The Hawking radiation and information paradox

In summary, quantum physics theory suggests that information cannot be destroyed, even in the event of black hole evaporation. However, the theory is contradicted by the idea that all information inside a black hole is lost. The popular explanation for this contradiction is that the antiparticle of a virtual particle pair falls into the black hole while the normal particle escapes. It is unclear if this annihilation requires the normal particle to have matching properties with the antiparticle. However, it is believed that any particle or photon that escapes the event horizon has positive energy, which must be subtracted from the black hole mass. The concept of information being destroyed is also debated, as it is argued that even if destroyed, it still existed at some point in space
  • #1
Here is my understanding, please correct me if I made any mistake

Quantum physics theory suggests that information (the wave function, state, etc.) cannot be destroyed. All matters fall into a black hole will not be able to escape, which means all information of these particles stay inside the black hole. Virtual particles-antiparticle pairs are created under uncertainty principle, the antiparticle of the pair fall into the black hole while the normal one escapes (Hawking radiation), the antiparticle annihilate with the normal particle inside the black hole, eventually the black hole evaporates, all information inside is gone. It contradicts the quantum physics theory.

I'm not sure if there is any mistake in my understanding.

Here is what I don't understand

1 Why only the antiparticle of the virtual pair falls into the black hole while the normal one escapes?

2 Does the annihilation requires the normal particles somehow "match" the properties of the antiparticle? In another word, the virtual antiparticle can annihilate with any particles in the black hole or only those which have the same properties as the virtual normal particle? (the other particle of the virtual pair)
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  • #2
Any particle [or photon] that escapes the event horizon has positive energy. The popular explanation you noted is merely an analogy to convey the essence of a mathematically complex quantum process, and gives rise to this very natural question. The easy part is it is quite natural to assume any energy that escapes the event horizon must be subtracted from the black hole mass.
  • #3
I might be completely wrong about this but it is my belief that information cannot be destroyed, even in the event of black hole evaporation.

The pure act of information being destroyed is acknowledging that said information existed at a certain point in space-time. Therefore, even if information were to be destroyed at a certain point, it would still be present from the moment it was 'created' up until the last moment before it was destroyed.

Now, unless we are suddenly able to travel through time and access said information, it would indeed be lost to us starting from the moment of its destruction.
  • #5

Thank you for your understanding and help in advance

I can understand your confusion about the Hawking radiation and information paradox. Let me try to explain it in simpler terms.

Firstly, it is true that according to quantum physics, information cannot be destroyed. This is known as the principle of unitarity. However, when it comes to black holes, things get a bit complicated.

When matter falls into a black hole, it is believed that all information about that matter is stored on the surface of the black hole, known as the event horizon. This information is encoded in the Hawking radiation that the black hole emits.

Now, to address your questions:

1. The reason why only the antiparticle of the virtual pair falls into the black hole while the normal one escapes is due to the nature of the event horizon. The event horizon acts as a one-way membrane, allowing only matter to go in but not come out. So, when the virtual particle-antiparticle pair is created, the antiparticle falls into the black hole while the normal particle can escape.

2. The annihilation of the virtual particle and antiparticle does not require any matching of properties. It is a natural process that occurs when a particle and antiparticle come into contact with each other. So, the virtual antiparticle can annihilate with any particle inside the black hole, not just those with the same properties as the virtual normal particle.

I hope this helps to clarify your understanding of the Hawking radiation and information paradox. Keep in mind that this is still a topic of ongoing research and there are still many unanswered questions. But as scientists, we continue to strive towards a better understanding of our universe.

Related to The Hawking radiation and information paradox

1. What is Hawking radiation?

Hawking radiation is a theoretical concept proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking, in which black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon.

2. How does Hawking radiation relate to the information paradox?

The information paradox is a problem in physics that arises when considering the fate of information that falls into a black hole. According to Hawking radiation, black holes eventually evaporate and disappear, leading to the question of what happens to the information contained within them.

3. What is the current status of the information paradox?

The information paradox is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some propose that the information is preserved and eventually released through Hawking radiation, while others suggest that it is lost forever.

4. How does Hawking radiation impact our understanding of black holes?

Hawking radiation provides insight into the behavior of black holes and their eventual fate. It also challenges our current understanding of the laws of physics, as it suggests that information can be lost, which goes against the principle of information conservation.

5. Are there any experiments that can test the existence of Hawking radiation?

Currently, there are no direct experiments that can test the existence of Hawking radiation. However, there are ongoing efforts to observe the radiation indirectly through astronomical observations and experiments with analog black holes in laboratories.

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