Positive probabilities for neg sums of uniformly distributed variables

In summary, the Central Limit Theorem states that the sum of randomly distributed variables follows approximately a normal distribution. However, if you add up a large number of randomly distributed variables, the sum will not be normally distributed.
  • #1
I've been thinking about the Central Limit Theorem and by my understanding it states that the sum of randomly distributed variables follows approximately a normal distribution.

My question is if you have, say, 100 uniformly distributed variables that range from 0 to 10, their sum has to be positive (since probability is 0 everywhere outside of the min and max). However, CLT states that the sum follows a normal distribution centered around 500 (since the mean of each random variable is 5 and there are 100 of them).

A normal distribution assigns a positive probability to every value between -[itex]\infty[/itex] and [itex]\infty[/itex] even if it's a super small probability. Does this mean that the probability of the sum of the random variables being negative is not 0?

This has been bothering me for a while, so any input is appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
You are correct, the P(x<0)=0 no matter how many terms there are to the sum.

You'll also notice that P(x=0)>0 too, where it should be exactly 0 for the normal distribution.

What you are getting here is an approximate Normal distribution that has been shifted to the right.
You have shown what happens for your example where N=100 ... what happens to your example as N approaches infinity?
  • #3
colinman said:
I've been thinking about the Central Limit Theorem and by my understanding it states that the sum of randomly distributed variables follows approximately a normal distribution.

My question is if you have, say, 100 uniformly distributed variables that range from 0 to 10, their sum has to be positive (since probability is 0 everywhere outside of the min and max). However, CLT states that the sum follows a normal distribution centered around 500 (since the mean of each random variable is 5 and there are 100 of them).

A normal distribution assigns a positive probability to every value between -[itex]\infty[/itex] and [itex]\infty[/itex] even if it's a super small probability. Does this mean that the probability of the sum of the random variables being negative is not 0?

This has been bothering me for a while, so any input is appreciated. Thanks!

If you add up 100 variables, then the sum will not be normally distributed. It will only approximately be unormally distributed. In fact, if the original variables are uniformly distributed from 0 to 10, then the sum of the 100 variables will be approximately normally distributed with mean 500 and variance about ##833\sim 29^2##.

Now, since we have only approximately normal distribution, then the probability that the uniform distribution be <0 is approximately equal to the probability that the normal distribution is <0. So it is not exactly equal.

Now, the probability that the sum of the uniform distributions be <0 is of course 0. The probability that the normal distribution is <0 is nonzero, but is so very close to 0 that many calculators will give it as equal to 0 (for example: http://davidmlane.com/hyperstat/z_table.html).

So the central limit theorem works in the sense that the probabilities are indeed very close to each other, but not equal.
  • #4
The central limit theorem doesn't say that the sum of independent random variables is approximately normally distributed. It says that a certain function of the sum is approximately normally distributed. In your example, this function of the sum can take on negative values even though the sum itself cannot.
  • #5
Thank you so much for the responses! I think I understand it now :)

Related to Positive probabilities for neg sums of uniformly distributed variables

1. What are positive probabilities for negative sums of uniformly distributed variables?

Positive probabilities for negative sums of uniformly distributed variables refer to the occurrence of a negative sum when two or more variables with a uniform distribution are added together. This means that there is a non-zero chance of obtaining a negative result when adding these variables, despite the fact that they are individually uniformly distributed.

2. How is it possible for a negative sum to have a positive probability?

This phenomenon can occur because the probability distributions of the individual variables do not completely determine the probability distribution of the sum. In other words, even though each variable is uniformly distributed, when they are added together, the resulting distribution may not be uniform and can result in a negative sum with a positive probability.

3. Are there any real-life examples of positive probabilities for negative sums of uniformly distributed variables?

Yes, this concept is commonly seen in financial and investment scenarios, where the returns on different investments may have a uniform distribution, but when combined, the overall return can be negative with a non-zero probability. This can also occur in statistical analysis, such as when calculating net gains or losses from different sources.

4. How do positive probabilities for negative sums of uniformly distributed variables impact statistical analysis?

This phenomenon can complicate statistical analysis as it challenges the assumption of independence between variables. It also highlights the importance of considering the underlying probability distribution when interpreting statistical results, rather than just relying on the individual distributions of the variables.

5. Is there a way to avoid positive probabilities for negative sums of uniformly distributed variables?

In some cases, it may be possible to avoid this phenomenon by using different probability distributions for the variables or by adjusting the sample size. However, in situations where this is not possible, it is important to acknowledge and account for the possibility of negative sums with positive probabilities in statistical analysis.

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