What is Video: Definition and 722 Discussions

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) systems which were later replaced by flat panel displays of several types.
Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate, color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and digital variants exist and can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, magnetic tape, optical discs, computer files, and network streaming.

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  1. L

    Help to find out the script of a video about graphene

    Homework Statement French physics teacher have tried to find out the script of this video but would appreciate the review from a native speaker. Thank you for your help. http://vfsilesieux.free.fr/graphenevideo2/video.swf
  2. Y

    Getting jpg file (picture) from video.

    My wife accidentally have the camera in video mode, she tried to take pictures but took a few seconds of video instead. is there any way to get picture out of it at the right moment. I understand the resolution will be bad, but those are important pictures, bad pictures are better than no...
  3. W

    Is Video Game Programming Possible?

    I go to UC Davis and was thinking about switching to the computer science/engineering major(currently in bioengineering right now) with the idea that I could get into the video game programming/development world. I have had limited experience with coding (just some minor things to control little...
  4. jtbell

    Is the end of Blockbuster Video finally here?

    Your late fees are waived: Blockbuster closes (cnn.com) I don't think my wife and I ever rented a video. :rolleyes: We've never been really "into" movies, and seldom have enough time at home in the evening to sit down and watch one through. If we get bitten by the bug after we're both...
  5. ajayguhan

    Constraint-prof V balakrishnan video

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8X1x9RLaaxc he tells number of contraints (he write no of pairs ) is nC2 how is it, i didn'tunderstand!
  6. C

    Video Game Graphics and Physics

    I was numerically solving the wave equation earlier just to produce a simple illustration of a vibrating string and my computer was working pretty hard. Then I realized how many video games nowadays have such awesome graphics with things like water, waves, motion in general, etc... Are these...
  7. I

    How to Connect a Live Feed Video Camera for Full Face Helmets - Iron Patriot

    Hey guys, I am making a full face helmet which uses a small hd camera to display a live feed on a 5" hd screen inside. My question is simply, how would i connect the camera to the screen? It only has to display a live feed while the battery is on and not record/store on a HDD. Thanks...
  8. E

    My new video on Thermodynamics and the end of the Universe.

    I have just completed another physics video. This one is on Thermodynamics, and it is at http://youtu.be/GOrWy_yNBvY It uses a physics simulation engine, along with high definition 3D graphics, to illustrate the increase of entropy, the conservation of energy, the principles of...
  9. A

    Please explain why z = cosθ + jsinθ in this video.

    Hi, Please explain why z = cosθ + jsinθ in this video at 41:13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvDePn41fPY&list=SP854AA255B15C574C&index=2#t=39m46
  10. Tesladude

    Enhance Range for Remote Audio and Video with ASK Transmitter Modules

    Hi I think this may be a dumb question but what the heck... So i have a very small remote camera with audio, the thing is the size of like 4 dice. But it doesn't have good range with the reciever, only like 30'. I do a lot of electronics and have made remote controll circuits useing...
  11. S

    The Logistic Equation (from a video)

    Homework Statement I can't really post every single equation he used but I still need the help. I can follow him fine up until about 03:15 where he says, "I'm going to pick clever values for P" Are you allowed to do that? How do you know what "clever values" to use and how do you apply...
  12. Z

    Would you video record the police?

    Often times a police officer's work is difficult. Sometimes it is even very dangerous. However, there is evidence to suggest many police interactions with the public involve the excessive use of force. From wikipedia: The report can be found here. Many citizens have begun to video...
  13. Evo

    DCMA removed youtube video, but wasn't in complaint

    I wanted to see part 2 of a Warehouse 13 episode carried on HULU, but it was removed without an explanation "season 4 episode 15", I can watch season 4 ep 14 and 16, but not 15. So I searched for it on youtube and found ep 15, which sent me to...
  14. Crazymechanic

    Interesting youtube video

    Ok so I came up to a very interesting and both practical youtube video.Now I must say i understand by the description and the video how it basically works , so the question is not as much about the workings of this electrostatic phenomenon as rather, can somebody please draw a equivalent...
  15. C

    Where can I find beginner-friendly physics videos to understand the universe?

    Hello all, I am looking for a set of videos/youtube lectures which can take somebody from zero physics knowledge up to a decent standard. This is purely for personal reasons as I'm not taking exams and would just like to have a relatively good understanding of the universe (as we know it)...
  16. L

    News Help find the script of a short video about Curiosity

    Hi everybody. I would like to find out the exact script of a short video that I intend to show to my French pupils who learn physics in English at school. If anyone could give me a hand, it would be nice. This is the video http://vfsilesieux.free.fr/curiosity/video.swf (you may have to...
  17. Spinnor

    Where can I find free physics video lectures?

    Found a nice resource that I don't think is listed in the "Math & Science Learning Materials" section of Physics Forums. It is here, http://www.learnerstv.com/Free-Physics-video-lecture-courses.htm Which is from, http://www.learnerstv.com/index.php This probably belongs in the...
  18. AnTiFreeze3

    The Last of Us: A Game That Will Leave You Emotionally Changed

    I have an Xbox360, not a PS3, but my friend let me borrow his PS3 and his copy of The Last of Us after he finished playing it, and I have to say that I have never had a game, let alone any fictional work, ever affect me emotionally in such a way. Oddly enough, the game made me come upon a...
  19. K

    Explain the mechanics behind this bizarre video

    This building gets pulled down and in a weird unexpected kind of blast everything shoots out sideways. The guy holding the camera gets knocked out and the camera is just lying on the floor but there's nothing graphic in the video. My mind is blown trying to understand what happened and how...
  20. KenJackson

    Sun moves north as it sets in wunderground video

    My roku device has a channel for wunderground.com, which shows the weather. But it also shows a time-lapse video of the past 24 hours in a local neighborhood. The caption says "Facing West," and you can indeed see the sun setting in the evening as you would expect. But in the video the sun...
  21. T

    How to make a video like this on a Mac

    Now this guy makes a video very similar to how Khan Academy would. But the difference is that he can actually put well printed equations( maybe latex) into it as well as circle things to monentarely highlight while not having to erase. So, any idea what software he uses? Is this even...
  22. R

    Is the video of Saudis changing wheels on a moving car fake?

    People keep posting crazy videos about Saudis changing wheelsof a car when the car is still moving , but is on two wheel http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-22664659 It can be seen in this video Wouldn't a car's standard ( friction clutch one )differential not allow the wheel...
  23. Evo

    Oklahoma Tornado Video: Watch It Start

    This is the best video of the tornado, it shows it starting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMF22_MEMJU&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMF22_MEMJU
  24. Z

    Time Dilation Video Feed Experiment

    Time dilation As I've understood; two parties can experience time, or timespace, differently depending on each parties' • velocity • gravity A debate led to this question: ship A and ship B install livecams, each viewing both ships' livefeed on 2 screens*. Ship B launches away from...
  25. fluidistic

    Editing a video, the rendered video is way too big

    I've got a video in .m2ts whose size is 294.3 Mb. I wanted to remove the sound of it, add a MP3 song instead and then post it in youtube. So I downloaded a video editor (kdenlive, because I use Ubuntu). I did remove the sound of the original video and added the MP3 instead. When I rendered the...
  26. N

    Brian Cox video Discusses Cosmology and CERN supercollider

    This is quite an entertaining 15 minute video that provides a high level discussion for a general public audience. [A physics teacher and childhood friend uses the video in her advanced placement HS physics classes in New York. Her students are one group of US kids that I know get a good...
  27. M

    Symmetries of a Tetrahedron video

    Hello, I made this video with my iphone depicting the Symmetries of a Tetrahedron for a presentation I did recently: I have been searching and trying to figure out if I have presented it correctly that a Tetrahedron has full S4 symmetry if we could reflect it in a "higher dimension." I was...
  28. G

    Mysterious video game drag model - any ideas?

    In the game ArmA 2 they try to simulate ballistics and have some kind of drag model. I would like to try to find out how it works. I collected the following data from a bullet fired from a rifle in the game. Initial Velocity: 900 m/s Time of flight: 0.000 sec 100m Velocity: 819 m/s...
  29. marcus

    Video talk on Planck results by Kendrick Smith

    http://pirsa.org/13040123/ Results and highlights from Planck Speaker(s): Kendrick Smith Abstract: Cosmological results from Planck, a third-generation satellite mission to measure the cosmic microwave background, have just been announced. These results improve constraints on essentially all...
  30. Crazymechanic

    Motivating video: preserve the natural beauty of this planet

    Not to mention that I am one of those who thinks that sitting on a metal chair and table is no big of a deal as long as we can preserve the natural beauty of this planet and also I don't like egoistic people who think only about themselves now this being said this video is both a great idea , a...
  31. 4

    Excellent video on General and Special Relativity

    I have discovered this video to be very helpful in explaining to newer physicists the concepts of General and Special Relativity. Silly me! Forgot the link: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ev9zrt__lec
  32. N

    Latest high frame rate consumer priced video cameras?

    I'd like to get images at a frequency of at least 100 frames/sec to measure servo arm speeds (including acceleration from rest) under various torque loads. This is for personal research associated with RC helicopter accessories, but as a high school physics teacher it seems it would be good for...
  33. E

    My New Quantum Mechanics video

    You can watch it on YouTube at: http://youtu.be/iVpXrbZ4bnU It uses high definition 3D graphics to explain the physics behind the main the principles, including topics such as EPR / Bell inequality, the relationship between measurement and entanglement, and wave / particle duality...
  34. Y

    Question on upgrading video card.

    I just bought a video card to upgrade my older computer using XP: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131338&nm_mc=EMC-EXPRESS031613&cm_mmc=EMC-EXPRESS031613-_-EMC-031613-Index-_-DesktopGraphicsVideoCards-_-14131338-L03B According to the instruction, I am supposed to...
  35. K

    Music Some Old-Fashioned Video Game Music I Wrote

  36. D

    Music My Self-Made Music Video: Girl Transforms into Vampire and Burns

    After participating in so many discussions about QM and GR... I've got strange hobby. Well, the first experiment. The actress is overplaying, I know, but she is not an actress at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHiMZQwJU9Y Girl is transforming into a vampire and then burns...
  37. T

    General How stuff works video capsules, blog or podcast?

    General "How stuff works" video capsules, blog or podcast? Hey, I'd really like to spend a few minutes (15-30 minutes per day) learning about how random stuff works. Anything from electronics to cars to specific pieces of technologies, to industrial processes, etc. I'm posting in this...
  38. S

    A Youtube video about physics careers (and other related matters)

    Hi there. I came across this amusing Youtube video prepared by a young woman, ostensibly with a physics background (her handle is "physicswoman"), about career fields for physics majors. I was curious about what the rest of you think. If you check out her channel, you'll find more topics...
  39. H

    Interesting video on high voltage in a capacitor

    Dear all, Could someone help me understand what is happening in this video... Does it have any application in science or industry? Many thanks,
  40. M

    Looking for LHC cost-benefit analysis video online

    If you've seen it, you'll know the one I'm referring to. It basically adds up the costs of labour and construction of the LHC, and compares it to the value in terms of education, PhDs produced, spin-off technologies, and multiplier effects. I can't find it anywhere on youtube or TED but I'm...
  41. H

    Interesting video on infrared modifications to gravity

    This is a talk by Nima Arkani Hamed of IAS at Princeton from a few days ago, where he discusses his thoughts on the dark energy problems of cosmology and various popular research programs aimed at addressing it by modifying General relativity at large distances (examples like DGP, Galileons...
  42. M

    Len'z law and a interesting video

    Please what this. This video will describe Len'z law from 0:00 till 1:25 You can skip till 1:25 and see the interesting part to understand the following question. * Is the aluminum cylinder pushing the magnet down with a higher or lower or the same speed at the initial speed passing only...
  43. Y

    Looking for free download to burn YouTube video into DVD.

    Hi I don't know whether this is the right place to ask this question. I found some Math and Physics lectures on YouTube that I want to burn onto DVD so I can watch it on real TV with the standard video, not HD ( I am old school, still have old format with RCA connectors). Can anyone suggest a...
  44. B

    I have a PCI EX16 Gallexy Video Card and the Model is GeForce GT 610 GC

    I have a PCI EX16 Gallexy Video Card and the Model is GeForce GT 610 GC. It says Processor Speed = 1620 MHz and Graphics Speed = 810 MHz so this is what I need help with? When it says Processor Speed is 1600 MHz am I right this is the GPU Speed you know Graphics Processor Unit? And if...
  45. B

    Video help - Fully Expand and Animorphic aspect ratios?

    Video help -- Fully Expand and Animorphic aspect ratios? I converted a lot off my DVDs that are of 1970's TV show Land Of The Lost to avi files so I can watch them on my pc. There is one setting for Aspec Ratio I do not get I know if I pick 16:9 this is for Wide Screen. And I know if I...
  46. A

    Automotive Video question about car spinning energy

    Hello dear physicists :) I have to admit it's been a long time since I studied physics in the university. And Sorry to disturb you with this video. Of course it is a very bad ad for Camry and the Saudi driving: But what catches my attention is how can the car spin that "violently"...
  47. 3

    Why does pausing a video cause it to become jerky when resumed?

    Hello all, Often when I try to watch a video online it will stop every few seconds to buffer (whatever that means) the next few seconds of the video. This is annoying, so I tend to pause the video until the little time bar at the bottom shows it's all, or nearly all, buffered. But often I...
  48. M

    Video recording help, read details

    I'm trying to make a helmet cam for when i go snowboarding, i have a few small cameras to use, ps2 eye-toys and a small one labeled "pc 166 xs ". my first question is regarding the small camera, its cable has 4 wires (2 black, red, blue) and I am not sure which are power and which are video...
  49. M

    Can someone who knows Quantum Mechanics tell me if this video is a good intro?

    Hi guys, I have recently come across a video on YouTube which gives you a brief intro to Quantum Mechanics/Physics. Can someone tell me if this video is accurate? Could someone suggest some introductory reading or resources for learning QM? Is it even accessible to a 15 year old? Should I just...
  50. J

    Understanding Tensors & General Relativity

    I enjoyed this video about tensors very much. I would recommend it to anyone seeking to understand the concept in general and general relativity specifically. https://vimeo.com/32413024 You can fast forward through the repetitive parts and try to place yourself in the role of beginner as you...