Magnetic field outside of a solenoid conceptual

In summary, the magnetic field outside a solenoid is practically zero due to the cancellation of magnetic fields from opposite currents and the decrease in density of field lines as the solenoid gets longer. Additionally, using Biot-Savart's Law and Ampere's Law, it can be proven that the field outside the solenoid is indeed zero.
  • #1
Sho Kano
How come the magnetic field outside a solenoid is practically zero?
I've read reasons along the lines of:

-The magnetic field cancels out on the outside.
Of course the net force cancels out, but what if you have an object placed on just one spot? The force on that object clearly is not 0 because it is closer to one side of the solenoid than the other.

-The field lines spread outside the solenoid so much, that the density goes to zero as the solenoid gets longer.
This seems like it only happens in cases that say you start out with a solenoid of fixed length and current, then extend it out to a very large number. If you increase the current at the same time you are stretching the coil, the magnetic flux density will remain somewhat constant won't it? Now what if you don't stretch the solenoid at all? What if you had a solenoid of infinite length to begin with- is the field still 0 outside?

Another question: Why is the field outside nearly zero at all? Each current running through each section will contribute to a magnetic field outside...
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  • #2
A linear solenoid should have a field similar to a bar magnet. While the field is largest near the "poles" it's hardly 0 since magnetic field must close on themselves.
  • #3
Just consider the field produced by two small elements of the loop situated at the two opposite ends of a diameter.
See how the fields add in the center of the loop and somewhere outside, in a point on the same diameter.
This will show you why the field is weaker outside.
  • #4
Sho Kano said:
How come the magnetic field outside a solenoid is practically zero?
You are right, this is not obious

Sho Kano said:
I've read reasons along the lines of:

-The magnetic field cancels out on the outside.
-The field lines spread outside the solenoid so much, that the density goes to zero as the solenoid gets longer.
Regarding the first statement, we know it is right but we want to know why. As for the second statement it is only a qualitative one and does not prove anything

One way we prove the correct result is this:
- Apply Biort-Savart to four differential elements, two of them situated obove your position and the other two below it. The two elementes must be situated on a circle perpendicular to the cylinder axis and simetrically situated from your point of sight
- The above analysis yields that the the field is parallel to the cylinder's axis
- Using Ampere's Law to an appropiate contour inside and outside the cylinder yields the the field mus be constant. The values outside and inside could be different however.
- Using Ampere´s law to an appropiate contour one part of it lying inside and the other outside we get:$$B(outside)-B(inside)=-\mu_0NI$$
- By integration of Biot-Savart Low calculate B on the axis of the cylinder which gives : B(inside)=##\mu_0NI##
- The last two results render B(outside)=0
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Related to Magnetic field outside of a solenoid conceptual

1. What is a solenoid?

A solenoid is a coil of wire that is used to create a magnetic field when an electric current passes through it. It is often used in electronic devices such as motors, speakers, and transformers.

2. How does a solenoid create a magnetic field?

When an electric current passes through a solenoid, it creates a magnetic field due to the movement of the electrons in the wire. The direction of the magnetic field can be determined using the right hand rule, where the thumb points in the direction of the current and the fingers curl in the direction of the magnetic field.

3. What is the direction of the magnetic field outside of a solenoid?

Outside of a solenoid, the direction of the magnetic field is the same as the direction inside the solenoid. This means that if the current is flowing clockwise inside the solenoid, the magnetic field outside the solenoid will also be clockwise.

4. How does the magnetic field outside of a solenoid differ from the magnetic field inside?

The magnetic field outside of a solenoid is weaker than the magnetic field inside. This is because the magnetic field lines outside the solenoid are not as tightly packed as they are inside. As you move further away from the solenoid, the magnetic field strength decreases.

5. Can the magnetic field outside of a solenoid be turned on and off?

Yes, the magnetic field outside of a solenoid can be turned on and off by controlling the electric current flowing through the solenoid. When the current is turned off, the magnetic field will dissipate and the field outside the solenoid will disappear.

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