What is Physics: Definition and 990 Discussions

Physics (from Ancient Greek: φυσική (ἐπιστήμη), romanized: physikḗ (epistḗmē), lit. 'knowledge of nature', from φύσις phýsis 'nature') is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Over much of the past two millennia, physics, chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics were a part of natural philosophy, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century these natural sciences emerged as unique research endeavors in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms studied by other sciences and suggest new avenues of research in academic disciplines such as mathematics and philosophy.
Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism, solid-state physics, and nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.

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  1. V

    Physics behind the sound of guitars

    (a) When a taut string is plucked with a finger then it starts vibrating with a transverse wave pattern in the string, which causes the air particles in the immediate vicinity of the vibrating string to oscillate. These oscillating air particles will result in a sound wave traveling in 3...
  2. Mousa Kandah

    Admissions Advice for an Engineer seeking a Masters in Physics in Germany

    Hello, I recently Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from the University of Jordan and I am looking to do a Masters in Physics in Germany obviously I am at a disadvantage when it comes to admission due to my Bachelors, but I am currently fixing that. I am currently taking Courses in Quantum...
  3. TechmoUnity

    B Assistance finding the nuclear energy difference during nuclear fusion

    Hello! I have finished high school quite a few years ago. I did a physics course that went over nuclear fusion and fission, and I quite enjoyed it. However, I unfortunately no longer have those textbooks (I sold them on as many people do). Now I am doing a bit of programming in the field of...
  4. A

    Magnetic field's effect on a charged particle's motion

    I actually have no idea how to begin. Thanks for help 😊
  5. Woomir

    I Why is my magnetic levitation experiment not working?

    [Mentor Note -- Two similar thread starts merged into one] Hey all, I have been working on this project for a while now, which features suspending an object midair through the use of magnetic levitation principles. Cool right? And so I have been researching and trying, even finding ground...
  6. A

    I Rigid body physics (machine learning environment)

    I guess that the reason that objects fall over is that there is nothing to hold it's center of mass. So what I want to do is to work out how fast in Delta intervals it would rotate and fall over.
  7. Frabjous

    Other Declining interest in Physics Today magazine

    I have noticed a declining interest for myself in Physics Today magazine. Am I just getting old and grumpy or is this a more widespread phenomena?
  8. P

    How much time does it take to warm up water?

    Water heater has the effect 2kW and is filled with 2kg water, with a heat capacity of 4,18Kj. The water needs to be warmed from 300K to 400K. How much time does it take for it to warm up? I've tried to solve this, but it seems that i need to know the heat capacity of the water heater, which i...
  9. S

    Studying Advice Needed: Seeking Help with Math & Physics for Engineering Studies

    Hello everyone, I am new here, and I was wondering if someone could provide me with some advice on how I should approach this in a smart way. I basically really need some bigtime advice on the math part of Physics (or in general). I didn't have anyone to really talk with or that'd be able to...
  10. H

    Electrons and their little role in nuclear physics

    In this thread, @haruspex presented a very deliberate point about the role of electrons in a nuclear fission reaction (he might have said or meant something else but I will present my version of it). The problem that we have before us can be stated, as candidly as my linguistic faculty of mind...
  11. VVS2000

    Studying Mastering Physics Problems: Tips and Advice for Solving Challenges

    Hello All! I recently finished my undergrad but to be honest I actually feel like not learning anything. I could ace the tests because I knew the "pattern" of questions that would come but now if I open an EM textbook by griffiths, I am pretty sure I understand the topic but struggle a lot in...
  12. C

    Solid State Solid State Physics by Springer

    I have the opportunity to get a Springer book for free, provided that it is cheaper than 200$. I am considering an introductory one about Solid State Physics, but I have never heard about a valid one from Springer (I know about Kittel, Ashcroft and Simon only). Do you have any suggestion? Thank...
  13. EishaR

    Physics 101 mechanics help -- Bullet fired by a rifle barrel

    a) a= dv/dt = 2(5*10^5)t+2.8*10^5 2(5*10^5)(0)+2.8*10^5=2.8*10^5m/s^2
  14. spacecadet11

    I General physics question -- How can massless photons have momentum?

    P=mv *momentum equals mass X velocity. Light particles or "photons" are said to be "massless". And yet they have momentum. How is that possible? (p.s. I used to know the answer)
  15. wild_boffin

    Courses Pure physics vs. adding a math major?

    I’m sure I’m not the first to ask about this but I could use some advice from the internet: I am a sophomore lost in the world and somewhat recently decided I was going to major in physics with my eyes on grad school. I am on track to get a math minor but I am weighing the trade-offs of picking...
  16. J

    Looking for physics internships requiring one letter of recommendation

    I'm currently a college freshman studying physics. The only previous research experience I had was a virtual one with the EPA on things not really related to physics (it was about 3D printer emissions). I'm trying to look for something for the summer and I've already applied for a bunch...
  17. N

    Why Is My Calculation of Heat Energy Incorrect?

    At first, I tried to calculate the heat energy required by doing this: I realized I should calculate heat energy separately instead of grouping glass and water together so I did this: But the answer is supposed to be 6.29 x 10^4. I don't know how to solve this. Can anyone help please? Thank you
  18. bigmike94

    Topics in Young & Friedman's University Physics

    I am working through the wonderful book called University physics by Young & Freedman, it’s seems like a thorough introductory textbook. My question is, instead of waiting till the end of the book to branch out into more advanced textbook that focus on mostly one topic for example classical...
  19. sbrothy

    Popular physics: Boltzmann Brains and Sci-Fi

    I assume you people are all so preoccupied with all the hard sciencemastering going on that you're missing out on the more basic [sic] research abundantly present under the "Popular Physics" header at arxiv.org. Particularly: Futurama, Marvel's Supervillains and Boltzmann Brains. I'm not...
  20. ergospherical

    Other Physics puzzle/problem books at the undergraduate/graduate level?

    Without trying to sound too wistful, back in school there was a good selection of miscellaneous problem books like Professor Povey's perplexing problems, 200 Puzzling physics problems, Irodov, Jaan Kalda and all the olympiad stuff, etc. Do there exist equivalents of these puzzle books aimed at a...
  21. W

    Thermal Physics Problem -- Dropping a hot mass of iron into 20C water

    Hi, The solution for this question is thermal energy lost= thermal energy gained 0.200x450x(300-T)=1.0x4200x(T-20) T=26 degrees celcius. However, I am struggling to grasp why (300-T) is used. I have always known a change in something to be final - initial. Therefore change in T= Final-...
  22. A

    Grant for Research in Theoretical Physics

    Suppose there is a nonprofit that wants to order a piece of research in theoretical physics. The research is rather small; it consists in considering an issue and writing a 8-10 pages article. The physicist to do the research will be from a high income country; he/she should be an experienced...
  23. JackFyre

    B A doubt regarding vectors, scalars and their role in physics

    I have a doubt regarding the basic function of vectors and scalars in physics- What is the guarantee that every quantity(measured) in physics can be classified as either a vector or a scalar, and that while performing operations on said quantities, they will obey the already established rules...
  24. D

    I Frequency of EM waves in classical and quantum physics

    in classical physics, when a charged particle oscillates, it emits an electromagnetic wave, and the frequency of the wave depends on the frequency with which the particle oscillates. But in quantum physics, when an excited atom emits a photon, the energy of the photon depends on the magnitude of...
  25. gleem

    Approaches for teaching Modern Physics in Grade School and University

    [Mentor Note -- thread spun off from a thread in the Advisor forums] Both Feynman and Einstein have famous quotes about explaining physics concepts to those not well schooled in physics.(freshman undergrad and a six year old respectively). Yet both hedged a bit on this: Einstein Things should...
  26. Angetaire

    Solving Physics Problem with Angles and Trigonometry

    The correct solution uses angles and trigonometry. My solution is as following: - Suppose the forces exerted by friends 1 and 2 are F1 and F2 respectively. - There are no net force in the x-direction, so F(total x) = 0. - F(total y) = F1 + F2 - mg = 0 (initially). Rearranging gives g =...
  27. bigmike94

    Overcoming Difficult 2D Motion Problems: My Journey to Advanced Physics

    Ive been reading University physics by roger freedman, I’m on section 3 motion in 2d. I can solve most of the problems ag the end of the chapter, or at least understand the solutions. But there is a small extra section called challenge problems. There’s only 3 but I found them very difficult...
  28. A

    Recommendations for Tablets/Programs for doing Physics Homework?

    Greetings! I'm a 4th year physics undergrad looking for a program/tablet that I can write/type equations into and type (or dictate!) sentences into for clarification. I have Word but the equation editor is clunky. I also tutor so being able to screenshare a large area in Zoom and easily...
  29. D

    Ideas in physics used for creating art

    Summary:: I'm looking for physical models/phenomena that can be replicated in the art of creating sound/music. Hey everyone, I'm an experimental music composer/researcher who just got addicted to watching Youtube videos on quantum physics. The entire field absolutely fascinates me now. The...
  30. L

    I Optimizing Sensor Thickness for Efficient Optical Wavelength Detection?

    When creating sensors to record images from much larger wavelengths of radiation, must the sensor be at least as deep as the wavelength, or is there a way to make it more compact?
  31. Viona

    Best Solid State Physics Book for Beginners

    TL;DR Summary: Gerald Burns's book: Solid State Physics: is it good for begginers or there are best books? Hello, I am looking for the best book to study solid state physics for begginers. Some one recommended Gerald Burns's book: Solid State Physics. So, what is your opinions about this book...
  32. G

    Programs What can I do with a Chemistry BS and a minor in Physics?

    Just to keep this from being a long post: I went to a local CSU for Materials Science and Engineering in the fall of 2018 after graduating high school in the spring of 2018. I really like learning about everything that makes up the world around me, and why things are the way they are, and in...
  33. katatosh

    Major in Physics or Physics/Astronomy for Grad School Cosmology?

    Hello all! I have been taking an academic break from school for certain mental health reasons that I won't waste your time talking about. Now, I am only a freshman in college. My school's physics department currently offers 2 majors: Physics and Physics/Astronomy. Obviously, I have lots of time...
  34. OscarV

    Calculus Should I read Spivak's Calculus as an undergrad in theoretical physics?

    I am about to start a physics with theoretical physics major, I've taken calculus before but I've not been satisfied with the "memorization of formulas" type books. I started to read Spivak and found it enjoyable, but since it's a major undertaking I am also concerned for the practical value...
  35. K

    I The Equilibrium Macrostate: Reif's Statistical Physics

    Reif, statistical physics "The equilibrium macrostate of a system can be completely specified by very few macroscopic parameters. For example, consider again the isolated gas of ##N## identical molecules in a box. Suppose that the volume of the box is ##V##, while the constant total energy of...
  36. Joel_Entrup

    Is it possible to become a theoretical physicist with a 120 IQ?

    An IQ of 120 is plenty good, but the average IQ of Physics and Astronomy majors is higher. It's even higher for brilliant theoretical physicists and Physics PhD holders. So is it possible, with enough hard work and dedication, that someone with a 120 IQ could become a theoretical physicist? Or...
  37. Saif Ali Khan

    How High Does Cheese Rise on a Released Spring?

    Question is in file please these questions and send it to me Q1: A 2 kg piece of cheese is placed on a vertical spring of negligible mass and force constant k= 2000 N/m that is compressed 16 cm. when the spring is released, (I) How high does the cheese rise from this initial position? (II)...
  38. benagastov

    Finding all possible energy states faster without using a calculator

    I tried to find states in direct method using ##\frac{E}{E_0}=\:nx^2+ny^2+nz^2## and ##100\:<nx^2+ny^2+nz^2\:<\:136## But it was too long, found it using phi approximation there are around 300 energy states, and Python find around 271 states using direct method but I need manual or recursive...
  39. orochi

    Learning about condensed matter physics as a particle physicist

    I am on my first year of my master's degree in nuclear and particle physics, and right now i am ending my first semester, where i decided to take a course in physics of semiconductors. As i end this semester i start to wonder if there was any use in learning about this subject, as it seems like...
  40. ergospherical

    Applied Lectures on the geometric anatomy of theoretical physics

    I stumbled across this series of 28 lectures by Dr Frederic Schuller of the university of Twente whilst searching for lectures about Lie theory. Having watched through lectures 13 to 18, I think they are simply superb (of course I'm assuming the rest are of similar quality). I only wish he would...
  41. N

    I Frontiers in Physics had 2 papers quest. Bell's theorem, any othrs?

    One is fr. worker at U. Karlsruhe, another fr. Israeli res. The latter argued findings can be integrated into classical physics.
  42. S

    Lottery physics: ball placement and positions in lottery games

    Summary:: Lottery physics- balls placement and positions Hi all, I am not a Ph.D. in physics or even close to that, I only had some physics classes when I was at high school . the thing is that I like to examine things. I came across the lottery one time in my life and heard many assumptions...
  43. M

    Other Is physics, computer science, or engineering the right path for me?

    I am 18 and currently in the middle of taking a gap year from high school to college. I am going to college this fall, and I want to go into college with a better grip on what I want to do than I have now. I absolutely love physics, science, and math. I also have a huge attachment to the idea of...
  44. JD_PM

    How to determine the minimum grid length | Numerical Plasma Physics

    Summary:: I am learning particle-in-cell (PIC) python 3X code. PIC currently represents one of the most important plasma simulation tools. It is particularly suited to the study of kinetic or non-Maxwellian effects. I am learning particle-in-cell (PIC) python code. PIC currently represents one...
  45. MidgetDwarf

    Other Good Physics books from Springer at the Undergad level?

    Springer has a 50% currently till the end of December. I know plenty of good math textbooks from Springer, but what are some good physics books? Particularly at the undergraduate level.
  46. George Jones

    Exploring Chris Isham's Work in Theoretical Physics

    An interesting article about theoretical physicist Chris Isham (by Michael Duff) has been posted on the arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.13722 Combine this with (from "Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond" by Ken Barnes) Isham has written two books that I quite...
  47. J

    Physics Easiest Physics PhD fields to get into in the US?

    Hello, I am ready to apply to grad schools and would like to have a few insurance schools just in case. What are the easiest physics fields (biophysics,nuclear physics...etc) to get into a PhD for? Regards,