My espresso boiler temperature controller project

In summary, the student is trying to build a temperature controller for an espresso machine and has been reading about PID controllers and performance modifications to more expensive machines. He has constructed a test rig to tune his PID controller and is now building a theoretical model of the boiler. He has found that lumped capacitance models are not very accurate near the Bi < 0.1 limit. He plans to use a 1D model to improve accuracy.
  • #1
So, I've been thinking about this for years as I've began studying Mechanical Engineering, but I never felt like I had the time or expertise to undertake the project: to make my own temperature controller at the heart of a fully functional and high quality espresso machine. It wasn't until this semester, when I began taking Thermofluids II and Sensors & Controls, that I felt that this was a manageable idea. Learning about how to work with conduction, convection, and control systems seem to be the final pieces of the puzzle. I hope to use this thread to document what I've done so far and to ask for help with what remains.

Note: this is a work in progress and I have not even come close to completing it

1) Background
I purchased a GE espresso machine, model 169108. After running it as is for a few weeks, it made passable espresso, but the brew temperature and shot times varied widely, leading to inconsistent taste. After reading about performance modifications to much more expensive machines, it became apparent that the most effective one was put the heating coil power and thus the water temperature in the hands of a well-tuned PID controller. Instead of relying on thermostats to switch the heating coils on and off at intervals to keep the water within manageable limits, the PID controller promises negative feedback logic to 'intelligently' determine how much power to give the coils, keeping the water temperature at a consistent, precise value.

2) The Setup
The only components that remain from the original machine are the 900W stainless still (I think) boiler and a 41W vibration pump. To construct a simple test rig to tune my PID controller, the boiler and pump were mounted on wooden stands outside of the original case. A 10A solid-state relay is switched on and off by an Arduino microcontroller to control current to the boiler (the coil resistance is about 16.7Ω, which at 120V should draw around 7.5A at its rated 900W maximum power). Power to the water pump is controlled by a simple manual switch to initially fill the boiler with water and later to pump the heated water out of the boiler and out of the espresso machine. Later this will be controlled by the Arduino as well.

3) Building a model

I wanted to take what I’d learned in Thermofluids II to build a theoretical model of the boiler including convection of the heating coil power through the water and onto the boiler inside wall, conduction through the wall, and convection of the heat away from the outer wall by ambient air. My immediate thought was to employ a lumped capacitance model to simplify things, which seems to require an assumption of uniform temperature distribution. The Biot number of a surface, to my understanding, represents the ratio of energy transfer by convection to that by conduction. If the Biot number is much less than one, much more heat is conducted into the material than is lost through convection so that the surface behaves as a fully charged capacitor, and thus can be assumed to have a fully uniform temperature distribution. The Biot numbers were calculated as follows:

The inner and outer Biot numbers were calculated to be 0.176 and 0.779, respectively; I don’t think they qualify as “much less than” one. Does this mean I cannot expect reasonable accuracy using a model based on lumped capacitance? Where might I head from here?
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  • #2
Yeah, the textbooks usually say that Bi < 0.1.

I ofter use a 1D model for a short cylinder I developed for these kind of problems. When I compare, I can see the lumped capacity quickly losing accuracy near the Bi < 0.1 limit.

The 1D model of a short cylinder is not too bad to set up. See P. 242-247 of Incropera & DeWitt, "Fundementals of Heat and Mass Transfer," 4th Edition or your (much newer) Thermofluid text may have this.

Related to My espresso boiler temperature controller project

1. What is the purpose of your espresso boiler temperature controller project?

The purpose of my project is to create a device that can accurately control the temperature of an espresso boiler, ensuring that the water is at the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of espresso.

2. How does your espresso boiler temperature controller work?

The controller uses a temperature sensor to monitor the temperature of the water in the boiler. It then sends signals to the heating element to adjust the temperature accordingly. This process is repeated continuously to maintain a consistent temperature.

3. What are the benefits of using a temperature controller for an espresso boiler?

Using a temperature controller can greatly improve the quality and consistency of your espresso. It ensures that the water is at the perfect temperature for brewing, resulting in a better tasting cup of coffee. It also helps to prevent overheating and potential damage to the machine.

4. What materials are required to build your espresso boiler temperature controller?

The materials required for this project include a microcontroller, a temperature sensor, a heating element, wires, and a power supply. Additionally, you will need basic tools such as a soldering iron and wire cutters.

5. Are there any potential challenges or limitations to your espresso boiler temperature controller project?

One potential challenge could be obtaining precise temperature readings from the sensor. Another limitation is that the controller may not work with all types of espresso machines, as they may have different heating systems and components. Additionally, this project requires some basic knowledge of electronics and programming, so it may not be suitable for beginners.

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