Lowering Unnecessary Throw Out In Production

  • Thread starter Andreii
  • Start date
In summary, the company has little control over the variables that come with using natural materials, which leads to high waste and costs.
  • #1
Hi all

Hopefully everyone is doing good.

I have a question regarding the Throw Out. With this I mean the material in industry that is, by whichever kind of accident, unnecessarily lost. There are many subjects that can done that such as:
- poor drawings
- worker interrupted doing his job
- bad material
- bad machine tools
- too low education of the worker
- wrong dimensions
- too rare quality assurance (inbetween of process, during the process, and perhaps at the start)
- too late delivery
- wrong delivery
- no tutors
- wrong understanding of process
- and many many more

What we get, in the industry if this is happening too often? The answer is very simple. Too much material spent, a way too high costs, unnecessary replacements of jobs and so on. We all know to what "drives" this huge issue of, many, productions.

In the company where I started working as a student, I got a suggestion to start working on Lowering the throw out. Since I still have to choose my diploma project topic, I think this could be my topic. I have, in purpose, to work on this approximately 5 months or half year. Probably this won't be enough so, if needed, I will extend the deadline of the diploma (it is possible). There is no way that this could be done in just a few weeks.
Where I want to lower the Throw Out? Mostly in our production of screws. When they are made, also the process of rolling (to create the threads on the screws) is required, sometimes also milling for the top of screws. After all this, the screws are send to thermal and surface processing. So the production of screws is the main part where I would like to do my diploma, to lower all the throw out. Besides this, I would also try lowering it on the stamping processes such as reaming and deep reaming, cold forming rolling conveyors and so on. But my main focus would be the production of screws.

I also have access to the machine called Dimac MCV. It does a hell of a job. It automatically check huge amount of screws through two cameras - one for dimensions and one for the top of the thread. The screws are comming to the rotary disc, connects to them and after being scanned (usually after doing the 290 degree circle) they are thrown in two different boxes - one for good parts (according to dimensions and fine ones) and one for bad parts. Its huge machine and does a lot of controlling the screws. I can check my knowledge, whatever I will do, on this machine if it doesn't run already.

I would like to know if anyone could please suggest me any books for lowering the throw out, to save the material and costs of production company?

Where should I start and how?

I would like to begin from zero and choose this as my diploma project. On this I would work approximately 5 or 6 months.

Thank you for the replies.

Kindest regards.
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  • #2
Reducing waste is a big concern in many manufacturing processes. My wife cuts leather and/or synthetic materials to make high-end athletic shoes. Synthetic materials are not so much the problem, but leather is. Inconsistency in the thickness and "stretchiness" of the hides, inconsistencies in the tanning and dying of the hides and inconsistencies in the overall shapes and sizes of the hides can all conspire to make conserving material very difficult. Dies for cutting the various parts are of different shapes and sizes, so a good leather-cutter has to be a wiz at visualizing where the cuts can be made to optimize use of the hides. The upshot is that the plant has very little control over the variables that come with using natural materials (expensive tanned, dyed hides) and that has a huge impact on waste/savings. My advice is to try to identify all the places in your manufacturing process where your company can exert the most influence AND those places in which it has the least leverage. Sometimes, some pretty nice improvements can be made fairly easily (low-hanging fruit), though further incremental improvements may come at higher and higher costs. Good luck.

Related to Lowering Unnecessary Throw Out In Production

1. What is the definition of "Lowering Unnecessary Throw Out In Production"?

Lowering Unnecessary Throw Out In Production refers to the process of reducing the amount of waste or discarded materials in a production process. This can include finding ways to recycle or reuse materials, as well as implementing more efficient production techniques to minimize waste.

2. Why is it important to lower unnecessary throw out in production?

Lowering unnecessary throw out in production is important for several reasons. Firstly, it can help reduce the negative impact on the environment by decreasing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Secondly, it can save companies money by reducing the cost of purchasing and disposing of materials. Lastly, it can improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the production process.

3. What are some strategies for lowering unnecessary throw out in production?

There are several strategies that can be utilized to lower unnecessary throw out in production. These include implementing recycling programs, using more sustainable materials, optimizing production processes to minimize waste, and implementing quality control measures to reduce defective products.

4. How can companies measure and track their progress in lowering unnecessary throw out in production?

Companies can measure and track their progress in lowering unnecessary throw out in production by conducting waste audits, tracking the amount of waste generated, and setting specific goals for waste reduction. Additionally, companies can also utilize performance indicators such as waste-to-production ratio or cost of waste disposal to monitor their progress.

5. What are some potential challenges in lowering unnecessary throw out in production?

Some potential challenges in lowering unnecessary throw out in production may include resistance to change from employees or management, lack of resources or funding to implement more sustainable practices, and difficulty in finding suitable alternatives to materials that are currently being used. Additionally, there may also be regulatory or logistical challenges in implementing certain waste reduction strategies.

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