Problem about taking measurements in flat metric spaces

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of determining the nature of measurements for infinitesimal displacements in flat and non-flat metric spaces. The speaker explains how they have no issue with non-flat spaces, but struggles with understanding the measurements in flat spaces. They use an example of an orthogonal triangle in a flat space and question how to know if it is truly orthogonal in that space. The conversation then delves into the use of different coordinates and the application of Pythagoras' theorem in different metric spaces.
  • #1

I am having a problem about the nature of the measurements of the intervals ds's forming out of infinitesimal displacements dx's of the coordinates and the actual meaning of the measurements of the same dx's, in flat metric spaces.

I am certain that this must be a trivial problem, but I, somehow, can't see how to get around it.

Well, to start with, I do not have this problem with non-flat metric spaces because there the dx's and ds's are clearly distinguished from one another as they clearly belong to different dimensions.

So, I take an orthogonal triangle on a plane and measure the hypotenuse there to be, say: ds=[itex]\sqrt{dX^{2}+dY^{2}+2adXdY}[/itex] for some a, 0<a<1.
How do I know that my infinitesimal triangle is orthogonal in this metric space?
By Euclid's definition and construction: I take a line segment and draw the vertical at its middle point. How?
By drawing two circles radius the line segment and center one of its end points. Thereby joining the two points where the circles intersect by a straight line, I am left with two vertical lines.

Of course, to a creature living in a space with ds=[itex]\sqrt{dX^{2}+dY^{2}}[/itex], this would look like I have used a transformation of coordinates:

x=X +Ycosθ

but my metric space is different altogether than his or hers. I have no problem understanding the nature of such a metric space, either.

But, what is wrong with ds's like: ds=[itex]\sqrt{adX^{2}+bdY^{2}}[/itex], a,b≠1 ?

What does my infinitesimal triangle look like there? What are the lengths of its sides? Are the vertical sides of length dX and dY with hypotenuse ds=[itex]\sqrt{adX^{2}+bdY^{2}}[/itex], or are they [itex]\sqrt{a}[/itex]dX and [itex]\sqrt{b}[/itex]dY with the same hypotenuse ds=[itex]\sqrt{adX^{2}+bdY^{2}}[/itex]?

How come for example, since both dX and ds belong on the same plane, to measure differently for dY=0? Shouldn't ds measure dX for dY=0, too?

I would like someone to please explain this to me, since in my mind it is an impredicativity I don't seem to be able to go around...
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  • #2
Your use of terminology is very confusing, so I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. However, if you think about the following, it may clear things up:

Suppose you measure distances along the X axis in meters, and distances along the Y axis in feet. Then what does Pythagoras' theorem look like?
  • #3
I am sorry in advance, if I lack the expertise and terminology to explain rigorously what I mean, but I am trying my best.

To give you an idea, consider a metric with ds=[itex]\sqrt{dx^{2}-dy^{2}}[/itex]. A creature applies the Pythagoras' theorem there, with the manner I described above.

If a line segment is on the x-axis with end-points 0 and 1, and the creature wants to find the vertical at point (1/2,0):

It draws two circles radius 1 centered at points (0,0) and (1,0). In semi-Euclidean space (semi or pseudo-euclidean I think is the term ) these circles are the hyperbolas: y= [itex]\pm[/itex][itex]\sqrt{x^{2}+1}[/itex] and y=[itex]\pm[/itex] [itex]\sqrt{(x-1)^{2}+1}[/itex]. They both cross on the x=1/2 line, which is the requested vertical.
The creature then verifies the Pythagoras theorem for the hypotenuse: ds=[itex]\sqrt{dx^{2}-dy^{2}}[/itex]
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Related to Problem about taking measurements in flat metric spaces

What is a flat metric space?

A flat metric space is a type of geometric space where the distance between any two points is determined by a linear formula, such as the Pythagorean theorem. This means that the space has a constant curvature of zero, and its geometry can be described by Euclidean geometry.

Why is taking measurements in flat metric spaces a problem?

Taking measurements in flat metric spaces can be challenging because the distance between points is not always intuitive. In other words, the shortest distance between two points may not be a straight line or the distance may be distorted due to the effects of gravity or other factors. This can make it difficult to accurately measure and define distances in these spaces.

What are some examples of flat metric spaces?

Some examples of flat metric spaces include Euclidean space, Cartesian space, and Minkowski space. These spaces are used in various fields of science, such as physics and mathematics, to model and describe the behavior of objects and systems in our physical world.

How do scientists overcome the challenges of measuring in flat metric spaces?

Scientists use various mathematical and computational tools to overcome the challenges of measuring in flat metric spaces. This includes using coordinate systems, vector calculus, and special mathematical models to accurately measure and describe distances in these spaces.

What are the practical applications of measuring in flat metric spaces?

Measuring in flat metric spaces has numerous practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and navigation. For example, understanding the geometry of flat spaces is crucial in designing and building structures, predicting the motion of celestial objects, and developing efficient transportation systems.

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