflexive answer is "yes", and discussions typically devolve into details about minimal content- and often ignore the reality that in the US, there is no central authority to set content. In addition, there is rarely a discussion about the consequences of potentially returning to a time when many people do not have a high-school diploma. Maybe this was not a problem when most people without formal education lived on farms, but that's no longer the case.

Functionally, what does a high-school diploma mean? Is it a terminal degree or not? Does the concept of K-12 need to be changed to K-14 or K-16? Could community college now be thought of as the final two years of high school?

And as Simon points out, what, if any, societal obligations to we have towards 'at-risk' kids? The reflexive answer "not my problem!" is not productive.
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  • #5
Andy Resnick said:
there is rarely a discussion about the consequences of potentially returning to a time when many people do not have a high-school diploma. Maybe this was not a problem when most people without formal education lived on farms

Or worked in factories, steel mills, etc., in jobs which have been mechanized out of existence or moved out of the country.
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  • #6
Andy Resnick said:
Could community college now be thought of as the final two years of high school?
In a failed educational system.

symbolipoint said:
Why should that be? Students fail algebra 1 either because of lack of effort, lack of motivation, . . .

My belief about Algebra 1 is that you do not need to be smart - you just need to work hard; and the results will happen (successful results).
Sometimes kids are distracted - by homelessness, by poverty in which they lack proper nutrition, or in the worst case, they either witness domestic violence (spouse assaulting or battering spouse) or are a victim of violence or sexual abuse, or have to deal with one or both parents who are drug addicts or alcoholics.

When I was in junior high and high school, some of my classmates came from troubled homes, and in some cases, some had no permanent home. One of my classmates carried a gun for protection. He'd stash it near school and pick it up on the way home in the afternoon.

About 40 years later, my wife is a teaching assistant and helps students experiencing much the same set of problems. She told me of one child who came to school distressed after seeing his father assault his mother. It's difficult to focus on academics when one's world is in chaos.

The OP seems related to this thread:
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  • #7
This article made me sick. One of the reasons I want to get my PhD is so I can help reform the education system in the US. This quote in particular drove me nuts:
This is where their hopes and aspirations go to die," Klipple said. "They're in college to try to make a better life for themselves, and they're stopped by mathematics.

Newflash: if you aren't willing to work hard, aren't talented enough, or lucky enough (the one thing you cannot control), then your hopes and dreams are useless. We should not be lowering the standards because a large fraction of students cannot make the cut. We should be evaluating why this is the case first, then taking action. The problem is that education in America has become a business run by morons who probably couldn't do algebra to save their lives. More generally, algebra is used EVERYWHERE. I can't see how one could get ahead in life without it. Need to tip your waiter or bartender? Figure out how much material you will need to install a fence. Balance a grocery budge? All basic algebra. How can the US education system get so poor and pathetic, that they think cutting algebra might be a good option? Sometimes I wonder if it is intentional.
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  • #8
I've always wondered how well school administrators, school board members, government executives and legislators would do on the 'standardized tests' that high school students must take. My guess is 'not well'.The teaching or learning of mathematics has to go back to first grade at the latest, where children learn counting, which relates to addition, subtraction and multiplication. Numeracy should be second nature at some point.
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  • #9
symbolipoint said:
My belief about Algebra 1 is that you do not need to be smart - you just need to work hard; and the results will happen (successful results).
Some of this has to do with attitudes in the US toward math. It's acceptable to be openly innumerate in US society. You're told from birth that math is difficult and that a lot of people don't understand it. These beliefs are perpetuated, often intentionally, by parents, teachers, and popular culture. It's like you have permission to fail, unlike with reading or writing.

There's also the idea that being good at math is something you're born with. If you struggle with basic math, it's simply because you, like most everyone else, don't have the inborn talent to do math; it's not because you didn't put in the effort to learn the subject. If students do put in effort but don't make much headway, well at least they gave it a shot. There's no sense throwing good money after bad, so to speak; they just don't have the ability to do math, so any more time spent will be wasted effort.

Then there's also the fact that some people just don't have the skills yet to learn effectively. (It was a revelation to one professor when he realized his students didn't know how to use their textbook, so now he spends some time at the beginning of the semester going over how the book is organized, the features it has to help students learn, etc.) Students may therefore end up spending a lot of time not making much progress. It's no surprise they get frustrated and give up.
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  • #10
First of all, you do not need algebra to graduate high school. Two years of general math will suffice. The kids who are failing Algebra, are doing it in college. So, if they cannot make the grade, then vocational programs may be the better choice.
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  • #11
Yes, let's get rid of algebra 1. And then you can't have algebra 2 without algebra 1, right? There's precalc without algebra 2, and no calc without precalc. Let's just get rid of all the math that is viewed as hard by society and cause people's GPA to stumble. I mean, who needs logarithms, derivatives and integrals. Definitely not the chemists who make medicine that much of our population relies on. Definitely not the engineers and physicists who design new inventions such as satellites, TVs, phones and cars that many of us can't imagine life without. Oh, and they are definitely not useful at all for providing electricity and energy, things our modern civilization could not exist without.
"You might say only a certain percentage of kids will go on to use algebra, but we don't know which kids those are,"
Exactly! Let's not give some people a useless lesson because that is not more important than medicine, technology and energy.

Please, help me understand why they think this is a good idea.
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  • #12
Kevin McHugh said:
First of all, you do not need algebra to graduate high school. Two years of general math will suffice. The kids who are failing Algebra, are doing it in college. So, if they cannot make the grade, then vocational programs may be the better choice.
The first part is just plain false. Algebra IS a high school graduation requirement. --------at least in some states. Maybe most states. Maybe there is still a state which does not require it?
  • #13
Algebra is introduced in high school? Isn't that late?
Maybe that's the reason students have so much problem with it!
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  • #14
vela said:
Some of this has to do with attitudes in the US toward math. It's acceptable to be openly innumerate in US society. You're told from birth that math is difficult and that a lot of people don't understand it. These beliefs are perpetuated, often intentionally, by parents, teachers, and popular culture. It's like you have permission to fail, unlike with reading or writing.

It's actually worse than that. It is practically unacceptable (in the UK) to be openly numerate. No one interviewed on television would dare to admit any interest or aptitude at maths (except maths educators who are brought on to discuss this sort of issue). The presenters and any unwitting guests will all immediately distance themselves from mathematics and declare "I was hopeless at maths at school".
  • #15
This thread reminded me of this:
Feynman said:
My cousin, at that time, who was three years older, was in high school and was having considerable difficulty with his algebra and had a tutor come, and I was allowed to sit in a corner while (LAUGHS) the tutor would try to teach my cousin algebra, problems like 2x plus something. I said to mycousin then, "What're you trying to do?" You know, I hear him talking about x. He says, "What do you know—2x + 7 is equal to 15," he says "and you're trying to find out what x is." I says, "You mean 4." He says, "Yeah, but you did it with arithmetic, you have to do it by algebra," and that's why my cousin was never able to do algebra, because he didn't understand how he was supposed to do it. There was no way. I learned algebra fortunately by not going to school and knowing the whole idea was to find out what x was and it didn't make any difference how you did it-there's no such thing as, you know, you do it by arithmetic, you do it by algebra—that was a false thing that they had invented in school so that the children who have to study algebra can all pass it. They had invented a set of rules which if you followed them without thinking could produce the answer: subtract 7 from both sides, if you have a multiplier divide both sides by the multiplier and so on, and a series of steps by which you could get the answer if you didn't understand what you were trying to do.

Maybe this is relevant!
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  • #16
Shyan said:
Algebra is introduced in high school? Isn't that late?
Maybe that's the reason students have so much problem with it!
Hard to know if introducing it in high school is late or not late. Some students are not ready and need remediation up to grade 9 (first year high school). Some students are better and are introduced in grade 7 or 8. Remediation for basic Arithmetic and then a "pre-algebra" course were what prepared me to start Algebra 1 in my first year of high school. As I learned some Algebra, I also improved very much in basic Arithmetic and in my sense of Numbers. Still the situation would have gone nowhere if I did not put in the effort to learn.
  • #17
symbolipoint said:
Hard to know if introducing it in high school is late or not late. Some students are not ready and need remediation up to grade 9 (first year high school). Some students are better and are introduced in grade 7 or 8. Remediation for basic Arithmetic and then a "pre-algebra" course were what prepared me to start Algebra 1 in my first year of high school. As I learned some Algebra, I also improved very much in basic Arithmetic and in my sense of Numbers. Still the situation would have gone nowhere if I did not put in the effort to learn.
I'm not familiar with US educational system and how they teach algebra, but the way you people talk about it, makes me think its like a university course, one course named algebra with its own book which is tought only in one grade, either in high school or one or two years earlier, and its just expected that the students know it afterwards. Is it true?
  • #18
Shyan said:
I'm not familiar with US educational system and how they teach algebra, but the way you people talk about it, makes me think its like a university course, one course named algebra with its own book which is tought only in one grade, either in high school or one or two years earlier, and its just expected that the students know it afterwards. Is it true?
When I was in high school, back in the early 60s, the schools started with Algebra in 9th grade (which for me was junior high school), Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra/Trig in 11th grade, and Calculus in 12th grade. These classes were for college-bound students; not all students took these classes. As I recall, each subject had its own book -- I don't think we used the same book for 9th grade algebra as for 11th grade Alg/Trig, but I'm not sure of that.
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  • #19
Mark44 said:
When I was in high school, back in the early 60s, the schools started with Algebra in 9th grade (which for me was junior high school), Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra/Trig in 11th grade, and Calculus in 12th grade. These classes were for college-bound students; not all students took these classes. As I recall, each subject had its own book -- I don't think we used the same book for 9th grade algebra as for 11th grade Alg/Trig, but I'm not sure of that.

I think this is a very bad system. Here in Belgium, we start seeing algebra and geometry simultaneously from the start of 7th grade. Every year, we just expand our knowledge on algebra and geometry (including trig) until we get to calculus in the 11th and 12th grade. Other special topics like probability theory, statistics, combinatorics are treated occasionally. I believe this kind of continuous exposure is far better than spending an entire year on some topic.
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  • #20
micromass said:
I think this is a very bad system. Here in Belgium, we start seeing algebra and geometry simultaneously from the start of 7th grade. Every year, we just expand our knowledge on algebra and geometry (including trig) until we get to calculus in the 11th and 12th grade. Other special topics like probability theory, statistics, combinatorics are treated occasionally. I believe this kind of continuous exposure is far better than spending an entire year on some topic.
How well does that work for everybody?
Mark44 said:
When I was in high school, back in the early 60s, the schools started with Algebra in 9th grade (which for me was junior high school), Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra/Trig in 11th grade, and Calculus in 12th grade. These classes were for college-bound students; not all students took these classes. As I recall, each subject had its own book -- I don't think we used the same book for 9th grade algebra as for 11th grade Alg/Trig, but I'm not sure of that.
That WAS a good sequence of well-put-together courses. The way the courses were concentrated ensured that the concepts were very sharply focused. Integrating among different topics , although a bit complicated, is usually not very difficult to accomplish. This lack of difficulty about integrating among topics is mostly because many courses along this sequence of Math ARE CUMULATIVE, but this is not the only reason (and I will let the education specialists explain it further).
  • #21
Astronuc said:
In a failed educational system.

That's not entirely fair. As you wrote:

Astronuc said:
It's difficult to focus on academics when one's world is in chaos.

There's plenty wrong with education in the US, don't get me wrong. From my perspective, there are too many competing interests.
  • #22
micromass said:
I think this is a very bad system. Here in Belgium, we start seeing algebra and geometry simultaneously from the start of 7th grade. Every year, we just expand our knowledge on algebra and geometry (including trig) until we get to calculus in the 11th and 12th grade. Other special topics like probability theory, statistics, combinatorics are treated occasionally. I believe this kind of continuous exposure is far better than spending an entire year on some topic.

But the US systems doesn't work like that. In the US, each state can decide what subjects it wants taught (or not taught, as the case for evolution in Texas). Each district within a state is given responsibility to meet state requirements but not given funding to support the effort- operating funds have to be generated by taxes raised in the district. Some districts are populated by rich people who consent to give their schools their tax dollars. Others are populated by poor people who have little money and thus do not provide tax revenue to their school district. Some districts do better than others on state competency exams- I'm sure you can guess which ones. Some students receive inferior educational opportunities compared to others- I'm sure you can guess which ones.

It's the american way...
  • #23
micromass said:
I think this is a very bad system. Here in Belgium, we start seeing algebra and geometry simultaneously from the start of 7th grade. Every year, we just expand our knowledge on algebra and geometry (including trig) until we get to calculus in the 11th and 12th grade. Other special topics like probability theory, statistics, combinatorics are treated occasionally. I believe this kind of continuous exposure is far better than spending an entire year on some topic.
Yeah, its almost the same in Iran too. In 7th grade, there is a little chapter in the math book which introduces algebra, only the notion that you can represent numbers with variables starting with using apples and pears instead of letters and then a bit about simplifying algebraic expressions. Then the next year, a bit more and at the junior high school, it becomes more serious with the introduction of functions, algebraic identities, rational expressions and other stuff. This is really important to let the kid "grow up" with the stuff, so to speak.

symbolipoint said:
How well does that work for everybody?

The point is, using this system, algebra is not a big deal and just blends in with the other math. If someone is good with other things, they'll be good with algebra too. I mean, this is really reasonable as even von Neumann says: you should get used to math!
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  • #24
symbolipoint said:
The first part is just plain false. Algebra IS a high school graduation requirement. --------at least in some states. Maybe most states. Maybe there is still a state which does not require it?
Thanks for that. I had not realized the standards had changed. It looks as most states changed the requirements around 2011 -2013.
  • #25
Shyan said:
This is really important to let the kid "grow up" with the stuff, so to speak.

Exactly. In the Belgian system (and I assume the Iranian system too), the students are really slowly introduced to the various mathematics. In the 7th grade, we solve various very easy equations. So by the time we are in 8th grade, most of us are already very comfortable with what an equation is. Likewise, factoring and the special forms like ##(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2## are introduced gradually so our students are very comfortable with these things. The abstraction is being raised very slowly. The same with geometry, it's really spread out to make the students comfortable. It is also constantly reinforced.

In the US (as I understand), everything is crammed into one year. This doesn't leave enough time to really get used to stuff. Furthermore, you run the risk of forgetting what you've learned in algebra since you don't use it in geometry.

I'm not saying our system is perfect. There are a lot of flaws. But I prefer this gradual system where we grow up with math, than one where everything is piled on top of each other. I really conjecture that this might have to do something with the inadequacy of most american students.
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  • #26
micromass said:
Exactly. In the Belgian system (and I assume the Iranian system too), the students are really slowly introduced to the various mathematics. In the 7th grade, we solve various very easy equations. So by the time we are in 8th grade, most of us are already very comfortable with what an equation is. Likewise, factoring and the special forms like ##(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2## are introduced gradually so our students are very comfortable with these things. The abstraction is being raised very slowly. The same with geometry, it's really spread out to make the students comfortable. It is also constantly reinforced.

In the US (as I understand), everything is crammed into one year. This doesn't leave enough time to really get used to stuff. Furthermore, you run the risk of forgetting what you've learned in algebra since you don't use it in geometry.
A few years ago, I worked with a few kids in elementary school and junior high, and your description of the Belgian system sounds identical to what the kids here in the US experience, at least with algebra. It's not like they never see an equation or a variable before stepping into Algebra I. I don't think it's actually changed that much, topic-wise, since I was back in school.
  • #27
micromass said:
Exactly. In the Belgian system (and I assume the Iranian system too), the students are really slowly introduced to the various mathematics. In the 7th grade, we solve various very easy equations. So by the time we are in 8th grade, most of us are already very comfortable with what an equation is. Likewise, factoring and the special forms like ##(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2## are introduced gradually so our students are very comfortable with these things. The abstraction is being raised very slowly. The same with geometry, it's really spread out to make the students comfortable. It is also constantly reinforced.

In the US (as I understand), everything is crammed into one year. This doesn't leave enough time to really get used to stuff. Furthermore, you run the risk of forgetting what you've learned in algebra since you don't use it in geometry.

I'm not saying our system is perfect. There are a lot of flaws. But I prefer this gradual system where we grow up with math, than one where everything is piled on top of each other. I really conjecture that this might have to do something with the inadequacy of most american students.
My school's (I am in the USA) system is:
K-8: General math
9: Algebra 1
10: Geometry
11: Algebra 2
12: Usually precalc but you can take stats

We learned to solve equations like 13+x=5 in 6th grade and then 3x-7=14 in 7th grade.

I enjoy the structure, as I skipped 10th grade math completely, and I'm very glad I did that. If somebody already has knowledge in geometry, they should be able to skip it (with passing the midterm final exams, of course). I got an average of 90% on the geometry midterm and final, so they let me go straight to algebra 2.

I will say however, the concern about forgetting algebra during geometry is very valid. I didn't get that problem, but many people in my class did.
  • #28
Isaac0427 said:
so they let me go straight to algebra 2.

Straight to algebra 2? I thought they let you go straight to Quantum Mechanics! :wink:
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  • #29
Mark44 said:
When I was in high school, back in the early 60s, the schools started with Algebra in 9th grade (which for me was junior high school), Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra/Trig in 11th grade, and Calculus in 12th grade. These classes were for college-bound students; not all students took these classes. As I recall, each subject had its own book -- I don't think we used the same book for 9th grade algebra as for 11th grade Alg/Trig, but I'm not sure of that.

In my old school system, in Ohio in the late 1960s, the normal college-prep sequence was:

9th grade: Algebra I
10th grade: Algebra II
11th grade: Geometry
12th grade: Trigonometry & Analytic Geometry (now usually called Precalculus, I think)

Most students didn't start calculus until the first year of college/university.

I was in the "accelerated" sequence which shifted these courses one year earlier, and added calculus in 12th grade. Both sequences had two years of algebra.

I don't know how they do it nowadays.
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  • #30
Isaac0427 said:
K-8: General math
9: Algebra 1
10: Geometry
11: Algebra 2
12: Usually precalc but you can take stats
My school system (in the late 1960s/early 1970s) had a similar schedule, but it varied among the schools in the same municipal district.

We did general math in 8th grade, in which we were introduced to more developed set theory, introductory algebra and word problems. I think some trig could have been introduced here. Starting with 9th grade, I did honors or major works classes in math and science, starting with Algebra 1 in 9th grade. Our junior high school included 7th, 8th and 9th grade. I went to one high school for 10th grade, then switched to a different high school for 11th and 12th grade.

In 10th grade, I did Geometry and Trigonometry. The normal program did Geometry over the entire year, with maybe some trigonometry at the end. I was in an honors program that accomplished the Geometry program in one semester, then did a full course in Trigonometry the second semester. During the summer, I did course work in calculus and physics, which was part of a program for high school students offered by a local university (I think earlier, I did matrix algebra, but I don't remember the year). Had I stayed at the first high school, I would have completed only up to Analytical Geometry (pre-calculus), since that's the most advanced course they offered.

When I changed high schools, I found out that I could take Calculus in my senior year. The program at the second high school did Algebra II with Trigonometry, and some Analytical Geometry. Then the senior year did Analytical Geometry and Calculus. The high school was perhaps the most advanced in the district with respect to academics. Even with that, I felt there was a deficiency, since I felt we could have done more with matrix/linear algebra, and more theoretical treatments.

When I did my 4-year academic plan in the latter part of 8th grade, I signed up for all the math and science (chemistry and physics) courses I could. One of the counselors thought I was overdoing it (and seemed to discourage me in this respect), and my peers thought I was just showing off. I simply wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do as much as I could as early as possible, since I expected to go to university to study mathematics, physics and chemistry.

So, I'm now wondering with respect to the OP, does the question about algebra pertain to all students, or those in STEM, or those who pursue course work in the humanities (arts and letters)? I ask this because, algebra is absolutely necessary for those in STEM. I use algebra almost every day since it is a basic part of science and engineering. This week I used it to review some work on the calculation of stresses in tubing, and previously, I've used it in describing various material properties (I also have to use statistics in data analysis), which is part of design and performance analysis of systems and components, as well as in design of experiments. The work I do also involves integral calculus, and solving ODEs, PDEs and systems of ODEs and PDEs, which can often be nonlinear. Various codes that I use or review involve finite difference or finite element methods.
  • #31
Andy Resnick said:
That's not entirely fair. As you wrote:

There's plenty wrong with education in the US, don't get me wrong. From my perspective, there are too many competing interests.
I think my assessment is fair, although I agree that there are many competing interests. With regard to the second point and the statement "It's difficult to focus on academics when one's world is in chaos," I was reflecting on other reasons why students might perform poorly in school, but those reasons may apply to something like 10 to 20% of typical schools, but might represent higher percentages in schools in areas with greater poverty. My comments are based on personal observation going back 50 years.

Reflecting on 50 years, I don't see much improvement or advancement in academics, and if anything, there seems to be a decline.

I have always wondered why I did so well and others seem to struggle with varying degrees. I often assisted peers with assignments.
  • #32
Astronuc said:
So, I'm now wondering with respect to the OP, does the question about algebra pertain to all students, or those in STEM, or those who pursue course work in the humanities (arts and letters)? I ask this because, algebra is absolutely necessary for those in STEM. I use algebra almost every day since it is a basic part of science and engineering. This week I used it to review some work on the calculation of stresses in tubing, and previously, I've used it in describing various material properties (I also have to use statistics in data analysis), which is part of design and performance analysis of systems and components, as well as in design of experiments. The work I do also involves integral calculus, and solving ODEs, PDEs and systems of ODEs and PDEs, which can often be nonlinear. Various codes that I use or review involve finite difference or finite element methods.
The question is about Algebra for all students.
  • #33
Astronuc said:
When I did my 4-year academic plan in the latter part of 8th grade, I signed up for all the math and science (chemistry and physics) courses I could. One of the counselors thought I was overdoing it (and seemed to discourage me in this respect), and my peers thought I was just showing off. I simply wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do as much as I could as early as possible, since I expected to go to university to study mathematics, physics and chemistry.
We just scheduled for high school a few days ago, and I have had pretty much the exact same experience (although I was able to convince my counselor I was doing the right things for me).

But I digress. While I am a little bias with being a physics and math supernerd, I feel like there is hardly anything more useful than algebra, not only because it is necessary for the survival of our society (see my original post), but it shows up everywhere. While I have many things against the low standards of common core (and I don't wish to open up a discussion about this), it does do something extremely well; it gives examples of when you will need the math. I am still surprised that there are professionals who don't understand the importance of algebra.
  • #34
Isaac0427 said:
But I digress. While I am a little bias with being a physics and math supernerd, I feel like there is hardly anything more useful than algebra, not only because it is necessary for the survival of our society (see my original post), but it shows up everywhere. While I have many things against the low standards of common core (and I don't wish to open up a discussion about this), it does do something extremely well; it gives examples of when you will need the math. I am still surprised that there are professionals who don't understand the importance of algebra.
I too believe that algebra is a basic necessity in life. Perhaps it's a matter of perception. Arithmetic and numeracy are basic necessities, but one can only apply that so far. I think it is important to know some algebra. It can apply to consumer mathematics, e.g., financing in terms of budgets, household expenses, mortgages, financing an automobile purchase. It can also apply to practical skills, e.g., plumbing, carpentry or electrical work where one might have to purchase various supplies for a project as an example. One might need to purchase so many pieces of lumber (2x4's or 4x4's) and fasteners (nails and/or screws), or so many sections/lengths of pipes and fittings, or so many lengths of wire and connectors/switches, etc.
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  • #35
Astronuc said:
<snip>Reflecting on 50 years, I don't see much improvement or advancement in academics, and if anything, there seems to be a decline.

Aha! I've solved the mystery- the original source of this quote is Astronuc! :)

Astronuc said:
I have always wondered why I did so well and others seem to struggle with varying degrees. I often assisted peers with assignments.

Again, if you think that a high-school diploma should only be awarded through mastering Astronuc-approved content, you should at least offer a thought regarding those students who, for whatever reason, can't 'get it'. Should they be kept in school until they pass?

I'll also brag that my prediction (paragraph 2, post #4) came true on this thread.

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