Prove that factorial n is less than or equal to n raised to n

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  • Thread starter issacnewton
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In summary, the author is trying to prove that (n!)^{1/n^2} is less than (n^n)^{1/n^2}. They plan to use a theorem that states if a>0 and b>0, then a<b if and only if a^n<b^n. They also prove that (n!)^{1/n^2} is less than (n^n)^{1/n^2} using the left hand side of the inequality and the fact that (n!)^{\frac{1}{n^2}} is less than (n^n)^{\frac{1}{n^2}}.
  • #1
HelloI wish to prove that
\[ \forall\;n\in \mathbb{N}\; n! \leqslant n^n \]
First we let \(n\) be arbitrary. Now I first write \( n! \) as \( n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdots 3\cdot 2\cdot 1\).
Now we see that
\[ n \geqslant (n-1)\;; n \geqslant (n-2)\;\ldots ;n \geqslant n- (n-1) \]
So we get
\[ n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdots 3\cdot 2\cdot 1 \leqslant \underbrace{n\cdot n\cdot n\cdots n}_\text{n times} \]
\[ \Rightarrow n! \leqslant n^n \]
Since \(n\) is arbitrary, the result is generally true. I want to use this result to find the limit of \( (n!)^{1/n^2 } \)
using the Squeeze theorem. So is my proof correct ?
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  • #2
IssacNewton said:
HelloI wish to prove that
\[ \forall\;n\in \mathbb{N}\; n! \leqslant n^n \]
First we let \(n\) be arbitrary. Now I first write \( n! \) as \( n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdots 3\cdot 2\cdot 1\).
Now we see that
\[ n \geqslant (n-1)\;; n \geqslant (n-2)\;\ldots ;n \geqslant n- (n-1) \]
So we get
\[ n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdots 3\cdot 2\cdot 1 \leqslant \underbrace{n\cdot n\cdot n\cdots n}_\text{n times} \]
\[ \Rightarrow n! \leqslant n^n \]
Since \(n\) is arbitrary, the result is generally true. I want to use this result to find the limit of \( (n!)^{1/n^2 } \)
using the Squeeze theorem. So is my proof correct ?

Yup , it is correct .
  • #3
Thanks zaid.
Now to use squeeze theorem, one of the things I need to prove is that \( (n!)^{1/n^2} \leqslant (n^n)^{1/n^2} \). Now here is an idea how I plan to go about doing that.
I have already proven a theorem that if \( a>0 \) and \(b>0\) and \(n\in\mathbb{N} \), we have \( a< b \) if and only if \( a^n < b^n \). Since \( n! \leqslant n^n \) for all \(n\in\mathbb{N} \), we can divide this in two cases. In case 1 , where \( n! = n^n \),
taking \( 1/n^2 \) root of both the sides, we get \( (n!)^{1/n^2} = (n^n)^{1/n^2} \).
In case 2, where \( n! < n^n \), I will let \( a = (n!)^{1/n^2}\) and \( b = (n^n)^{1/n^2} \). Now since both \( n! \) and \( n^n \) are positive, by \( n^{\mbox{th}} \) root theorem, we have \( a = (n!)^{1/n^2} > 0 \) and
\( b = (n^n)^{1/n^2} > 0 \). The case 2 says that \( n! < n^n \), which is \( a^{n^2} < b^{n^2} \). Now since \( n\in\mathbb{N} \), we have \( n^2 \in\mathbb{N} \). So using the theorem I proved, we get \( a<b\) which is \( (n!)^{1/n^2} < (n^n)^{1/n^2} \). So combining the two cases, I get
\[ (n!)^{1/n^2} \leqslant (n^n)^{1/n^2} \].

Does this sound good ?

  • #4
It is clear that you know what you are doing but you need to make things a little be more organized . For example , it is not clear from the context which implication you are choosing ! .

Let \(\displaystyle a,b>0 \) , \(\displaystyle a<b \iff a^{n^2}<b^{n^2}\) . so you are choosing the converse \(\displaystyle a^{n^2}<b^{n^2} \implies a< b \) then by letting \(\displaystyle a= (n!)^{\frac{1}{n^2}} ,b= (n^n)^{\frac{1}{n^2}}\) , we conclude that that \(\displaystyle n! < n^n \implies (n!)^{\frac{1}{n^2}} < (n^n)^{\frac{1}{n^2}}\) .Since you already proved the left hand side we are done .
  • #5
Thanks...I am on right track... (Muscle)

Related to Prove that factorial n is less than or equal to n raised to n

1. How do you prove that factorial n is less than or equal to n raised to n?

To prove that factorial n is less than or equal to n raised to n, we can use mathematical induction. This involves showing that the statement is true for the base case (n=1) and then assuming it is true for n=k and proving it for n=k+1. This will establish the truth of the statement for all positive integers n.

2. What is the significance of proving this statement?

Proving that factorial n is less than or equal to n raised to n is significant because it helps us understand the growth rate of these two functions. This relationship is useful in various mathematical and scientific fields, such as analyzing algorithms and probability calculations.

3. Can you provide an example of using this statement in a real-world scenario?

Yes, this statement can be used in probability calculations involving combinations and permutations. For example, if we want to know the probability of getting a certain combination of outcomes in a game of dice, we can use this relationship to determine the total number of possible outcomes.

4. Is there a specific formula or theorem that can be used to prove this statement?

Yes, this statement can be proven using the Binomial Theorem, which states that (1+x)^n = 1 + nx + (n(n-1)/2!)x^2 + ... + x^n. By setting x=1, we get the inequality (1+1)^n = 2^n ≥ n(n-1)/2!, which can be rearranged to give n! ≤ 2^n. This is a stronger statement than factorial n ≤ n^n, but it can also be used to prove the original statement.

5. Are there any exceptions or limitations to this statement?

Yes, this statement is only true for positive integers. It does not hold for negative numbers or non-integer values of n. Additionally, as n grows larger, the gap between n! and n^n also grows larger, making the inequality less accurate for larger values of n.

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