What is Sort: Definition and 152 Discussions

The Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions (SORT), also known as the Treaty of Moscow, was a strategic arms reduction treaty between the United States and Russia that was in force from June 2003 until February 2011 when it was superseded by the New START treaty. At the time, SORT was positioned as "represent[ing] an important element of the new strategic relationship" between the two countries with both parties agreeing to limit their nuclear arsenal to between 1,700 and 2,200 operationally deployed warheads each. It was signed in Moscow on 24 May 2002. After ratification by the U.S. Senate and the State Duma, SORT came into force on 1 June 2003. It would have expired on 31 December 2012 if not superseded by New START. Either party could have withdrawn from the treaty upon giving three months written notice to the other.

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  1. R

    Comp Sci Computer Science - LSD Radix Sort in Java

    Title kind of explains what I'm trying to do here. I know exactly how radix sort is SUPPOSED to work but I just don't have a clue how to go about coding it. Basically what I am asking for is some java based pseudo-code just to get me in the right direction. I'm specifically sorting an...
  2. B

    Programs Theoretical or just physics degree? Maths is sort of good, is that enough?

    Hey, as you may have guessed I'm thinking of taking a Theoretical Physics course rather than just straight Physics, but that due to its maths-heavy nature I'm worried I might not cope all that well. I mean, I love the idea of theoretical - admittedly it's a rather romanticised view of it - but...
  3. K

    C Program Help: Count & Sort Word Occurrences in File

    C program help! Hey guys I am having trouble completing this C program. Its suppose to ask the user to enter a file to read from, read the file, count how many times each word appears and print the results in a different file(also user input) arranged from high occurrence. Heres what i...
  4. W

    Extremely freaked out. Climbed some sort of antenna.

    Hey guys, Last night around 12 midnight, I decided it would be a good idea to climb a nearby antenna next to my house. It is about 143 meters high, and I went all the way to the top. However, I have been googling around, and I think I might have climbed an AM tower antenna, and I am REALLY...
  5. P

    Ballistics pendulum - sort of - COM

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  6. C

    Schools What sort of schools should I be looking at?

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  7. M

    Faster than light travel proved sort off

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  8. P

    Mathematica Functions in Mathematica - sort function

    Hi , I'm trying to write down the following function : sort[list_] it needs to sort a list of numbers by checking each two adjacent numbers and swap them if it is needed , but it doesn't work . I need to implement it using Pattern Matching . but I don't understand how can I...
  9. L

    Sorting Strings with int Sort: Explained + Tips

    Hi there PF. For this problem I need to take the following code which apparently sorts an array with integers, and sort strings instead. However I DO NOT understand how this works for integers, much less how I could make it work for strings. Could someone please explain it to me? A few tips to...
  10. S

    Trig Identity Question Sort of

    Homework Statement Okay so the objective here is to express y(t) = cos(t - b) - cos(t) in the form y(t) = Asin(t - c) where A and c are in terms of b.Homework Equations For easy reference, here is a table of identities: http://www.sosmath.com/trig/Trig5/trig5/trig5.html The Attempt at a...
  11. N

    What sort of motor is used in the lead retraction device in my vacuum cleaner?

    The model is a vampyr 731i electronic I can't find the technical information online Howstuffworks.com only gives the information that the fan motor is electrical What sort of motor is used in the lead retraction device?
  12. C

    News Why can't the World mobilize a million soldiers to sort out Afghanstan?

    With a million soldiers it is possible to have a presence in all the villages in Afghanistan simultaneously and then we can start to build up the infrastructure. We then won't need to fight at all, because the insurgents are not popular amoung the local population, they just exploit the security...
  13. R

    Selection Sort on 1 Million Elements: Is It Feasible?

    if you have an array with size 1000000, would selection sort be feasible on a everyday laptop computer, or just too large? I imagine it would take (1Million)2/2 loops to complete the sort
  14. pellman

    What sort of vector is this?

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  15. N

    Jobs After Graduating in Physics (Theoretical)

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  16. W

    Confusion with Calculating Centroid and Center of Mass for a Cone

    NOTE: THIS IS NOT A HW PROBLEM While calculating the moment of inertia of a cone, I made a mistake and got confused. Although I juggled the numbers and got the right answer, I have a doubt. Say I have to calculate the centroid of a cone z2 = r2. 0 < z < h It is quite obvious that the x and y...
  17. N

    A sort of free energy? Possbilble or not

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  18. A

    How Can Bubble Sort Optimize PCB Drill Bed Movements?

    Urgent help need ! Bubble sort ! hi all, I was asked to built a C programme using bubble sort. here is the Question. TASK A PCB manufacturing company requires a software program to convert a series of a table of drill data to minimise the movement of the drill bed to speed up production...
  19. F

    Merge sort with array of structs

    Homework Statement I need to be able to copy full structs in a temporary array based on a value in that struct (an integer), but I'm not sure exactly how to go about it. I have commented where I need to copy over structs. Also in the other code block, what is the problem here? It doesn't...
  20. clope023

    Bubble sort 2D int array with c

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  21. C

    I'm stcuk, sort of, not really, I need some resurance is all

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  22. T

    Sort these substances by boiling point

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  23. D

    Green's Theorem well, sort of.

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  24. D

    Work and energy and that sort of rot. :/

    Sally applies a horizontal force of 520 N with a rope to drag wooden crate across a floor with a constant speed. The rope tied to the crate is pulled at an angle of 53.0°. (a) How much force is exerted by the rope on the crate? Solved and correct. (b) What work is done by Sally if the...
  25. F

    Quicksort/Insertion sort combo

    Homework Statement The running time of quick sort can be improved in practice by taking advantage of the fast running time of insertion sort when its input is nearly sorted. When quicksort is called on a subarray with fewer than k elements, let it simply return without sorting the subarray...
  26. K

    Stat Mech : Particles in Box sort of

    Homework Statement I don't want to do it word for word, but its like this: Statistical Mechanics is the topic. Given a volume V and N particles within it. Assume no correlation in the location of the particles. 1. Find the probability that a region of volume "v" contains "n" exactly...
  27. G

    Absorb all sort of matter and radiations and still not releasing out?

    Blackhole is a little bit confusing topic for me.Can anybody tell me,whats the reason and principle behind it that it absorb all sort of matter and radiations and still not releasing out?
  28. K

    Looking for a specific sort of math book

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  29. N

    How to solve a projectile sort problem with given linear and angular velocity?

    how to solve a problem in which linear velocity and angular velocity (in the same direction) are given at the same time in a projectile motion .. how to calculated all the related values like the distance covered .. and consequently what is happening after that ... like ... m=160g diameter=.07m...
  30. K

    How Do You Calculate Maximum Theta Between Two Buildings in Related Rates?

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  31. L

    Coding a Bubble Sort routine using a pointer array

    I have been asked to code a Bubble Sort using a pointer array and pointer notation as opposed to the square bracket notation...(there should be two uses of square brackets when declaring the arrays). It will not work! :( Basically the data does not sort. I am trying to swap pointer array...
  32. S

    Fortran Debugging Merge Sort Program with Fortran 90

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  33. S

    Programs What sort of math classes should be taken for quantum theory/physics major?

    I'm beginning college winter semester, and am just curious what sort of math classes I would be most appropriate for understanding the mathematics behind quantum theory. I have several years background in cosmology and astronomy, however the subject of the quantum has just been to tantalizing to...
  34. arivero

    What message does the 1970 student hymn 'Gaudeamus Igitur' convey?

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  35. phoenixthoth

    What Are the Benefits of Taking MIT Online Courses?

  36. T

    Is There a Suitable Driver IC for Large 7-Segment Displays?

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  37. mbrmbrg

    A Different Sort of Arithmetic

    There's construction going on in my university, and I found some fascinating figures written on one of the walls (presumably by the construction workers). It looked like someone had gone to a lot of trouble to prove that 7*13=28. Actually, assuming you can play mix 'n' match with units and tens...
  38. S

    Medical Ummm, Do I Have Some Sort Of Condition?

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  39. M

    What sort of engineering should i do?

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  40. T

    What does the heat equation tell us about heat flow and energy balance?

    I'm considering a wall, using this equation: Q_P + \rho \cdot C_P \cdot \dot V\left( {T_O - T_R } \right) = U \cdot A\left( {T_R - T_O } \right) Where QP is added effect (an oven), \dot V is air-flow, and the rest should be self-explanatory. I'm just not sure what it tells me. The...
  41. H

    Selection Sort Program with Comparison and Swap Counter | Code Help

    Okay here's the deal I am writing a program so that i could put a counter into a selection sort and count the comparsions and the swaps but when i wrote thw code I get 4 error messages and I don't know why so here is the code if anyone can help it would be nice thank you #include <iostream.h>...
  42. recon

    What sort of spiral is traced out by each of the ants?

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  43. N

    So, is there any explanation for this?Why can't python do a numerical sort?

    No numerical sort in python ? I was really surprised to see that python can't do such an elementary operation! I am trying to do a numerical sort in python on an array. I am using python for windows (DOS). In perl you can simply write sort{$a<=>$b}@a and this will sort it according to the...
  44. D

    An odd sort of symmetry about E=MC^2

    You sacrifice mass to create energy (energy is just mass with a velocity), and the faster mass moves (relativity) the more massive the mass gets, is there some sort of significance to that? I hate riddles.
  45. A

    Find the Fastest Sort Method with O(n*log(n)) Time Complexity

    I know that the fastest sort has O(n*log(n)) but I can't figure out what it is! Here's what I have... Use a tree structure: place the first value in the tree. If the next is less than the first, move the first to a child position and place the next in the main position. Otherwise just put...
  46. S

    Is This a Compton Scattering Example of a Gamma Ray Photon?

    A photon of frequency \nu collides elastically with an electron at rest. The phton loses half its nergy in the collision an its final path makes a 60 degree angle with the original path. What is \nu ? what sort of photon is this? Well this is obviously the compton effect \lambda_{1} -...
  47. A

    Randomized Quick Sort: Code & Run Time

    My textbook has the following code as a Quick Sort. It also discusses a randomized quick sort which should have a faster run time, but doesn't show the code for it. What would the code be like? Is only the pivot changed? void quickSortStep(Sequence& S, int leftBound, int rightBound) {...
  48. N

    Waves of any sort do not transfer mass

    Ive read that waves of any sort do not transfer mass, but only transfer energy. My question is why do I then float towards shore when at a beach and in the water. :rolleyes:
  49. O

    What sort of entities in dimensions?

    Michio Kaku explained his vision about dimensions wrapped in Plank dimensions billions of times smaller than proton. Explains about Dali's and Picasso's artistic point of view. With all do respect I wrote a personal letter that I ignore if reached destiny or he ever read it but he is setting the...
  50. S

    How Many Electrons & Charge in 2 Grams of Silver?

    Ok i have a rather simple question at hand: 1 gram of Siliver has 5.58x10^21 atoms and each sliver atom has 47 electrons : How many electrons are in 2 grams of sliver... This is easy enough, all i did was take 5.58x10^21 and multiply 2 and then divided that number by 47 and got: 2.37447...