What is Astrophysics: Definition and 864 Discussions

Astrophysics is a science that employs the methods and principles of physics in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. Among the subjects studied are the Sun, other stars, galaxies, extrasolar planets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background. Emissions from these objects are examined across all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the properties examined include luminosity, density, temperature, and chemical composition. Because astrophysics is a very broad subject, astrophysicists apply concepts and methods from many disciplines of physics, including classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.
In practice, modern astronomical research often involves a substantial amount of work in the realms of theoretical and observational physics. Some areas of study for astrophysicists include their attempts to determine the properties of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, and other celestial bodies; and the origin and ultimate fate of the universe. Topics also studied by theoretical astrophysicists include Solar System formation and evolution; stellar dynamics and evolution; galaxy formation and evolution; magnetohydrodynamics; large-scale structure of matter in the universe; origin of cosmic rays; general relativity, special relativity, quantum and physical cosmology, including string cosmology and astroparticle physics.

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  1. P

    Programs Did you get anything out of your Astrophysics major?

    I'm finished with most of my Astrophysics bachelors and I find myself struggling to think about what I learned about the universe as a whole. I did the major because I'm very contemplative of the existence of everything. I thought that studying the universe, which is infinite, and trying to see...
  2. S

    Courses Suitable Math Course For 2nd year Astrophysics?

    The Exposition I'm an Astrophysics major going into my second year of University this September. I have room for one other course in fall and one course in the winter (so I have two spaces to fill.) I'm already required to take every physics course offered (6 total), and the two requisite...
  3. L

    Schools Astrophysics during Summer Vacations and Freshman College

    Hi, I am currently enjoying my vacations and joining my UG course late this July. The institute I am joining doesn't offer any Astronomy and Astrophysics course but I am pretty much interested in it. So, I want some guidance and materials on how to start Astronomy and Astrophysics self...
  4. T

    Should I add Geology or Environmental Science to my AstroPhysics Degree?

    Do you think it would be beneficial for me to add Geology to my Astrophysics B.S? I know it's going to be a bit tough for you to answer this questions without me knowing exactly what career I want to pursue (which I don't) but I have a general idea. I'm really interested in studying the...
  5. C

    Astrophysics - Temperature of a star via flux and wavelength

    Homework Statement What is the temperature of a star if the flux at 450 nm is measured to be 1.3 times the flux at 650 nm. Homework Equations I tried to use the equation Flux = 2πhv3/c2...
  6. G

    Physics Astrophysics or Medical Physics

    I am a second year undergraduate currently majoring in Astrophysics, and I'm not sure whether I want to stick with Astrophysics or tend down the path towards Medical Physics. I feel like I would enjoy a career in either. I would probably enjoy a career in Astrophysics a bit more than a...
  7. A

    What are the current hot topics in Gamma-ray astrophysics?

    So... I will be working in Gamma-ray astrophysics this summer, but still haven't figured out the topic, any ideas ? thanks a lot
  8. Y

    IT and I want to switch to Astrophysics

    Hello everyone, I hope I'm writing this in the right forum. I am so desperate for guidance == Long story short == I have a BSc in Information Technology and I want to get into astronomy and astrophysics for graduate school. how can I make this shift in fields? do I have to go...
  9. T

    Engineering Civil Engineer wanting to pursue a PhD in physics or astrophysics

    Hi everybody, I'm in somewhat of a career conundrum. I'm 24, I've graduated from the University of Maryland in May of 2010 with a BS in Civil Engineering. I've been working for the past year for a fairly prestigious engineering firm, and while I do like my work, I've come to decide over the...
  10. H

    What prerequisites should I have before taking astrophysics?

    Before taking astrophysics... The prerequisites for astrophysics at my school are calculus based physics I and II. This means I would be able to take it by next spring. The classes I would have completed by then are Calculus I, II, and III Differential Equations Calculus based Physics I...
  11. atomqwerty

    Generic question in Astrophysics

    Homework Statement The statement is just this: For a given density p = p(r), being p==rho and r the radius of the star, how can I determinate whether the star has convective or radiative energy transfer? Homework Equations Equilibrium (1) Continuity (2) Ideal gas (3) Schwarzschild...
  12. R

    What can I do if I study astrophysics?

    Can I study astrophysics if I have only studied Physics not Biology or Chemistry in my O levels? If yes then what job opportunities are there for it? And what other major can I do with it?
  13. Z

    Programs Need advice with Astrophysics graduate degree

    Hi there, I'm currently working on my BS in Physics with plans to do an Astrophysics grad degree. However, I'm not sure if I should go Astronomy or Astrophysics. My university I attend currently does not have an astronomy degree, so I chose to do physics. (I had to go to this university...
  14. T

    I want to be an Astrophysics professor

    This has been something I have wanted to do for a long time, but have never really pursued it. I have taken some courses randomly, but nothing applicable to the degrees I need to get there I am positive. So basically my question is where do I start this very long journey??
  15. R

    Astrophysics (comet orbit question)

    Homework Statement A comet from the Oort cloud, with perihelion 6AU, is perturbed by Saturn into an orbit with perihelion 4AU. What is the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the new orbit? Homework Equations Perihelion = a(1-e) The Attempt at a Solution hey i could really...
  16. C

    Astrophysics: nuclear reactions orbital period spectral class equivalence principl

    Homework Statement 1. Suppose you are told that a star has been observed with a UBV color index of B-V=1.6 and that interstellar reddening is negligible. In addition, its apparent visual magnitude is 9.8. Detailed spectroscopy also reveals that the star has all the characteristics of a main...
  17. S

    What are some recommended books for beginners in astrophysics?

    Hello, I would like to know if anyone could recommend a book to start off reading about astrophysics. I have no previous background on any of the issues regarding the topic. I am a medical student who is interested in reading and getting to know more about the subject for my personal...
  18. D

    Discover the Amazing Achievements of a 12-Year-Old Astrophysics Prodigy

    check this out. Is this even possible? http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110329/ts_yblog_thelookout/for-12-year-old-astrophysics-prodigy-the-skys-the-limit
  19. Simfish

    What happened to stellar astrophysics?

    I don't know what happened, but it seems that all the "hot" research is in fields like astrobiology, cosmology, computational astrophysics, and survey science (SDSS, LSST, etc). The most popular area of astro is still extragalactic stuff (which still makes up >50% of astro research), but even...
  20. O

    Studying Preparing for industry while studying astrophysics?

    So, I am very sure I want to study astrophysics. Ideally, I would become a researcher, but I know that this is extremely unlikely. However, I also know that I would always regret it if I didn't try. But, understanding how unlikely this is, I want to be prepared. Is there any way to study other...
  21. S

    Astrophysics - calculating orbital period

    Homework Statement Show that a satellite in low-Earth orbit is approximately P = C(1 + 3h/2R_E) where h is the height of the satellite, C is a constant, and R_E is the radius of the earth) Homework Equations Unsure The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea how to approach this.
  22. K

    Engineering after astrophysics

    hello friends. I am currently in my third year of my bachelors of science in honors astrophysics, and after some consideration, I have decided that I want to go into aerospace engineering. Up until recently, my plan was to eventually get a Ph.D and go into a career of research. However, I've...
  23. A

    What programming languages are used in computational astrophysics?

    Hi, just wanted to know which version of FORTRAN is best to learn for one studying astrophysics...and whether C++ is of any importance in computational astrophysics...Thanks
  24. A

    Physics ME to Experimental or Theoretical Astrophysics?

    Hi guys, I have a few questions that's been bugging me for a while and finally decided to post it in hopes to get some feedback. Tech background: Mechanical engineer BS, will be getting MASc. in ME as well. Although my degree is ME, my focus in undergrad had been on CNC machines/CAD and my...
  25. B

    Physics Astrophysics Jobs: Research & Beyond

    What jobs are available in astrophysics other than teaching and research? Thanks so much.
  26. B

    Schools Best Colleges/Jobs in Astrophysics?

    What colleges are the best in astrophysics? Thanks so much.
  27. B

    Physics Classes and Programs to take in high school for a Astrophysics and Cosmology

    I'm currently a high school freshman in NYC and was wondering what classes I should focus on in school and what programs are available in astrophysics, cosmology, and or relating to it for someone my age? Thanks so much.
  28. C

    Physics Is a career in astrophysics the right path for you?

    Hi, I would like to ask you, How has your experience in pursuing your career in astrophysics been like? Such as College, University, Finding work in the field and working in the field. I ask because I love the subject, definate passion of mine and now i'd like to pursue it, get to...
  29. camipol89

    Difference between theoretical astrophysics and theoretical physics

    Is there a difference between theoretical astrophysics and theoretical physics applied to astrophysics? Thanks
  30. H

    Particle Astrophysics: What Is It?

    I posted a topic about this in the academic advisement forum... but it seems that no one really knew the answers (so it died off pretty quick). So I thought I'd ask here, maybe someone will know. Anyway, what I want to know about is particle astrophysics. From the name, I'd think that it's...
  31. H

    What fields in particle astrophysics need computationalists?

    Two main questions here that google can't really help me with. Right now I do research in computational astrophysics (n-body simulations) and I think I like doing numerical simulations (I'm a pretty good programmer and I like to apply that to physics). I'm somewhat interested in particle...
  32. G

    What's a natal kick in reference to astrophysics?

    I'm reading a research paper and they bring up the term "natal kick". And google didn't turn up a great explanation immediately so I thought I'd check here. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
  33. M

    Astrophysics- unresolved binary star system

    Homework Statement Consider an unresolved binary star at a distance of 500pc consisting of an A1V dwarf and a K0III giant star. compute mb and mv and B-V for this object we know the mass, luminosty, radius, Mbol , Mv, Te , and B-V for each individual star. Homework Equations...
  34. Simfish

    How many pages of astrophysics textbooks can you absorb in a day?

    This is sort of similar to the math theory thread. But I'm quite curious how this various from field to field, especially as it pertains to astrophysics (and pretty much all the quantitatively related sciences such as planetary sciences and applied physics). Unlike math theory though, there...
  35. E

    Astrophysics and theoretical physics

    Hello, I was wondering what's the difference between an astrophysicist and a theoretical physicist? Cause they seem like the same thing?
  36. P

    Which Universities Excel in Computational Astrophysics Programs?

    Which schools have the best programs in computational astrophysics? Judging by their websites, Princeton and Univ. of Chicago seem to have strong programs, but I was wondering if people knew of others as well??
  37. S

    Programs Parallel computing for PhD in Computational Astrophysics

    Hi, I wanted to know if someone who has a degree in parallel computing and related work experience will be able to get a PhD project in Computational Astrophysics? What other skill sets would the person require? I have seen many PhD positions that accept people from a parallel computing...
  38. H

    Physics Phd in Astrophysics after Masters in Comp Science

    Hi, I Have done my Masters in Computer Science from a top 20 universities of USA but I am not satisfied my this, I always wanted to become Astronomical Scientist. I Have read rules & guidelines, didnt answer my queries. Q1. How to tough is fit or a computer science graduate to do phd in...
  39. B

    How hard is it to study astrophysics?

    How hard is it to study astrophysics?? I am starting uni next year and I was thinking about astrophysics.. So can anyone tell me how hard is it (i know it's diferent from person to person but i was thinking you could take more objective approach to this matter) and do you have to be a "genius"...
  40. T

    Programs Looking to study for a MPhys (Hons) degree in Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics.

    hi I'm a 28 year old looking to study for a MPhys (Hons) degree in Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics. i left school at 16 with good gcse`s all A`s and B`s (maths A physics A) but had to go into full time work to support myself. Would it be a problem getting onto a course without A levels and...
  41. S

    Astrophysics; Money matters ?

    Astrophysics; Money matters... ?? Hi, A little intro to help you understand. I'm from India in 12th grade or A-Levels, and was applying to British Uni's for Undergrad studies. I was thinking either B.Sc Physics/Astrophysics (1st Priority) or Engineering preferably Aero Just to get a...
  42. D

    Astrophysics project gone wrong: why isn't the moon tearing the Earth apart?

    I've been looking into meteorite impacts and large meteoroids passing by the Earth, and I started thinking about the physics of all that. And in the course of my playing around with the numbers, I found something that can't possibly be right, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Put simply...
  43. M

    Freshman project in astrophysics

    hi, i am a first year student in an under-graduate inst. i have a lot of interest in astronomy and physics and wish to pursue research work in this field. however i have limited tools in terms of knowledge as this is only my first year. So can you suggest me some research project topics that...
  44. Simfish

    Are planetary scientists rare in astrophysics departments?

    I really love planetary sciences, especially the science concerning the moons of the gas giants (although lots of this research is constrained by the availability of space probes). But are planetary scientists rare in astrophysics departments? In my university, almost all of them are in the...
  45. B

    Help with the Road to Astrophysics

    I want to study Astrophysics but want to do so with an engineering background. Could you please suggest a proper engineering degree for that purpose? Also, What is "Engineering Physics" ? and can I study that as my road to Astrophysics?
  46. A

    Schools What are my chances for getting accepted to graduate school in astrophysics

    Okay so my primary interest is to pursue cosmology. My question now is what are my chances of getting excepted on a horrendous PGRE score. I just received my scores and it was HORRIBLE like failing, think single percentage. I don't even know how I did so badly I didn't think I did that badly...
  47. Simfish

    What are the best RSS feeds for the latest astrophysics research?

    I know that you could use ScienceDaily's RSS feed, but ScienceDaily is for the general public and not for working scientists. So for working scientists, which one is best? I can obviously subscribe to the RSS of The Astrophysical Journal. But I'd prefer something that I could quickly read in...
  48. F

    Quantum Astrophysics: Exploring Celestial Bodies at Subatomic Level

    Is there such thing? I mean, there is Astrophysics so would studying celestial bodies at the subatomic level classify as Astrophysics, Quantum Physics or does it have some other division? ( I'm sorry if this question sounds stupid but I'm not in High school xD )
  49. A

    Graduate studies in astrophysics

    Hi, I'm really keen on pursuing higher studies in astrophysics in a US university. But currently in a confused state in selecting a suitable university that does not require GRE physics test to apply. Some say i should write personally to professors of the desired field and if lucky i might...
  50. N

    Schools Top Astrophysics Universities in U.S.

    Does anyone know what the top universities with astrophysics programs are? I was looking over University of Chicago and University of Arizona lately, but which one would you consider to have a better program?