The Expanding Universe: Evidence for Raisin Bread Baking Effect

In summary, the early universe was extremely hot, with a temperature of about a hundred thousand million degrees Centigrade at a hundredth of a second after the big bang. As the universe expanded, the temperature dropped, eventually reaching thirty thousand degrees Centigrade after three minutes, as described in the book "The First Three Minutes" by Steven Weinberg.
  • #1
How do we know that the universe is more like raisin bread baking and not like all matter and energy leaving a central point?

I somewhat understand the concept of space increasing rather than matter and energy just leaving the big bang, just wondering what evidence we have of this?
Space news on
  • #2
To start, the fact that every galaxy appears to be moving away from us is a good one.

Most importantly, however, is the cosmic microwave background. The CMB is a black-body radiation that was emitted ~380,000 years after the big bang. It has been studied and mapped considerably by the COBE and WMAP satellites, take a look at it here. The inhomogeneities in that image are dramatically increased. The CMB is incredibly homogeneous, varying only by a thousandth of a degree from place to place. This paints a picture of an early universe that was filled by a hot, dense, smooth plasma at every location. Since the universe was homogeneous then, it follows that it still is now. Hence, to maintain this homogeneity, we can deduce that it expands from every point.
  • #3
If space is expanding then how is their a blue-shift? unless i misunderstood galaxies moving slowly towards the milkyway can be detected by a blue shift while the ones leaving at a faster pace can be detected by the red-shift.

I'm just having a hard time grasping the concept of space expanding, and would like any links, books, etc.
  • #4
Mark M said:
To start, the fact that every galaxy appears to be moving away from us is a good one.

That would also be true in the alternative model though, galaxies would be moving at a speed proportional to how far they had moved from the origin. How do you separate a universe obeying the Cosmological Principle from say one which is spherically symmetric but over scales much larger than the particle horizon? It's not as easy as it looks because the latter is asymptotic to the former as the diameter increases.
  • #5
AustinJones said:
If space is expanding then how is their a blue-shift? unless i misunderstood galaxies moving slowly towards the milkyway can be detected by a blue shift while the ones leaving at a faster pace can be detected by the red-shift.

I'm just having a hard time grasping the concept of space expanding, and would like any links, books, etc.

Local clusters of galaxies are NOT expanding. There's a more detailed discussion here:
  • #6
AustinJones said:
If space is expanding then how is their a blue-shift? unless i misunderstood galaxies moving slowly towards the milkyway can be detected by a blue shift while the ones leaving at a faster pace can be detected by the red-shift.

I'm just having a hard time grasping the concept of space expanding, and would like any links, books, etc.

See this article. Also, check out Phinds' page on the balloon analogy that he posted
That would also be true in the alternative model though, galaxies would be moving at a speed proportional to how far they had moved from the origin. How do you separate a universe obeying the Cosmological Principle from say one which is spherically symmetric but over scales much larger than the particle horizon? It's not as easy as it looks because the latter is asymptotic to the former as the diameter increases.

The cosmic microwave background shows otherwise, as I explained in Post #2.
  • #7
AustinJones said:
How do we know that the universe is more like raisin bread baking and not like all matter and energy leaving a central point?

I somewhat understand the concept of space increasing rather than matter and energy just leaving the big bang, just wondering what evidence we have of this?
If you look at how the galaxies move with respect to the Earth, and then extrapolate how things would look if we were standing on some other, far-away galaxy, you get the exact same picture either way.
  • #8
Accepting what is being said, can I ask, how does this relate to hyper velocity stars? I understand that the anology (and our normal discussion of the anology) is limited to gravitationally unbound systems, but I assume that it would also not apply to HVS's even though they are also unbound. Am I correct? Also, could you explain (or point me to something that discusses) how / why it does / does not apply?

Much appreciated,

  • #9
Lino said:
Accepting what is being said, can I ask, how does this relate to hyper velocity stars? I understand that the anology (and our normal discussion of the anology) is limited to gravitationally unbound systems, but I assume that it would also not apply to HVS's even though they are also unbound. Am I correct? Also, could you explain (or point me to something that discusses) how / why it does / does not apply?

Much appreciated,

HVS's tend to have velocities around 1000km/s or so, which is of the same order of magnitude as the fastest galaxies, and isn't really fast enough to have significant relativistic effects. Bear in mind that our own motion with respect to the overall expansion is 627km/s, and having some stars out there in the universe that have double or even triple this velocity really doesn't have a significant impact on the overall picture that is presented.
  • #10
Thanks Chalnoth, and (kind of) understood. Even though they are so much closer than "the fastest galaxies", it does not impact on effects (averaged over large scales). Is that correct?


  • #11
Lino said:
Thanks Chalnoth, and (kind of) understood. Even though they are so much closer than "the fastest galaxies", it does not impact on effects (averaged over large scales). Is that correct?


Right. And over time they'll slow down anyway as they catch up to other matter that is expanding in the direction they're moving.
  • #12
Thanks again.


  • #13
Has anyone studied the book "The First Three Minutes" written by Steven Weinberg? In this book the author stated the early universe conditions as: "At about one hundredth second after the big bang, the temperature of the universe was about a hundred thousand million degrees Centigrade. As the explosion continued, the temperature dropped, reaching thirty thousand million Centigrade after about one-tenth of a second, ten thousand million after about one second and three thousand million degrees after about fourteen seconds".

Can anyone tell me about a scientific book or paper where these data are written in a reliable format?

Related to The Expanding Universe: Evidence for Raisin Bread Baking Effect

1. What is the "Raisin Bread Baking Effect" in relation to the expanding universe?

The "Raisin Bread Baking Effect" is a metaphor used to describe the expansion of the universe. Just like how raisins in a loaf of bread become more spread out as the bread rises, galaxies in the universe become more spread out as the universe expands.

2. How do scientists know that the universe is expanding?

Scientists have observed that galaxies in the universe are moving away from each other at an increasing rate. This is known as the Hubble's Law and provides evidence for the expansion of the universe. Additionally, the cosmic microwave background radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang, also supports the idea of an expanding universe.

3. What is the role of dark energy in the expansion of the universe?

Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. It is believed to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe and is still not fully understood by scientists.

4. How does the expansion of the universe affect the distance between objects in space?

The expansion of the universe causes the distance between objects in space to increase over time. This is because the space between objects is also expanding, carrying the objects along with it. However, this expansion is only noticeable on a very large scale, as objects within our own galaxy are held together by gravity.

5. Will the universe continue to expand forever?

Scientists are still debating whether the expansion of the universe will continue forever or eventually slow down and possibly even reverse. It will depend on the amount of dark energy in the universe and its effects on the expansion rate. More research and observations are needed to determine the ultimate fate of the universe.

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