Mass sliding on rough and smooth surfaces

In summary: I agree with everything else you said in your first post. I didn't mean to suggest you were confused about the whole problem.The fractional change in energy is just a ratio. It's not really a change in energy. But it is helpful, because you can express the energy at xn+1 in terms of the energy at xn. The energy at xn+1 is just the energy at xn reduced by a certain percentage (determined by ##\beta##) then increased by a certain percentage (also determined by ##\beta##). So you can express the energy at xn+1 in terms of the energy at xn. In fact, you can express the energy at xn+2 in terms
  • #1

Homework Statement

Mass m starts sliding down on a rough surface with coefficient of friction μ. it reaches point B and starts sliding frictionlessly till it reaches point D without velocity, i.e. without escaping the arc.
What is the maximum length AB=x0 not to escape the arc.
What is the force the mass applies on the track just before and after point B at the first pass?
At what distance x1 the box stops on the line AB the first time after it was released?
After how many instantaneous stops on the line AB will the box stop at a distance not bigger than xi?
What is the force the mass applies at point C after many instantaneous stops on AB?
What's the total distance the box travels on AB after many instantaneous stops?

Homework Equations

Centripetal acceleration: ##a=\frac{v^2}{R}##
Kinematics: ##v^2=2ax##

The Attempt at a Solution

$$F=ma\;\rightarrow\;mg\sin\alpha-\mu mg\cos\alpha=ma\;\rightarrow\;a=g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)$$
What is the velocity at B so that at C it stops: ##mgh=\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2##
Kinematics: ##v_B^2=2ax\;\rightarrow\;2gR\cos\alpha=2\cdot g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)\;\rightarrow\;x_{0}=\frac{R\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha}##
The force m applies before B is the component of the weight ##mg\cos\alpha##, while after it the centripetal force is added: ##F=mg\cos\alpha+m\frac{v_B^2}{R}##
When m returns the first time to B it has kinetic energy, which is transformed to potential energy+the friction work:
$$\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2=mgh_1+F_fx_1\;\rightarrow\;\frac{1}{2}\cdot 2gR\cos\alpha=gx_1\sin\alpha+g\mu\cos\alpha\;\rightarrow\;x_1=\frac{R\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\alpha}$$
The loss of energy each time m is on AB again:
$$\frac{W_f}{E_0}=\frac{F_f}{E_0}=\frac{mg\mu\cos\alpha\cdot x_0}{mgx_0\sin\alpha}=\frac{\mu}{\tan\alpha}\triangleq \beta$$
$$x_1=x_0(1-\beta),\; x_2=x_1(1-\beta)=x_0(1-\beta)^2\;\rightarrow\;x_n=x_0(1-\beta)^n$$
$$n>\frac{\ln x_n-\ln x_0}{\ln(1-\beta)}=\frac{\ln\left( \frac{x_n}{x_0} \right)}{\ln(1-\beta)}$$
After many oscillations m will swing between B and the same height on the right of the arc. the height difference between B and C is (R-h). this potential difference will be translated to kinetic energy at C:
The total distance x_{tot} m travels is calculated from equating the friction work along x_{tot} and the initial potential energy from the vertical height:
$$mgx_0\sin\alpha=F_f x_{tot}\;\rightarrow\;mg\frac{R\cos\alpha\sin\alpha}{\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha}=mg\mu\sin\alpha x_{tot}\;\rightarrow\;x_{tot}=\frac{R\cos\alpha}{\mu(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)}$$
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  • #2
You lost me here:
Karol said:
The loss of energy each time m is on AB again:
##\frac{W_f}{E_0}=\frac{F_f}{E_0}=\frac{mg\mu\cos\alpha\cdot x_0}{mgx_0\sin\alpha}=\frac{\mu}{\tan\alpha}\triangleq \beta##
Why is it not just the ratio of x1 to x0 that's of interest?
  • #3
Karol said:
The force m applies before B is the component of the weight ##mg\cos\alpha##
What about friction?
Karol said:
The loss of energy each time m is on AB again:
$$\frac{W_f}{E_0}=\frac{F_f}{E_0}=\frac{mg\mu\cos\alpha\cdot x_0}{mgx_0\sin\alpha}=\frac{\mu}{\tan\alpha}\triangleq \beta$$
Say it starts at xn and ends at xn+1 (it is stationary at both xn and xn+1). Your equation is saying the distance traveled against friction is xn, but it also travels a distance xn+1 against friction on the way up, right?

Considering the fractional change in energy β is not helpful because β is not the same between each stop.

haruspex said:
You lost me here:
Karol said:
The loss of energy each time m is on AB again:
$$\frac{W_f}{E_0}=\frac{F_f}{E_0}=\frac{mg\mu\cos\alpha\cdot x_0}{mgx_0\sin\alpha}=\frac{\mu}{\tan\alpha}\triangleq \beta$$
It also confused me why he wanted to use the fractional change in energy, but what he did in the next line is logically correct because the total energy En (w.r.t. point B) is proportional to xn (and the proportionality constant, mgsinα, is the same for all n).

Basically Karol was doing this:

##kx_{n+1}=kx_n(1-\frac{W_f}{E_n})## // k = mgsinα,

Since he miscalculated Wf, he thought that ## \frac{W_f}{E_n}\triangleq\beta## was a constant (but it's not).
  • #4
Nathanael said:
Considering the fractional change in energy β is not helpful because β is not the same between each stop.
Are you sure it isn't? The energy lost by each slide, up or down, is a constant multiple of the distance. If it slides down xi then up xi+1 it starts with energy c1xi and finishes with energy c1xi - c2(xi+xi+1) = c1xi+1. So xi+1/xi=(c1-c2)/(c1+c2).
  • #5
haruspex said:
Are you sure it isn't? The energy lost by each slide, up or down, is a constant multiple of the distance. If it slides down xi then up xi+1 it starts with energy c1xi and finishes with energy c1xi - c2(xi+xi+1) = c1xi+1. So xi+1/xi=(c1-c2)/(c1+c2).
Yes, I got the same result, but that is not what I meant by "the fractional change in energy." In hindsight, it would have been more clear if I had called it "the fraction of the energy lost." At any rate, what I was referring to is what Karol called "β," (which is 1 - En+1/En = 1 - xn+1/xn) which is not constant.
  • #6
Nathanael said:
Yes, I got the same result, but that is not what I meant by "the fractional change in energy." In hindsight, it would have been more clear if I had called it "the fraction of the energy lost." At any rate, what I was referring to is what Karol called "β," (which is 1 - En+1/En = 1 - xn+1/xn) which is not constant.
I don't understand. According to my post, with which you agree, 1 - xn+1/xn is constant.
  • #7
haruspex said:
I don't understand. According to my post, with which you agree, 1 - xn+1/xn is constant.
Right o:) sorry. I was seeing that the xn+1/xn does not cancel out from β and I was getting mixed up. Brain fart :blushing: sorry.
All I meant to say then is that β is not immediately known, but somehow I convinced myself it's not constant o_O
  • #8
I consider an arbitrary point, say for xn, and the velocity at B for that starting point is vB:
$$v_B^2=2ax\;\rightarrow\; v_B^2=2\cdot g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)x_0\;\rightarrow\; x_0=\frac{v_B^2}{2g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)}$$
Finding xn+1:
$$\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2=mgh_1+F_fx_1=mg(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)x_1 \;\rightarrow\; x_1=\frac{2v_B^2}{g(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)}$$
$$\beta\triangleq \frac{x_1}{x_0}=\frac{4(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)}{\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu}$$
  • #9
Karol said:
I consider an arbitrary point, say for xn, and the velocity at B for that starting point is vB:
$$v_B^2=2ax\;\rightarrow\; v_B^2=2\cdot g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)x_0\;\rightarrow\; x_0=\frac{v_B^2}{2g(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)}$$
Finding xn+1:
$$\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2=mgh_1+F_fx_1=mg(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)x_1 \;\rightarrow\; x_1=\frac{2v_B^2}{g(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)}$$
$$\beta\triangleq \frac{x_1}{x_0}=\frac{4(\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha)}{\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu}$$
Nearly right. Check the factors of 2, and you have a typo in the Greek.
  • #10
$$\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2=mgh_1+F_fx_1=mg(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)x_1 \;\rightarrow\; x_1=\frac{v_B^2}{2g(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)}$$
$$\beta\triangleq \frac{x_1}{x_0}=\frac{\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\alpha}$$
  • #11
Karol said:
$$\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2=mgh_1+F_fx_1=mg(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)x_1 \;\rightarrow\; x_1=\frac{v_B^2}{2g(\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\mu)}$$
$$\beta\triangleq \frac{x_1}{x_0}=\frac{\sin\alpha-\mu\cos\alpha}{\sin\alpha+\mu\cos\alpha}$$
That's it.
  • #12
I had a mistake in the OP.
$$x_1=x_0(1-\beta),\; x_2=x_1(1-\beta)=x_0(1-\beta)^2\;\rightarrow\;x_n=x_0(1-\beta)^n$$
$$n>\frac{\ln x_n}{\ln[x_0(1-\beta)]}$$
If i substitute: R=42[cm], α=370, μ=0.05 then:
$$\beta=\frac{0.6-0.05\cdot 0.8}{0.6+0.05\cdot 0.8}=0.875,\quad x_0=\frac{0.42\cdot 0.8}{0.6-0.05\cdot 0.8}=0.6,\quad n>\frac{\ln 0.21}{\ln[0.6(1-0.875)]}=0.6$$
  • #13
Karol said:
I had a mistake in the OP.
$$x_1=x_0(1-\beta),\; x_2=x_1(1-\beta)=x_0(1-\beta)^2\;\rightarrow\;x_n=x_0(1-\beta)^n$$
$$n>\frac{\ln x_n}{\ln[x_0(1-\beta)]}$$
If i substitute: R=42[cm], α=370, μ=0.05 then:
$$\beta=\frac{0.6-0.05\cdot 0.8}{0.6+0.05\cdot 0.8}=0.875,\quad x_0=\frac{0.42\cdot 0.8}{0.6-0.05\cdot 0.8}=0.6,\quad n>\frac{\ln 0.21}{\ln[0.6(1-0.875)]}=0.6$$
How did ##\beta## in post #10 turn into ##1-\beta## in post #12?
You also ended up with the n on the wrong side when you took logs.
  • #14
$$x_1=x_0\beta,\quad x_2=x_1\beta=x_0\beta^2\quad \rightarrow\quad x_n=x_0\beta^n$$
$$\ln x_n=n\ln\beta+\ln x_0\quad \rightarrow\quad n>\frac{\ln x_n-\ln x_0}{\ln\beta}=\frac{\ln\left( \frac{x_n}{x_0} \right)}{\ln\beta}$$
$$n>\frac{\ln\left( \frac{0.21}{0.6} \right)}{\ln 0.875}=7.8$$
Verification: ##x_8=0.6\cdot 0.875^8=0.2<0.21##

Related to Mass sliding on rough and smooth surfaces

What causes a mass to slide on a rough surface?

A mass slides on a rough surface due to the presence of friction between the two surfaces. Friction is caused by the microscopic irregularities on the surface which resist the motion of the mass.

How does the roughness of a surface affect the motion of a sliding mass?

The roughness of a surface directly affects the amount of friction present between the mass and the surface. A rougher surface will have more irregularities, resulting in higher friction and slower motion of the mass. A smoother surface will have less friction and allow for faster motion of the mass.

What factors influence the speed of a mass sliding on a smooth surface?

The speed of a mass sliding on a smooth surface is influenced by the force applied to the mass, the mass itself, and the presence of any external forces such as air resistance. The smoother the surface, the less friction present, allowing for a faster speed.

Can a mass slide indefinitely on a smooth surface?

No, a mass cannot slide indefinitely on a smooth surface. Eventually, the force of friction will slow down the mass and bring it to a stop. Additionally, the presence of air resistance and other external forces will also affect the motion of the mass.

How does the angle of a surface affect the motion of a sliding mass?

The angle of a surface can greatly affect the motion of a sliding mass. A steeper angle will result in a faster slide due to the force of gravity, while a shallower angle will result in a slower slide. Additionally, the angle of the surface can also affect the amount of friction present, with steeper angles having more friction and slower motion.

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