What is the education system like in your country in general?

In summary, the education system in your country is good, but there are some issues that need to be addressed.
  • #1
I would like to know a bird's-eye-view of the education system in your country in general, that is from primary to tertiary or quaternary education, its criticisms and strengths. Thanks!

More specifically, how well it teaches financial management skills, interpersonal & communication skills, critical thinking & analytical skills, decision making skills, ethics and any useful skills that makes one an educated person and globally competitive in today's world (aside from specific expertise knowledge).

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
I just made a video on youtube that shows how wonderful and beautiful science and the world can be.
If this video gets a decent amount of hits, I will make more, though with actual content. I want to spread my curiosity to others. Please give me your thoughts. Thanks :)

I am beginning to tutor math at my high school, but do you have any ideas of how I can inspire others to take an active interest in science on top of creating videos?

Link to my video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-PmLQuu-Rc"
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  • #3
First of I would like to apologize for my "bad english" in advance.

I consider myself a creative and inventive person a idealist and perfectionist.

Lets start with:
Leonardo da Vinci was "self-taught" (he was first apprenticed to the artist Andrea di Cione...) but he was a painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, writer. And now you see people struggling with one degree, and it takes to long to be specialized in one, if Leonardo da Vinci would go thro the current education sistem to learn everything he learned in his life he would need atleast 69 years of school and that is just for masters degree, he wouldv been around 76 years old when he would finish the education, at the age 76 to start the actual work.

So some of the issues today(In my opinion):

1.There are few things that are taught that are relevant, taking into account the technological progress that we are making, what we learn and teach today might not be useful tomorrow.
2.How do we shorten the time it take to graduate and in the same time deliver a better education?
3.We need all education to be interactive and media(pc's, movies, youtube...) based.
4.How do we make teachers more enthusiastic about teaching.
5.Why do we batch kids by there age and not by there knowledge ?
6.Education is killing creativity, BRING IT BACK!
7.Education based on the individual, you wouldn't force advanced math on a person that is more artistic...
8.How do we educate person's that have to work to sustain there family so they can have a equal change in life?
9.How do we educate bad teachers so they can become good teachers?

more to be added.

How do we solve these problems?

Related to What is the education system like in your country in general?

1. What is the structure of the education system in your country?

The education system in my country follows a 12-year structure, with primary education comprising of 6 years, followed by secondary education for 3 years, and finally, tertiary education for 3 years.

2. Is education free in your country?

Yes, education is free in my country up until secondary education. However, tertiary education may require students to pay tuition fees, but there are scholarship opportunities and government funding available to students in need.

3. What subjects are typically taught in your country's education system?

The subjects taught in my country's education system vary depending on the level of education. In primary and secondary education, students are taught a wide range of subjects including language, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. In tertiary education, students have the freedom to choose their own majors, which can range from business and engineering to arts and humanities.

4. How are students assessed in your country's education system?

Students in my country are typically assessed through a combination of exams, assignments, and projects. In primary and secondary education, exams are usually conducted at the end of each semester, while in tertiary education, exams may be held at the end of each academic year or semester. Assignments and projects are also given throughout the year to assess students' understanding and application of the material.

5. Are there any major challenges in your country's education system?

One major challenge in my country's education system is the lack of access to quality education in certain areas, particularly in rural and remote areas. This can be due to a lack of resources and facilities, inadequate funding, and limited opportunities for further education. Efforts are being made to address these challenges and provide equal access to education for all students.

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