Places a complete newbie can learn coding?

In summary, the person is asking for recommendations on websites or books that they can use to learn more about coding. They have started using, but feel like they need more guidance in order to learn the "why's" of programming. After looking through some resources, they have decided to either pursue a Computer Engineer B.S. with a M.S. in computer science or a physics + computer engineer or science (still undecided) double major. They plan to stay 5 years in either case, if need be.
  • #1
Hello all. I've recently started on the path to coding/programming in preparation for my future (double) major, if all goes well.

However, as someone with virtually no coding/programming experience, I was wondering if some of you wiser people could give me any recommendations as to websites I can use. Books would also be appreciate, though I have little to no funding I can spare for those.

At the moment, I have begun using for my recent foray. I've learned the very, very bare bone basics of HTML and CSS (which isn't really a language, I'm told?), and recently began working on python. The problem is, however, that I don't feel like it is very helpful for LEARNING the why's, just the what's.

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  • #2
The python route is a very good and versatile one...keep going. Python opens the door to many fields via the great variety of modules. By the way, you did not mention which two fields you were planning on majoring.

What exactly you mean by "not the why's "..."just the what's " ? If for starters all you are going to be is a user, a programmer, and making your life easy with programming..."the what's " are enough...leave "the why's " to people who design languages and/or compiler and the likes...if I even have an idea of what you meant. Maybe you care expand on that.
  • #3

I left it out, sorry. Still in my first year, so I'm having trouble deciding. Either a Computer Engineer B.S. with a M.S. in computer science if I follow a 5 year program offered at my university. Or a physics + computer engineer or science (still undecided) double major. I intend to stay 5 years in either case, if need be.

That second part was a bit vague, I apologize. By the "what's", I meant that the website is teaching me what to do, what works with what, etc. The bit about a "why's" is more confusing. In the simplest term, I feel like someone being told what to do, not actually learning to do it myself. I forgot to mention this in the original post, but if you know any other websites like codecademy, I would appreciate a link.

Sorry about that, I'm not exactly great at expressing myself.
  • #5
Theoneandonly99 said:

I left it out, sorry. Still in my first year, so I'm having trouble deciding. Either a Computer Engineer B.S. with a M.S. in computer science if I follow a 5 year program offered at my university. Or a physics + computer engineer or science (still undecided) double major. I intend to stay 5 years in either case, if need be.

That second part was a bit vague, I apologize. By the "what's", I meant that the website is teaching me what to do, what works with what, etc. The bit about a "why's" is more confusing. In the simplest term, I feel like someone being told what to do, not actually learning to do it myself. I forgot to mention this in the original post, but if you know any other websites like codecademy, I would appreciate a link.
I think that for the time being, learning what to do is probably a good start. Play with the examples in the site you mentioned, to see what particular parts of the python syntax can do. After you get those examples running, try tweaking the examples a bit to get them to do something different. Some of the more important parts of programming languages are decision structures (if ... else, switch ... case -- I think that's part of Python) and loop structures (for loop, while loop). Once you get some practice with these you'll be able to write small example programs of your own creation, which will give you an opportunity of doing something yourself.
Theoneandonly99 said:
Sorry about that, I'm not exactly great at expressing myself.
  • #6

Thanks for the links, much appreciated :)


Will do. I began messing around with the syntax a while ago, but, admittedly, I was confused. I'll continue doing this though, thank you.
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Related to Places a complete newbie can learn coding?

1. How can I start learning to code as a complete beginner?

The first step in learning to code as a complete beginner is to choose a programming language that interests you. There are many options such as Python, Java, or HTML/CSS. Once you have chosen a language, you can start by reading books, watching video tutorials, or enrolling in online courses. It is important to practice regularly and be patient with yourself as coding takes time to master.

2. Do I need any prior knowledge or skills to learn coding as a newbie?

No, you do not need any prior knowledge or skills to learn coding as a newbie. However, having a basic understanding of computer operations and logic can be helpful. As long as you are willing to learn and put in the effort, anyone can learn coding regardless of their background.

3. What are the best resources for a newbie to learn coding?

There are many resources available for newbies to learn coding. Some popular options include online coding platforms like Codeacademy, free online courses from websites like Coursera and edX, and YouTube channels that offer coding tutorials. It is important to find resources that work best for your learning style.

4. How long does it take to learn coding as a complete newbie?

The time it takes to learn coding as a complete newbie can vary depending on the individual's learning pace and dedication. With regular practice and dedication, one can learn the basics of coding in a few months. However, mastering coding skills can take years of continuous learning and practice.

5. Can I learn coding on my own or do I need to attend a coding bootcamp or classes?

You can definitely learn coding on your own through self-study using online resources. However, attending a coding bootcamp or classes can provide a more structured learning environment and the opportunity to interact with other learners and instructors. The choice ultimately depends on your learning style and preferences.

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