What is Physics: Definition and 990 Discussions

Physics (from Ancient Greek: φυσική (ἐπιστήμη), romanized: physikḗ (epistḗmē), lit. 'knowledge of nature', from φύσις phýsis 'nature') is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Over much of the past two millennia, physics, chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics were a part of natural philosophy, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century these natural sciences emerged as unique research endeavors in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms studied by other sciences and suggest new avenues of research in academic disciplines such as mathematics and philosophy.
Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism, solid-state physics, and nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.

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  1. B

    I Understanding cymatics physics

    Cymatics devices using sand allow us to create shapes with sound. Do you know if those shapes depend on the density and the size of the plate? Thank you
  2. themethetion

    Projectile Motion Using Vectors

    TL;DR Summary: Using vector functions how can I find the minimum average velocity (something greater than 11.86m/s) of a ball if the launch angle is unknown and if I have a point that the object must travel through (11.86, 3.47)? In my assignment, I developed a function for a lob shot...
  3. F

    Magnitude of the Line Charge Density of a Power Line

    Okay so I am a little confused as to where I made a mistake. I couldn't figure out how to program Latex into this website but I attached a file with the work I did and an explanation of my thought process along the way.
  4. cwill53

    I Gradient With Respect to a Set of Coordinates

    In physics there is a notation ##\nabla_i U## to refer to the gradient of the scalar function ##U## with respect to the coordinates of the ##i##-th particle, or whatever the case may be. A question asks me to prove that $$\nabla_1U(\mathbf{r}_1- \mathbf{r}_2 )=-\nabla_2U(\mathbf{r}_1-...
  5. ryanpruette

    Solving a Puzzling Physics Problem: ##15 \pm 3\sqrt{15}##

    So this isn't actually a homework question, it's a question that was on the test I just took and I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried solving it three or four different ways, double checking everything, and I keep getting ##15 + 3\sqrt {15}## or ~26.6, which was not one of the...
  6. D

    B Why is there so much multplication in physics?

    i notice with physics, all the equations are a bunch of scrambled sentences or variables being multiplied together. why the multiplication for everything?
  7. Agongo 4

    Courses Becoming a Biomedical Engineer with a Bsc in Medical Physics

    Can I become a biomedical engineer after completing a Bsc in Medical Physics?
  8. G

    Programs Should I major in Physics & Astronomy or Physics & Math?

    I'm currently in my first year of a combined major in Physics and Astronomy. I'm hoping to study theoretical cosmology, and get a PhD in physics. I've been told it would be wise to get a double major in Physics and Math if I wish to study theory, but would it also be wise to get a combined major...
  9. P

    Easy Physics Calculations with C++: Making it Cross-Platform

    Hi. I wrote a little algorithm that calculates some physics equations for education purposes and it's in C++. I'd like to make it avaiable by creating a website and put that code in it so it either interprets the C++ code or preferrably works with an executable (but then how would it be...
  10. J

    B Car Crash Physics: Deceleration Calculations

    Hi, I was watching a documentary on car crashes and how designs are continually being optimised to keep passengers safe. They were saying how many ‘g’s’ certain crashes were based on crumple zones, seatbelt stretch etc. I was interested to do some number crunching to see how big the...
  11. enigmaticbacon

    How many capybaras does it take to move a Stonehenge rock?

    I’m writing a presentation for younger students explaining how science can help them satiate their curiosity in a fun way. This presentation’s goal is to apply as much science as possible to a ridiculous question in hopes of promoting STEM fields. My example is, how many capybaras --the world’s...
  12. kafka64

    Should I skip labs/experiments for Mathematical Physics program?

    I am attending University of Waterloo and my school will allow me to graduate as a Mathematical Physics major without taking any labs/experiment courses (in my school lab is not integrated to physics courses, they are separate courses with separate credits). This could be great because : -...
  13. filo

    Schools Need to decide whether to study Physics or Engineering

    I'm a 17 years old student and I can't choose between studying Physics or Engineering at university, any advice?
  14. DioMiner

    Why does this not work? Projectile Motion problem for Dynamics Class

    TL;DR Summary: I want to mainly figure out where in the problem solving I went wrong. I understand the correct answer (since I looked it up), but to me, it does not make any sense. I am honestly stumped at this point. Online solutions say that my equation y = 0.5774x-0.003354x^2 should...
  15. tanaygupta2000

    Astrophysics research at ISRO in India?

    TL;DR Summary: Theoretical astrophysics research status in ISRO, India I am from India and want to be an astrophysicist serving my nation. Whenever I check about any ISRO news, it is always about some engineering achievements, like the launch vehicle and never about pure theoretical research...
  16. yezia

    Physics Are physicists good in EVERY branch of physics?

    Hi all, I've been pondering over this question for a long time. Of course physicists are specialists in a specific branch (even in those branches, sometimes they specialize themselves in an ultra-specific sub-branch) in which they produce research. I've noticed some professors at my uni...
  17. J

    Nobody understands quantum physics?

    Listen just 1 minute, what does it mean when he said nobody understand quantum mechanics? This sound like comedy
  18. Vectronix

    B Quantum Physics and Atomic Physics

    I think Atomic physics gets into specific examples and experiments but I think I’m probably wrong. So, I have to ask, what is atomic physics and how is it different than quantum physics?
  19. B

    Courses I want a PhD in Physics, having a Bachelor in math

    I know that I need to satisfy the core requirements for a Bachelor's in physics and I have the ability and desire to do it. I live in California.. Here, and I believe almost everywhere, public universities do not allowe enrollment in a second Bachelor's, even online. Private universities are...
  20. confusedandroid

    Studying How should I actually be studying during my undergrad physics course?

    im a first year physics student near half way through the year and I still cant get to grips with what how im supposed to study. I try to rewrite my lecture notes using the textbook as the lectures seem to miss out a fair bit of information (and we were told to do this), but this takes me so...
  21. Bruh23

    The Physics of Light and Sound

    I brought time over to the other side and multiplied to get 686 m/s but that wasn't correct
  22. A

    Studying Question about studying physics

    Hello everyone. I have question about studying of quantum mechanics. My university program isn't good and universities lectures can't help me and I situation next that I should study physics use alone and use materials from internet. I tried do that but I understand that my level of math isn't...
  23. lucija_z

    Programs Pursuing a Master's in Physics After an Architecture Degree

    hi, is it possible after a bachelor's degree in architecture to pursue a master's degree in physics and how?
  24. Muu9

    Intro Physics Physics textbook recommendation for young gifted child

    They've gone through calculus (Essential Calculus by Stewart) but haven't had a formal physics class yet (but a lot of pop-physics reading). I recommended Thinking Physics followed by Conceptual Physics by Hewitt, followed by a meaty calc-based book like Krane or YF, but I wonder if an easy...
  25. nish95

    Crosswind problem (pgs. 34-35, Thinking Physics, 3rd edition)

    Hi everyone, I was looking to develop my physical insight when I encountered this book by Lewis Caroll Epstein. For the crosswind problem, I couldn't understand the author's explanation; in particular, his concept of "artificial wind," and the force being larger in this case than the previous...
  26. M

    Silvaco: "simulator has unexpectedly exited with status -1073741819"

    Hello, I am simulating the process of NMOS construction. as you know, in order to make the LDD, we need two implantations, one before creating oxide spacer and another after creating oxide spacer. at the last implantation, I am facing an error which is shown in the following image: I put...
  27. tetrahed

    Other Do I need a physics degree to get into a physics graduate program?

    I know this might be a stupid question, but I am serious. Some of my friends are in graduate programs not much related to their major (a number of my friends majored in math but are in computer science grad programs, and vice versa), so I am curious whether the same holds for physics. In my...
  28. M

    Lorentzian line profile of emitted radiation

    First of all i tried to follow the textbook. Here they start of by modelling the atom as an harmonic oscilator: Then they find the solution as: They neglect the second term as omega_0 >> gamma which also makes good sense so they end up with: So far so good. After this they state the...
  29. S

    I Intuition for why linear algebra is needed in quantum physics

    I'm watching a nice video that tries to explain how linear algebra enters the picture in quantum physics. A quick summary: Classical physics requires that physical quantities are single-valued and vary smoothly as they evolve in time. So a natural way to model classical physical quantities is...
  30. PeterDonis

    I Physics Error in Larry Niven's "Neutron Star

    In the short story "Neutron Star" by Larry Niven, the narrator, Beowulf Shaeffer, is piloting a spaceship on a hyperbolic orbit that is supposed to make a close approach to a neutron star. He says at one point that he sees incoming light from distant stars blueshifted in all directions, and...
  31. Camden

    Torque on two pillars (introductory physics problem)

    One image is attached is the question and the other is my attempt. I believe the pillars would have a downward force of 11760N applied to each pillar since they are spaced an equal distance apart. Now the tricky bit is when Torque comes into play. I believe I need to find the distance the car...
  32. rcgldr

    I Exploring the Physics of a Self-Balancing Electric Unicycle

    A self-balancing electric unicycle consists of a frame+pedals that the rider stands on, a motor where the stator is attached to the frame+pedals, and a rotor which is attached to the wheel+tire. An EUC is similar to an inverted pendulum: the EUC frame is free to rotate about its axis, limited...
  33. malawi_glenn

    Other Collection of Free Online Physics Books and Lecture Notes (Part 2)

    This is part 2 of my thread Collection of Free Online Math Books and Lecture Notes Here, we will consider physics and mathematical methods for physics resources. Now, this is a work in progress. Please feel free comment regarding items you want to be included, or if a link is broken etc. Note...
  34. ThiagoMNobrega

    A What is the biggest problem to be solved in Quantum Physics in 2023?

    Hey everyone, A quick question that I hope all can participate: In your educated opinion, what is the biggest question or the biggest problem to be solved in quantum mechanics for 2023? Warm regards, Thiago Munhoz da Nóbrega
  35. M

    Physics Book Recommendations for Self-Study at Undergraduate Level?

    TL;DR Summary: Physics book recommendation Hi everyone, I just found this site and I'm thankful for that. I want to study Physics as a pure science but in my city there is no bachelors degree, so I want to study by myself if it's possible. I just don't know where to start or what books should...
  36. N

    Building My Physics Intuition: Seeking Good Simulations

    TL;DR Summary: Seeking good simulations to build my intuition Hi everyone, I am currently teaching myself classical mechanics, and am 3/4 of the way through "Vibrations and Waves," a textbook from 1971 which was used in the MIT course. It's going okay - I feel like I have a decent grasp of...
  37. W

    Job Skills How do you become a physics teacher in highschool or gymnasium school?

    Hi,I'm a student in Romania and I want to know the steps for becoming a physics teacher. Do you need a master degree or can you teach with a bachelor's degree?
  38. jim mcnamara

    Uh-oh The movies and "quantum physics" as they see it....

    This trend is likely to drive a lot of misguided threads on science forums - IMO. Trend: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/multiverse-movies-newfound-popularity/index.html
  39. yezia

    Which MSc to do after BSc physics if you love to code?

    Hi everyone! Merry christmas first and I hope you're getting great rest with close ones around :) Well, as title may suggest it, I will graduate soon in physics and I'm not sure of the next step in my academic curriculum. I like theoretical physics, I've touched upon most fondamental physics...
  40. Demystifier

    Can ChatGPT Handle Complex Physics Questions Accurately?

    I have tried ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence system, to ask hard questions. Me: What's the best interpretation of quantum mechanics? ChatGPT: Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic scale. It is a...
  41. R

    Equations of State in Modern Classical Physics (Thorne/Blandford)

    TL;DR Summary: Questions regarding the book "Modern Classical Physics" by Thorne/Blandford Hello, I'm going through this book and on pg. 127, regarding equations of state, there is a parameter, t (explicitly stated: "not to be confused with time"), that uses hyperbolic functions to relate the...
  42. Flannel

    Force Field Experiments: Realistic Physics Questions

    Hello everyone! Events in my current webnovel have reached the limit of confidence in my physics reasoning, so I'm here to ask for confirmation of my estimates of what would happen from experimentation with force fields. While the setting is fantasy/magic based rather than superscience, I still...
  43. M

    Any texts on the pleasure of studying physics?

    As a hobbyist, studying physics is deeply pleasurable. Yet, I never seem to find anyone discussing this? Discussions on the merits of learning physics always focus on its practical utilites. Are you aware of any books or articles where physicists discuss the deep pleasures that come from...
  44. paulb203

    B Very basic acceleration problem (from a video on The Physics Classroom website)

    I'm confused after 2 minutes of this video on acceleration; It starts with telling us that a car acclerates at 8m/s/s for 5 seconds. Then it gives a data chart which includes the car's position at each time interval. The data is as follows. O seconds; O metres 1 second; 4 metres 2 seconds; 16...
  45. V

    What's the chemistry behind a semiconductor?

    This is a confusing subject for me. It's like only getting half of the story. Reading physics but not understanding how it works in chemistry makes it nonsense to me. Imagine we are creating a silicon-based semiconductor. They have covalent bonds between them, with each silicon atom having four...
  46. Ahmed1029

    Should I submit an outlandish physics idea that feels right?

    I'm curious to get people's opinions about whether this is interesting enough to write up for submission. I arrived at a set of coordinate transformations that are different from the Lorentz transformations, but which produce a coherent mechanical framework. It gives a very beautiful physical...
  47. qntm

    Physics Medical Physics: is it worth it?

    Hi all, I've been working in healthcare in some capacity for 10+ years now and started school a little later than your average undergraduate (started at 26). I caught the math bug and did well in my lower-division mathematics and physics courses and I am currently finishing up Classical...
  48. M

    I want to learn particle physics

    How did you find PF?: Google Search I am in 8th grade and 10 hours a day free time and i am highly motivated to learn some particle physics. What should i start with?
  49. S

    Deciding between physics and mathematics

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, so if not sorry in advance. I am a second-year physics major, thinking of switching to mathematics. I have always been interested in both, but I could never be sure whether I could become a mathematician. Understanding physics was...