Ready for our server move this weekend?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, we are moving to a new server and are expecting increased traffic and site add-ons to cause downtime. We hope to eliminate downtime, crashes and lag with the move. If you are not a Gold Member, I would highly encourage you to consider upgrading.
  • #1
Pack your things because we're movin! We've been livin like a 20 member family with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath for far too long! Increased traffic and site add-ons are bogging us down. We want to eliminate downtime, crashes and lag.

We hope to start the move Friday night or Saturday morning. The DNS should be updated by Monday morning and then PF will be for all to use. So please be patient if the site seems down this weekend and when it back up things may not all be working.

If you find PF worthwhile I would highly encourage everyone who isn't a Gold Member to think about upgrading. The new server is almost twice the cost!

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Physics news on
  • #2
Thanks to all the contributors for helping make this possible! And thanks Greg for doing the dirty work!

Does everyone have their patches to ward off PF withdrawals while the server is moving?
  • #3
Thanks for the new digs, Greg! This is my favorite site, and it's getting a bit pokey of late. If you need to jump-start contributions or sell multi-year membership bundles to make this work, please let us all know.
  • #4
Friday night to Monday?

Ok, I need to get a bunch of videos and some books.

Greg, try to get some rest while doing this. I know how it is to start trying to figure out what's going wrong and losing all track of time.

I cannot thank you enough for all you do. I guess it's time for me to cough up some money again too.
  • #5
This is wonderful news Greg!

I'm happy to be a contributor and I plan on being one for a long time to come!
  • #6
Wow, great work, Greg!

Thanks for all you do - I appreciate it!
  • #7
You can count on me.
  • #9
So no chat on Sunday? :cry:

We will communicate sending postcards?
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
Pack your things because we're movin! We've been livin like a 20 member family with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath for far too long!

You mean I don't have to sleep in a drawer anymore! Can I get my own room?!?
  • #11
lisab said:
You mean I don't have to sleep in a drawer anymore! Can I get my own room?!?

No, but you can move from the drawer to closet.
  • #12
Borek said:
No, but you can move from the drawer to closet.
Hey! The closet is mine!

True story - when I was 10, our family outgrew the little rental house we were living in, so my father managed to get a mortgage on a 3br house nearby. Parents in one bedroom, two youngest sisters in one large bedroom, younger sister got a bedroom all to herself, and I got a walk-in closet with just enough room for a single bed and a small chest. The closet was on the NW corner of the house, and when I came home for Christmas break during my Freshman year at college, my mother met me at the door with tears in her eyes apologizing for that "bedroom". It seems she had decided to store potatoes and apples in that room, and they all froze. I TOLD them it was cold in there - I guess I didn't complain enough. I would go to bed wearing my clothes and with every blanket I could round up.

(If your going to hijack a thread, you might as well hijack the host's thread...)
  • #13
A server move, and I have nothing new to wear for the occasion? Eh Gads!
  • #14
Argh! Hey! Let's not get caught with our pants down this time! Let's plan an alternate meeting place in case the site's down for longer than ... I guess about an hour ...
  • #15
This is major, the site is going to be down a lot. This isn't just a little update like the last couple of times.
  • #16
We, postcarders, at least have exchanged snail mail addresses :)
  • #17
lisab said:
You mean I don't have to sleep in a drawer anymore! Can I get my own room?!?

Hey, you should be glad you got your own drawer! I've had to share the bed with Evo and she steals the blankets, kicks, and has cold feet!
  • #18
But what will we do Sunday? Sunday morning is coffee and chat time for me. I'll be so sad.
  • #19
FYI, due to a billing conflict it is very likely we will go down later this afternoon instead of tomorrow.
  • #20
Server is still working yet I am already having withdrawal symptoms.

But could be I am just catching a cold.
  • #21
Greg Bernhardt said:
FYI, due to a billing conflict it is very likely we will go down later this afternoon instead of tomorrow.
Does that mean we'll come back up sooner?

I suppose that one advantage of PF going down early is that I'll probably be able to get most of my work done by the weekend. But what am I going to do all weekend with no PF...?
  • #22
Greg Bernhardt said:
FYI, due to a billing conflict it is very likely we will go down later this afternoon instead of tomorrow.
NOOOOO, what kind of things do we need to save? Or are you expecting not to lose anything?
  • #23
Evo said:
NOOOOO, what kind of things do we need to save? Or are you expecting not to lose anything?

Maybe my sanity :biggrin:
  • #24
Does anyone have a favorite chatroom where we could all meet, just to survive the weekend? I'm about to head out the door for work (afternoon shift), and I may not see any of you 'till Monday.

Besides; I think it would be hillarious if about a hundred PFers just showed up in somebody's chatroom in the middle of this Saturday afternoon and started acting...well...the way that we act.
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  • #25
LURCH said:
Besides; I think it would be hillarious if about a hundred PFers just showed up in somebody's chatroom in the middle of this Saturday afternoon and started acting...well...the way that we act.

That is pretty funny. It would be like a bunch of marauding (but geeky) Vikings! :smile:
  • #26
Math Is Hard said:
That is pretty funny. It would be like a bunch of marauding (but geeky) Vikings! :smile:
Arrr! Burn, then pillage! Rape the cows and steal the women!

Er... wait a minute...
  • #27
Hurkyl said:
Arrr! Burn, then pillage! Rape the cows and steal the women!

Er... wait a minute...

:smile: :smile: :smile:

We might need to work on that a bit.
  • #28
Rape the cows and eat the women?
  • #29
What a motley crew. I hope the server change starts very late Friday
  • #30
Move will now likely be tomorrow. We had some server setup issues that are now just being resolved. Now I spent the rest of the day configuring and tomorrow we move.
  • #31
So, what can we expect in the way of outage?
  • #32
DaveC426913 said:
So, what can we expect in the way of outage?

Honestly not sure. Pretty much done configuring the new server. Just waiting for a couple other things to align and get organized. The forum will be closed 10min before we move. You'll see the forum closed sign until the DNS propagation is done and then you'll see it reopen and it will be on the new server.
  • #33
Good luck, Greg! I'm sending happy, optimistic thoughts your way!
  • #34
Greg Bernhardt said:
Honestly not sure. Pretty much done configuring the new server. Just waiting for a couple other things to align and get organized. The forum will be closed 10min before we move. You'll see the forum closed sign until the DNS propagation is done and then you'll see it reopen and it will be on the new server.
Can't DNS propagation take up to 72 hours? That's what I always told my clients to keep them off my back.

I think the majority propagated in two days though.
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  • #35
What is dns propagation?

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