Somewhat difficult proof of a transitive relation

In summary, we are trying to prove that R is transitive, given a set A, a subset F of the powerset of A, and a relation R defined on A x A. We begin by assuming that (a,b) ∈ R and (b,c) ∈ R for some elements a,b,c ∈ A. We then choose an arbitrary subset X of A\{a,c} and assume that X∪{a} ∈ F. By the definition of R, this means that X∪{b} ∈ F. Since (b,c) ∈ R, we can also conclude that X∪{c} ∈ F. Therefore, we have shown that for any choice of X, if X∪{a
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose A is a set and F ⊆ P(A). Let R = {(a,b) ∈ A x A | for every X ⊆ A\{a,b}, if X∪{a} ∈ F, then X∪{b} ∈ F}. Show that R is transitive.

* P(A) is the powerset of A.

Homework Equations

I am looking for an informal, "naive" proof- the text this exercise comes from is not axiomatic one.

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have come up with:

Let a,b,c ∈ A and suppose (a,b) ∈ R and (b,c) ∈ R. Let X ⊆ A\{a,c} and also assume X∪{a} ∈ F. But then X∪{a} ∈ P(A), which in turn means X∪{a} ⊆ A.

*I am struggling with a way to show X∪{c} ∈ F, which is (at least what seems to me to be) what is required to prove (a,c) ∈ R.
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  • #2
Suppose [itex](a,b)\in R[/itex] and [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex]. You want to show that [itex](a,c) \in R[/itex].

Choose any [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus \{a,c\}[/itex]. Then neither [itex]a[/itex] nor [itex]c[/itex] is in [itex]X[/itex].

It may or may not be true that [itex]b \in X[/itex].

If [itex]b \not\in X[/itex], then [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus \{a,b\}[/itex] and [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus \{b,c\}[/itex] and the rest is straightforward.

What happens if [itex]b \in X[/itex]?
  • #3
The reasoning for the case (presented above) in which b is not an element of X seems to use the vacuous truth which results by writing out the meaning of subset and applying the fact that b is not an element of X to the statements implied by (a,b) ∈ R and (b,c) ∈ R.

If b ∈ X, then b ∈ A and not b ∈ {a,c}...Perhaps I have been looking at this problem for too long, but i cannot seem to apply this anywhere.
  • #4
I'm not sure what you mean by vacuous truth.

Let [itex]X[/itex] be as I indicated above, and suppose that [itex](a,b) \in R[/itex] and [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex]. We want to prove that [itex](a,c) \in R[/itex].

If [itex]b \not\in X[/itex], then [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus\{a,b\}[/itex] and [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus\{b,c\}[/itex].

Now suppose that [itex]X \cup\{a\} \in F[/itex].

Since [itex](a,b) \in R[/itex], it follows that [itex]X \cup\{b\} \in F[/itex]. Then, since [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex], it follows that [itex]X \cup\{c\} \in F[/itex].

What can you conclude from this?

The reason why [itex]b \not\in X[/itex] is important is because this means that [itex]X[/itex] is a valid "test set" in the definition of [itex]R[/itex] for both [itex](a,b)[/itex] and [itex](b,c)[/itex].

So now you need to come up with an argument that works if [itex]b \in X[/itex].
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  • #5
What i was referring to was this:

We assumed b ∉ X. We also assumed (a,b),(b,c) ∈ R. The logical definition of this, in particular for (a,b) ∈ R, is (∀X ⊆ A\{a,b})(X∪{a} ∈ F → X∪{b} ∈ F). It is analogous for (b,c) ∈ R. The definition of subset is (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Lastly, we have assumed X ⊆ A\{a,c}. By vacuous truth I am referring to the justification that X ⊆ A\{a,b}, which allows us to use (a,b) ∈ R given these premises- unless I am still making an error or regarding the proof in an unneccesary manner?
  • #6
Syrus said:
What i was referring to was this:

We assumed b ∉ X. We also assumed (a,b),(b,c) ∈ R. The logical definition of this, in particular for (a,b) ∈ R, is (∀X ⊆ A\{a,b})(X∪{a} ∈ F → X∪{b} ∈ F). It is analogous for (b,c) ∈ R. The definition of subset is (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Lastly, we have assumed X ⊆ A\{a,c}. By vacuous truth I am referring to the justification that X ⊆ A\{a,b}, which allows us to use (a,b) ∈ R given these premises- unless I am still making an error or regarding the proof in an unneccesary manner?

All the statements you made are correct. I guess I was confused by your use of the word "vacuous."

The assumption that [itex]b \not\in X[/itex] means that the rest of the argument is valid, in particular, [itex]X[/itex] meets the criteria needed to draw a useful conclusion from the facts that [itex](a,b) \in R[/itex] and [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex].

I think you can make a similar argument if [itex]b \in X[/itex], but in that case you can't use [itex]X[/itex] itself to draw the conclusions.
  • #7
This is a bit sidetracked, but I'd just like to ascertain that I'm using the term "vacuous" correctly... since the antecedent in the definition of subset above isn't satisfied (since we have b ∉ X for arbitrary b and that definition has k ∈ X for arbitrary k), doesn't that make X ⊆ A\{a,b} vacuously true? Or was it simply the phrasing which was confusing in my previous post?

Also, thank you for your help jbunniii. I'll post a full copy of my proof once I have it done on paper.
  • #8
But [itex]b[/itex] isn't arbitrary. It's a specific element, which along with two other specific elements [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]c[/itex], are assumed to satisfy [itex](a,b) \in R[/itex] and [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex].

The two cases I am then considering are whether or not that specific [itex]b[/itex] is in the candidate set [itex]X[/itex] that I defined above. Depending on how I choose [itex]X[/itex], this may or may not be true. There are valid choices of [itex]X[/itex] with [itex]b \in X[/itex], and other valid choices of [itex]X[/itex] with [itex]b \not\in X[/itex]. I must show that the desired result is true for all valid choices.

I consider the two possibilities separately. If [itex]b \not \in X[/itex], then that implies that [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus \{a,b\}[/itex]. It's not vacuously true. It's true precisely because [itex]b \in X[/itex].

When I consider the other possibility, [itex]b \in X[/itex], then [itex]X \not \subseteq A \setminus \{a,b\}[/itex] and this introduces a complication that needs to be overcome.

Sorry in advance if I'm not addressing your question correctly. It might just be a question of language. To me, "vacuously true" would be a statement like "if pigs can fly, then all cats are blue." Whereas the example above is more like "if 3 is in the set X, then X cannot consist only of even numbers." Hope that makes sense.

In any case, I look forward to seeing your proof, especially the [itex]b \in X[/itex] case, which I haven't worked out myself yet.
  • #9
hmmmmm. There's a hint which suggests working with the sets (XU{a})\{b} and (XU{c})\{b} for this case. Trying to work off that here. Also the fact that F is a subset of P(A) must play in somewhere.
  • #10
How about this?

Let a,b,c ∈ A and suppose (a,b),(b,c) ∈ R. Also, let X ⊆ A\{a,c} and assume X∪{a} ∈ F. The proof is now broken into two exhaustive cases:

Case 1) Suppose b ∉ X. In order for X ⊆ A\{a,b} to be satisfied, it must be true that (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Now, applying the element b introduced above to this statement we have: b ∈ X → b ∈ A\{a,b}, which is logically equivalent to b ∉ X ∨ b ∈ A\{a,b}. This disjunction is clearly true since, by hypothesis, b ∉ X. As a result, we may assume X ⊆ A\{a,b}. Analogous reasoning also provides us with X ⊆ A\{b,c}. Using these conclusions, along with X∪{a} ∈ F above, we may deduce X∪{b} ∈ F (from (a,b) ∈ R) and ultimately X∪{c} ∈ F (from (b,c) ∈ R). Thus, R is transitive.

Case 2) Suppose b ∈ X. In addition, assume a ∈ X. But this would imply a ∈ A and a ∉ {a,c} (since X ⊆ A\{a,c}) which is a contradiction since, obviously, a ∈ {a,c}. Thus a ∉ X. Now recall that in order for X ⊆ A\{a,b} to be satisfied, it must be true that (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Since any implication is logically equivalent to its contrapositive, we have (∀k)(k ∉ A\{a,b} → k∉ X). Analyzing the logical definition of this statement even more yields: (∀k)((k ∉ A ∨ k ∈ {a,b}) → k∉ X). Further, this implication is equivalent to the following disjunction: (∀k)((k ∈ A ∧ k ∉ {a,b}) ∨ k∉ X). Applying a to this statement, it immediately becomes obvious that it is true because, as demonstrated above, a ∉ X. This shows that X ⊆ A\{a,b}. An analogous argument shows that X ⊆ A\{b,c} is valid. Afterwards, following the reasoning in case 1, it can be seen that R is transitive.

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  • #11
Syrus said:
Case 2) Suppose b ∈ X. In addition, assume a ∈ X. But this would imply a ∈ A and a ∉ {a,c} (since X ⊆ A\{a,c}) which is a contradiction since, obviously, a ∈ {a,c}. Thus a ∉ X. Now recall that in order for X ⊆ A\{a,b} to be satisfied, it must be true that (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Since any implication is logically equivalent to its contrapositive, we have (∀k)(k ∉ A\{a,b} → k∉ X). Analyzing the logical definition of this statement even more yields: (∀k)((k ∉ A ∨ k ∈ {a,b}) → k∉ X). Further, this implication is equivalent to the following disjunction: (∀k)((k ∈ A ∧ k ∉ {a,b}) ∨ k∉ X). Applying a to this statement, it immediately becomes obvious that it is true because, as demonstrated above, a ∉ X. This shows that X ⊆ A\{a,b}.

No, this can't be right. Right at the start, you said that [itex]b \in X[/itex]. But the last sentence (in bold) cannot be true in that case. [itex]b[/itex] is obviously not in [itex]A\setminus \{a,b\}[/itex], so [itex]X[/itex] cannot be a subset of [itex]A\setminus \{a,b\}[/itex].
  • #12
Syrus said:
How about this?Let a,b,c ∈ A and suppose (a,b),(b,c) ∈ R. Also, let X ⊆ A\{a,c} and assume X∪{a} ∈ F. The proof is now broken into two exhaustive cases:

Case 1) Suppose b ∉ X. In order for X ⊆ A\{a,b} to be satisfied, it must be true that (∀k)(k ∈ X → k ∈ A\{a,b}). Now, applying the element b introduced above to this statement we have: b ∈ X → b ∈ A\{a,b}, which is logically equivalent to b ∉ X ∨ b ∈ A\{a,b}. This disjunction is clearly true since, by hypothesis, b ∉ X. As a result, we may assume X ⊆ A\{a,b}. Analogous reasoning also provides us with X ⊆ A\{b,c}. Using these conclusions, along with X∪{a} ∈ F above, we may deduce X∪{b} ∈ F (from (a,b) ∈ R) and ultimately X∪{c} ∈ F (from (b,c) ∈ R). Thus, R is transitive.

This case is correct, but I think you are making it too hard. Why not just say this instead of the bolded text:

Suppose [itex]b \not \in X[/itex]. Since [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus\{a, c\}[/itex], we also see that [itex]a \not \in X[/itex]. Therefore [itex]X[/itex] is a subset of [itex]A[/itex] which contains neither [itex]a[/itex] nor [itex]b[/itex], and therefore [itex]X \subseteq A \setminus \{a,b\}[/itex].
  • #13
Anyone else have any suggestions?
  • #14
Syrus said:
hmmmmm. There's a hint which suggests working with the sets (XU{a})\{b} and (XU{c})\{b} for this case. Trying to work off that here. Also the fact that F is a subset of P(A) must play in somewhere.

Yes, this will lead to the solution. When you assume X contained in S \ {a,c} satisfies X u { a }, assuming that b is also in X ( the second case, after assuming b is not in X ), gives rise to X u { a } \ { b } being contained in S \ { b , c }.
  • #15
wisvuze said:
When you assume X contained in S \ {a,c} satisfies X u { a }

What exactly do you mean by this? X u { a } ∈ F is a premise, so it is assumed to be satisfied/true.
  • #16
When you assume b ∈ X... there is no way to deduce X is contained in A/{a,b}. Clearly, the same holds for A/{b,c}. This leads me to believe XU{c} ∈ F must be shown directly (ie. not using Modus Ponens with the givens).

So far I have, since b ∈ XU{a} and XU{a} ∈ F, b ∈ UF... trying to get through like this
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  • #17
Still looking for help.
  • #18
Syrus said:
What exactly do you mean by this? X u { a } ∈ F is a premise, so it is assumed to be satisfied/true.

yes, that is what I mean. I suggest you read more into that hint you were given, the one I followed up on. It is almost a give-away ( as long as you pay attention to all the notation )
  • #19
Maybe you can do more than indicate how "obvious" it is?
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  • #20
Suppose [itex] X \subseteq A - \left\{a,c\right\}[/itex] and [itex] X \cup \left\{a\right\} \in F[/itex].

Assume [itex] b \in X[/itex]. Then [itex] ( X \cup \left\{a\right\}) - \left\{b\right\} \subseteq A - \left\{b,c\right\}[/itex]. Also, [itex] ( X \cup \left\{a\right\}) - \left\{b\right\} \cup \left\{ b\right\} = X \cup \left\{a\right\} \in F[/itex].

Therefore, since [itex](b,c) \in R[/itex], we know that [itex] (X\cup \left\{a\right\}) - \left\{b\right\} \cup \left\{c\right\} \in F[/itex]. Remember this inclusion.

Then, take a look at the set [itex] ( X \cup \left\{c\right\}) - \left\{b\right\}[/itex] remembering that [itex] (a,b)\in R[/itex].
  • #21
Holy mackerel! I Finally got it. This proof is unlike others I have experienced thus far. It has more to do with "constructing" sets using their element representations. Also, working with arbitrary subsets was previously unfamiliar to me.

Here is case 2:

Suppose b ∈ X. Then [(X U {a})\{b}] ⊆ A\{b,c}. Note that ([(X U {a})\{b}] U {b}) ∈ F since ([(X U {a})\{b}] U {b}) = (X U {a}), and from above (X U {a}) ∈ F. Because (b,c) ∈ R, we may conclude that ([(X U {a})\{b}] U {c}) ∈ F. Now consider [(X U {c})\{b}] and notice that [(X U {c})\{b}] ⊆ A\{a,b}. Also, [(X U {c})\{b}] U {a} ∈ F since [(X U {c})\{b}] U {a} = ([(X U {a})\{b}] U {c}) ∈ F (shown just prior). This time, using the premise (a,b) ∈ R, we may deduce ([(X U {c})\{b}] U {b}) ∈ F. But this is the same as saying (X U {c}) ∈ F since ([(X U {c})\{b}] U {b}) = (X U {c}) ∈ F. This is exactly what is required to show (a,c) ∈ R and thus prove that R is transitive.
  • #22
looks good, good job ; as you can see, the given hint I think was enough to work with .. too much more information might've given it away (you just had to keep track of all the notation ).
  • #23
Thank you =).

I'm trying to sketch out the formal PC (pred. calc.) proof for this one and it seems very lengthy and convoluted.

Related to Somewhat difficult proof of a transitive relation

1. What is a transitive relation?

A transitive relation is a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between three elements, where if element A is related to element B, and element B is related to element C, then element A is also related to element C. In other words, if A is connected to B, and B is connected to C, then A is also connected to C through the intermediate element B.

2. Why is proving a transitive relation important?

Proving a transitive relation is important because it allows us to establish a logical connection between different elements. This can be useful in many areas of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, and set theory, as well as in other fields like computer science and economics.

3. What makes proving a transitive relation difficult?

Proving a transitive relation can be difficult because it requires careful analysis and understanding of the elements involved and their relationships. It may also involve complex mathematical concepts and techniques, which can be challenging to grasp and apply correctly.

4. What are some common strategies for proving a transitive relation?

Some common strategies for proving a transitive relation include using mathematical induction, direct proof, proof by contradiction, and proof by counterexample. These methods involve systematically analyzing the elements and their relationships to establish the transitive property.

5. Are there any real-world examples of transitive relations?

Yes, there are many real-world examples of transitive relations. For instance, the "is taller than" relationship is transitive, as if person A is taller than person B, and person B is taller than person C, then person A is also taller than person C. Other examples include the "is a friend of" relationship and the "is a subset of" relationship.

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