Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed

In summary, choosing a topic for the extended project qualification can be challenging, but it's great that you have narrowed it down to a subject you are interested in - physics. While your potential ideas of time travel and the Large Hadron Collider are intriguing, it's important to consider the feasibility and scope of your project. Other potential topics to explore include black holes, climate change, dark matter, and the impact of quantum mechanics. Ultimately, the most important aspect is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. Good luck with your project!
  • #1
Hi Everyone ,

I'm in year 12 and have just started the extended project qualification with AQA and I'm seriously struggling to pick a topic. I have decided I want to do it on a subject to do with physics, as that's what I want to do at Uni. More specifically, I'd quite like to do it on something to do with relativity or the large hadron collider, but I can't think of a suitable project topic. The project has to be 5000 words, and the topic has to be a question. Two possible ideas I've thought of are:

Is time travel possible?
What will the Large Hadron Collider find?

But I'm not sure if they are suitable. I'd be really grateful if someone could give me some advice on whether these are good ideas or if anyone has any other good ideas for topics.

Thanks a lot guys,
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  • #2

Hello Robbie,

Choosing a topic for your extended project can be a daunting task, but it's great that you have already narrowed it down to a subject you are interested in - physics. Both of your potential topic ideas, time travel and the Large Hadron Collider, are certainly intriguing and have a lot of potential for a 5000-word project. However, it's important to consider the feasibility and scope of your project before making a final decision.

For the time travel topic, it's important to understand that time travel is currently only a theoretical concept and there is no scientific evidence to support its possibility. This may make it difficult to research and come to a definitive conclusion, which is necessary for a project. It may also be challenging to find reliable and credible sources on the topic. However, if you are passionate about the concept, you could narrow your focus to a specific aspect of time travel, such as the theories behind it or the potential implications if it were possible.

The second topic, "What will the Large Hadron Collider find?", may also be a bit broad and may require a lot of background research on the Large Hadron Collider itself before delving into potential discoveries. You could consider narrowing the topic to a specific aspect of the Large Hadron Collider, such as its purpose and history, or a specific experiment or discovery that has been made using the collider.

If you are open to exploring other topic ideas, here are a few suggestions:
1. The physics behind black holes: What are they, how are they formed, and what makes them so mysterious?
2. The role of physics in understanding climate change: How do scientific concepts like energy, temperature, and radiation play a role in climate change?
3. Exploring the concept of dark matter: What is it, and how do scientists study something that is invisible?
4. The impact of quantum mechanics on our understanding of the universe: How does the strange world of quantum mechanics challenge our traditional understanding of physics?

Ultimately, the most important aspect of your extended project is that it is something you are interested in and passionate about. Take some time to do some preliminary research on your potential topics to see which one sparks your curiosity the most. Good luck with your project!

Related to Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed

What is "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed"?

"Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed" is a project that uses principles and theories from physics to investigate and solve a real-world problem or question. It allows students to apply their knowledge of physics in a hands-on and practical way.

Why is "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed" important?

This project is important because it allows students to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity through the application of physics concepts. It also helps students understand the relevance and practical applications of physics in the world around us.

Who can participate in "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed"?

This project is open to anyone who has an interest in physics and a desire to explore a specific topic or problem in depth. It is commonly undertaken by high school or college students as part of their coursework, but anyone with a passion for physics can participate.

What are some examples of "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed" topics?

Some examples of "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed" topics include designing a more efficient solar panel, investigating the physics behind sports equipment, studying the physics of sound for music production, and exploring the physics of flight for aircraft design.

How can I get started with "Physics-Based Extended Project Title Needed"?

To get started with this project, you can begin by identifying a problem or question that you would like to investigate. Then, research the relevant physics principles and theories that can be applied to your topic. Finally, design and carry out experiments or simulations to test your ideas and analyze your results.

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