What is Exponential: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, the exponential function is the function





{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x},}
where e = 2.71828... is Euler's constant.
More generally, an exponential function is a function of the form





{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{x},}
where b is a positive real number, and the argument x occurs as an exponent. For real numbers c and d, a function of the form




{\displaystyle f(x)=ab^{cx+d}}
is also an exponential function, since it can be rewritten as
















{\displaystyle ab^{cx+d}=\left(ab^{d}\right)\left(b^{c}\right)^{x}.}
The exponential function




{\displaystyle f(x)=e^{x}}
is sometimes called the natural exponential function for distinguishing it from the other exponential functions. The study of any exponential function can easily be reduced to that of the natural exponential function, since








{\displaystyle ab^{x}=ae^{x\ln b}}
As functions of a real variable, exponential functions are uniquely characterized by the fact that the growth rate of such a function (that is, its derivative) is directly proportional to the value of the function. The constant of proportionality of this relationship is the natural logarithm of the base b:











{\displaystyle {\frac {d}{dx}}b^{x}=b^{x}\log _{e}b.}
For b > 1, the function



{\displaystyle b^{x}}
is increasing (as depicted for b = e and b = 2), because




{\displaystyle \log _{e}b>0}
makes the derivative always positive; while for b < 1, the function is decreasing (as depicted for b = 1/2); and for b = 1 the function is constant.
The constant e = 2.71828... is the unique base for which the constant of proportionality is 1, so that the function is its own derivative:

This function, also denoted as exp x, is called the "natural exponential function", or simply "the exponential function". Since any exponential function can be written in terms of the natural exponential as









{\displaystyle b^{x}=e^{x\log _{e}b}}
, it is computationally and conceptually convenient to reduce the study of exponential functions to this particular one. The natural exponential is hence denoted by

The former notation is commonly used for simpler exponents, while the latter is preferred when the exponent is a complicated expression. The graph of




{\displaystyle y=e^{x}}
is upward-sloping, and increases faster as x increases. The graph always lies above the x-axis, but becomes arbitrarily close to it for large negative x; thus, the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote. The equation








{\displaystyle {\tfrac {d}{dx}}e^{x}=e^{x}}
means that the slope of the tangent to the graph at each point is equal to its y-coordinate at that point. Its inverse function is the natural logarithm, denoted


{\displaystyle \log ,}


{\displaystyle \ln ,}




{\displaystyle \log _{e};}
because of this, some old texts refer to the exponential function as the antilogarithm.
The exponential function satisfies the fundamental multiplicative identity (which can be extended to complex-valued exponents as well):

It can be shown that every continuous, nonzero solution of the functional equation


{\displaystyle f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)}
is an exponential function,









{\displaystyle f:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} ,\ x\mapsto b^{x},}



{\displaystyle b\neq 0.}
The multiplicative identity, along with the definition




{\displaystyle e=e^{1}}
, shows that








{\displaystyle e^{n}=\underbrace {e\times \cdots \times e} _{n{\text{ factors}}}}
for positive integers n, relating the exponential function to the elementary notion of exponentiation.
The argument of the exponential function can be any real or complex number, or even an entirely different kind of mathematical object (e.g., matrix).
The ubiquitous occurrence of the exponential function in pure and applied mathematics has led mathematician W. Rudin to opine that the exponential function is "the most important function in mathematics". In applied settings, exponential functions model a relationship in which a constant change in the independent variable gives the same proportional change (i.e., percentage increase or decrease) in the dependent variable. This occurs widely in the natural and social sciences, as in a self-reproducing population, a fund accruing compound interest, or a growing body of manufacturing expertise. Thus, the exponential function also appears in a variety of contexts within physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematical biology, and economics.

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  1. K

    What is the doubling time for bacteria growth in an exponential model?

    I feel like I'm doing everything correctly but my answer for (b) doesn't make any sense. Assume that bacteria in aculture grows according to an exponential growth model. If the number of bacteria grows from 50 to 1000 in 12 hours: a)How many bacteria will be present after 18 hours? b)How...
  2. S

    Exponential functions, and complex numbers

    hey I am doing some questions outta a txt book, i sort of understand complex numbers, like multiplying and dividing, .. The question asks to rearrange for z, e^(iz) = i - 1 im not sure what to do with the exponential function. thanks for the help
  3. G

    Natural Exponential Function Problems

    Homework Statement 10(1 + e-x)-1=3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm supposed to solve for x, but I don't know how to go about this. I tried dividing the 3 by the 10, but after that I don't know what to do. I believe I should use ln on both side, but that's after...
  4. D

    Is Euler's Formula Enough to Prove Trigonometry in Complex Analysis?

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  5. D

    Product of Exponential Form (easy)

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  6. A

    Limits involving exponential functions

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  7. A

    Analytic solution to an exponential integral

    Hello, I am trying to find an analytic solution to the following: \int_{-1}^{1}\exp(-p\sqrt{1-x^{2}}-qx)dx where p,q > 0. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  8. K

    Solve Exponential Function: Expansion of e^x & Sin/Cos x

    Homework Statement This topic is under linear system differential equation.Solve the system by using exponential method. Just want to ask the expansion of exponential function Homework Equations e^x=1+x+(x^2)/2!+(x^3)/3!+... The Attempt at a Solution then how about the e^(-x)=...
  9. K

    Solve Exponential Function: e^x, e^(-1), Sin x, Cos x

    Homework Statement This topic is under linear system differential equation.Solve the system by using exponential method. Just want to ask the expansion of exponential function Homework Equations e^x=1+x+(x^2)/2!+(x^3)/3!+... The Attempt at a Solution then how about the e^(-1)=...
  10. Z

    Difficult exponential equation

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  11. Z

    Question about simple algebraic exponential property

    I haven't been taking math for 3 years so I have a question about the following: is 14m6n2 the same as 2mn x 7m5n basically asking this because I am not sure whether or not I can factor the terms out like this if this information is insufficient I can post the whole problem. Thanks in advance.
  12. N

    Finding the Analytic Expression for Exponential of a Tensor Product Matrix

    Will anyone help me to find out the analytic expression of the following 2^N\times2^N exponential? exp[t(X\otimes X\otimes I\ldots\otimes I+I\otimes X\otimes X\otimes I\ldots\otimes I+\ldots+I\otimes I\otimes\ldots I \otimes X \otimes X+X\otimes I\ldots I\otimes X)], where...
  13. D

    Challenging integral with exponential functions

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  14. J

    Exponential relationships to logarithms and straight line graph?

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  15. B

    Problem differentiating exponential function in Maxima

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  16. T

    Is This Sum Exponential in 2n?

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  17. T

    Exponential map of a lie group

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  18. S

    Solving Exponential Equations: Homework Statement & Solution

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  19. C

    Operator in exponential function and generating function

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  20. E

    Finding PDF of Z: X_1, X_2 Exponential RVs

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  21. F

    Evaluating an exponential of a really large negative number

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  22. R

    How Do You Calculate Compound Interest for Investment Growth?

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  23. R

    Exponential growth problem (at least I think it is)

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  24. P

    Exponential Growth for Pre-Calculus

    Hi everyone. My final is coming up for Precalc, and I'm studying my butt off. I was really needing help with this Exponential Growth Equation to find variable t. 8.0e^(.033t) = 59.8e^(.001t) (8 times e to the .033t equals 59.8 times e to the .001t) I would greatly appreciate this...
  25. P

    Exponential of a tridiagonal symmetric matrix

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  26. A

    Reliability question with exponential distribution

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  27. F

    Why the at term on the exponential turned positive

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  28. P

    Limit involving exponential function question

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  29. P

    Solving Exponential Form Homework: sinh(3x)=3sinh(x)+4sinh^3(x)

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  30. R

    Exponential Function: Multiplier for e^-x

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  31. R

    Real analysis with exponential functions; given f(x) = f'(x)

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  32. J

    Integration of exponential function

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  33. T

    Matrix Exponential: Solve Homework Equation w/ Initial Condition

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  34. E

    How to solve 2nd order non-linear DE with exponential

    Hi, Does anyone knows how to solve this 2nd order non linear differential equation with exponential components? d"V/dx" = A*exp(-B*V)-C*exp(B*V) where A, B, C are constants. Thanks
  35. D

    Having trouble differentiating exponential equations

    Homework Statement L(t)=15(0.5^(t/26)) Find the rate of L, when t=60 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution L'(t) = (15/26)(1/2)^(t/26)ln(1/2) L'(60)=(15/26)(1/2)^(60/26)ln(1/2) = -0.08 Did I do this right? If I did it wrong, please say where, I am having great...
  36. B

    Need help finding exponential matrix e^AT

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  37. E

    Solving this exponential equation

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  38. J

    Exponential Growth in Species A and B: Solving for Initial Grams

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  39. F

    Integrating Exponential Functions - Solving by Parts

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  40. M

    Solving exponential simultaneous equations

    Homework Statement The actual problem shows a graph however I can state all the information. The graph is of a sinusiodal waveform where the amplitude is decaying exponentially. The formula for the graph is given by the equation: T = Ae-Ktsin(wt + ø) The question is to find A,K,w and ø...
  41. Z

    Difficult integral involving exponential

    Homework Statement I'm trying to verify the Fourier transform but am getting stuck on the integration. Here is the pair: f(x) = e^{-ax^2} \hat{f}(k) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2a}}e^{-k^2/4a} a>0 Homework Equations I know that \hat{f}(k)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x)e^{ikx}dx The Attempt at a...
  42. M

    Differentiating natural logs and exponential functions?

    Hey all, I'm really having a hard time figuring out a couple of problems in which I have to differentiate: 1: \frac{e^3^x}{\ln x} I just don't know how to put it together... I know that e^3^x is 3e^3^x, and I know that you can't different \ln x, so I don't know what to do from there...
  43. N

    How Can You Solve the Equation 3^x + x = 4?

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  44. H

    An exponential growth/decay word problem. If spraying of grasshoppers

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  45. J

    Exponential Population Growth: 1970-1980

    Homework Statement The population of a country is growing exponentially. The population in millions was 120 in 1970 and 150 in 1980. (a) What is the population t years after 1970? (b) How long does it take the population to double? (c) When will the population be 400 million...
  46. P

    The Exponential Atmosphere: How Pressure and Density Vary with Altitude

    Homework Statement a. Consider a horizontal slab of air whose thickness (height) is dz. If this slab is at rest, the pressure holding it up from below must balance both the pressure from above and the weight of the slab. Use this fact to find an expression for dP/dz, the variation of...
  47. G

    Combining exponential distributions

    Suppose I have several exponentially distributed random variables, each of them representing the probability that some particular event occurs within some amount of time. I can't seem to come up with any intuition as to how to combine those density functions (or distribution functions) to...
  48. K

    High order derivitative of exponential function

    I am looking a formula to compute the derivitative of e^{a x^2} with respect to x n times, where a is a constant. \frac{d^n}{dx^n}e^{a x^2} I am going to find the result of above derivitative when x -> 0.
  49. 6

    Exponential Distribution and probability

    Homework Statement The time between calls to a corporate office is exponentially distributed with a mean of 10 minutes. What is the probability that there are more than three calls in one-half hour? Homework Equations F(x) = P(X <= x) = 1 - e^-(lamba*x) The Attempt at a Solution...