Probability distribution of the time interval between two cars

In summary: I think I get it now. In summary, the probability of a car passing in an interval dt is \frac{dt}{\tau}; \tau=5min. the mean of this distribution is 50 minutes^2.
  • #1
I am trying to solve the following problem from Sethna's book on statistical mechanics (not homework).

On a Highway, the probability of a car passing in some interval dt is [itex]\frac{dt}{\tau}[/itex]; [itex]\tau=5min[/itex].

what is the probability distribution of time intervals [itex]\Delta[/itex] between two consecutive cars. and what is the mean of this distribution?

My attempt:
In a previous question, I derived the probability distribution for n cars to pass in an interval T


which I believe is correct, as the hint in the question said that I should get a Poisson distribution.

now if I input n=1 i get:


this is the probability distribution for a single car to pass in a time interval T (at some time t<T).

according to my calculations the mean of this distributions is 50 minutes^2 which really doesn't make sense.

How do you solve this problem?
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  • #2
Could you show your calculation in detail?
  • #3
ENgez said:
this is the probability distribution for a single car to pass in a time interval T (at some time t<T).

according to my calculations the mean of this distributions is 50 minutes^2 which really doesn't make sense.
That is indeed the probability of exactly one car passing in time T, but in what sense is it a pdf (or cdf)? Its integral 0 to infinity is not 1.
Also, it's not clear to me how this is heading towards a solution of the problem. (There is a very easy way to solve it. Hint: think of reversing time.)
  • #4
I don't get how reversing time can help...

But i tried approaching the problem in the most basic form possible:

suppose car A passes at t=0, we then begin counting time until the next car arrives. in each sliver of time dt there is a probability [itex]\frac{dt}{\tau}[/itex] of a car passing and a probability [itex]1-\frac{dt}{\tau}≈e^{\frac{-dt}{\tau}}[/itex] of a car not passing.
n is the number of intervals of dt, for here we get (1) [itex]Δ=dt\cdot n[/itex].

thus, the chance of a car passing exactly after Δ minutes is (I hope...):


after plugging (1) in (and taking the limit as n→∞) we get:

[itex]\frac{Δ}{\tau\cdot n}e^{\frac{-dt}{\tau}}[/itex]

the problem is that when taking n→∞ the n in the denominator will cause the whole expression the go to 0 for all finite Δ, which kinda makes sense, because as dt gets smaller the probability of a car crossing at exactly that interval gets vanishingly small as well.

what am i doing wrong? and this is not a homework question, so feel free to share more than hints.

thank you
  • #5
ENgez said:
I don't get how reversing time can help...
Yes, sorry, I was thinking of a slightly different question which usually gets asked. More on that later.
suppose car A passes at t=0, we then begin counting time until the next car arrives. in each sliver of time dt there is a probability [itex]\frac{dt}{\tau}[/itex] of a car passing and a probability [itex]1-\frac{dt}{\tau}≈e^{\frac{-dt}{\tau}}[/itex] of a car not passing.
n is the number of intervals of dt, for here we get (1) [itex]Δ=dt\cdot n[/itex].

thus, the chance of a car passing exactly after Δ minutes is (I hope...):

A slightly unconventional approach, but fine so far. We can treat n-1 as n, since n = Δ/δt will tend to infinity as δt shrinks to 0. And you may as well use t, not Δ, for the number of minutes elapsed. Your equation becomes:
[itex]\frac{dt}{\tau}(e^{\frac{-ndt}{\tau}}) = \frac{dt}{\tau}(e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}})[/itex]
So that's the pdf of time to next car. The average is obtained by multiplying by t and integrating 0 to ∞.

The more usual method is to put n = 0 in your first equation to get the probability of no cars in time t. Then multiply by the probability of a car in time δt to get the prob of the first car being in interval (t, t+δt).
The problem I was thinking of was: you arrive at the road at a random instant. What is the expected length of time between the last car and the next?
  • #6
Thank you!
I actually got the answer you provided, but what stumped me is that dt is supposed to be an infinitesimal interval. now i see that the probability of a car passing at exactly time t is zero, and that the pdf only gives out "real" values if integrated over some subset of intervals [t1,t2].

Btw, the question about arriving at a random time is the next one in the book, so thanks for the tip about reversing time.
  • #7
for an observer arriving at a random time [itex]t_1[/itex], where t=0 is the time when the last car passed, i got the following pdf for [itex]\Delta^{*}[/itex]- the time the observe waits until the next car:

[itex]\rho_{\Delta^*}=\frac{1}{\Delta^{*}}\cdot (e^{-\frac{-\Delta^{*}}{\tau}}-e^{-\frac{-2\Delta^{*}}{\tau}})[/itex].

the mean is [itex]\tau[/itex], like the book said and it goes to 0 for [itex]\Delta^{*}→0[/itex] and [itex]\Delta^{*}→∞[/itex], but it still looks kind of weird for a probability distribution... is this correct?
a short summary of the derivation:

[itex]\Delta^{*}=\Delta-t_1[/itex], where Δ is the time between two consecutive cars (as was found in the previous posts).

[itex]t_1[/itex] has a uniform probability distribution between 0 and Δ, therefore:

[itex]\rho_{\Delta^*}=\int{\rho_{\Delta}(\Delta^*+\zeta)\rho_{t_1}(\zeta) d\zeta}[/itex]

for [itex]0<\zeta<\Delta^*[/itex]

Related to Probability distribution of the time interval between two cars

1. What is a probability distribution?

A probability distribution is a mathematical function that describes the likelihood of different outcomes occurring in a random event. It assigns probabilities to each possible outcome, which can be used to make predictions about the likelihood of future events.

2. How is the time interval between two cars distributed?

The time interval between two cars follows a continuous probability distribution, such as the Exponential distribution, which is commonly used to model the time between events that occur randomly and independently of each other. This distribution is characterized by a constant rate parameter that determines the average time between events.

3. What factors can affect the probability distribution of the time interval between two cars?

Several factors can influence the probability distribution of the time interval between two cars, including traffic patterns, speed limits, driver behavior, and road conditions. These factors can impact the average time between cars, as well as the variability or randomness of the interval.

4. How can we use the probability distribution of the time interval between two cars?

The probability distribution of the time interval between two cars can be used to analyze traffic patterns and make predictions about the likelihood of future events, such as the probability of a car arriving within a certain time frame. It can also be used to inform traffic planning and management strategies.

5. Can we assume that the probability distribution of the time interval between two cars is the same in all situations?

No, the probability distribution of the time interval between two cars can vary depending on the specific context and factors mentioned earlier. For example, the distribution may differ between rush hour traffic and late-night driving. It is important to consider these variations when using the distribution for analysis or predictions.

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