Linearity and continuity of maps

In summary, the conversation discusses the spaces of continuous and continuously differentiable functions with the supremum norm and three maps, $T_0, T_1,$ and $T_2$, that operate on these spaces. The conversation also covers the linearity and continuity of these maps, as well as calculating the norm of $T_1$. The discussion also mentions a possible confusion between function and operator norms and how to resolve it.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

Let $C[0,1]$ and $C^1[0,1]$ be the space of continuous and continuously differentiable (respectively) functions $x:[0,1]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ with the supremum norm $\displaystyle{\|x\|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|x(t)|}$ and $T_0, T_1, T_2: C^1[0,1]\rightarrow C[0,1]$ maps with \begin{equation*}T_0(x)(t)=x'(t), \ \ T_1(x)(t)=\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds \ \ \text{ und } \ \ T_2(x)(t)=\int_0^tsx^2(s)\, ds\end{equation*}
  1. Check the linearity and the continuity of $T_0, T_1, T_2$.
  2. Calculate the norm $\displaystyle{\|T_1\|:=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|}$.
I have done the following:

  1. Let $x,y:[0,1]\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $a\in \mathbb{R}$.
    • \begin{align*}&T_0(x+y)(t)=(x+y)'(t)=x'(t)+y'(t)=T_0(x)(t)+T_0(y)(t)\\ &T_0(ax)(t)=(ax)'(t)=ax'(t)=aT_0(x)(t) \end{align*}
      So $T_0$ is linear.
    • \begin{align*}&T_1(x+y)(t)=\int_0^1s(x+y)(s)\, ds=\int_0^1s(x(s)+y(s))\, ds=\int_0^1sx(s)\, ds+\int_0^1sy(s)\, ds=T_1(x)(t)+T_1(y)(t)\\ &T_1(ax)(t)=\int_0^ts(ax)(s)\, ds=\int_0^tasx(s)\, ds=a\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds=aT_1(x)(t) \end{align*}
      So $T_1$ is linear.
    • \begin{align*}T_2(x+y)(t)&=\int_0^1s(x+y)^2(s)\, ds=\int_0^1s[x^2(s)+2x(s)y(s)+y^2(s)]\, ds \\ & =\int_0^1sx^2(s)\, ds+2\int_0^1sx(s)y(s)\, ds+\int_0^1sy^2(s)\, ds \\ & =T_2(x)(t)+2\int_0^1sx(s)y(s)\, ds+T_2(y)(t)\neq T_2(x)(t)+T_2(y)(t)\end{align*}
      So $T_2$ is not linear.

    Is everything correct? (Wondering)

    How can we check the continuity? (Wondering)
  2. \begin{align*}&\\ & \|T_1(x)\|=\left \|\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds\right \|\leq \int_0^t\|sx(s)\|\, ds=\int_0^t|s|\|x(s)\|\, ds=\int_0^ts\|x(s)\|\, ds \\ &\Rightarrow \sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|\leq \sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\int_0^ts\|x(s)\|\, ds=\int_0^ts\, ds=\left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=\frac{t^2}{2}\end{align*}

    Is this correct? Or do we have to find an equality and not an inequality? (Wondering)
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  • #2
1. For $T_0$ I would write: $x,y \in C^1[0,1]$ and for $T_{1,2}$ I would write: $x,y \in C[0,1]$. For general functions the operators may not be defined.

Remember to integrate from $0$ to $t$, not from $0$ to $1$. Apart from that:

Linearity of $T_0$: ok.
Linearity of $T_1$: ok.

Indeed, $T_2$ is clearly not linear because of the square, but I would perhaps prefer an explicit counter-example, with specific function(s).

I would worry about continuity of $T_0$: Uniformly close functions need not have uniformly close derivatives. (It is up to you to find an example and make this precise.)

For continuity of $T_1$ you can use question 2. (Why?) You can also directly estimate $\|T_1(x) - T_1(y)\|$.

For continuity of $T_2$ you could estimate $\|T_2(x) - T_2(y)\|$ for given $x, y \in C[0,1]$. Bring everything under one integral and see if you can extract $\|x - y\|$ from the integrand.

2. As you have written it, you start with $|T_1(x)(t)|$, not $\|T_1(x)\|$. This notation is confusing you in the second line.

First estimate $|T_1(x)(t)|$ for arbitrary $x \in C[0,1]$ and $t \in [0,1]$, as you started to do in the first line.Then (by taking the supremum over $t$) try to arrive at an estimate of the form $\|T_1(x)\| \le C \|x\|$ for all $x \in C[0,1]$, where $C$ is a numerical constant. Finally, deduce from this an estimate for $\|T_1\|$.

This gives you one inequality. Try to show that this inequality is in fact an equality by making an appropriate choice for $x$.
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  • #3
As a clarifying (hopefully!) side note:

There is a common abuse of notation - also in your exercise - to denote both the function norm $\|x\|$ and the operator norm $\|T\|$ by the same symbol $\|\cdot\|$. This does not lead to confusion, as long as you make sure you are aware (in your head) of what norm you are actually using. This is important.

Some people avoid this by attaching subscripts to $\|\cdot\|$, but a lot of others do not do this because it often leads to very "heavy" notation.
  • #4
Krylov said:
1. For $T_0$ I would write: $x,y \in C^1[0,1]$ and for $T_{1,2}$ I would write: $x,y \in C[0,1]$. For general functions the operators may not be defined.

Why is it like that? have we not that $T_0, T_1, T_2: C^1[0,1]\rightarrow C[0,1]$ ? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
Remember to integrate from $0$ to $t$, not from $0$ to $1$.

Oh yes! (Blush)
Krylov said:
Indeed, $T_2$ is clearly not linear because of the square, but I would perhaps prefer an explicit counter-example, with specific function(s).

Let $x(t)=t$ and $y(t)=1$. Then we have that \begin{align*}T_2(t+1)&=\int_0^ts(s+1)^2\, ds=\int_0^ts(s^2+2s+1)\, ds=\int_0^t(s^3+2s^2+s)\, ds \\ & =\left [\frac{s^4}{4}+\frac{2s^3}{3}+\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=\frac{t^4}{4}+\frac{2t^3}{3}+\frac{t^2}{2}\end{align*} But \begin{equation*}T_2(t)+T_2(1)=\int_0^ts\cdot s^2\, ds+\int_0^ts\cdot 1^2\, ds=\int_0^t s^3\, ds+\int_0^ts\, ds=\left [\frac{s^4}{4}\right ]_0^t+\left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=\frac{t^4}{4}+\frac{t^2}{2}\end{equation*} So we see that $T_2(t+1)\neq T_2(t)+T_2(1)$, right? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
I would worry about continuity of $T_0$: Uniformly close functions need not have uniformly close derivatives. (It is up to you to find an example and make this precise.)

You mean that it can be that $x(t)$ is continuous but $x'(t)$ is discontinuous? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
For continuity of $T_1$ you can use question 2. (Why?) You can also directly estimate $\|T_1(x) - T_1(y)\|$.

We have that \begin{equation*}\|T_1(x) - T_1(y)\|=\left \|\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy(s)\, ds\right \|=\left \|\int_0^ts\left [x(s)-y(s)\right ]\, ds\right \|\end{equation*} We have that $t\in [0,1]$, can we maximize the integral with upper bound $1$ insstead of $1$ ? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
2. As you have written it, you start with $|T_1(x)(t)|$, not $\|T_1(x)\|$. This notation is confusing you in the second line.

First estimate $|T_1(x)(t)|$ for arbitrary $x \in C[0,1]$ and $t \in [0,1]$, as you started to do in the first line.Then (by taking the supremum over $t$) try to arrive at an estimate of the form $\|T_1(x)\| \le C \|x\|$ for all $x \in C[0,1]$, where $C$ is a numerical constant. Finally, deduce from this an estimate for $\|T_1\|$.

This gives you one inequality. Try to show that this inequality is in fact an equality by making an appropriate choice for $x$.

I haven't really understood why we have to consider $|T_1(x)(t)|$ instead of $\|T_1(x)(t)\|$. Could you explain it further to me?
At the exercise statement we have that $\displaystyle{\|T_1\|:=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|}$, do you mean that it this is wrong and it should be $\displaystyle{\|T_1\|:=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}|T_1(x)|}$ ?

  • #5
mathmari said:
Why is it like that? have we not that $T_0, T_1, T_2: C^1[0,1]\rightarrow C[0,1]$ ? (Wondering)

Yes, that is fine, too, and you were right: This is the way it was formulated in your exercise. My issue was more that you should not write: "Let $x, y : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$..." because then you allow arbitrary functions, for which derivatives and integrals may not exist.
mathmari said:
Let $x(t)=t$ and $y(t)=1$. Then we have that \begin{align*}T_2(t+1)&=\int_0^ts(s+1)^2\, ds=\int_0^ts(s^2+2s+1)\, ds=\int_0^t(s^3+2s^2+s)\, ds \\ & =\left [\frac{s^4}{4}+\frac{2s^3}{3}+\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=\frac{t^4}{4}+\frac{2t^3}{3}+\frac{t^2}{2}\end{align*} But \begin{equation*}T_2(t)+T_2(1)=\int_0^ts\cdot s^2\, ds+\int_0^ts\cdot 1^2\, ds=\int_0^t s^3\, ds+\int_0^ts\, ds=\left [\frac{s^4}{4}\right ]_0^t+\left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=\frac{t^4}{4}+\frac{t^2}{2}\end{equation*} So we see that $T_2(t+1)\neq T_2(t)+T_2(1)$, right? (Wondering)

Yes, except that I would start with $T_2(x + y)(t)$ instead of $T_2(t + 1)$. (For these kinds of problems, it helps when you are very strict about your notation, keeping functions distinct for the formal variable they happen to use.)

Similarly, I would start with $T_2(x)(t)$ and $T_2(y)(t)$.

mathmari said:
You mean that it can be that $x(t)$ is continuous but $x'(t)$ is discontinuous? (Wondering)

No, since $T_0$ acts on $C^1[0,1]$, its range is going to consist of continuous functions. What I mean is that there exist $C^1$-functions that are close in the sup-norm but with derivatives (that are themselves continuous functions) that are not close in the sup-norm.

mathmari said:
We have that \begin{equation*}\|T_1(x) - T_1(y)\|=\left \|\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy(s)\, ds\right \|=\left \|\int_0^ts\left [x(s)-y(s)\right ]\, ds\right \|\end{equation*} We have that $t\in [0,1]$, can we maximize the integral with upper bound $1$ insstead of $1$ ? (Wondering)

In the second and third term you should take the supremum over all $t \in [0,1]$ and use $|\cdot|$instead of $\|\cdot\|$. You can see this, because as you write it now, there is no $t$ on the left, but the $t$ does appear on the right.

Yes, your idea is correct. Bring the absolute values inside the integral and maximize the integral of a non-negative integrand by taking the integration domain as large as possible.

mathmari said:
I haven't really understood why we have to consider $|T_1(x)(t)|$ instead of $\|T_1(x)(t)\|$. Could you explain it further to me?

$|T_1(x)(t)|$ is the absolute value of a real number, namely, the value of the function $T_1(x)$ at the point $t$. On the other hand, $\|T_1(x)\|$ is the norm of the function $T_1(x)$ itself, defined by taking the supremum of $|T_1(x)(t)|$ over $t \in [0,1]$. Moreover, $\|T_1\|$ is the operator norm of $T_1$.

By "abuse of notation" in post #2 I meant that $\|\cdot\|$ plays two roles: It is the norm of elements of $C[0,1]$ or $C^1[0,1]$ (functions), but it is also the norm of the operator $T_1$ that acts on these functions.

mathmari said:
At the exercise statement we have that $\displaystyle{\|T_1\|:=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|}$, do you mean that it this is wrong and it should be $\displaystyle{\|T_1\|:=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}|T_1(x)|}$ ?


No, the statement in the exercise is fine. To distinguish between the two roles of $\|\cdot\|$, people sometimes write things like $\|x\|_{C[0,1]}$ and $\|T_1\|_{C[0,1] \to C[0,1]}$, but I would not do that since the exercise does not use this notation either.
  • #6
Krylov said:
Yes, that is fine, too, and you were right: This is the way it was formulated in your exercise. My issue was more that you should not write: "Let $x, y : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$..." because then you allow arbitrary functions, for which derivatives and integrals may not exist.

So, you mean that we have to write $x, y : [0,1] \to C^1[0,1]$ ? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
Yes, except that I would start with $T_2(x + y)(t)$ instead of $T_2(t + 1)$. (For these kinds of problems, it helps when you are very strict about your notation, keeping functions distinct for the formal variable they happen to use.)

Similarly, I would start with $T_2(x)(t)$ and $T_2(y)(t)$.

Ah ok, I see!

We could also take $x(t)=y(t)=1$, couldn't we?

\begin{align*}&T_2(x+y)(t)=T_2(1+1)=T_2(2)=\int_0^ts\cdot 2^2\, ds=4\cdot \int_0^ts\, ds =4\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=2t^2\\ & T_2(x)(t)+T_2(y)(t)=T_2(1)+T_2(1)=2\cdot T_2(1)=2\cdot \int_0^ts\cdot 1^2\, ds=2\cdot \int_0^ts\, ds =2\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=t^2\end{align*}

Is this maybe a better example? (Wondering)
  • #7
Krylov said:
$|T_1(x)(t)|$ is the absolute value of a real number, namely, the value of the function $T_1(x)$ at the point $t$. On the other hand, $\|T_1(x)\|$ is the norm of the function $T_1(x)$ itself, defined by taking the supremum of $|T_1(x)(t)|$ over $t \in [0,1]$. Moreover, $\|T_1\|$ is the operator norm of $T_1$.

By "abuse of notation" in post #2 I meant that $\|\cdot\|$ plays two roles: It is the norm of elements of $C[0,1]$ or $C^1[0,1]$ (functions), but it is also the norm of the operator $T_1$ that acts on these functions.

Does it mean that we have the following?
\begin{align*}\|T_1(x)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_1(x)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds\right |\leq \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\int_0^t|sx(s)|\, ds \\ & =\int_0^1|sx(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1|s|\cdot |x(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1s\cdot |x(s)|\, ds\end{align*}
  • #8
mathmari said:
So, you mean that we have to write $x, y : [0,1] \to C^1[0,1]$ ? (Wondering)

No, we would write $x, y \in C^1[0,1]$ or, equivalently, $x, y : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ are continuously differentiable. (This means that $x, y$ are differentiable and their derivative is continuous.)

mathmari said:
Ah ok, I see!

We could also take $x(t)=y(t)=1$, couldn't we?

\begin{align*}&T_2(x+y)(t)=T_2(1+1)=T_2(2)=\int_0^ts\cdot 2^2\, ds=4\cdot \int_0^ts\, ds =4\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=2t^2\\ & T_2(x)(t)+T_2(y)(t)=T_2(1)+T_2(1)=2\cdot T_2(1)=2\cdot \int_0^ts\cdot 1^2\, ds=2\cdot \int_0^ts\, ds =2\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^t=t^2\end{align*}

Is this maybe a better example? (Wondering)

Sorry for being so much stuck in Freud's second stage, but I would write:
T_2(x + y)(t) = T_2(1 + 1)(t) = T_2(2)(t),
where, in fact, 1 really is the function $t \mapsto 1$, etc. Similarly, I would write
T_2(x)(t) + T_2(y)(t) = T_2(1)(t) + T_2(1)(t).
You can check this yourself: When you suppress $t$ on the left-hand sides, and it does appear on the right-hand side (in the upper limit of the integral), this cannot be correct.

The rest of the lines is ok.

mathmari said:
Does it mean that we have the following?
\begin{align*}\|T_1(x)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_1(x)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds\right |\leq \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\int_0^t|sx(s)|\, ds \\ & =\int_0^1|sx(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1|s|\cdot |x(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1s\cdot |x(s)|\, ds\end{align*}

Yes, very good.
  • #9
Krylov said:
No, we would write $x, y \in C^1[0,1]$ or, equivalently, $x, y : [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ are continuously differentiable. (This means that $x, y$ are differentiable and their derivative is continuous.)

Ah I see! (Nerd)

Krylov said:
Sorry for being so much stuck in Freud's second stage, but I would write:
T_2(x + y)(t) = T_2(1 + 1)(t) = T_2(2)(t),
where, in fact, 1 really is the function $t \mapsto 1$, etc. Similarly, I would write
T_2(x)(t) + T_2(y)(t) = T_2(1)(t) + T_2(1)(t).
You can check this yourself: When you suppress $t$ on the left-hand sides, and it does appear on the right-hand side (in the upper limit of the integral), this cannot be correct.

The rest of the lines is ok.

Ah ok! (Smile)

Krylov said:
Yes, very good.

Then we have that \begin{equation*}\|T_1\|=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|\leq \sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\int_0^1s\cdot |x(s)|\, ds\end{equation*} $\|x\|$ is not the same as $|x(s)|$, is it? (Wondering)
  • #10
mathmari said:
Then we have that \begin{equation*}\|T_1\|=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|\leq \sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\int_0^1s\cdot |x(s)|\, ds\end{equation*} $\|x\|$ is not the same as $|x(s)|$, is it? (Wondering)

No, you are right, it is not the same (the latter depends on $s$ while the former does not), but you can estimate $|x(s)|$ by $\|x\|$, namely,
|x(s)| \le \sup_{\sigma \in [0,1]}{|x(\sigma)|} = \|x\|.
  • #11
Krylov said:
No, you are right, it is not the same (the latter depends on $s$ while the former does not), but you can estimate $|x(s)|$ by $\|x\|$, namely,
|x(s)| \le \sup_{\sigma \in [0,1]}{|x(\sigma)|} = \|x\|.

So, we have that \begin{align*}\|T_1(x)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_1(x)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds\right |\leq \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\int_0^t|sx(s)|\, ds \\ & =\int_0^1|sx(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1|s|\cdot |x(s)|\, ds=\int_0^1s\cdot |x(s)|\, ds \\ & \leq \int_0^1s\cdot \sup_{\sigma \in [0,1]}{|x(\sigma)|}\, ds=\int_0^1s\cdot \|x\|\, ds\end{align*} And therefore we get \begin{equation*}\|T_1\|=\sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\|T_1(x)\|\leq \sup_{\|x\|\leq 1}\int_0^1s\cdot \|x\|\, ds=\int_0^1s\cdot 1\, ds=\int_0^1s\, ds=\left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^1=\frac{1}{2}\end{equation*}
Is this correct? (Wondering)

But how can we get an equality for $\|T_1\|$ and not an inequality? (Wondering)
  • #12
Krylov said:
For continuity of $T_1$ you can use question 2. (Why?) You can also directly estimate $\|T_1(x) - T_1(y)\|$.

Let $x, y \in C[0,1]$ then we have the following:
\begin{align*}\|T_1(x)-T_1(y)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_1(x)(t)-T_1(y)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left|\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy(s)\, ds\right | \\ & = \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^ts\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\, ds\right |=\left |\int_0^1s\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\, ds\right | \\ & \leq \int_0^1\left |s\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\right |\, ds=\int_0^1\left |s\right |\cdot \left |x(s)-y(s)\right |\, ds \\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \left |x(s)-y(s)\right |\, ds\leq \int_0^1s\cdot \sup_{\sigma\in[0,1]}\left |x(\sigma)-y(\sigma)\right |\, ds\\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \|x-y\|\, ds= \|x-y\|\cdot \int_0^1s\, ds=\|x-y\|\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^1\\ & = \|x-y\|\cdot \frac{1}{2}=\frac{\|x-y\|}{2}\end{align*} This makes $T_1$ Lipschitz continuous, hence also continuous.

Is everything correct? (Wondering)
Krylov said:
For continuity of $T_2$ you could estimate $\|T_2(x) - T_2(y)\|$ for given $x, y \in C[0,1]$. Bring everything under one integral and see if you can extract $\|x - y\|$ from the integrand.

\begin{align*}\|T_2(x)-T_2(y)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_2(x)(t)-T_2(y)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left|\int_0^tsx^2(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy^2(s)\, ds\right | \\ & = \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^ts\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\, ds\right |=\left |\int_0^1s\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\, ds\right | \\ & \leq \int_0^1\left |s\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\right |\, ds=\int_0^1\left |s\right |\cdot \left |x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right |\, ds \\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \left |x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right |\, ds\leq \int_0^1s\cdot \sup_{\sigma\in[0,1]}\left |x^2(\sigma)-y^2(\sigma)\right |\, ds\\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \|x^2-y^2\|\, ds= \|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \int_0^1s\, ds=\|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^1\\ & = \|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \frac{1}{2}=\frac{\|x^2-y^2\|}{2}=\frac{\|(x-y)(x+y)\|}{2}\leq \frac{\|x-y\|\|x+y\|}{2}\end{align*} Does this mean that $T_2$ is Lipschitz continuous? Or do we have to bound $\|x+y\|$ ? (Wondering)
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  • #13
mathmari said:
Is this correct? (Wondering)

Yes, very good.

mathmari said:
But how can we get an equality for $\|T_1\|$ and not an inequality? (Wondering)

You can get an equality by looking at the inequalities you wrote in the sequence of estimates. Can you find a function $x_1$ with $\|x_1\| \ge 1$ for which these inequalities are in fact equalities? Namely, in that case,you have
\|T_1\| = \sup_{\|x\| \le 1}{\|T_1x\|} \ge \|T_1x_1\| \ge \frac{1}{2},
by the definition of the supremum, and you are done.
  • #14
mathmari said:
Let $x, y \in C[0,1]$ then we have the following:
\begin{align*}\|T_1(x)-T_1(y)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_1(x)(t)-T_1(y)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left|\int_0^tsx(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy(s)\, ds\right | \\ & = \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^ts\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\, ds\right |=\left |\int_0^1s\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\, ds\right | \\ & \leq \int_0^1\left |s\left (x(s)-y(s)\right )\right |\, ds=\int_0^1\left |s\right |\cdot \left |x(s)-y(s)\right |\, ds \\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \left |x(s)-y(s)\right |\, ds\leq \int_0^1s\cdot \sup_{\sigma\in[0,1]}\left |x(\sigma)-y(\sigma)\right |\, ds\\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \|x-y\|\, ds= \|x-y\|\cdot \int_0^1s\, ds=\|x-y\|\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^1\\ & = \|x-y\|\cdot \frac{1}{2}=\frac{\|x-y\|}{2}\end{align*} This makes $T_1$ Lipschitz continuous, hence also continuous.

Is everything correct? (Wondering)

Yes, I agree with everything except the 4th equality, but the estimate also stands when you remove that one, so this aside it is correct.

Alternatively, using your answer to question 2,
\|T_1x - T_1y\| = \|T_1(x - y)\| \le \|T_1\| \cdot \|x - y\| = \frac{1}{2} \|x - y\|,
for every $x, y \in C[0,1]$, so then you also have a Lipschitz estimate. (In fact, $T_1$ is a contraction.)

mathmari said:
\begin{align*}\|T_2(x)-T_2(y)\|&=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}|T_2(x)(t)-T_2(y)(t)|=\sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left|\int_0^tsx^2(s)\, ds-\int_0^tsy^2(s)\, ds\right | \\ & = \sup_{t\in [0,1]}\left |\int_0^ts\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\, ds\right |=\left |\int_0^1s\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\, ds\right | \\ & \leq \int_0^1\left |s\left (x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right )\right |\, ds=\int_0^1\left |s\right |\cdot \left |x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right |\, ds \\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \left |x^2(s)-y^2(s)\right |\, ds\leq \int_0^1s\cdot \sup_{\sigma\in[0,1]}\left |x^2(\sigma)-y^2(\sigma)\right |\, ds\\ & = \int_0^1s\cdot \|x^2-y^2\|\, ds= \|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \int_0^1s\, ds=\|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \left [\frac{s^2}{2}\right ]_0^1\\ & = \|x^2-y^2\|\cdot \frac{1}{2}=\frac{\|x^2-y^2\|}{2}=\frac{\|(x-y)(x+y)\|}{2}\leq \frac{\|x-y\|\|x+y\|}{2}\end{align*} Does this mean that $T_2$ is Lipschitz continuous? Or do we have to bound $\|x+y\|$ ? (Wondering)

As with your previous estimate, I don't agree with the 4th equality, but fortunately that does not invalidate your estimate as a whole, well done.

No, we don't have a Lipschitz estimate, but think about just continuity in $x$. For example, you have
\|x + y\| \le \|x\| + \|y\| = \|x\| + \|y - x + x\| \le 2\|x\| + \|x - y\|,
\|T_2x - T_2y\| \le \frac{1}{2} \|x - y\| \left(2\|x\| + \|x - y\| \right).
Can you now apply the usual $(\epsilon,\delta)$-definition to deduce continuity at $x$?

P.S. Sorry for taking a week to follow up, I don't always have the time. You are improving a lot and you take asking questions very seriously, so good job!
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Related to Linearity and continuity of maps

1. What is the difference between linearity and continuity of maps?

Linearity refers to the property of a map where the output is proportional to the input, while continuity refers to the property of a map where small changes in the input results in small changes in the output.

2. What are some examples of linear maps?

Examples of linear maps include translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations in geometry, as well as linear transformations in linear algebra.

3. How can I determine if a map is linear?

A map is considered linear if it satisfies the properties of additivity and homogeneity. Additivity means that the map follows the rule f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y), and homogeneity means that the map follows the rule f(cx) = cf(x), where c is a constant.

4. How do I prove that a map is continuous?

To prove that a map is continuous, you must show that for any small change in the input, there is a corresponding small change in the output. This can be done by using the formal definition of continuity, which states that for any ε > 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that if |x - a| < δ, then |f(x) - f(a)| < ε.

5. Can a map be both linear and continuous?

Yes, a map can be both linear and continuous. In fact, all linear maps are also continuous. This is because linear maps satisfy the properties of additivity and homogeneity, which also ensure that small changes in the input result in small changes in the output, making the map continuous.

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