What is Mechanics: Definition and 999 Discussions

Mechanics (Greek: μηχανική) is the area of physics concerned with the motions of physical objects, more specifically the relationships among force, matter, and motion. Forces applied to objects result in displacements, or changes of an object's position relative to its environment.
This branch of physics has its origins in Ancient Greece with the writings of Aristotle and Archimedes (see History of classical mechanics and Timeline of classical mechanics). During the early modern period, scientists such as Galileo, Kepler, and Newton laid the foundation for what is now known as classical mechanics.
It is a branch of classical physics that deals with particles that are either at rest or are moving with velocities significantly less than the speed of light.
It can also be defined as a branch of science which deals with the motion of and forces on bodies not in the quantum realm. The field is today less widely understood in terms of quantum theory.

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  1. L

    I Angular Momentum problem v2 (mass moving inward or outward)

    Hello, simplified the Angular momentum problem that comes up when i try to solve a mass moving inward or outwards and it does not conserver the angular momentum properly. I have tried this is many software by now, or by someone else and we all have found that there is no angular momentum...
  2. Joorge

    I Making a "Planetary Gear Set" using a 3D printer and PLA material

    I want to create a set of planetary gears using a 3D printer and PLA material. I'm designing them with the help of Autodesk Inventor 2020 since my knowledge in this area is quite limited. The gear set consists of a ring gear, a sun gear, and 2 planet gears. The sun and the ring gear rotate in...
  3. N

    How Does Quantum Mechanics Mirror Alice and Bob's Adventure?

    Let's try to get into the looking glass of quantum mechanics together.
  4. niko_niko

    Confusion on mechanics problem involving cart, blocks, and pulley

    [Mentor Note -- Two threads on the same by the OP have been merged into one] I'm having trouble understanding the solution my professor gave me, in particular, the accelerations of m_2 and m_1. When my professor solved for the acceleration of m_2, he used a as the acceleration but when I look...
  5. O

    Modifying Euler-Lagrange equation to multivariable function

    I'm confused on how to derive the multidimensional generalization for a multivariable function. Everything makes sense here except the line, $$ \frac{\delta S}{\delta \psi} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \psi} - \frac{d}{dx} \frac{\partial L}{\partial(\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x})} -...
  6. N

    Other Which Springer books to buy? (QM, GR and statistical mechanics)

    Hello, Springer books are on sale this week so I wanted to buy some textbooks to support my studies and (eventual) future career. I'm an undergrad (in europe) and my courses next year will be QM, GR and statistical mechanics, so I was looking for books about these topics, but any suggestion on...
  7. P

    I Quantum Mechanics as a Probabilistic forecast of reality

    Is Quantum Mechanics a Probabilistic Forecast of nature?Someone I know told me their interpretation of QM is that QM only a probabilistic forecast of systems like electrons around atoms. I would like someone to analyse this interpretation and say if its valid or not. According to this person we...
  8. C

    Comparing two dams (fluid mechanics question)

    For this problem, The solution is, However, I though dams were built to withstand the average force exerted by the water. Therefore, from ##PA = F## a larger width dam would have less force exerted on it due to the greater area so would not have to be as thick (less mass, and thus inertia)...
  9. Daniel Guh

    AP Physics C Mechanics: Linear Momentum for Colliding Billiard Balls

    I'm guessing this question can be solved using the law of conservation of momentum Vi = 5 m/s (5 m/s) M = (4.33 m/s) cos30 M + V sinθ M I don't know what to do after this... I'm also not sure if I use the sin and cos correctly.
  10. hachi44

    I Principles of Quantum Mechanics - Hans C. Ohanian - 0137127952

    Hi. I looked everywhere for a specific book but I cannot find any pdf copy of it. The book specifics are below: Publication Name: Principles of Quantum Mechanics Author: Hans C. Ohanian Publisher: Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company ISBN-10: 0137127952 ISBN-13L 9780137127955 I would...
  11. Argonaut

    Maximizing Range/Time in Air of an Airplane: Solving with Calculus

    Is my solution correct? (I only have answers to odd-numbered exercises.) Is it a good solution or have I overcomplicated things? (a) The forward force provided by the engine balances the air resistance force, so ##F_{engine}=F_{air} = \alpha v^2 + \beta /v{^2}##. Let ##W_{engine}## be the...
  12. Argonaut

    Work-Energy Theorem and Friction

    My final answer is different from the official one in the back of the book, and I can't figure out what I did wrong. This is my attempt: Let block 1 be the vertically moving block and let block 2 be the horizontally moving one. Also, let ##m_1 = 6.00 ~\rm{kg}##, ##m_2 = 8.00 ~\rm{kg}##, ##v_0...
  13. A

    Solving the Basic Mechanics Bullet Block Collision Problem

    $$ \frac{5E-3*v^2}{2} = (2 + 5E-3)(10)(0.2)(2) $$ v = 56.64 I just don't get how this is the wrong answer....it's just simple conservation of energy, right?
  14. Fra

    I Thoughts about this Bayesian Mechanics paper?

    Looking for something else I just stumbled over this paper the declare as introducing a field they call "bayesian mechanics". I thought I would create a new thread for a change and just highlight this paper. It's the first time I've seen this from the authors so I don't have their full...
  15. kamalMKA

    Mechanics for High School Students: Building a Robotic Arm

    TL;DR Summary: Mechanical engineering,robotics,mechnics,dynamics Hi guys , I'm new to mechnics and I want to learn it for building robotic arm , but I find mechanics book topics somewhat difficult for me , what I need to learn to get started as I'm a highschool student with basic level math.
  16. V

    A How to derive Quantum Mechanics in curved physical space?

    I am following [this YouTube lecture by Schuller][1] where he finds the appropriate formalism for the quantum mechanics in the physical curved space. Everything makes sense to me but at the very end I see that we find the pull backed connection one-form on the base manifold. He says to the end...
  17. O

    I Limit of quantum mechanics as h -> 0

    Starting from the Heisenberg equation of motion, we have $$ih \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = [p, H]$$ which simplifies to $$ih \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = -ih\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}$$ but this just results in ## \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = -ih\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}## and...
  18. K

    B Searching for Quantum Mechanics Lecture on Delayed Choice Experiment

    Hi everybody. Some years ago I came across a video on youtube where they talked about an experiment with small and large envelops, when the small ones were placed into the large ones and then it resulted in something interesting. It might have been an instance of delayed choice, but I am not...
  19. J

    I Why is quantum mechanics not valid for large objects?

    It this correct explanation why quantum is not valid for large object? Why would small object want to hide their information?
  20. C

    A Multiparticle Relativistic Quantum Mechanics in an external potential

    It is often argued that Dirac Equation is not valid as relativistic quantum mechanics requires the creation of antiparticles. But, there are also some arguments that suggest otherwise. For example, I saw Arnold Neumaier's website on this that there are multiparticle relativistic quantum...
  21. T

    B Mechanics behind curved time causing gravitation/geodesics

    Warning: Long post, apologies beforehand. So science/physics isn't my field of study or work, but am always fascinated by it (looking back, perhaps I should have went down that route). In any event, a few months ago I went to finally learn more about relativity after reading a discussion of...
  22. CuriousLearner8

    A Eigenvalue Problem of Quantum Mechanics

    Hello, I hope you are doing well. I had a question about the eigenvalue problem of quantum mechanics. In a past class, I remember it was strongly emphasized that the eigenvalues of an eigenvalue problem is what we measure in the laboratory. ##A\psi = a\psi## where A would be the operator...
  23. A

    How much statistical mechanics is enough for a physicist?

    How much statistical mechanics do I need to know to study QFT, astrophysics, black hole thermodynamics, and other advanced topics? And where should I study it in your opinion? So far I have only read Tong's notes however I don't think it is enough. Some quantum statistical mechanics is also...
  24. B

    I Checking if a stationary point is a minimum using Lagrangian Mechanics

    I'm having trouble understanding how to find out whether or not a stationary point is a minimum and I'm hoping for some clarification. In my class, we were shown that, using Euler's equation, the straight-line path: with constants a and b results in a stationary point of the integral: A...
  25. C

    Advice for self-study Intro to Mechanics course?

    TL;DR Summary: Is there a mental model for setting up equations of motion and related mathematical equations when tackling mechanics problems? Hi there, I'm going through a first year mechanics textbook (An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner et al) from MIT OpenCourseware as I'm interested...
  26. G

    I How can I integrate variable velocity in fluid mechanics?

    Do you know of any place where I can look up things about the momentum (linear momentum) in fluid mechanics? It's just that when I have a variable velocity and it has to be integrated, I don't quite understand how to do it. I have looked for videos and things and I can't find that they are...
  27. Yossi33

    Engineering Mechanics of materials -- deformation problem

    Hi, i'm struggling with that problem , i need to find the distance that point N went down.My way of thinking is that the structure is twice not statically determined because of the beam MN and beacuse of the left support which is also unnecessary in order for equilibrium. My 2 equations of...
  28. G

    Fluid mechanics: water jet impacting an inclined plane

    I was looking at an example of fluid mechanics and I don't understand this. Statement figures: CONTINUITY EQUATION $$\left. \dfrac{dm}{dt}\right]_{MC}=(\dot{m}_2+\dot{m}_3)-\dot{m}_1=0$$ $$\dot{m}_1=\dot{m}_2+\dot{m}_3$$ $$\rho c_1A_1=\rho c_2A_2+\rho c_3A_3$$ $$\rho c_1 h1=\rho c_2 a1+\rho...
  29. I

    I QED/Quantum Mechanics: Probability or Spatial Function?

    In "QED, The Strange Theory of Light And Matter" Richard Feynman describes the probability path of a single photon emitted from a source, reflected from a mirror surface, and finally reflected to a probe detector. This path is the least time path relative to the probe/viewer, determined by the...
  30. Omega0

    B Lagrangrian and Hamiltonian mechanics: A historical picture

    Hi, I believe that I have an acceptable level of understanding where SRT, GRT, QM and QFT come from. This is not true for me regarding the "good old stuff". Newton, okay, this is relatively (:wink:) clear to me but do you know something about the historical motivation for Lagrangian and...
  31. T

    Mechanics of Spinning Around (effects on inner ear)

    Suppose I stood up and spun around in a circle for about twenty seconds and stop. Then, I ask my friend to look into my eyes (as I try to look into his). He sees my eyes go back and forth and back and forth (and I cannot stop that). I vaguely recall someone telling me there is a hair (or...
  32. C

    Morin classical mechanics differential equation problem

    I was reading the oscillations chapter which was talking about how to solve linear differential equations. He was talking about how to solve the second order differential below, where a is a constant: In the textbook, he solved it using the method of substitution i.e guessing the solution...
  33. Argonaut

    I Don't Ever Mention "Centrifugal Force" to Physicists

    I've just come across the following line while studying (Young & Freedman) and found it amusing. It sounds like a dirty family secret we discuss once and then should never mention again :biggrin:
  34. V

    Satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum

    [This is a continuation of OP's thread here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/satellite-mechanics-linear-and-rotational-momentum.1046963/ ] satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum I'm trying to better understand classical mechanics, and came up with a question: Say we have a...
  35. Paul Colby

    A Recent papers refuting real-valued quantum mechanics

    So, in a rare instance I actually read APS News, I came across “New Experiment Suggests Imaginary Numbers Must be Part of Real Quantum Physics.” In November 2022, Volume 31, Number 10. Since complex numbers are isomorphic to a real 2x2 matrix algebra, I was confused how such a claim can be...
  36. L

    Solving a Celestial Mechanics Task with Velocity Vector Scattering

    Hi, the task is as follows Unfortunately, I am not getting anywhere at all with task c. I have now proceeded as follows: I assume that the calculation takes place in the reference system of the sun. In the task the following is valid, $$\vec{v}_{si}=-s\vec{v}_p$$ I have now simply assumed...
  37. H

    Allowed energy for a potential in quantum mechanics

    Hi, I'm working on a problem where I need to find the different energies allowed for a potential, and I found this link https://quantummechanics.ucsd.edu/ph130a/130_notes/node151.html, which is similar of what I'm doing. I'm using mathematica to find the values of E. However, I'm not sure how...
  38. V

    I Satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum

    satellite mechanics: linear and rotational momentum I'm trying to better understand classical mechanics, and came up with a question: Say we have a squared satellite weighting 100kg, 1 meter on each side. it has a thruster on it's side, shown in picture thruster quickly ejects 100g of propellant...
  39. G

    Calculating ##F_{DB}##: Equilibrium in a Machine

    Figure: My attempt at a solution: For the calculation of ##F_{DB}## we consider the equilibrium in the whole machine. $$\left. \begin{array}{r} h\rightarrow h=6\cdot \sin \theta +3=6,44\, \textrm{ft} \\ d\rightarrow d=6\cos \theta -1,5=3,41\, \textrm{ft} \end{array}\right\} \,\, \alpha =\arctan...
  40. Q

    Quantum Advanced Quantum Mechanics Textbooks: Derivations of Equations

    Hi I’m looking for a textbook that shows the derivations of equations such as the different forms of the schrodinger equation fully and step by step.
  41. A

    Classical A replacement for Mcauley's Classical mechanics

    Mcauley's "Classical mechanics: transformations, flows, integrable and chaotic dynamics" has a very interesting table of contents, and it has a philosophy of approaching Hamiltonian flows and chaos without using the formalism of modern differential geometry. Unfortunately, after reading the...
  42. samy4408

    I Relationship between viscosity and velocity in fluid mechanics

    hello, I read in a lecture paper about fluid mechanics that velocity is not related to viscosity, i found this odd and i think it is an error , can someone confirm that?
  43. I

    Quantum Mechanics problem: Determine the value of the constant

    I have no idea where to start with this problem. I am interested in any hints, or ways to proof this. But i would especially like to know how the commutator is connected to the identity.
  44. Argonaut

    Relative Velocity and Angles of Movement (Sears & Zemansky's Exercise)

    The official solution says ±25.4°, but I'm having trouble reproducing it. Here is my solution: 1) The components of the velocity of firework F with respect to the ground G in the moment of explosion are the following (Notice, I'm using sin, because the statement says 30.0° from vertical.)...
  45. Al-Layth

    Resource Request for Relativistic Mechanics

    I am aware of the Newtonian model of Gravitation and I am interested in Relativistic Mechanics. I do not know anything about relativistic mechanics other than its more "accurate" at modelling gravitation and that it "reduces" to the classical formulation in some cases. I only want to be able...
  46. Ashish Somwanshi

    Measurement problem quantum mechanics

    I was not able to attempt since I don't know which formula or method can be used to solve the problem