Divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0

In summary, "divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0" is a mathematical concept that calculates the net flow of a vector field through a closed surface by taking the limit of a surface integral as the surface volume approaches zero. It is closely related to the concept of flux and has various real-world applications in physics and engineering. However, it has limitations in terms of its applicability and can be a complex process for complex vector fields and surfaces.
  • #1
Odious Suspect
The following is my interpretation of the development of the divergence of a vector field given by Joos:

$$dy dz dv_x=dy dz\left(v_x(dx)-v_x(0)\right)=dy dz\left(v_x(0)+dx\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}(0)- v_x(0)\right)$$
$$=dy dz dx\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}(0)=d\tau \frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}(0)$$
$$\oint \mathfrak{v}\cdot d\mathfrak{S}=\left(\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial v_y}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial v_z}{\partial z}\right)d\tau$$
$$\oint \mathfrak{v}\cdot d\mathfrak{S}=d\tau \overset{\rightharpoonup }{\nabla}\cdot \mathfrak{v}$$

I know I am picking nits here, but I want to understand what a rigorous development would be. I contend that ##dx, dy, dz## are independent real number variables of arbitrary magnitude, and ##dv_x\equiv dx \frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}##. Also ##\Delta v_x \equiv v_x(dx)-v_x(0)##.

Introducing ##\varepsilon_x \equiv \frac{\Delta v_x}{\Delta x}-\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}## and ##\Delta x = dx##, we can write the first equation as:

$$dy dz dv_x=dy dz\left(v_x(dx)-v_x(0)-\varepsilon_x dx\right)=dy dz\left(v_x(0)+dx\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}(0)- v_x(0)\right)$$

Using ##\Delta \mathfrak{v} \equiv \mathfrak{v}(dx \hat{ i } + dy \hat{ j } + dz \hat{ k })-\mathfrak{v}(0)##, the surface integral should be:

$$\oint \mathfrak{v}\cdot d\mathfrak{S}=d\tau \Delta \mathfrak{v} \cdot ( \hat{ i } + \hat{ j } + \hat{ k })$$

Using the same approach as above, we could write this as:

$$\oint \mathfrak{v}\cdot d\mathfrak{S}=\left(\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial x}+\varepsilon_x+\frac{\partial v_y}{\partial y}+\varepsilon_y+\frac{\partial v_z}{\partial z}+\varepsilon_z\right)d\tau$$

In order to make the final original equation rigorous, we would need to express it as a limit.
$$\lim_{d\tau \rightarrow 0}\frac{1}{d\tau}\oint \mathfrak{v}\cdot d\mathfrak{S}= \overset{\rightharpoonup }{\nabla}\cdot \mathfrak{v}$$

This would be much easier to follow if I could provide drawings, etc. Is my reasoning correct in what I have presented here?
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  • #2

Thank you for your interpretation of Joos' development of the divergence of a vector field. Your approach seems to be a valid way of expressing the equations in a more rigorous manner.

In general, when dealing with infinitesimal quantities such as dx, dy, and dz, it is important to keep in mind that they are not real numbers but rather represent small changes in the variables x, y, and z. Therefore, it is important to introduce the concept of limits in order to make the equations more precise.

Your introduction of εx, εy, and εz is a good way to account for any deviations from the exact values of the partial derivatives. However, it is worth noting that these deviations are typically assumed to be small and can be neglected in most practical applications.

Overall, your reasoning seems to be correct and your approach is a valid way of expressing the equations in a more rigorous manner. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

Related to Divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0

What does "divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0" mean?

"Divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0" refers to a mathematical concept in vector calculus where the divergence of a vector field is calculated by taking the limit of a surface integral as the volume of the surface shrinks to zero. This allows us to find the flux of a vector field through a closed surface, which can be useful in various applications in physics and engineering.

How is divergence related to flux?

Divergence and flux are closely related concepts in vector calculus. Divergence represents the net flow of a vector field out of a given point, while flux represents the flow of a vector field through a given surface. In other words, divergence is the source or sink of a vector field, while flux is the amount of the field passing through a surface.

What is the significance of taking the limit of a surface integral?

Taking the limit of a surface integral as the volume of the surface approaches zero allows us to calculate the divergence of a vector field at a specific point. This is because as the volume of the surface decreases, the surface integral becomes more accurate in approximating the divergence at that point. It also allows us to calculate the flux through a closed surface, which can be useful in many applications.

What are some real-world applications of "divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0"?

Divergence as the limit of a surface integral has many practical applications in physics and engineering. For example, it is used in fluid mechanics to calculate the flow of a fluid through a surface, in electromagnetism to calculate the electric or magnetic flux through a closed surface, and in thermodynamics to calculate the heat flow through a surface. It is also used in various other fields such as meteorology, geology, and economics.

Are there any limitations to using "divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0"?

While "divergence as the limit of a surface integral a volume->0" is a useful mathematical tool, it does have some limitations. It can only be applied to vector fields that are continuous and differentiable, and it may not give accurate results for vector fields with sharp discontinuities. Additionally, it can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for more complicated vector fields and surfaces.

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