Television Commercials-hate 'em or love 'em

In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of television commercials and whether people love them or hate them. Some individuals enjoy dissecting and analyzing commercials, while others find them manipulative and annoying. Some examples of commercials that were mentioned include Topsy-turvy planters, insurance commercials, and Mr. Whipple for Charmin. There were also discussions about the use of songs and nostalgia in commercials, as well as the prevalence of drug commercials during news programs. Overall, opinions on commercials varied, with some loving the creativity and others hating the constant bombardment of advertisements.
  • #1
Television Commercials--hate 'em or love 'em


I've seen the commercial for Topsy-turvy--the planter that hangs with the upside down tomato plant---

if you notice, its the same tomato plant in ALL of the scenes...
Physics news on
  • #2

rewebster said:
I've seen the commercial for Topsy-turvy--the planter that hangs with the upside down tomato plant---

if you notice, its the same tomato plant in ALL of the scenes...

It was probably grown upright too, and then transplanted 5 minutes before the commercial.
  • #3


half Geisha, half valley girl------and no, I wouldn't buy insurance from her
  • #4

I seldom watch TV, and when I do, it's non-commercial TV, primarily CPB/PBS and affiliates.

I ignore ads, and usually leave the room, or switch channels.

I also avoid commercial radio and listen exclusively to NPR affiliates, although on rare occasion, I might listen to a good classic rock station.

I would never buy anything based on an advertisement, and in fact, ads discourage me from buying - overpriced junk/shtuff. :biggrin:
  • #5

I love a good commercial. It is a hobby of mine to dissect commercials and identify the target audience, the message, the methods used to convey the message, etc. It is also fun to predict which commercials won't survive. By chance I once sat next to a top-notch commercial director, on a flight from the East Coast. He had made a number of recognizable commerials, so I was familiar with his work. We talked for hours about his business - the philosophy, the gimmicks, the politics, the future of advertising, etc. Not only did I find it fascinating, he was amazed to meet someone who was interested in the nuts and bolts of his field.

In the end, tv commercials are an artform. Some are really quite brilliant. Tsu and I both loved the very first few Geiko Gecko and Cavemen commercials.

Perhaps my least favorite commercials of all time were those with Mr. Whipple. But that in itself is evidence that the commericial was classic. To this day, perhaps over twenty or thirty years after the fact, the thought of Mr. Whipple is still annoying. You can't ask for much more from a commercial! "Ladies, please don't squeeze the Charmin!"
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  • #6

Since I got DVR I rarely see commercials anymore and when I do, I'm very sensative to their predatorial and manipulative attempts. One of my favorites (I have many) are the ones that tell me how pressed I am for time, how valuable it is and how this product will change my life. Advertising often demonstrates one of the more subtle wretched properties of humanity, ...

So, yeah - I guess I'll have to go with hate 'em.
  • #7

I don't know how this was calculated, but it was said at one time that Palmolive's, Madge, was the highest paid woman in Hollywood. I think this was based on the countless commercials made over a span of decades.
  • #8

I think this series is clever.

I hate these commercials. How dare they associate a song from my youth, with a product intended for old people! That takes a lot of nerve if you ask me.

I like a number of the California Happy Cows commercials
  • #9

I like a good commercial, where someone has actually put some thought into it. My favourite in that respect is the following: presumably, the brainchild of a few marketing youngsters who even made the effort of making a dummy website to go alongside their commercial!

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  • #10

I Love My TickleMe Plant
My favorite is the one for the TickleMe Plant Greenhouse. In it you can easily grow a real house plant that MOVES when you Tickle IT! This is not a joke. The fan like leaves suddenly fold up when you Tickle It!
Tickle It again and the branches droop. Minutes later the leaves reopen. Just search TickleMe Plant if you have kids or you want to share your love of nature with your students...while supplies last of course!
  • #11

I hate commercials. I like to watch national news and compare and contrast with NewsHour, but the commercials are sick! Actually the majority of the commercials are for drugs for perhaps-real/perhaps-made-up syndromes. After touting how wonderful the drug is, the manufacturer then has to warn you that you will have to have regular liver screenings, women who are pregnant or could become pregnant must NOT even touch the pills, etc. Also, there are the warnings for "tell your doctor if you are planning surgery", contact your doctor if you start having suicidal thoughts, or if your eyes fall out (just kidding!?). Are the people who watch network news a bunch of self-diagnosing hypochondriacs? Judging from the wall-to-wall drug commercials, they must be hitting their demographic...
  • #12

Ivan Seeking said:
I like a number of the California Happy Cows commercials

I also like the Chick-Fil-A cow commercials, especially this one showing cows turning on lights in a darkened office building. Unfortunately the YouTube version isn't in full motion.

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  • #13

Plantastic said:
I Love My TickleMe Plant
My favorite is the one for the TickleMe Plant Greenhouse. In it you can easily grow a real house plant that MOVES when you Tickle IT! This is not a joke. The fan like leaves suddenly fold up when you Tickle It!
Tickle It again and the branches droop. Minutes later the leaves reopen. Just search TickleMe Plant if you have kids or you want to share your love of nature with your students...while supplies last of course!
Sounds like the touch-me-not plants that grow everywhere as weeds. We used to touch them all of the time to watch them close. I wouldn't buy one, you can find them in fields almost everywhere.
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  • #14

Whenever this subject comes up I always think of this commercial:

I hate commercials, but every couple of years I'll catch a show on a station like TBS that chronicles the funniest commercials of the last couple of years, a lot of which are spit out your drink funny.
  • #15

I hate commercials and feel they significantly contribute to destructive behavior in American culture. The images are often deceptive and misleading. For example, a teenage girl maybe 16 is used to pedal cosmetics for older women in hopes of seducing them to recapture that youthful look. Commercials brainwash people into over-consuming and acquiring material wealth sometimes at the expense of the relationships they have with one another. For example, the man sometimes has to expend a large part of his time making enough money to support his consumer habit brought on by the seduction of the commercials. This leaves him less time to spend working on his relationship. And oh that "diamond is forever" crap put out during the holidays is the one I hate the most. What's a guy gonna' do? He's just gonna' have to buy her one cus' she's there too and watchin', givin' him the eye. For what? A stupid diamond. What about your relationship? How's that goin? Diamond ain't going to fix it. And the cars? Just gotta' have one, or two or three, or I mean, the whole front yard is packed with um'. Who cares about the pollution? And all that crummy processed food they pedal ruining the health of millions of people contributing in my opinion significantly to the obsity epidemic in America. And let's not forget the alcohol. Always lookin' cool drinkin' in those commercials never once alluding to the terrible, horrible effects alcoholism has on families.
  • #16

I love commercials. They're better than most of the shows on network TV (or MTV, for that matter).
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  • #17

:biggrin:<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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  • #18

Well... old Flo from the Progressive commercials is actually a well-respected actress and comedienne named Stephanie Courtney who has appeared in movies such as "The Heartbreak Kid" and is a founder of The Groundlings improv troupe. That's not to suggest that I would buy insurance from her; I'm merely pointing out that they didn't just randomly snag some dip out of an alley and make her their spokesperson.
There are some commercials that I like, some that I detest, and I totally ignore the other 99%.
Annie Potts... there's one. She was both gorgeous and naked in "Corvette Summer", and now she's Mother Nature in Tampax commercials. Who the hell belted her with an "ugly stick" when I wasn't paying attention?
Dori Kelly in the Glade ads turns my crank to an indecent degree. I don't care that she's older than dirt and likes things that smell stupid; she's hot.
I love, believe it or not, the JG Wentworth ads for the music. I'm not a huge fan of opera, but the 15 seconds or so of it that they present is very pleasant.
The one that I absolutely can't abide is for Cold Water Tide detergent. Some moron keeps chanting "I'm cool like that". At the first indication of it coming on, I am leaping for the remote to hit the mute button. Most of you know that I'm actually a fairly even-tempered dude despite the name, but I honest-to-**** want to put a bullet through my TV when I hear that one. It makes me absolutely furious. The only other one that rivaled it was that whiney ***** in the Nyquil commercial about 30 years ago. The "Zoomzoom" kid from the Mazda ads was approaching that status before he got turfed. (In a national poll, he was actually voted the second most-hated person in Canada, right after Brian Mulroney.)
I absolutely loved the old Alka Seltzer gigs. "Try it; you'll like it." "I can't believe I ate the whole thing." "Mama mia, that'sa some spicy meatballs." Those things were little snippets of comedic genius, with perfectly-cast actors.
There's a book that I read when I was a kid, that might be kind of neat for you to check out if you can find it and have a couple of hours to spare. Unfortunately, I can't remember the title or the name of the author. He was an advertising copywriter giving a behind-the-scenes account of what went on in the business. Hmm... his last name might have been Brown, but my memory barely extends to yesterday let alone 35 years ago. The main title was something insipid such as "Selling It' or the like. The subtitle, however, which was printed nearly as largely, said it all: "Making Commercials is Such a Dog-Eat-Dog Business It's No Wonder They Call Them Spots."
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  • #19

Danger said:
She was both gorgeous and naked in "Corvette Summer"

Like I needed another reason to watch a film called "Corvette Summer". Sold!
  • #20

Danger said:
Annie Potts... there's one. She was both gorgeous and naked in "Corvette Summer", and now she's Mother Nature in Tampax commercials. Who the hell belted her with an "ugly stick" when I wasn't paying attention?
Be nice, Dan. She's just 6 months younger than me, and you can't keep age at bay forever.
  • #21

Another good one from Geico
  • #22

Oh come on Ivan this is the better one from Geico.<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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  • #23

turbo-1 said:
Be nice, Dan. She's just 6 months younger than me, and you can't keep age at bay forever.

You are correct, of course, which I realized as soon as I read your post. My comment was insensitive, rude, and stupid. In fact, I have nothing against Ms. Potts, and the "ugly stick" comment was way out of line. Given that she's a couple of years older than me and only slightly younger than you, she looks pretty good. A couple of things, neither of which is a legitimate excuse, contributed to that off-the-cuff statement. One is that I was inebriated. My absence from PF which caused such an uproar was due to, in addition to the true reasons that I explained, the fact that I was on the wagon for a couple of months. When I started posting again was when I started drinking again. I somehow seem to lose any desire to communicate when I'm sober. (I might disappear again soon, because when this half-sack of beer and 26'er of Scotch are gone, I'm quitting again.) Anyhow, my inhibitions and judgement were somewhat impaired when I made that post. The other factor is that one of her Tampax commercials came on while I was posting. My prejudice doesn't involve her physical appearance at all; her voice was somewhat cute and charming when she was a teenager, but its appeal has been rapidly wearing off with each exposure. I was temporarily angry at her for the aural assault. (Face it; she sounds like a frozen cod going through a bandsaw.)
I very strongly suspect that she will never read this thread, or even hear of it, but in case I'm mistaken about that I herewith proffer my sincere apologies to her.
And thank you, Turbo, for bringing my error to my attention.
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  • #24

I love the chance to vent on this subject.
Like Ivan, I like some commercials and dislike others - - - and some I absolutely hate. Following are a few of my dislikes:

One of my favorite peeves is the commercial that tries to sucker the person in, the ones that take us as inattentive idiots that only need to be thrown the proper lure. Real stinkers to me are what I label the "feigned familiarity" approaches- - - the ones that pretend to be continuing an ongoing conversation with those in the audience. My reaction to them is "I don't know you and I don't really want to, so don't pretend that we are buddies just deciding how to best buy your product - - I'm not that stupid." Perfect feigned familiarity entries are:
"By the way - - - "
"As I was saying - - -"
Entrances like that automatically get the channel changed.

Another type of stinkers are those that try to trick the audience into paying attention. To those I make a conscious commitment to never consider that product. Perfect example is the commercial that contains the gratuitous "telephone ring" in the background, just to get you to pay attention to the commercial. Another similar example of this stinker type is the Honda commercial that has a gratuitous knocking on glass ("dink-dink") just for that same end. I see that tactic so obnoxious that I have sworn to never consider their product for anything - - ever, not even a cab ride. They shouldn't look at the audience as utter fools.

Some commercials that are objectionable - - to a lesser extent - - are:

Beneful:Who wants to see a perfect stranger baby talking a dog?
Progressive Insurance: She's just "squeeky"!
Most beer commercials: Portray stupidities that are simply aimed at teenage boys - - -
who shouldn't be buying beer.
The Geico cockney lizard. Those got old long ago. (But, I like the cave man
"Zoom-Zoom", are we fool enough to be influenced by a six-year-old?

And, there are many others.

  • #26

Argentum Vulpes said:
Oh come on Ivan this is the better one from Geico.<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
My daughter and i were just talking about this one the other day.

Did you see the Antiques Road show beer commercial?
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  • #27

This strikes me as a terribly effective commercial. It isn't abrasive like a Mr. Whipple. The visual works because it is interesting and out of context - opera on a bus. I esp like the guy with the horns! It drills the 877 CASH NOW right into your head, whether you like it or not. And it is all a bit tongue-in-cheek, which takes the edge off of any sales pitch and makes it more personal. It is even a bit entertaining.

It isn't comedy or art, but I would bet it makes the phones ring at 877 CASH NOW. It reminds me a bit of a car dealership commercial, in Southern California. After almost 40 years, I can still tell you how to get there from the little tune that they used: Pete Ellis Dodge, Long Beach Fwy, Firestone exit, Southgate.
  • #28

I detest commercials. I have ever since I turned on Live365 internet radio. They have one single very irritating commercial that they repeat over and over. Whats it selling? Its selling commercial free Live365. I've never looked at commercials the same way again.
  • #29

I love this commercial.. the little girl is so adorable..
  • #30

Math Is Hard said:
I love this commercial.. the little girl is so adorable..
Cute! They should have played Simon and Garfunkle's "Baby Driver" as the sound track at the end. Stupid Madison-Avenue ad-types! Lost opportunities abound for those who are clueless to music, past and present.

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  • #31

A Dutch insurance company created some very weird situations where they would settle things.

zFG-WD2UExs[/youtube] Plenty more where this is coming from.
  • #32

I'm a sucker for these type of commercials:

I think of the second one every time I do the "This little piggy..." with my 1-year-old grandson.
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  • #34

Related to Television Commercials-hate 'em or love 'em

1. What is the purpose of television commercials?

Television commercials are created to promote and advertise products, services, or ideas to a wide audience. They aim to persuade viewers to purchase a particular product or take a specific action.

2. Why do some people hate television commercials?

Some people may dislike television commercials because they interrupt their viewing experience and can be repetitive and annoying. They may also feel that commercials are manipulative and pushy in their attempts to sell products.

3. How are television commercials created?

Television commercials are typically created by advertising agencies, which work with clients to develop a concept, script, and storyboard. The commercial is then filmed or animated and edited before being aired on television.

4. Do television commercials have any positive effects?

Yes, television commercials can have positive effects such as increasing brand awareness and informing viewers about new products or services. They can also be entertaining and creative, making them memorable and shareable.

5. How do television commercials impact society?

Television commercials can influence societal values and behaviors by promoting certain products, lifestyles, and ideologies. They can also contribute to consumer culture and shape our perceptions of beauty, success, and happiness.

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