Proving Brewster's Angle Without Fresnel Equations?

In summary: However, even if you do know the equation, it's still possible that you don't have the solution. If you could outline the steps you took in trying to solve the problem, that would be really helpful!In summary, I am trying to solve a problem where I know the electric field across an interface, but I can't seem to find a solution. I am assuming that I need to use Fresnel equation, but I don't know how to solve it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Background from previous parts of the question: A simple isotropic dielectric occupies the region x>0, with vacuum in region x<0. I've found the wave equations for the electric field Incident, reflected and transmitted to prove Snell's law (Sinθ/Sinθ = c/c' = √εr) and the law of refraction, but the last part, below, has me stumped.
By imposing the relevant boundary conditions on the electric field across the boundary, or otherwise, show that if there is no reflected wave then the angle of incidence (θ) and the angle of refraction (θ) satisfy
θ + θ = π/2
I know it's something to do with Brewster's Angle, but all the proofs I've found online are doing it in a different way to how we've been asked.

Homework Equations

EIn= EIn0 exp[iωt - iω/c (x cosθ + y sinθ)]
ERef= ERef0 exp[iωt - iω/c (-x cosθ' + y sinθ')]
ETrans= ETrans0 exp[iωt - iω/c' (x cosθ + y sinθ)]

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried looking at the boundary conditions as if there is no Reflected wave, and with dielectrics the parallel component of E is continuous across the boundary and so:
And looking at when y=0 and t=0 separately and together, but I keep going round in circles with no solution in sight.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
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  • #2
Which coordinates between x and y that you specify to lie along the interface?
  • #3
The interface lies at x=0
  • #4
Poirot said:
You can start from that equation. Note that both fields appearing in that equation are the components of the field which lies in the incident plane (from now on I will call it the TM component, as it is usually referred to in textbooks). To find the connection between EIn and ETrans, you have to know the transmission coefficient for the TM components.
  • #5
Do you mean √εr ?
  • #6
No, I am talking about Fresnel equation. Do you know these equations?
  • #7
Umm, No. The extent of geometric optics my module has covered is this derivation.
  • #8
Poirot said:
this derivation.
The derivation of Fresnel equation?
  • #9
No sorry, I meant we'd done the derivation of Snell's law and the law of reflection using this set up, I've not heard of Fresnel's Equations until I started googling about how to solve the problem I originally posted.
  • #10
Actually I feel it strange when one brings up Brewster angle but never introduce the concept of reflection and transmission coefficients beforehand. The case of Brewster angle happens only when the incident light lies in the so-called incident plane, which is called TM polarization. But since you have found the solution, I think there is nothing more to argue about.
  • #11
blue_leaf77 said:
Actually I feel it strange when one brings up Brewster angle but never introduce the concept of reflection and transmission coefficients beforehand. The case of Brewster angle happens only when the incident light lies in the so-called incident plane, which is called TM polarization. But since you have found the solution, I think there is nothing more to argue about.
I haven't actually found a solution for this, this question came up in a past paper my lecturer set and said it had something to do with Brewster's angle but didn't elaborate and so I don't have any knowledge of this. In theory the solution shouldn't be particularly physics heavy, but I assume using some maths, due to the fact it's not been taught explicitly.

Thanks for trying to help
  • #12
Well, I don't know other ways to solve this if one doesn't assume the knowledge of Fresnel equation. This equation governs the portion of light being reflected and transmitted at an interface. Since at Brewster angle, the TM polarized light will not be reflected/fully transmitted, obviously the relevant Fresnel equation must be involved.

Related to Proving Brewster's Angle Without Fresnel Equations?

1. What is geometric optics?

Geometric optics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of light as it travels through various materials and interacts with objects. It focuses on the geometric properties of light, such as its direction, velocity, and intensity, rather than its wave properties.

2. What are some real-world applications of geometric optics?

Geometric optics has numerous practical applications, including designing and improving lenses for eyeglasses, cameras, and telescopes, creating optical instruments for medical imaging and research, and developing technologies such as lasers, fiber optics, and holography.

3. How is geometric optics different from other branches of optics?

Geometric optics differs from other branches of optics, such as physical optics and quantum optics, in that it focuses on light as a ray rather than a wave or particle. This makes it more suitable for studying the macroscopic behavior of light, such as in lenses and mirrors.

4. What are some key principles of geometric optics?

Some key principles of geometric optics include the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection; the law of refraction, which governs how light bends as it passes through different materials; and the principle of least time, which explains how light always takes the shortest path between two points.

5. How is geometric optics used in the field of astronomy?

Geometric optics is crucial in the field of astronomy, as it allows us to understand how light from distant objects travels through space and how it is affected by various optical instruments. It is also used to study the behavior of light within the Earth's atmosphere, which affects our ability to observe and study celestial objects.

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