What is Chemistry: Definition and 993 Discussions

Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a natural science that covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances.In the scope of its subject, chemistry occupies an intermediate position between physics and biology. It is sometimes called the central science because it provides a foundation for understanding both basic and applied scientific disciplines at a fundamental level. For example, chemistry explains aspects of plant chemistry (botany), the formation of igneous rocks (geology), how atmospheric ozone is formed and how environmental pollutants are degraded (ecology), the properties of the soil on the moon (cosmochemistry), how medications work (pharmacology), and how to collect DNA evidence at a crime scene (forensics).
Chemistry addresses topics such as how atoms and molecules interact via chemical bonds to form new chemical compounds. There are two types of chemical bonds: 1. primary chemical bonds e.g covalent bonds, in which atoms share one or more electron(s); ionic bonds, in which an atom donates one or more electrons to another atom to produce ions (cations and anions); metallic bonds and 2. secondary chemical bonds e.g. hydrogen bonds; Van der Waals force bonds, ion-ion interaction, ion-dipole interaction etc.

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  1. samy4408

    About Van Der Waals interactions

    Hello, when reviewing the types of chemical bonds i was a little bit confused about van der waals interactions, in the definition we talk about momentarily disproportion of electrons that provoke a dipole , and then i read that also include hydrogen bonds . I am a bit confused about van der...
  2. SGKent

    Mystery Stain Solved with Fertilizer Chemistry!

    I mixed some fertilizer based on a soil test. The chemistry contained Ammonium Sulfate prills (NH4)2SO4, Potassium Sulfate prills K2SO4, Superphosphate CaH4P2O8, trace of Manganese Sulfate MNS04, and trace of Boric Acid H3BO3. I mixed it and wiped my hands on the front of a white tee shirt...
  3. samy4408

    Searching for a reliable resource to practice IUPAC nomenclature

    Hello, I just learned the bases of IUPAC nomenclature and I couldn't find a good and reliable resource for problems to practice. if you know one please share it with me . thanks.
  4. abudif1997

    Is this backed up by chemistry or is it a scam?

    Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place for it, but hoping someone can share some chemistry insights on this. I am about to buy some reverse osmosis water filter for my home. However the seller is trying to sell me; Far infrared balls, Mai fan balls, Tourmaline ceramic balls, Alkaline...
  5. E

    Chemistry Conformation Stability of Ethane-1,2-Diol

    Hello there, My attempted explanation/solution is : “Torsional strain is caused by the tendency of the electron clouds in the interacting groups to repel each other, making it relatively difficult to rotate a group towards and through another group, as the repulsive force provides resistance to...
  6. A

    How can vinegar attenuate the pain of a bee sting? (acid base reaction)

    Hello, I have been working on this subject but I am not sure how to deal with it. I am looking to prove how can vinegar attenuate the pain of a bee sting. I have chosen a specific vinegar that is of 6° and 50 ml and Know the molecular weight of acetic acid is 60g/mol. The bee sting contains...
  7. M

    Hypothetical stable isotope of Promethium?

    Say one was to create an artificial stable isotope of Promethium as it has predicted applicable properties. What would it’s number have to be? I know Promethium-147 is semi-stable.
  8. samy4408

    Chemistry Calculating Molar Solubility of CaCO3: A Puzzling Problem

    hello , i am solving a problem about solubility and the solution seems weird to me , the problem is the following : we are asked to calculate the molar solubility of (CaCO3) with (Ks = 5*10^-9) in water and in a solution of (NaCO3) with a concentration of 0,1M, knowing that (NaCO3) is totally...
  9. Saba_467

    Chemistry projects that I can create at home

    There is no laboratory in my school ,looking for best chemistry project ideas for the 12th class students at minimal cost and that can be prepared at home . need suggestions on this,response would be appreciated
  10. N

    Pourbaix diagram and current voltage curve

    I have a chemistry project and my research question roughly translates to: What is the effect of the different metals electrolytic nature on iron corrosion? (In french: Quel est l’effet de la nature électrolytique de différents métaux (cuivre, aluminium, magnésium) sur la corrosion humide du...
  11. Y

    Milk + citric acid or pineapple juice formula? (chemistry)

    I have a chemistry project involving milk coagulation under certain circumstances. One of the circumstances is milk combined with citric acid or pineapple juice. I need to find the chemical formula of this reaction.
  12. samy4408

    Something that doesn't make sense to me about calculating the pH

    Hello , the problem that i refer to is present when we try to calculate the pH of a solution without any assumption. in a lecture entitled "calculating the pH of a strong acid/base solution " after adding a certain amount of HCl in water we are asked to calculate the pH (the amount of HCl and...
  13. samy4408

    A question about chemical equilibrium

    Hello we learned about the chemical equilibrium and how to write it's formula in the case of liquid and gaseous phase , what about a reaction involving different phases ? like this one : how do we write the formula for the chemical equilibrium ? do we just ignore the carbon ,is there any rules...
  14. F

    The investigation into the dynamics of entangled particles.

    Hey I'm Fraser, I am a Strathclyde university graduate with a master's in electrical and mechanical engineering. I am interested in furthering my knowledge on quantum entanglement in relation to general dynamics. I am interested in researching its capabilities in ICBs. I hope I can find...
  15. A

    Chemistry Degree of Ionization in Chemistry Textbooks

    Can someone please tell me what is the chemistry textbook that available about degree of ionization? I use Chemistry the Central Science textbook by Brown. Unfortunately I couldn't find about degree of ionization in this textbook. Degree of ionization is studied in undergraduate of Mechanical...
  16. Mayhem

    [Quantum Chemistry] Generalized wave function in covalent bonding

    Is there a general expression for the wave function $\psi$, which describes the electronic properties of an arbitrary covalent bond? For example is it equal to some sort of trigonometric expression?
  17. Vanillasyrup

    Chemistry Help with This for Finding Solutions

    I really need help with this.
  18. samy4408

    About oxidation and reduction in organic Chemistry

    We studied in chemistry that the concept of oxidation and reduction is the exchange of electrons between two chemical substance ,but when i started to study organic chemistry i saw that when we talk about for example the oxidation of a compound it can loss atoms and change his constitution...
  19. G

    Programs What can I do with a Chemistry BS and a minor in Physics?

    Just to keep this from being a long post: I went to a local CSU for Materials Science and Engineering in the fall of 2018 after graduating high school in the spring of 2018. I really like learning about everything that makes up the world around me, and why things are the way they are, and in...
  20. E

    Finding Help with Computational Chemistry on PF

    How did you find PF?: via Google Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well? Recently, I’ve been trying to calculate the optimization and Uv spectra of organometallic compounds using the Gaussian software .it’s my first time for the computational chemistry and I am inexperienced . When I...
  21. E

    Chemistry Thoughts on Introduction to Chemistry fourth Edition by Bauer?

    Hi there, I am currently reading introduction to Chemistry fourth edition by Bauer, Birk, Marks. what do you guys think about this book? is it a good book? I am doubting the quality of the book because I found one wrong statement about the reaction of Alkaline Earth Metals. It said "Alkaline...
  22. mishima

    High School Chemistry: Stoichiometry Readings?

    Hi there, I've taught high school stoichiometry (limiting reactant, theoretical yield, etc) for about a decade now focusing on both math (such as mol reactant to grams product) and related lab techniques (maximizing percent yield). I would like to expand my curriculum with some good readings...
  23. TeethWhitener

    Revolutionizing Chemistry: The 2021 Nobel Prize in Asymmetric Organocatalysis

    The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Benjamin List and David MacMillan, for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis. More info here: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/2021/press-release/ Well-deserved.
  24. StarChem

    Liming Lakes: A Solution for Acidification?

    I calculated it and found that is approximately 610Kg needed of CaCO3 to bring the lake pH to a neutral level. Is my calculation right 1st :)? Then if this is right, 610kg of CaCO3 is not that much in a matter of cost or weight to help the bio-life of the lake. I'm wondering if we are applying...
  25. D

    I need to write a paper on mathematical chemistry -- Any suggestions?

    I can choose any topic. The paper doesn't have to be original. Please suggest a simple paper to write which involves math and chemistry. I am in second year university.
  26. BillTre

    I How long would it take the Universe to generate an Earth-like chemistry?

    Our planet (Earth) has a wide variety of different elements, which at some time had to be generated (presumably in stars) and distributed through space to new forming planets (like ours), when the stars exploded. What is the minimal amount of time needed for this to happen? It has often been...
  27. D

    Chemistry Reference book on catalytic mechanisms of enzymes

    Hi everyone, I'm curious if anyone knows of a reference book on enzymes that discusses each enzyme's catalytic mechanism(s). I've consulted several books that explain the different categories of enzymatic catalysis but I'm looking more for an encyclopedic reference that explains such...
  28. Sophrosyne

    Medical Tensile strength of cell membranes

    The structure of the cell membrane is depicted as being formed from a bilayer of phospholipids with their hydrophilic portions pointing outwards and their hydrophilic portions facing each other. But as I look at the histology of the epithelial layer of the epidermis or mucous membranes, I am...
  29. Mayhem

    Studying Advice for success in organic chemistry ....

    ... with the intention of going into novel drug synthesis. It might be a bit of a reach to ask this on a physics forum, but I see chemists among us, so I guess this is as good as any. To those of you with experience in the field, what makes a good organic chemist? What makes a good medicinal...
  30. Carlos_Ishigami07

    What Chemistry Equation is this? (from Dr Stone Anime)

    They know what this equation or formula and what applications it has. I saw in the anime Dr. Stone. Thanks for your understanding.
  31. S

    Chemistry Drawing resonance structure for this O-CH2 ion

    ion shown: My answer: the following is the answer of the question: I identified the major contributor correctly, but the resonance structures, but the second resonance I drew is missing in the answer sheet. Can anyone tell me why the second resonance structure is not part of the answer...
  32. S

    Chemistry Drawing resonance structure for SO42

    I was told that there are six resonance structures for SO42-, as shown below. I am wondering why this structure with single bonds is not one of the possible resonance. I understand that it is unfavorable as the formal charges are spread out over all four atoms, but shouldn't is still be a...
  33. fresh_42

    AI meets Chemistry in solving electronic Schrödinger equation

    Abstract: The electronic Schrödinger equation can only be solved analytically for the hydrogen atom, and the numerically exact full configuration-interaction method is exponentially expensive in the number of electrons. Quantum Monte Carlo methods are a possible way out: they scale well for...
  34. Epsilon Eridani

    Turning oxygen into fluorine in our atmosphere

    Summary:: Hypothetical discussion of a method to turn oxygen into fluorine through the use of another chemical and also discussing the biological effects of fluorine. Hello, I'd like to start this by saying my knowledge of chemistry is extremely basic. I barely graduated chemistry in high...
  35. favphysics

    Chemistry Where can I buy Solutions Manual of Whitten’s Chemistry by Whitten

    Hello everyone! Where can I buy Solutions Manual of Whitten’s Chemistry by Whitten & Davis | 10th edition ? Thank You!
  36. N

    Why do sodium ions not continuously build up in swimming pools?

    It is killing me trying to understand why sodium ions don't continuously build up in swimming pools. You add NaCl to a pool. It is electrolysed to H2 and Cl2 leaving Na+ and OH-. I get OH- builds up over time, and needs to be neutralised by HCl to make NaCl again and water. This would balance...
  37. AndreasC

    Chemistry Chemistry books for physicists

    I want (need tbh) to learn some chemistry. I'm pretty comfortable in my understanding of the standard QM I and II you'd learn at uni, and I'm decent at statistical physics. I am interested in condensed matter physics, and I would like to learn some chemistry. Well, more like "need", because it's...
  38. Ygggdrasil

    RIP Mario Molina, Nobel Laureate for work on ozone layer

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-molina/mexican-nobel-laureate-molina-ozone-layer-prophet-dies-at-77-idUSKBN26T03Q Molina shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Paul Crutzen and F Sherwood Rowland "for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation...
  39. DrClaude

    Who Won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

  40. WMDhamnekar

    MHB Answer a Chemistry Question: Rock Salt & Ice Cream

    Hello, A rock salt (NaCl), ice, and water mixture is used to cool milk and cream to make homemade ice cream. How many grams of rock salt must be added to water to lower the freezing point 14.7°C? (Assume that there is 1 kg of water.) How to answer this question...
  41. A

    Looking for a Comprehensive Guide on Green Chemistry? Any Book Recommendations?

    I'm supposed to make a project on "Green Chemistry".so if you guys have any suggestions for a good book?
  42. dcybroz

    What materials are the most resistant to chemicals?

    Ok so I am building a fume hood What materials are the most resistant to chemicals that are also cheap? also what cfm fan can I use to suck out the air? (asking for someone knowlageable) cats
  43. dcybroz

    Exploring Chemistry: A Young Student's Journey Towards a Future in Science

    8th-grade science student. I want to major in 9th-grade chemistry. I currently live in Pakistan. Perpetually interested and always ready for books, cats, knowledge, and cats