Levi-Civita symbol in Minkowski Space

In summary, the Levi-Civita tensor has a signature of (1,3) or (3,1). Changing the signature of the metric simply changes the sign of the metric tensor components, between (-1, 1, 1, 1) and (1, -1, -1, -1).
  • #1
I set eyes on the next formulas:
E_{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \sigma \mu \nu} &\equiv g_{\alpha \zeta} g_{\beta \eta} g_{\gamma \theta} g_{\delta \iota} \delta^{\zeta \eta \theta \iota}_{\rho \sigma \mu \nu} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E^{\rho \sigma \mu \nu} &\equiv g^{\alpha \zeta} g^{\beta \eta} g^{\gamma \theta} g^{\delta \iota} \delta^{\rho \sigma \mu \nu}_{\zeta \eta \theta \iota} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \beta \gamma \delta} &\equiv -6 \delta^{\alpha}_{\rho} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \sigma \gamma \delta} &\equiv -2 \delta^{\alpha \beta}_{\rho \sigma} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \sigma \theta \delta} &\equiv -\delta^{\alpha \beta \gamma}_{\rho \sigma \theta} \,.
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi-Civita_symbol#Levi-Civita_tensors I want to know for what signature (+---) or (-+++) it is given. Is there simple way to check signature?
In my opinion there are need plus rather than minus at least in last three formulas:
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \beta \gamma \delta} &\equiv 6 \delta^{\alpha}_{\rho} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \sigma \gamma \delta} &\equiv 2 \delta^{\alpha \beta}_{\rho \sigma} \\
E^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} E_{\rho \sigma \theta \delta} &\equiv \delta^{\alpha \beta \gamma}_{\rho \sigma \theta} \,.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In Minkowski Space, under the standard basis, changing the signature of the metric simply changes the sign of the metric tensor components, between (-1, 1, 1, 1) and (1, -1, -1, -1). Since formulas (1) and (2) above involve the multiplication of four metric components, changing the sign of all of them will make no difference (as ##(-1)^4=1##).

So I think the formulas are correct regardless of which signature is chosen.
  • #3
What about (3)-(5)? I think that it is incorrectly.
  • #4
The - signs come from the fact that, ##\det \eta_{\mu \nu}=-1## (no matter which convention is used). There's endless trouble with the Levi-Civita symbol because of this damn sign, but you can't help it. Causality structure dicatates that Minkowski space's fundamental form must have signature (1,3) or (3,1). The trouble with the Levi-Civita symbol comes from the fact that the absolute sign depends on whether you define the fully contravariant or covariant components as the sign of the permutation of the indices from lexical order. In most HEP books one uses
$$\epsilon^{\mu \nu \rho \sigma}=\delta^{\mu \nu \rho \sigma}_{0123}$$
$$\epsilon_{\mu \nu \rho \sigma}=g_{\mu \alpha} g_{\nu \beta} g_{\rho \gamma} g_{\sigma \delta} \epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta}=-\delta_{\mu \nu \rho \sigma}^{0123}.$$
Again, the sign doesn't depend on whether you use west or east-coast metric.
  • #5
Thank you for answer, but what about (3)-(5)?. My question appeared from a fact that if I use (5) than I come to a negative square of an amplitude. And if I use (8) than square of an amplitude is positive one.
  • #6
The minus sign must be there because of the definition of the Levi-Civita tensor components (I wrote ##\epsilon## instead of ##E##). For an amplitude an overall sign doesn't matter. It's just a phase factor.

Where this sign matters is in relative contributions to amplitudes. Famously there was a sign error in some evaluation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, and different groups of theoreticians had a hard time to find out who is right. At the end it turned out that someone had used another sign convention for the Levi-Civita tensor than it was implemented in the computer algebra system FORM, and that's where the confusion came from. As I said, this sign conventions are a nuissance and can drive you nuts, looking for the correct signs, but it's necessary, and one must just check again and again whether ones sign conventions are used consistently, particularly when working with different textbooks or papers from different authors.
  • #7
Yes, for an amplitude an overall sign doesn't matter but my an amplitude is proportional Levi-Civita tensor and its square proportional Levi-Civita tensor on Levi-Civita tensor. Or for square of the amplitude does overall sign not matter too?
  • #8
It's the modulus squared. So it's always positive semidefinite!
  • #9
My square of the amplitude is $$ \epsilon_{0}^{\sigma\lambda\rho} \epsilon_{0}^{\mu\nu\alpha}g_{\rho\alpha}p_{\sigma}q_{\lambda}p_{\mu}q_{\nu}$$ and its sign depends of defenation (5) or (8). Don't I understand something?
  • #10
Isn't this the amplitude? Anyway, which amplitude is this in which QFT model?
  • #11
No, my amplitude is $$ \epsilon_{0}^{\sigma\lambda\rho} q_{\sigma} p_{\lambda} e_{\nu}$$ where $$e_{\rho} e_{\alpha}=g_{\rho,\alpha}$$ and my model is effective Wess-Zumino-Witten action.
  • #12
But then you take the modulus squared, and all ambiguity of signs are gone.
  • #13
But is module from $$ \epsilon_{0}^{\sigma\lambda\rho} q_{\sigma} p_{\lambda} e_{\nu}$$ just $$ \epsilon_{0}^{\sigma\lambda\rho} q_{\sigma} p_{\lambda} e_{\nu}$$?
  • #14
Do you understand what I'm saying?
  • #15
Obviously not. The usual way is

(a) define a QFT model in terms of a Lagrangian
(b) derive the Feynman rules from it
(c) define the process you want to evaluate the S-matrix element to and use the Feynman rules from (b)

Try to explain your problem in this way to me. I'm pretty sure that after that you'll have answered your question yourself ;-).

Related to Levi-Civita symbol in Minkowski Space

What is the Levi-Civita symbol in Minkowski Space?

The Levi-Civita symbol, also known as the permutation symbol, is a mathematical object used in vector calculus to express the orientation of a coordinate system. In Minkowski Space, it is used to define the cross product of two vectors.

How is the Levi-Civita symbol defined in Minkowski Space?

In Minkowski Space, the Levi-Civita symbol is defined as a set of numbers that represent the orientation of the coordinate system. It takes the value of 1, -1, or 0 depending on the order of the indices and the direction of the coordinate axes.

What is the significance of the Levi-Civita symbol in Minkowski Space?

The Levi-Civita symbol is significant in Minkowski Space because it allows for the calculation of the cross product of two vectors, which is essential in many physical equations and calculations.

How is the Levi-Civita symbol used in Minkowski Space?

In Minkowski Space, the Levi-Civita symbol is used to express the cross product of two vectors, which is defined as the vector perpendicular to both of the original vectors. It is also used in the calculation of determinants and other mathematical operations.

Can the Levi-Civita symbol be used in other coordinate systems besides Minkowski Space?

Yes, the Levi-Civita symbol can be used in other coordinate systems, such as Euclidean space, where it is used to define the cross product of two vectors. However, the values of the symbol may differ depending on the coordinate system being used.

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