What is Textbook: Definition and 998 Discussions

A textbook is a book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it. Textbook are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools. Today, many textbooks are published in both print and digital formats.

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  1. Y

    What Are the Best Textbooks for a Comprehensive 3-Year BSc Physics Course?

    I like reading. I am currently in alevels but I find the physics and most of the maths easy, some of the further maths takes a bit of thinking. Are there any textbooks that cover the majority of the 3 year bsc physics course in a readable way. Thank you.
  2. ZetaOfThree

    Studying Balancing reading the textbook and working problems

    Obviously, it is important to work lots of problems when learning math and physics. At the same time, it's useless if you haven't learned the material from reading the textbook sections. I can see two extreme approaches to studying out of a textbook. The first is reading the textbook extremely...
  3. F

    Is freshmen-level "all-physics" text worth buying/having as an advanced student?

    A senior engineering student would like to have a copy of calculus (like Stewart or Thomas-Finney) handy to look up from time to time while solving an engineering or physics problem. My question is, can the same be said about a freshman level physics text, like Halliday-Resnick or...
  4. strangerep

    New edition of Ballentine's textbook.

    For those who like Ballentine's textbook, I just noticed that a 2nd edition has become available very recently. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the Amazon "look inside" feature enabled so I can't see easily what's been changed, apart from the extra chapter on quantum information mentioned in the...
  5. Quarlep

    Physics Textbook for A High School Student

    I am 17 years old and I am very curious about physics I am studying Leonard Susskind Lectures And I am in Lecture 2.Could you advice me textbook.about physics My english is not very good so ıt must be simple english.I am also read boks about physics but they are so simple...
  6. J

    Buy a Radiometry Textbook for 0-10 Miles Wave Generation

    I want to send radio waves through distances of 0 to 10 miles, maybe even hundreds of miles eventually. What book should I buy to educate myself? I am not really interested in doing complicated things with electricity unless it translates directly into something which will improve the...
  7. SpacemanRich

    Calculus textbook input needed

    Hi, This is my first post here. But I have read many of the others before joining the forum. I have to say I am happy to have found it. Ok, let me get to my question. I'm interested in if anyone has any opinions / experience with a text called "Calculus for Scientists and Enginneers" by...
  8. M

    Can someone recommend me a good Probability and Statistics textbook?

    I want to take an introductory course on Probability and Statistics but I want a good textbook that has lots of practice problems for this course. Please tell me the name of the textbook, author and edition.
  9. G

    Help Solving Astrophysics Textbook Question

    I have a question in my astrophysics textbook that I need some help with. Given \frac{dT}{dr}\propto\frac{\kappa\rho{L}}{r^2T^3} and \frac{dL}{dr}\propto{r^2}{\rho}\epsilon show that L\propto {M^{5.4}} and R\propto {M^{0.2}} if \kappa\propto\rho{T^{-3.5}} and \epsilon\propto\rho{T^{5}}. Using...
  10. M

    Find a Rigorous Calculus of Multiple Variables Book for Advanced Learners

    Hi! I am looking for a very rigorous book on some of the topics covered in Calculus of Multiple Variables. My University uses the last part of Adams "Calculus: a complete course" and I found the presentation therein more fit for people needing to know enough to perform the calculations than for...
  11. B

    Textbook error or am I just confused?

    The high school textbook I’m reading says this: Statement A “Many household appliances contain an electrically heated resistor. A resistor is a device that opposes the flow of current and as it does this, heat energy is produced. E.g. electric kettles, electric fires, light bulbs. If we...
  12. A

    Studying Struggling with relativistic mechanics questions, need a textbook recommended

    I have never done relativity before, my uni professor isn't good enough and I can't understand a word he says, he's all over the place. Anyway I missed a week due to being sick, and I just can't catch up, I am struggling to find any textbooks that have similar notation or help me solve...
  13. L

    What is a good arithmetic textbook?

    I am looking for an arithmetic book to use before going on to pre-algebra. However I don't want a book that says "28 + 53, add 8 + 3, carry the 1, etc). I'm looking for a book that has a better approach. For example, instead of that approach, saying "28 + 53 = 30 + 51 = 81" - something like...
  14. M

    Can you recommend me a good textbook for Calculus III?

    I want a good textbook for Calculus III (Multivariable Calculus) that has lots of practice problems and less theoretical problems. The textbook must have lots of practice problems for multiple integrals, finding areas, volumes using multiple integrals, finding jacobians, gradients, partial...
  15. L

    Math Textbook Recommendations for a LockSmith Starting College

    After 20 years of being a locksmith, I have decided that I want to get a college degree and I'll be starting next year! As part of my degree, I will be doing two math courses - one in calculus and the other in linear algebra. However other than addition and subtraction, I don't know much else...
  16. F

    Physics Textbook - Halliday/Resnick/Krane vs Sears & Zemansky's

    After researching through introductory physics textbooks, I've narrowed it down to the choices given in the title. Can someone tell me the highlights of both? I've looked through some of the threads in these forums, and both of them seem equally well regarded. I'm looking for a through...
  17. T

    Finding an Operator (from a textbook)

    Homework Statement Because I wanted to practice more of operators, I borrowed a textbook from a library for extra problems...I managed to solve (a) to (e), but not the last question...which is: Write out the operator A2 for A: (f) d2/dx2 - 2xd/dx + 1 for which I keep getting a different...
  18. S

    Monte Carlo textbook suggestion?

    I am looking for a good text for running monte carlo simulations. I have taken a monte carlo course for particle transport, but I need something more general. Any suggestions? (Using C++/C)
  19. _N3WTON_

    Introductory Differential Equations Textbook

    Ok, for my differential equations class we are using a textbook called "An Introduction To Differential Equations and Their Applications" by Stanley Farlow. The book can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/048644595X/?tag=pfamazon01-20 and I must say that I 100% agree with the assessment...
  20. A

    Best calculus-based general physics textbook?

    I just finished taking first semester of calc-based general physics. My professor decided to use Serway's Physics for Engineers and Scientists, which at the end of the semester, even he agreed was a bad idea. The text itself was pretty good and filled with colorful pictures, but most of the...
  21. A

    Textbook recommendations for a high school math student

    My brother is currently doing his AS/A-Levels (11th - 12th grade) for maths and further maths. However he is unsatisfied with his textbooks as they focus purely on memorisation and don't really explain the mathematics behind concepts. He wants textbooks that not only teach the content but also...
  22. A

    Maple What is the best textbook for learning how to use MAPLE?

    I have to learn how to use it for: 1. The Basics: arithmetic operations, brackets, constants and variables. 2. Functions: expressions vs functions, Maple's functions, substituting in an expression, piecewise defined functions, simplifying an expression. 3. Basic Calculus: limits...
  23. Entanglement

    What's the best advanced physics textbook for high school?

    Please physicsforums members, I would like help to find an advanced level textbook that covers up high school physics up to university entrance or maybe beyond that a bit. I would like a book that provides a very very strong FOUNDATION in physics. A one that provides clear, thorough, novel, deep...
  24. A

    What is a best physics textbook?

    what is the best textbook to learn physics. i need to learn physics really good(i want to test out usa physics olymipad, and i really want to perform well). so really looking for a book that is indepth and teaches things to a advanced leve.. if there is no such one book, and you want to suggest...
  25. A

    What is the best college physics textbook for beginning students?

    I will be going to college next year and the course is called 'Fundamentals of Physics', it is assumed that the students have never done physics. It is a calculus-based course that covers mechanics, thermal physics and waves. After researching, I have narrowed my options down to two textbooks...
  26. C

    Questions regarding University Physics textbook

    Hi I'm planning to self study physics from University physics by Freedman so i have a couple of questions 1) how important is the Mastering physics package if the goal is to self-study? Could i make it without masterin physics? 2) Should i get the technology update edition? 3) What are the...
  27. G

    Greek Letters Different from Textbook: Exploring the Discrepancy

    Hi, So my PChem professor writes lowercase sigma similar to a number 6 with a curl on the top...(picture attached) To me this looks nothing like the sigma used in my textbook, computer or anywhere online I can find (similar to an o with a horizontal line on top). He insists we use his version of...
  28. D

    Implicit differentiation; reproducing textbook derivation

    Homework Statement (The fourth equation is the central one) first, we have \frac{1}{r}=\frac{a}{b^2}(1+ecosθ) and b^2=a^2(1-e^2) now using these two, we transform acosψ=ae+rcosθ into (1-ecosψ)(1+ecosθ)=\frac{b^2}{a^2} we want to find dθ/dψ, and the author performs an inplicit...
  29. G

    Mistake in Physics textbook equation

    There is a formula in my textbook and I have a strong feeling it's incorrect. The formula the book says is velocity in y direction (final) = (vi)(sinx) - gt Whenever I use this, I get all the answers wrong. However, if I use (vi)(sinx) - 1/2(gt) .. I get them right. Is this a...
  30. P

    Request: Textbook in quantum mechanics

    Hello everyone, I'm a beginner in quantum mechanics and I've been curious to know the textbook of that problem
  31. D

    Derivation step in ODE solution in textbook

    This is not homework but is part of the solution process of an ODE and I cannot understand how the author made a derivation step. After a change of variable in the original ODE, the ODE in the new independent variable has a standard method of solution. But instead of using this method, the...
  32. R

    Textbook made mistake in algebra, help

    Homework Statement There is an image but I will reiterate my problem. The writer is solving for t. Okay, easy enough. Homework Equations y-y0 = v0 t + 1/2 a t^2 Textbook says t = sqrt( (2(y-y0) - 2 v0) / a ) The Attempt at a Solution Shouldn't it be t = sqrt( (2(y-y0)...
  33. C

    Could someone explain this textbook example regarding float fl(x)

    Hi, okay here's the problem: *find fl(x) for 9.4* and here's how it's done 9.4 in binary is 1001.0110 0110 0110 since 9 = 1001 .4 = .0110 0110 0110... (basically, 0110 repeating) next using Rounding to Nearest Rule (see top on picture) we get what a binary number (boxed in black in the...
  34. S

    Opinion on a textbook - by Fayyazuddin

    I have seen the following textbook: "A Modern Introduction To Particle Physics" by Fayyazuddin https://www.amazon.com/dp/9814338834/?tag=pfamazon01-20 I couldn't find reviews in Amazon, and I have seen only one review in google books that claimed that the book had errors, but did not give...
  35. L

    What are the assigned questions for Chapter 2 in the Statics textbook?

    Hi all, I am looking for some help to my delima. I am taking Statics this semester and I ordered my textbook off of amazon to save a few dollars and my book will not be here until Monday at the earliest. The problem is that the teacher has assigned homework due on Friday. The text that we use...
  36. F

    Writing a math textbook, program to draw diagrams?

    Hello, I am wanting to write a math/physics book or possibly a PDF online book and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any programs that exists for making pictures and drawing diagrams. I not just looking for something to make x-y graphs or 3-D graphs, I'm looking for something that designed...
  37. Bleakfacade

    Thoughts about Keith R Symon's textbook

    Hello there, I am an undergraduate student in my final year. I have been using classical mechanics by John R Taylor, which I should say I have absolutely enjoyed working through so far. I now feel I am prepared for a slightly more challenging set of problems and mathematical rigour. My professor...
  38. homer

    Textbook for MIT OCW's 8.04: Quantum Physics I

    In MIT OCW's video course 8.04 Quantum Physics I there are four textbooks listed, and readings suggested for each. In the video of the first lecture the professor recommends studying in groups with people who have done readings from different textbooks. Since I'm not taking the class at MIT that...
  39. S

    Searching for an introductory Textbook on Fock space

    Hello Everbody! I want to learn Fock-space. Can somebody point me to a useful textbook where the basics are covered? Or even a good textbook where a chapter or two cover it? Many thanks in advance!
  40. micromass

    Which Textbook is Considered the Worst by PF Users?

    Every day on PF, I see people asking for recommendations for textbook on various things. They often get very good recommendations from what I've seen. But I want to turn the question around. Which book do you consider so horrible and so ill-written that you think nobody should read the book?
  41. M

    Please recommend me a good textbook for Differential Equations?

    Can someone please recommend me a good textbook for Differential Equations that has lots of practice problems and less theoretical problems? Please tell me the name of the textbook, edition, and author. Thanks.
  42. M

    Poss Textbook Error Concerning Momentum

    From Matter & Interactions Volume 3: Am I correct that there is something wrong with the statement of the velocity vector here? The components are missing in the statement of the problem, yes?
  43. M

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for this course?

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for the course "Complex Variables with Applications" that has lots of practice problems and less theoretical problems? Please tell me the name of the textbook, edition, and the author. Thanks.
  44. M

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for Linear Algebra?

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for Linear Algebra? I want a good textbook for Linear Algebra with lots of practice problems and less theoretical problems. Please tell me the name of the textbook, edition, and author. Thanks.
  45. R

    Friendliest Chemistry Textbook

    I am about to take a teacher certification test for HS Chemistry. I would love to get suggestions from you on the friendliest textbook available out there for self studying, since I will study entirely on my own. The scope would be about two-semester introductory college level, I would also...
  46. M

    Wrong Answer in Textbook for Collision Velocity Calculation

    Homework Statement (Problem about a collision) (...). What then is their velocity in (a) unit-vector notation and as (b) magnitude and (c) angle. I will not post the problem due to copyright issues and that it is absolutely pointless now. The Attempt at a Solution I was able to solve (a) and...
  47. B

    Calculus Textbook Recommendation (for Chemist/Microbiologist)

    Hello! I am an undergraduate student majoring in the chemistry and microbiology. Summer vacation is truly a great time to teach myself some some subjects besides conducting the scientific research, and I am decided to self-study the calculus over this summer (I took the introductory calculus...
  48. A

    Troubleshooting Textbook Answers: Identifying Accuracy and Sanity Check"

    There is definitely something wrong with my textbook. Could you tell if ANY of the answers are actually correct? I'm trying to compare with my answers, but it's just plain impossible to decipher if I'm going crazy or not...
  49. kq6up

    Upper Division (Junior Sr. Level) Mechanics Textbook Recommendations?

    I am reviewing to go back to grad school, and I need suggestions on a mechanics book to review. Having a readily available solutions manual is a huge plus since I am self studying. Recommendations? Thanks, Chris Maness
  50. A

    Does the Textbook Answer Make Sense? 3 Carbons

    Does the answer from the textbook even make the slightest sense? How can there be three carbons?