L Science - Understanding Electron Orbitals and Their Role in Atomic Structure

In summary, the existence of electron orbitals can be explained through the concept of degrees of freedom and the Schrodinger wave equation. Electrons behave differently when bound in different structures due to the constraints and interactions with their surroundings. The energy levels of electrons are quantized, resulting in only certain states being allowed. This can be seen through the analogy of a violin string and the concept of standing waves. The existence of particles and their characteristics is simply accepted as a fundamental aspect of our universe.
  • #1
Hey all,
Why do electron orbitals exist? That is to say, why do electrons in essence move away from the proton (potential) instead of attempting to get closer to the proton? Feel free to throw out some quark and nuclear physics...haven't had qed yet.

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  • #2
IxRxPhysicist said:
Hey all,
Why do electron orbitals exist? That is to say, why do electrons in essence move away from the proton (potential) instead of attempting to get closer to the proton? Feel free to throw out some quark and nuclear physics...haven't had qed yet.


Quark and nuclear physics?

We don't even need to go that far. Have you had 1st year quantum mechanics?

  • #3
For the sake of argument let's assume I haven't. If you liken this to a potential well, I get it, more energy higher orbital. But that's a model, I'm arguing semantics. Why when an electron absorbs a corresponding photon does it act as if repelled into a higher orbital? I guess you can interpret my question as Bohr's problem, why doesn't the electron fall onto the proton?
  • #4
To get started:

Think of a violin string as an analogy: the ends are constrained, so it can have only certain tones...certain vibrational patterns and associated energies. it's energy levels are constrained to certain values...it's degrees of freedom are limited when the degrees of freedom are limited.

Another helpful analogy is to think of the electron as a wave...when it's in free space the wave is [almost] everywhere, it extends all over the place. But when attracted by a proton in a nucleus, for example, that wave is now localized...it's constrained and so its different from the free space case. And the constraint is also modified by the presence of other electrons and additional protons. Since the energy is contained in the wave, changing it's configuration via the presence of nearby particles changes the wave characteristic and likely energy levels. It's very unlikely for the electron to be found between allowed energy levels.

In contrast, a [truly] free electron can take on any energy level. But when it is part of an atom or a larger structure, it's constrained...it's degrees of freedom are determined and limited by the whole structure. [ Just like you cannot stand up if I place you in a small square box.]
So an electron's energy levels and degrees of freedom are determined by the numbers of protons in the nucleus as well as the particular structure of a lattice, as examples. The Schrodinger wave equation describes these.

For a 'particle' to absorb a photon you need internal degrees of freedom which can be excited. Complex particles can do this; elementary particles [w/o constitutent components] cannot. A free electron can't absorb a photon since it has no inner degrees of freedom. An electron bound in an atom can because the whole atom (proton-electron bound state) provides these inner degrees of freedom.

Electrons behave very differently in different bound states...because their energy levels are constrained by their surroundings. They take on different apparent masses, different sizes, etc, whether in an atom, a lattice, and especially graphene where they appear to have virtually no mass...! If you place an electron in a potential well, it takes on the size of the 'enclosure'...and is thereby constrained; only certain standing waves are 'allowed'...those with zero amplitude at the boundaries.

Wikipedia has a decent,short explanation:

...Quantized energy levels result from the relation between a particle's energy and its wavelength. For a confined particle such as an electron in an atom, the wave function has the form of standing waves. Only stationary states with energies corresponding to integral numbers of wavelengths can exist; for other states the waves interfere destructively, resulting in zero probability density.


This means the probability density of an electron in a nucleus of, say, hydrogen, is zero. My favorite explanation of a particle:

There is not a definite line differentiating virtual particles from real particles — the equations of physics just describe particles (which includes both equally). The amplitude that a virtual particle exists interferes with the amplitude for its non-existence; whereas for a real particle the cases of existence and non-existence cease to be coherent with each other and do not interfere any more. In the quantum field theory view, "real particles" are viewed as being detectable excitations of underlying quantum fields

Why particles exist, why we have the particles we observe, why they have certain characteristics and not others, why all particles exhibit wave particle duality, is because...well, it's just that way!
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  • #5
Naty1 said:
This means the probability density of an electron in a nucleus of, say, hydrogen, is zero.
It is not zero for s electrons.
  • #6
IxRxPhysicist said:
For the sake of argument let's assume I haven't. If you liken this to a potential well, I get it, more energy higher orbital. But that's a model, I'm arguing semantics. Why when an electron absorbs a corresponding photon does it act as if repelled into a higher orbital? I guess you can interpret my question as Bohr's problem, why doesn't the electron fall onto the proton?

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  • #7
Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

Related to L Science - Understanding Electron Orbitals and Their Role in Atomic Structure

1. What are electron orbitals?

Electron orbitals are regions of space around an atom's nucleus where electrons are most likely to be found. They can be thought of as the "paths" that electrons follow around the nucleus.

2. How are electron orbitals different from electron shells?

Electron shells are energy levels or "layers" around the nucleus where electrons can exist. Electron orbitals are more specific regions within these shells where electrons are most likely to be found. Think of electron shells as the "floor" and electron orbitals as the "rooms" on that floor.

3. How are electron orbitals named?

Electron orbitals are named according to the energy level (n), sublevel (s, p, d, f), and the number of electrons in that sublevel. For example, the first orbital in the first energy level would be called the 1s orbital.

4. How many electrons can an orbital hold?

The number of electrons an orbital can hold depends on its sublevel. The s sublevel can hold 2 electrons, the p sublevel can hold 6 electrons, the d sublevel can hold 10 electrons, and the f sublevel can hold 14 electrons.

5. How does electron spin affect the distribution of electrons in orbitals?

Electron spin refers to the direction of an electron's magnetic field. In orbitals, electrons will fill up with opposite spins first before pairing up with the same spin. This allows for a more stable distribution of electrons in orbitals.

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