What is Example: Definition and 878 Discussions

The domain names example.com, example.net, example.org, and example.edu are second-level domain names in the Domain Name System of the Internet. They are reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) at the direction of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as special-use domain names for documentation purposes. The domain names are used widely in books, tutorials, sample network configurations, and generally as examples for the use of domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) operates web sites for these domains with content that reflects their purpose.

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  1. I

    Infinite Set S w/ Least Upper Bound & Acc. Point - Example?

    I want to know some examples of an infinite set S with a least upper bound that is not an accumulation point of S. Is this an example... (-oo, 10]?
  2. DaTario

    Classical example that presents quantum aspects

    Hi All, I think most of you are acquainted with that logical question concerning two guards, one of them always says lies while the other always says the truth. Each one of these guards stands in front of one door...one of these two doors is the door of GOOD and the other, the door of EVIL...
  3. A

    How to Find the Numbers M and N in This AS Math Example?

    Find the numbers M and N such that: 5+4x -x^2 = m - (x - n)^2 for all real values of x. If someone could work this out, Then ill show my workings and ask questions (its to do with the arrangements of N^2 after expanding brackets mainly. Thanks in advanced, ASMATHSHELPME
  4. M

    News Small example of American propaganda in the works

    This from cnn today: http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/07/25/military.release/index.html
  5. N

    Lingusitics Helen Keller example Is it possible to think without a language?

    is it possible to think without a language? Helen Keller knew nothing about language until the age of 16 when she began to speak. To any deaf and mute person, language would not be a medium of thought, or would it? My Father says he thinks in pictures, but to me that in a way makes no sense...
  6. J

    Pure and not pure states, an example

    Hi there, I was looking at a problem, where the state (a pure state) of a two-particle system was given as: | \Psi> = A_{11}| a_1 b_1 > + A_{12} | a_1 b_2> + A_{21} | a_2 b_1> + A_{22} | a_2 b_2> In the system particle a can only be in the states a_1 or a_2 and particle b in b_1 or...
  7. tony873004

    Is Frame Dragging an Example of a Gravity Wave?

    Is Frame Dragging an Example of a Gravity Wave?
  8. R

    How do we apply the Friedman solution to a fluid with constant pressure and energy density?

    Looking at the Friedman solution for a fluid with a given pressure and energy density, we have: H^2 = \left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right)^2 = \frac{8 \pi G}{3}\rho + \frac{\Lambda}{3} - \frac{k}{a^2} Would someone mind walking me through how we arrive at a? Rev Prez
  9. L

    Example of only a single force occurence?

    Is this possible? I have been struggling with the following question, which is an assignment from my physics professor. Any help would be wonderful, thank you... Is it possible to have a naturally occurring situation where an object/element/particle is being acted upon by only a single...
  10. C

    Insufficient example, Einstein's gedanken: lamp in the box

    I do not here state that srt or it's applications would be wrong but simply I wish to bring out a faulty example. In the text box I carried about a year ago, the following "thought-experiment" and example were brought to support the mass-energy equivalence: --- Einstein's gedanken, the lamp...
  11. A

    Help needed in a particular example of Thevenin case

    I tried every which way, but am getting a wrong answer for the Thevenin equivalent voltage in the following circuit. I tried Norton too, but got a different answer and neither of them matches the correct answer from the book. Please help me :redface: ... I'm too frustrated :( Here's the...
  12. C

    Factorial in example problem, I'm confused

    I'm confused from one step to the next in the book. In the first step, they have (n+1)! then in the next step the write that as (n+1)n! so (n+1)! = (n+1)n! ? I don't understand that, can someone explain it to me ? ( I am very unfamiliar with factorials, this is like some...
  13. J

    Tell me one beneficial mutation example - if there is

    i always hear the same examples; antibiotics resistance of bacteria, ddt , anemia examples…. These are all invalid. Just please tell me one valid example of beneficial mutation if there is. Also backup your example please. By the way i suggest you to check this before you write...
  14. C

    Understanding the Limit of Sin7x/4x as x Approaches 0

    You're asked to find lim x-->0 sin7x / 4x The part of this example that I don't understand the most is how they get 1 out of sin7x/7x when x-->0. Sorry about the ridiculously small image. The dimension restrictions are ridiculous, and I didn't notice that the image didn't attach properly...
  15. Nebula

    Continuous Nowhere, Continuous Everywhere: Tricky Function Example [0,1] Domain

    I was asked to find a function that is continuous nowhere but its square is continuous everywhere but 0. The domain of the function is [0,1]. I can't come up with an example... Any help is appreaciated. Thanks
  16. Loren Booda

    Your outstanding example for explaining physics

    What specific physics best represents a comprehensive introduction to the overall subject? For instance, Richard Feynman used to say that the two-slit experiment was most basic for knowing quantum mechanics.
  17. D

    Example of a Gas Producing Reaction

    Does anyone know an example of a reaction which produces gas?
  18. N

    Splitting a Matrix with Choleski Method: A Simple Example

    Hi, Could anybody describe a procedure for splitting a matrix using a choleski method? Could anyone show this on a simple example: Let's say we have a matrix A: [2 1 0 0] [1 2 1 0] [0 1 2 1] [0 0 1 2] and matrix b: [1] [0] [0] [1] How to get x: Ax = b using abovementioned method?
  19. R

    Particular Integral of arctan example

    I know for a fact that \int \frac{(du)}{(a^2 + u^2)} = \frac{1}{a} \cdot arctan \frac{u}{a} + C I was given the problem of solving the indefinite integral of \int \frac{(dx)}{(2x^2 + 2x + 5)} First, I multiplied the integral by (1/2) / (1/2) to eliminate the coefficient of...
  20. O

    Understanding P -> Q: An Example

    In the statement P -> Q , Q is necessary for P. I just don't get it ,why don't we say P is necessary for Q, can you illustrate it in an example ? :redface:
  21. T

    Pronouncing Spinors: A Self-Adjoint QM & GR Example

    Self Adjoint very nicely gave me an example when QM doesn't work with GR using something called Spinors which define quantum mechanical particles. i was wondering how exactly is spinors pronounced Is it like spinners umm like the rims lol :) ? Sorry for the odd question, I just don't...
  22. A

    Find Domain of (F∘G)(x): Example

    Questoin...I have allways done these by evaluating (F 0f G)(x) ...then finding the domain of G and then useing a graphing calculator to find the domain of the whole thing as a function. My question is how do you algebracially fine the domain of the function after you find the domain of G int the...
  23. S

    Example of Levenberg-Marquardt-Method

    Hi, I've to cope a little problem concerning general nonlinear regression. To cut a long story short: I've got a very complicated function y=f(a,x), and a lot of measured values for x and y. The goal is to fit the free parameter a. Therefor, I wrote a simple c++ program that calculates the...
  24. M

    Solving 'How Much Solution' Problems: Minoxidil Example

    Help with one of those "how much solution to equal a percentage of acid" problems! undefinedundefinedundefined My problem seems to be in just how to set up the table. Once I get the figures plugged in, I can seem to work the problem. The question asks: Minoxidil is a drug that has...
  25. G

    Real world example for derivatives

    hey guys, i failed calc last year and got a bad grade in physics. But i still want to learn about both. My question is about deratives. I have yet to find a real world example and how to apply the formulas to it. I've hurd that the curvature (dunno if that's a word) of on/off freeway ramps...
  26. M

    What are some examples of Newton's third law in action?

    hi...my teacher has offered an optional project of creating something that used Newton's third law.. I've been trying to think of something but i don't have any ideas... i have to make something .. and umm it can't be a fan on wheel blowing against a wall because that's the example in the book...
  27. P

    Good example of artificial selection

    http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/scienc...n.ap/index.html I think this provides a good example of how genetic codes can be altered to produce dramatic changes in a species. Much in the same way that cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts all were derived (evolved) from a...
  28. T

    Agebraic example of U-Substitution?

    Could someone please show me a very easy agebraic example of U-Substitution?