Random annoyance at modern colloquial language.

In summary, the language of kids today is terrible. Kids today tend to use colloquialisms that have negative meanings instead of expanding their vocabulary. "This is the $#!t" and "cold as hell" are two examples of this.
  • #71
I wanted to put a picket fence around my house...I think it would look really good. But I don't see another single house in the entire neighborhood with a fence in the front yard. One of these days I'll have to check on the zoning laws, because it just seems too odd nobody else would have a fence otherwise. I probably should replace the falling down split rail fence in the backyard first anyway.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #72
I have a hammer
  • #74
tribdog said:
I have a hammer

See, just goes to show what you know about fences. Fences get screwed together (at least modern ones). Of course split rail fences just get rails slipped in holes.
  • #75
Moonbear said:
See, just goes to show what you know about fences. Fences get screwed together (at least modern ones). Of course split rail fences just get rails slipped in holes.
Oh yeah, keep talking dirty to me baby. I'm getting so turned on.
  • #76
tribdog said:
Oh yeah, keep talking dirty to me baby. I'm getting so turned on.

Dirty? Yeah, you can't help but get a bit dirty when putting up fences. o:)
  • #77
Moonbear said:
See, just goes to show what you know about fences. Fences get screwed together (at least modern ones).
My fence didn't get screwed, it got nailed. :biggrin:
  • #78
was it a split tail..rail.split rail fence?
  • #79
Evo said:
My fence didn't get screwed, it got nailed. :biggrin:

I thought you said it was too long ago to remember. :smile:
  • #80
Moonbear said:
I thought you said it was too long ago to remember. :smile:
It was, and based on how things are going, I may never get my memory refreshed. :cry:
  • #81
How did we transition from raping the language to banging our fences ? :confused:
  • #82
Gokul43201 said:
How did we transition from raping the language to banging our fences ? :confused:

Evolution of language I guess. That, or we're all a bunch of lonely people who haven't had sex in a very long time. :smile:
  • #83
this could be a new case of language rape.
"Hey tribdog. What did you and Moonbear do last night?"
"A gentleman never divulges"
"C'mon you can tell me. Did you fencer her?"
"Can you keep a secret?"
"YOU DID! You fencered her didn't you?"
"Her entire property was properly enclosed. And believe me when I say I gated her community."
"you are such a lucky smeglefrong"
"No dismastitus, buddy, no dismastitus."
  • #84
tribdog said:
this could be a new case of language rape.
"Hey tribdog. What did you and Moonbear do last night?"
"A gentleman never divulges"
"C'mon you can tell me. Did you fencer her?"
"Can you keep a secret?"
"YOU DID! You fencered her didn't you?"
"Her entire property was properly enclosed. And believe me when I say I gated her community."
"you are such a lucky smeglefrong"
"No dismastitus, buddy, no dismastitus."

:eek: I thought you weren't going to tell anyone! And here you are perfangling my reputation in public! What a slegedder you are! Go fencer yourself!

  • #85
perfangling your reputation? maybe if you didn't show everyone your niptottles then you wouldn't have anything to gish about.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, baby. I've been a real ik about all this. I'll try to be more lippyzipped in the future.
  • #86
tribdog said:
perfangling your reputation? maybe if you didn't show everyone your niptottles then you wouldn't have anything to gish about.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, baby. I've been a real ik about all this. I'll try to be more lippyzipped in the future.

Oh, fluffpuddle, you know I can't stay bliddo at you for long. Let's fencer and make up.
  • #87
You're making me cheekypink. When did you become such a pantsidrop?
  • #88
:smile: I can't stop laughing! My sides are hurting. I'm trying to figure out why "fluffpuddle" is the first term of "endearment" to come to mind. :smile:
  • #89
lol, I know that my smeglefrong and dismastitus were simply good sounding, but after that I started puting a bit more thought into the words. pantsidrop took me at least 3 minutes to think of.
To bad none of these words will make it into English language. I took a real shot at getting rowful and el mayo accepted, but they didn't catch on. I also came up with two words to describe cybersex chatting, premature exclamation and oralgasms. they didn't catch on either.
  • #90
tribdog said:
lol, I know that my smeglefrong and dismastitus were simply good sounding, but after that I started puting a bit more thought into the words. pantsidrop took me at least 3 minutes to think of.
To bad none of these words will make it into English language. I took a real shot at getting rowful and el mayo accepted, but they didn't catch on. I also came up with two words to describe cybersex chatting, premature exclamation and oralgasms. they didn't catch on either.

:smile: I like those - premature exclamation and oralgasms. They ought to catch on.

I think I'm understanding why kids mangle the language...it's fun! :smile:
  • #91
! Dubya !

Lets not forget the contributions that our beloved Dubya has made. Hispanically speaking, we should be cautious of our strategeries. "This is historic times" and "This is an historic times" are also examples of modern colloquial grammar.


In addition to the "gangsta" references, there is also the popular "thug" reference. Now everyone wants to be a thug, and its connotation has shifted from being petty to being cool. But then again, that is probably inline with the "gangsta" references. There is also the cryptic "fo' shizzle my nizzle" phrase...
  • #92
Without grammar rules, we couldn't have had nearly so much fun playing with words last night. If we just randomly threw made-up words into a sentence that had no structure, it would have been very hard to figure out the meaning of those words, or even whether they were nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. Once you know the rules, you can then take license to break the rules, which can be quite a lot of fun!
  • #93
you rebel you
  • #94
tribdog said:
you rebel you

That's me. The school librarian would tremble behind the circulation desk when I walked in ready to brutalize the language for the sake of entertainment. :-p

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