Different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian

In summary, the author is trying to explain the Lagrangian for the electromagnetic field and is confounded by the notation. He does not seem to be able to properly integrate the equations of motion and is looking for a direction to go in.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm reading through A. Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a nutshell" for personal learning and am a bit confused about a passage he goes through when discussing field theory for the electromagnetic field. I am well versed in non relativistic quantum mechanics but have no professional experience with relativity, so the notation is a bit obscure to me. Basically the text moves through one formulation to a different one of the Lagrangian and I can't properly understand what is going on. If you have the book, this is on pp. 32-33 (second edition).

Homework Equations

The EM Lagrangian is defined first as

[tex]\mathcal{L} = -\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}[/tex]



Fair enough. I can follow up to this point. What confuses me however is that in the next formula he writes down the action, and in this one the Lagrangian is expressed as


plus an interaction term. Don't bother too much with the mass term, which was introduced artificially in order to remove it later so that gauge invariance needn't be treated. I'm confused however by the differential operators. What's going on? These all look like second derivatives, but I was convinced that for how they were presented in the original Lagrangian all that had to appear were squares of first derivatives, at most.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried developing the original expression for the Lagrangian by replacing the expression for the tensor F, but with little luck. I don't know how to multiply the derivatives, I guess, and am not sure what the author means by his notation. Perhaps ∂2 is actually supposed to be the square of the derivative rather than the second derivative? Also, shouldn't all the diagonal terms go to zero anyway?

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
Gan_HOPE326 said:
These all look like second derivatives, but I was convinced that for how they were presented in the original Lagrangian all that had to appear were squares of first derivatives, at most.
Did you try partial integration?
  • #3
Orodruin said:
Did you try partial integration?

What should I integrate? The formulas both represent the Lagrangian in theory. I don't think there's any integration going on between them.

I'll point out that while the second expression is from the action, it is still the Lagrangian. It is the kernel of the integral, I left the integral sign out of the formula because it didn't matter.
  • #4
Gan_HOPE326 said:
I don't think there's any integration going on between them.
Of course there is. Lagrangians appear in action integrals. If they only differ up to a total derivative they are equivalent and give the same equations of motion.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
Of course there is. Lagrangians appear in action integrals. If they only differ up to a total derivative they are equivalent and give the same equations of motion.

Not sure I'm following. As I explained above, first the book defines the Lagrangian. Then it writes the action integral as

[tex]S = \int\mathcal{L}dx^4[/tex]

and then in the next passage replaces L with the formulation I posted above, while still keeping the integral sign. So the action integral hasn't been carried out yet at that point. Why would there be some variables that have been integrated?
  • #6
There are no variables that have been integrated. The basic fundamental quantity is the action and you can have several equivalent Lagrangians that give the same action. You can relate them by partial integration (neglecting the boundary term).
  • #7
Orodruin said:
There are no variables that have been integrated. The basic fundamental quantity is the action and you can have several equivalent Lagrangians that give the same action. You can relate them by partial integration (neglecting the boundary term).

Oh, ok, got it. I found a similar example on a scalar field earlier. I'm still not sure how to work it out with tensor notation but at least that's a direction to look in. Thanks!

Related to Different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian

1. What is the covariant electromagnetic (EM) Lagrangian?

The covariant EM Lagrangian is a mathematical formulation that describes the dynamics of electromagnetic fields. It is derived from the principles of Lagrangian mechanics and is used to study the behavior of electromagnetic interactions in various physical systems.

2. Why are there different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian?

There are different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian because it can be written in different ways using various mathematical techniques. These different formulations can be more suitable for certain applications or can provide different insights into the behavior of electromagnetic interactions.

3. How do the different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian differ?

The different formulations of the covariant EM Lagrangian can differ in terms of the mathematical expressions used, the assumptions made, and the physical interpretations. Some formulations may focus more on the dynamics of the electric field, while others may focus on the magnetic field.

4. Which formulation of the covariant EM Lagrangian is the most commonly used?

The most commonly used formulation of the covariant EM Lagrangian is the Maxwell-Hilbert formulation, which is based on the classical Lagrangian mechanics and the Maxwell's equations. It is widely used in studying electromagnetic interactions in classical and quantum field theories.

5. What are the applications of the covariant EM Lagrangian?

The covariant EM Lagrangian has various applications in physics, including classical and quantum field theories, electrodynamics, and special relativity. It is used to study the dynamics of electromagnetic interactions in different physical systems, such as particles, fields, and energy-matter interactions.

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