Security Versus Programming Language

In summary: I think. In summary, it seems that trying to write secure operating systems in C does not work. Very smart people have tried for 50 years, and the solution to the problem is not reduced to practice.
  • #1
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The following quote caught my eye. said:
It seems clear that trying to write secure operating systems in C does not
work. Very smart people have tried for 50 years, and the solution to the
problem is not reduced to practice.

I presume that buffer overflow, heap management, and pointer validation are the shortcomings of C that lead to insecurity. But the broader implications make me curious.

  1. What other features of a programming language directly aid security of the products?
  2. Are the security implications of the language different for OS compared to other software?
  3. My bias leans toward KISS. I suspect compiler/library vulnerabilities in very high level languages that lead to insecurities in the infrastructure. Are there studies that quantify complexity versus security? I mean statistically, not anecdotally. Perhaps DOD studies on Ada.

I realize that clarity and structure influence program quality, and thus indirectly influence security. I am asking about direct factors, not indirect.
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  • #2
One common problem in the early days of the web was form entry fields where the web application would take what is typed and store it. The problem was folks would try crazy stuff like entering strings with backticks which a way shell scripts use to execute commands:

In BASH, the line:

echo date is: 'date'

would first run the date command and stuff its output into the echo statement for it to print.

Curiously, I had to use ' single quote because this editor doesn't allow use of the backtick (its the character on the left most key next to the 1 key on your keyboard (US Keyboard your keyboard may vary)

They call these kinds of attacks injection attacks. Consider now if the entry field is placed in a sql insert statement and with backticking you could run a sql statement inside a sql statement or any valid linux/unix... statement for that matter. Alternatively you could mess with the sql statement itself as shown in the example below.

So now the prudent thing to do is to verify the user input and quote anything that is not alphanumeric.
hence the &gt. codes you see on urls today.
One of the most famous examples of hacking was the Cliff Stoll story where a hacker entered a system by hacking a user acct, created a shell script called bin and changed the file separator to a space from /, proceeded to edit a file and then hung up.

The vi editor would try to retain the file for the user thinking the phone line had dropped (a common occurrence with phone modems) and keeping privacy in mind entered superuser mode saved the file to the /tmp directory so that only the user could access it and lastly, launched the /bin/mail command in superuser mode to notify the user of the file save.

With the hacker changing the / to a space the system actually ran the 'bin mail' command meaning it actually ran the hacker's bin command script in superuser mode allowing him to do anything on that system which he did creating a new acct staying as superuser and thus hiding from the normal security scans.

Cliff uncovered the deception when given the assignment to identify a $0.75 billing discrepancy that would pop up from time to time. He saw that one profs acct was accessed when this prof was on sabbatical at another university, hadn't signed on for over a year and that each time the person was on only for seconds and then disappeared.'s_Egg
and the NOVA show from 1990s:

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  • #3
It might be nitpicking, but I could write a secure function SECURE_TEXT_FIELD to eliminate the injection problem. But then I depend on the programmer to use the function everywhere, and third parties will be forever suspicious that he did not.

A language feature does not depend on the programmer's discipline. For example, automatic garbage collection, or automatic real-time bounds checking.
  • #4
Firstly a correction if I may - the article took a bit of finding as the fragment part of the url is incorrect - should be

IMHO this is an intractable problem (and it seems that the author may agree with this as he refers to some failed alternatives). The fundamental requirement of any language for writing an operating system is that it can do anything with the hardware, and with this comes the possibility of doing bad things. Add the unnecessary but highly desireable requirement that the OS should do everything as quickly as possible makes the situation worse. Abstracting this ability away under a higher level language does not help - the problem then becomes 'how do we create a secure language for creating operating systems' with exactly the same challenges as 'how do we create a secure operating system', only now we have made it even harder to satisfy the performance constraint.

KISS is great, but unfortunately a further requirement for a (general purpose) operating system is to work on a range of hardware, both core and peripheral, and implement the latest standards for communication with other systems.

Hardened OSs turn these requirements upside down, placing security at the top of the pile. They only work on specific hardware, only communicate with other systems under the same level of control and any performance issues are dealt with by throwing $$$ at the problem.
  • #5
anorlunda said:
A language feature does not depend on the programmer's discipline. For example, automatic garbage collection, or automatic real-time bounds checking.
These language features do not generally work well at the OS level - what happens when the automatic garbage collection interrupts a time-critical IO operation?
  • #6
pbuk said:
These language features do not generally work well at the OS level - what happens when the automatic garbage collection interrupts a time-critical IO operation?
Before the job title was denatured, a programming team might consist of a 'systems programmer' working hand-in-glove with groups of application programmers under the general supervision of a software engineer. The systems person worked hard to avoid conflicts and optimize efficient I/O streams freeing application programmers to concentrate on apps. The software engineer conducted periodic software walk-throughs paying special attention to timing and synchronization. Multi-threaded parallel processing enhanced I/O throughput and computation efficiency at the expense of increased complexity.

Later, with network engineers, database engineers and configuration management (CM) build engineers collaborating on large projects; systems programmers might install OS patches and updates, configure browsers and email and perform jobs too technical for MIS (management information specialists) but that rarely required original code.
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  • #7
pbuk said:
Abstracting this ability away under a higher level language does not help - the problem then becomes 'how do we create a secure language for creating operating systems' with exactly the same challenges as 'how do we create a secure operating system', only now we have made it even harder to satisfy the performance constraint.
I think we are in agreement, that we can't blame insecurity on the choice of programming language. The comment referenced in the OP implies that insecurity is the fault of the C language.

Performance is a different subject. The desire for performance is hardly unique to the OS. Also, no matter how much faster CPUs become over the years, speed never seems to provide a cure for bugs or insecurity. That makes me skeptical of the suggestion that security and performance are tightly linked.
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  • #8
Klystron said:
Before the job title was denatured

By being gently heated in a beaker over a Bunsen burner? :wink:
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  • #9
Exactly like that, Peter. Systems programmers once worked directly on operating systems -- though I am referring to the time after they had to physically reroute wiring -- coding in assembler and machine specific job control languages. A new device meant writing or modifying a device driver. Like welding on an assembly line, the job has been automated.

definition:: denatured: 1) to deprive (object) of its natural character, properties, status, etc.
  • #10
Security begins fundamentally with the hardware.

The Burroughs B6700 architecture set the standard with hardware bounds checking and physical tags on words in hardware managed virtual memory. MCP, the Master Control Program, was the operating system. All languages ran under that, so were all equally secure as the system confined them to managed resources. Burroughs and it's architecture lives on as the secure Unisys ClearPath Libra servers. see; 1973. Elliott I. Organik. Computer System Organization.

A consortium tried hard to match the B6700 architecture and MCP security in software with Multics, but it never quite made it. Unix grew from the lessons learned. Thence Linux.

Security costs speed and money. Writing the fastest code to run on lowest-cost machines implies significant security weaknesses.
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  • #11
Baluncore said:
Security begins fundamentally with the hardware.
That's a very good point.

It always seemed to me that the most secure devices were those non-von-Neumann architectures that put all code in ROM in a different address space than data. Altering the code requires physical access and a soldering gun. My beloved TI Speak and Spell toy was a good example. Even if the toy had a net connection, there would be no way to alter the code remotely. Ditto for old-fashioned digital watches.

Alas, modern IOT devices don't seem to follow that, and many of them are claimed to be vulnerable to hijacking.

Modern OSs all seem to require the ability to receive remote security update patches. But the patch distribution mechanism itself can be hijacked and is thus a mandatory built-in threat vector. Stewart Baker claims that in the infamous Apple-FBI fight, that Apple could have forced the phone to accept a IOS update defeating the security.

In a von-Neumann architecture, we compile and link programs to create executable code. That program is data to the compiler and linker. But then we sprinkle it with pixie dust and say that it is now code. Isn't that the mechanism for almost all modern malware?

Why is it that non-von-Neumann architectures are not used more often?
  • #12
anorlunda said:
Why is it that non-von-Neumann architectures are not used more often?
Most x86 things in use are basically a flexible Harvard abstraction built on top of a partial Neumann fronted of a Harvard-like execution core...
I admit this description is debatable but still has it basis. I don't think Neumann has any residual responsibility in this mess anymore...
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  • #13
anorlunda said:
Why is it that non-von-Neumann architectures are not used more often?
It is because the fundamental von-Neumann bottle-neck is taught first to students in school. It would be different if message passing systems formed the basis for information processing education, then distributed processing would be obvious.
  • #14
anorlunda said:
In a von-Neumann architecture, we compile and link programs to create executable code.

This isn't because of the von Neumann architecture, it's because virtually all humans who write programs write them in source code, not machine code. (And those few humans who do write programs in machine code are writing very simple programs--nobody would write the code that runs this forum's website in machine code.)
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  • #15
PeterDonis said:
(And those few humans who do write programs in machine code are writing very simple programs--nobody would write the code that runs this forum's website in machine code.)
Secure programs must be written in machine code to eliminate intrusion from below that wedge between the hardware and the system.
When does machine code become macro assembler? and when does that become a high level language like C?
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  • #16
Baluncore said:
Secure programs must be written in machine code

Can you give examples? Or perhaps you are using a very, very strict definition of "secure program". For example, the OpenSSH suite of programs, which I use all the time, is normally considered "secure", but it's written in C. C is not machine code, it's source code.

Baluncore said:
When does machine code become macro assembler? and when does that become a high level language like C?

Machine code is the actual bytes that get executed by the CPU. Anything else requires some sort of translation into those bytes.
  • #17
PeterDonis said:
This isn't because of the von Neumann architecture, it's because virtually all humans who write programs write them in source code, not machine code.
I disagree. It has nothing to do with the language. It is a case where there is a block of memory. One instant is is data to the linker. The next instant is is executable code to the OS.

In the speak and spell, to change the executable code, one needs to put it in a ROM chip, then solder the chip into the circuit. No computer program, especially a remote program, can do that.

Think of a common exploit, buffer overflow. One program has a data buffer, it puts too much data into it so that the data goes into other memory. The other memory is where code is supposed to be so the OS allows it to execute. In a non-von-Neumann architecture where code and data have separate address spaces, no such thing can happen.
  • #18
anorlunda said:
In the speak and spell, to change the executable code, one needs to put it in a ROM chip

First one needs to write it. How do you write the executable code that goes in the ROM chip in the speak and spell? I'm betting you don't just write the executable bytes by hand, but use some human-readable source language and then compile it.

My point is not that putting the executable code in a ROM chip is no different in terms of protection from malware from having it in RAM in a conventional computer. My point is that none of this has anything to do with whether the executable code itself is compiled. You are focusing on compilation and linking as though that's the problem, but it isn't. The problem is executable code not having protection against being changed to something other than what the user wanted it to be.

Putting the executable code in ROM is one way of giving such protection, but not the only one. On the computer I'm writing this on, I cannot change the executable code of the program I'm using right now, because the user account I'm using doesn't have write access to the file and the memory the code is occupying is marked read-only by the operating system, whose code I also don't have write access to. (I'm running Firefox on Linux.) I won't say this is fully as difficult to beat as putting the code in ROM, but it is pretty difficult. (I have been running Linux for close to 20 years now and have never had a single piece of malware infect any Linux computer.)
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  • #19
PeterDonis said:
(I have been running Linux for close to 20 years now and have never had a single piece of malware infect any Linux computer.)
That's pretty remarkable.
Am I wrong in that many insecure IOT devices run Linux? Things like nanny cams, smart thermostats, intelligent doorbells and the like.
  • #20
anorlunda said:
That's pretty remarkable.

I don't think it is for Linux users, actually. But then Linux users generally tend to be more computer savvy than average, since it takes a certain amount of computer savvy to run Linux. Perhaps less now than formerly, since there are at least some companies selling PCs with Linux preinstalled.

However, it is possible that I'm somewhat of an outlier even among Linux users. I am probably more paranoid than the average Linux user (I'm sure I'm more paranoid than the average Windows or Mac user), so I take precautions that others might not (for example, I don't even have a single user account for myself on the PC I'm writing this on--I have multiple accounts for different functions, to keep things more isolated).

anorlunda said:
Am I wrong in that many insecure IOT devices run Linux?

No, you're correct. But, from what I know of such devices, they are different from the Linux PCs I run in two key respects:

(1) Everything runs as root; there are no separate unprivileged user accounts. This is generally due to extremely limited memory and storage.

(2) Software development practices are very sloppy; people aren't paying any attention to security, so the devices are doing things that aren't secure. (For example, I believe there have been cases where the devices were not even using SSH or TLS to connect to servers, so their traffic could be intercepted and MITM'd.)
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  • #21
PeterDonis said:
No, you're correct. But, from what I know of such devices, they are different from the Linux PCs I run in two key respects:
I guess the word Linux is too broad. We need to distinguish goodLinux from badLinux.

It makes discussions like this difficult because people use the same words to talk about different things (Copenhagen :-) . Ditto for the word secure. Secure $0.10 products or secure $1 billion dollar products, secure military/secure civilian. A desktop secure against the owner's own mistakes or secure against NSA's best.

It reduces to opinion. My bias is in the direction that "secure software" is an oxymoron. But I am more open to the idea of secure hardware; especially when qualified such as "secure against remote attacks."
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  • #22
PeterDonis said:
(1) Everything runs as root; there are no separate unprivileged user accounts. This is generally due to extremely limited memory and storage.
Not in our IoT devices. The only way to run in root is to use the physical console connection. And security is a big deal here where I work, and lots of effort and thought goes into security software and practices without IoT devices that we design and deploy... :smile:

EDIT/ADD -- Caveat: I am a hardware designer, so maybe I should not try to say too much about software security.
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  • #23
berkeman said:
Not in our IoT devices.

If that's true, good for you. Lots of IoT device manufacturers are less careful.
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  • #24
anorlunda said:
I guess the word Linux is too broad. We need to distinguish goodLinux from badLinux.

Not really, just careful manufacturers and users from less careful ones. The Linux that runs on those IoT devices is perfectly capable of supporting the same security practices as the Linux that runs on my PC; many manufacturers are just not very careful about using them.

anorlunda said:
My bias is in the direction that "secure software" is an oxymoron.

Nothing can be 100% secure, true. But it is certainly possible to write software with widely differing degrees of security. For example, you mentioned buffer overflows; if you explicitly bounds check all memory writes, you can't have buffer overflows. Or, if you don't want to depend on individual developers to remember to do that, you can write software in, say, Rust instead of C, so that buffer overflows are simply not possible to write.
  • #25
anorlunda said:
That's pretty remarkable.<snip>

I like the Linux dude arguing against the idea that hackers do not write much Linux malware 'cause the market share is so small. <snicker> "Yes, we ARE big enough to hack!"

Even with kernel changes I still think of Solaris and Linux as UNIX; but I also miss VMS, so grain of salt.:cool:
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  • #26
anorlunda said:
Think of a common exploit, buffer overflow. One program has a data buffer, it puts too much data into it so that the data goes into other memory. The other memory is where code is supposed to be so the OS allows it to execute.
There's really more to it than that. It's not really that the buffer gets filled with too much data, causing it to ooze over into code space.
anorlunda said:
In a non-von-Neumann architecture where code and data have separate address spaces, no such thing can happen.
Intel, and most likely AMD (but haven't checked) have a feature called Execute-Disable Bit. Software can detect the presence of this feature using the CPUID instruction. If present, this feature can be enabled for a memory page, so that the page can be used only as data. I.e., it can't be executed. This can go a long way to eliminate threats such as SQL code injection and buffer overflows.

I have a lot of experience with Intel assembly, but I haven't used this feature, not do I know whether OSes such as Windows or Linux use it extensively.
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  • #27
Mark44 said:
There's really more to it than that. It's not really that the buffer gets filled with too much data, causing it to ooze over into code space.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I have read of buffer overflows that do exactly that. They use out of range index values to poke bytes of code directly into the code space. Without checking you can access the entire address range visible to your program. That's why I started in this thread talking about machines with separate address spaces for code and data. IMO that's much stronger defense than a bit saying what privileges you have for a block of memory.
  • #28
C was just not made with security in mind. There are features in other languages that can help a programmer to make safe code. A simple example is that the length of a string is not part of the C-language definition of a string. One must take extra care to ensure that string copies will not cause problems. Other languages make it easier. They can make the string length part of the string structure.
  • #29
FactChecker said:
C was just not made with security in mind.
Yep. The 'old' c was about providing a basic/minimalist framework for doing anything with the minimal limitations, but still in a readable format.
The actual hardware has many support features for security.
We do know that it is possible to write secure code in C.
If anything is to blame then maybe it'll be about the libraries (just get something for the job, fast - security is secondary) and the limited resources (money and time).
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  • #30
I started this thread just to find out if anything new in comp-sci relating to languages and security had been developed.

The question ought to be re-asked every 10 years or so.

Very many PF members to programming and have great interest in software although comp-sci is not their main field, and they don't follow the literature. What would be great would be if someone could write a post (or provide a link) to an annual summary "What was noteworthy in computer science in the past year."
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  • #31
anorlunda said:
I presume that buffer overflow, heap management, and pointer validation are the shortcomings of C that lead to insecurity. But the broader implications make me curious.

For me, C was not the first programming language I learned but it was by far the most influential and helpful language I've ever met. I have no doubt that the above quoted are shortcomings of C but to be fair the advantages and drawbacks of any programming language is something that can't be studied without reference to a specific period of time, to the specific hardware architectures and systems that it is / was run on - be it an application, a compiler or more importantly an OS and last but not least, the networking and internetworking scene of the time considered. I think that it does no justice to a programming language which has directly and indirectly influenced and in fact has paved the way to develop most modern software like C, to just call it an insecure language - I don't say that the original post does this, I just say it for clarification purposes.

As is widely known, C was originally designed for and implemented on the UNIX operating system on the DEC PDP-ll by Dennis Ritchie and it is a descendant of B which was influenced by BCPL. At the time created, C fulfilled specific goals: a general-purpose programming language which features economy of expression, modern control flow and data structures, and a rich set of operators. As a language near the "bare metal" but with a lot of high level features, it was inevitable that a lot of its power could potentially some day be utilized in innocuously inappropriate but potentially dangerous or purely malicious ways.

This became evident much later but in any case I don't think that it is due to intrinsic weaknesses - at least not so much, as it is due to the way that software was developed including libraries which to be fair they also need an appropriate time - frame, each one, to be judged fairly. There has been a lot of improving by the ANSI standards through years but again, especially for the case of OSes like UNIX and its descendants and Windows, all of which have a form of C "ticking" at their heart, the comlexity of the software itself combined with high demands for speed and flexibility does not leave much room to a programmer to be absolutely strict on security standards and on the other hand, real gurus of C - and C++ for that matter, are at least as far as I know very few - even nowadays, compared to the total number of people who are professional programmers.

The point for me is that C has done a tremendous job in the software industry for decades while hardware technology and networks / communications has, during this same time, improved so much. It is really difficult for me to think of another programming language that could have such a long-standing positive impact for machines and OSes in widespread use.

anorlunda said:
  1. What other features of a programming language directly aid security of the products?
  2. Are the security implications of the language different for OS compared to other software?
  3. My bias leans toward KISS. I suspect compiler/library vulnerabilities in very high level languages that lead to insecurities in the infrastructure. Are there studies that quantify complexity versus security? I mean statistically, not anecdotally. Perhaps DOD studies on Ada.

For the first, I would just say that features that aid security may be at odds with speed and flexibility and simpicity for the programmer, at least when taken to the extreme. There is no silver bullet here in my opinion. Absolute security can only come from hardware - as has already been noted, but this is not a silver bullet either, as we don't talk about dedicated OSes here or software constructs / systems in general, but for general purpose ones.

For the second, I think that the security implications are definitely different for OSes compared to other software, given the operations / tasks that the OS performs regarding hardware, itself and the software applications that run on it.The impact of security holes in an OS is combined and magnified in many cases and as the complexity of the OS increases so does the complexity of even idefintifying a potential hole. On the other hand a security hole in an application is in general and at average, more easily identified.

For the third, I think that KISS is a good general principle but unforunately, it may mean different things to different people at times and in any form, it is not always feasible to be followed. Software vulnerabilities are indeed in my opinion responsible for insecurities but this is inevitable: hardware must be fast and cheap and in many cases non-dedicated - at least for systems in widespread use, so software must do the job under the pressure of fast development, quick and dirty solutions in many cases, flexibility and simplicity. I think that the only think anyone sees at the end of this tunnel is "Welcome to the vulnerabilities realm".

anorlunda said:
In a von-Neumann architecture, we compile and link programs to create executable code. That program is data to the compiler and linker. But then we sprinkle it with pixie dust and say that it is now code. Isn't that the mechanism for almost all modern malware?

It may lead to potential vulnerabilities but with a lot of factors in between. Von Neumann architecture was a real innovation in my opinion, as it solved a whole lot of problems in order for computers to get into widespread use. Now, a whole lot of factors including but not limited to the evolution of hardware itself, programming and (inter)networking, come into play and mediate the final result. It isn't feasible to create cheap and secure hardware for widespread use, as it is not feasible to create ideally secure software for another multitude of reasons nor have complete control of a network and of its potential internetworking. On the other hand, can non - Von Neumann architectures be purely utilized in order to develop systems for widespread use? I think that at least for the form of such systems we have today, there is no such case.
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  • #32
QuantumQuest said:
can non - Von Neumann architectures be purely utilized in order to develop systems for widespread use? I think that at least for the form of such systems we have today, there is no such case.
What about cheap, mass-produced, IOT devices? They may have no user interface at all, neither GUI nor command. They have no login. They have no admin. They have no plans for future updates or patches. But they have been hijacked for ill purposes using their net connection. Smart light bulbs, doorbells, web cams, location tags, smart buttons, swallow-able drug cartridges, the list is endless.

Can we make a case that IOT devices have an architecture such that the code can never be modified via remote action? Would that not go a long way toward making them hard to hijack?

In the coming years, the world may be swamped by trillions of such IOT devices. They are manufactured in many countries, some of which may have concealed intentions. They can be marketed internationally in bulk, perhaps X dollars per ton. If they are all vulnerable to hijacking, we are in big trouble. IMO we desperately need a solution to that problem international in scope and down-scalable to devices costing a fraction of a penny each, but which nevertheless permit innovation.
  • #33
anorlunda said:
Can we make a case that IOT devices have an architecture such that the code can never be modified via remote action?
That's a risk in itself what no company would like to take. In normal case for any software bug a patch can be provided, without the need of replacing the hardware itself. Fast and cheap (and inherently insecure indeed).

I don't think there is a solution (apart from keeping all the gizmo 'dumb', what I actually prefer). Keeping all the devices up to date requires far more care than possibly available. At the 'secure' price nobody would buy them.
On the long run the vulnerability of cheap IoT devices is just like the risk catching a cold.
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  • #34
anorlunda said:
What about cheap, mass-produced, IOT devices? They may have no user interface at all, neither GUI nor command. They have no login. They have no admin. They have no plans for future updates or patches. But they have been hijacked for ill purposes using their net connection. Smart light bulbs, doorbells, web cams, location tags, smart buttons, swallow-able drug cartridges, the list is endless.

Can we make a case that IOT devices have an architecture such that the code can never be modified via remote action? Would that not go a long way toward making them hard to hijack?

In the coming years, the world may be swamped by trillions of such IOT devices. They are manufactured in many countries, some of which may have concealed intentions. They can be marketed internationally in bulk, perhaps X dollars per ton. If they are all vulnerable to hijacking, we are in big trouble. IMO we desperately need a solution to that problem international in scope and down-scalable to devices costing a fraction of a penny each, but which nevertheless permit innovation.

Here we have to make a distinction: IoT devices have no other major component than sensors. So, you're most likely talking about the whole IoT infrastructure. The model of this infrastructure consists of an IoT device, a gateway of some kind - various mediums of communication and transports can be utilized like cellular networks, satellite networks, Bluetooth, wide-area networks (WAN) to name a few, which is utilized in order to transmit data to a cloud server or some cloud infrastructure in general where the processing takes place and finally users get notified via some type of interface e.g. alarms on a mobile phone or email sent to some computer or device etc.

So, there is no non - von Neumann model, at least as I see it. Now, it is true that there is a big number of vulnerability issues that people using / involved in the development, management and use of IoT infrastructure have to face. The most recent ones according to the OWASP Internet of Things Project
are shown here. There are various ways to remedy these vulnerabilities and measures to take but there are of course some intrinsic weaknesses in this infrastructure which will give various kinds of "inspiration" to malicious users and attackers of any sort to invent and develop new vulnerabilities again and again.

And of course, I really have no doubt that as the number of IoT devices / infrastructures increases, concealed intentions from some people or even at a country level may find a fertile ground and at least as I see it, even with countermeasures already put then, it will be rather hard to avoid massive data leaks.
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  • #35
QuantumQuest said:
rather hard to avoid massive data leaks.
That's not the only risk. In fact, the most alarming report I heard was that of IOT devices being hijacked into a bot net and used to help launch a DDOS attack.

When used as a bot, neither the sensors nor the normal communication channels of the device were used. It is just a CPU with a TCP/IP stack and a net connection, no different than a PC or a phone hijacked for bot use. In other words, a loose cannon. Huge numbers of loose cannons.
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