Wave function for a potential barrier

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a wave function in a one-dimensional potential with periodicity. The potential has three regions and the wave function is obtained by considering propagation from left to right. The question arises whether the wave function will be different if the propagation is considered from right to left. The answer is that in general, the wave function will be different due to degeneracy in the 1D Schrödinger equation. However, for this specific potential, the wave function turns out to be the same for both directions of propagation.
  • #1
Joy Prakash Das
Suppose I have a region from 0 to L. I have a barrier potential V from x1 to x2, such that 0<x1<x2<L. The potential is 0 everywhere. I have obtained the wave-function by considering the propagation from left to right. Now if I consider the propagation from right to left should I get a different wave function?
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  • #2
Yes! I guess you look for the stationary solution (time-independent Schrödinger equation). Then implicitly you assume a time dependence ##\Psi(t,x)=\exp(-\mathrm{i} E t) \psi_E(x)##. For wave packets starting at the left, you have (by assumption!) only an outgoing wave packet at the right and waves going in both directions elsewhere, because at your potential steps the wave gets reflected. Now you can formulate the boundary conditions for the case of a wave packet starting at the right going left yourself!

You have a degeneracy in the 1D SchrEq, because of the symmetry under reflections of momentum: ##x \rightarrow x##, ##p \rightarrow -p##.
  • #3
Thanks vanhees for the reply. I am not considering time dependence. Suppose I am considering a periodic case where L is the period. In that case even the rightmost side will have both incoming and outgoing wave packet. Now the thing is that when I change the wave vector k to -k ,I get another wavefunction but if I solve it I get the same coefficients as in the case of propagation from left to right. This means I get the same wavefunction for both left to right and right to left propagation.
  • #4
Ok, then I need the specific problem. For scattering states (i.e., energy eigenstates to energy eigenvalues in the continuous part of the spectrum) you have this degeneracy, i.e., two different (!) eigenfunctions to the same eigenvalue, which is due to the left-right-moving symmetry.

A very thorough discussion of the 1d Schrödinger equation can be found in Messiah's textbook (there's a cheap Dover edition in 1 volume).
  • #5
That was exactly my question. For same eigenvalue E, you have two eigenfunctions, one for +k(moving right) and the other for -k(moving left). I just wanted to know whether these two wavefunctions will be the same or different. I tried solving it, but realized that the wavefunction comes out to be the same. I might have done some mistakes.
  • #6
Hm, in general they are different. To make progress here, I'd need the full problem, i.e., the potential.
  • #7
The full problem is this :
There is a one dimensional potential given by :-
V(x) = 0 for 0< x < x1 (Region i)
= V for x1 < x <x2 (Region ii)
= 0 for x2 < x < L (Region iii)

The potential is periodic, meaning V(x+L) = V(x).
Find the wavefunction of this potential everywhere in space.

I have done it by considering the propagation from left to right. What is I now consider it from right to left. In other words, the wave starts from region iii.

Related to Wave function for a potential barrier

What is a wave function for a potential barrier?

A wave function for a potential barrier is a mathematical representation of the behavior of a quantum particle, such as an electron, that encounters a potential barrier. It describes the probability of finding the particle at a certain position and time.

What is the significance of a potential barrier in a wave function?

A potential barrier is a region of space where the potential energy of a particle is higher than its kinetic energy. In the context of a wave function, a potential barrier can affect the behavior of the particle by either allowing it to pass through or reflecting it back. This can result in interesting phenomena such as tunneling and wave interference.

How is a wave function for a potential barrier calculated?

A wave function for a potential barrier is typically calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics. This equation takes into account the potential barrier and other factors such as the mass and energy of the particle to determine the behavior of the wave function.

What is the difference between a particle's wave function inside and outside of a potential barrier?

Inside a potential barrier, the wave function of a particle is described by a combination of transmitted and reflected waves. Outside of the potential barrier, the wave function is described by a single wave representing the particle's free motion. The behavior of the wave function is affected by the height and width of the potential barrier.

How does the wave function for a potential barrier relate to the probability of particle transmission and reflection?

The square of the amplitude of a wave function represents the probability of finding the particle at a certain position. In the case of a potential barrier, the wave function includes both transmitted and reflected waves, and the ratio between their squared amplitudes determines the probability of transmission and reflection. This probability is influenced by the height, width, and shape of the potential barrier.

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