Gamma ray burst associated with LIGO GW event

In summary, a gamma ray burst was detected in conjunction with the LIGO GW event, providing strong evidence for the merger of two neutron stars. This event marked the first time that gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation were observed simultaneously, confirming the existence of kilonovae and shedding light on the origins of heavy elements in the universe. The detection of the gamma ray burst also provided valuable information about the properties of the merging neutron stars, furthering our understanding of these mysterious objects.
  • #106
Jonathan Scott said:
As far as I know, there is no known mechanism by which gravitational waves could give rise to electromagnetic waves in empty space.

What would happen if that space is not exactly empty? BHs sometimes have accretion disks. Inspiraling BH pair may have an accretion disk which encompass both BHs at once. The inner portion of the disk is quite hot, it's a plasma. Plasmas exhibit various complex EM properties.
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  • #107
jhart said:
In 1987 there was a famous supernova, SN 1987A, in the LMC about 168,000 Light Years away. A burst of neutrinos was observed, but they arrived essentially at the same time as the photons. It did allow physicists to set an upper limit to the neutrinos mass of 16eV.
This is incorrect, there was a three hour difference in the neutrino blast from the photon blast from SN 1987A, the neutrinos got here first.

When a star explodes, the explosion creates both neutrinos and photons at the same time. Neutrinos do not interact with matter (much) so they go straight through the star at nearly the speed of light. Photons, however, once they're created, they immediately get absorbed by the rest of the matter in the star. It has to propagate thousands of miles of plasma in order to get out, so it trails far behind the neutrinos.

That's why I think the GRB and the gravitational wave may have been created at the same time inside of a lot of matter. The X-ray would fall behind the gravity wave due to interaction.
  • #108
nikkkom said:
What would happen if that space is not exactly empty? BHs sometimes have accretion disks. Inspiraling BH pair may have an accretion disk which encompass both BHs at once. The inner portion of the disk is quite hot, it's a plasma. Plasmas exhibit various complex EM properties.
Yes, accretion disk materials could emit gamma rays during a BH collision. However, the maximum amount of energy that could be emitted from such diffuse materials is thought to be orders of magnitude too small to account for a GRB visible at that distance (if it is real).
  • #109
I was reading this thread and I just thought of something just off the top of my head, so this may not fit the observations. Could the data be caused by a asymmetric core collapse supernova with neutron star of black hole kick out, with the blast toward the observer. The black hole or neutron star core would be traveling away from the observer. Several variables would have to be taken into account, such as; the degree of asymmetry of the blast and angle, the speed and angle of the receding core, and if the core is a black hole or a neutron star.

  • #110
Eimacman said:
...just thought of something ,,,
  • #111
Upon further reflection, I believe that if this the case that with an asymmetrical blast towards the observer that the neutrinos and gamma rays might arrive simultaneously. There would be an associated gravitational distortion from the mass associated with the blast and core receding from each other, this might also arrive at the observer at the same time.

  • #112
It isn't a supernova. A supernova puts most of its energy into kinetic energy of the explosion, a little into light, and very very little into gravitational waves.
  • #113
Greetings Ken G:

Are you speaking of a symmetrical supernova or asymmetrical? A symmetrical supernova will do as you stated most of its energy will kinetic some of which will be converted into elements heaver than iron and thus will not produce the data observed. However an asymmetrical supernova does not occur like a symmetrical supernova. In a symmetrical supernova the plasma layers collapse onto the core of iron, and is heated to billions of degrees, the core collapses into a ball of neutrons or a black hole and the resulting shock wave blasts the rest of the star outward in all directions, if the core collapses into a black hole the accretion disk in the center of the star and rotation would cause jets of gamma rays to blast out of the poles. If this was the case the observations would detect neutrinos first then gamma rays next and no severe gravitational distortions that could be detected by the observer.

With this being said I stated that an Asymmetrical supernova could possibly cause such effects as was observed because when the iron core is formed, in this type, the inrush of plasma can start severe oscillations, oscillations that can literally blow the core out and away from the star wile the blast travels in the opposite direction. almost all of the energy possibly as much as 70% of the explosion could be directed towards the observer. Also the blast mass would carry away with it gamma rays, neutrinos and so on as well as causing gravitational distortions. This being that most of the mass of the blast heading towards the observer, and not in all directions, which could contain multiple solar masses, and the core being of multiple solar masses traveling in the opposite direction. If this is the case the observed blast would have the neutrinos and gamma rays arriving at about the same time. And being that the outer shell of the star would be traveling in the observer's direction and the core is traveling away in the opposite direction, like a bullet from a gun, there might be sufficient gravitational distortions that could be detected at the same time as well.

Now with that said, if the blast was directed away from the observer it is unlikely that any thing could be seen at all, with the possibility of any gravitational waves that might have resulted might be detected as it would be to two massive objects rapidly moving away from each other and not colliding.

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  • #114
The gravitational wave pattern requires a quadrupole source, not just "oscillations", and it closely matches predictions for two extremely dense objects orbiting in free space with energy and angular momentum being lost primarily through gravitational radiation. And there were no excess neutrinos detected.
  • #115
Greetings Jonathan Scott:

You make an interesting point. But before I consider myself in error (which I most likely am) I must give this more thought and study. I am partly in error in that this may not have been, and is most likely not, an asymmetrical supernova event. I had not considered the oscillation of the core as a the main source of gravitational distortion even though at the end the core reaches escape velocity and displacement being as high as approximately π/2 stellar radii before the core is ejected. Is it possible that this could be quadrupole with a completely different four dimensional geometry? Has anyone considered this point and worked out the mathematics that would prove or disprove this? Is it possible that large displacements through the 4D that are caused by super-dense massive objects in an in spiraling orbit, have necessary geometry to be detected by the LIGO instrumentation?

  • #116
Eimacman said:
Has anyone considered this point and worked out the mathematics that would prove or disprove this?

No one here. I doubt such calculations would be easy and there's little reason to believe that the extremely good fit the model has with the data is incorrect. Not if the folks at LIGO, along with others who investigated all of this before them, knew what they were doing.

Eimacman said:
Is it possible that large displacements through the 4D that are caused by super-dense massive objects in an in spiraling orbit, have necessary geometry to be detected by the LIGO instrumentation?

I'm sorry, I don't know what this means. What are "displacements through the 4d?"
  • #117
Greetings Drakkith:

Displacements of gravitational distortion through the axis x, y, z, and t of four dimensional space time. I apologize that I did not make that clear.

Unfortunately without the mathematics I can not explain further to clear up this point one way or the other.

  • #118
Eimacman said:
Displacements of gravitational distortion through the axis x, y, z, and t of four dimensional space time. I apologize that I did not make that clear.

What are "displacements of gravitational distortion"?
  • #119
Drakkith said:
What are "displacements of gravitational distortion"?

Perhaps displacement is too nautical a term to use here, therefore I will give the mathematical equivalent: Δx, Δy, Δz, Δt; caused by a gravitational field.

I prefer to use the term 'gravitational distortion' in that bending, stretching, or pulling space-time is not an accurate description of gravitational effects on space-time.

I hope that clears up that point.


P.S. I am still studying the LIGO data, it is an interesting 'read' haven't quite 'got a handle' on the mathematics yet.
  • #120
Eimacman said:
Perhaps displacement is too nautical a term to use here, therefore I will give the mathematical equivalent: Δx, Δy, Δz, Δt; caused by a gravitational field.

I prefer to use the term 'gravitational distortion' in that bending, stretching, or pulling space-time is not an accurate description of gravitational effects on space-time.

I hope that clears up that point.

So you're asking about gravitational waves? Looking at your earlier post:

Eimacman said:
Is it possible that large displacements through the 4D that are caused by super-dense massive objects in an in spiraling orbit, have necessary geometry to be detected by the LIGO instrumentation?

It appears you're asking whether or not LIGO can detect the gravitational waves generated by in-spiraling massive objects. Is that correct?
  • #121
Drakkith said:
It appears you're asking whether or not LIGO can detect the gravitational waves generated by in-spiraling massive objects. Is that correct?

No, I was asking if the geometry was sufficient, and the event was sufficiently violent enough to produce gravitational waves of sufficient amplitude to be detected by the LIGO instrumentation

Drakkith said:
So you're asking about gravitational waves? Looking at your earlier post:

No, I was asking about the geometry of gravity waves in space-time caused by any event, not just two black holes spiraling into each other, and if Δx, Δy, Δz, Δt must have sufficient amplitudes caused by such an event or events, to be detected by the LIGO instrumentation.

  • #122
I'm sorry, Eimackman, but I still don't understand what you're asking and I don't know enough about GR to make an accurate guess. I think I'll just bow out of this conversation here and let someone else take over. Thanks for your time.

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