Is There An Age Problem In The Early LCDM Model?

In summary, the authors of this paper have found that a quasar at a high redshift appears to be significantly older than the universe it is in, and this problem may require revisions to the current standard model of cosmology.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A paper written by Authors: Rong-Jia Yang, Shuang Nan Zhang, published in Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 1–7 (2009) and modified on today's Physics ArXiv asks a question we have looked at before on PF, "Is there an age problem in the early universe of the [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM model?"

At high red shift some objects are observed that appear to be older than the universe in that epoch. In the previous thread linked to above we considered APM 08279+5255 and then (2005) concluded further work needs to be done to reassess its age. Yang and Zhang's paper does just this using WMAP5 data and seem to have hardened the problem.

From the paper's conclusion:
The only way to reconcile the elapsed time T of APM08279+5255 with the age of the Universe at z = 3.91 in the [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM model, is to take very small values of H0 and [itex]\Omega[/itex]m, which certainly contradict many other independent observations. We therefore conclude that the [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM model suffers from a problem with the estimated age of APM 08279+5255 at redshift z = 3.91, based on the currently best available data for the Hubble constant Hsub]0[/sub] and the matter density [itex]\Omega[/itex]m (recently Riess et al. (2009) obtained H0 = 74.2 ± 3.6 km s−1Mpc−1, which may lead to more serious age problem in [itex]\Lambda[/itex]CDM model). These results can be tested with future cosmological observations. Of course, new and more reliable determination of the age of APM 08279+5255 are also needed.

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  • #2
The real problem is that this particular quasar is significantly more iron-rich than a 1.7 billion-year-old quasar would be expected to be. Given the wide variety of other independent observations we have, I don't think finding a bit more iron than expected is likely to overturn any cosmological models.
  • #3
Chalnoth said:
The real problem is that this particular quasar is significantly more iron-rich than a 1.7 billion-year-old quasar would be expected to be. Given the wide variety of other independent observations we have, I don't think finding a bit more iron than expected is likely to overturn any cosmological models.

It should be noted that the estimated values of the standard model parameters are dependent on theoretical assumptions associated with the analysis of the observations.

For example Shanks’ et al's alleged beam correction for the CMB analysis (Shanks used a distant object to calibrate the WMAP data analysis rather than Jupiter) which significantly affects both the position and magnitude of the first peak in the CMB analysis such that the analysis no longer supports the specific parameter values in the standard model. An incorrect fundamental data analysis and interpretation is particularly egregious as it blocks any thought concerning alternatives. (i.e. We believe the CMB data proves/proved the hypothesis is correct, therefore any unexplained anomaly must be either bad data or a lack of knowledge of the underlying mechanisms.)

One of the points of Shanks’ discussion with the other specialists on the CMB analysis is that there is a natural tendency to adjust the analysis to match what people believe is the scientific consensus. Observations and analysis that is alleged to provide independent support for a hypothesis may therefore not be independent. The affect is caused by group think, theory ripening, (Ideas that are widely repeated, believed for long periods of time, and written in textbooks become assumed absolute truths.) and theory momentum.

As I noted in the thread “Dark Matter, On the Ropes?” there is theoretical and observational data (variance of the spiral galaxy rotational curve with radius, number of satellite galaxies, size of the spiral galaxy’s bulge and the negative results for the direct detection of dark matter) that directly challenges the existence of dark matter.

The creation of new primitives such as dark matter and dark energy is brilliant if the new primitive does exist. If the hypothesized new primitive truly does not exist, there is still a physical explanation for the observations.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
The real problem is that this particular quasar is significantly more iron-rich than a 1.7 billion-year-old quasar would be expected to be. Given the wide variety of other independent observations we have, I don't think finding a bit more iron than expected is likely to overturn any cosmological models.

Yes, but three times solar iron abundance will take some explaning to reconcile with the present standard model, especially as iron is the last element to be produced in stellar exothermic nuclear reactions.

Just as SN Ia observations radically introduced acceleration into the standard comological model over a decade ago perhaps this observation (and other objects - see the 2005 discussion in the thread linked to above) may cause the present standard model to be revised.

So, for example, if DE applied to early epochs, then that would extend the age of the universe observed at high z. On the other hand it might also modify BBN relative abundance ratios, which would need to be reworked, but I think the possibility is worth considering.

Saul I agree that the confidence placed in the standard model sometimes leads to anomalous observations being dismissed too lightly, however you have to do the analysis of those observations within a coherent theoretical framework.

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  • #5
Saul said:
It should be noted that the estimated values of the standard model parameters are dependent on theoretical assumptions associated with the analysis of the observations.
Yes. But so is this observation. It's still just a larger than expected amount of iron, and this could still be due to some rather peculiar circumstances that occurred in this particular quasar. And interpreting that as an age requires a physical model of how rapidly the iron abundance can increase, a physical model that also could be wrong. If we start seeing other, independent observations that also give indications that our universe must be older, yeah, I'll buy that there's a possibility that this is saying that the universe is actually older. But until then, the possibility that the quasar model is wrong is by far the expected answer to this.

Garth said:
Yes, but three times solar iron abundance will take some explaning to reconcile with the present standard model, especially as iron is the last element to be produced in stellar exothermic nuclear reactions.
Granted, but again, this is just one quasar. If you want to look for something unusual, with the sheer number of astronomical objects out there, I'm sure you can find it. So even if it is a very large amount of iron, we would need multiple bits of independent, mutually-corroborating evidence to suggest that this requires an older universe. Until we have that, "It's just a weird quasar," is far more likely.
  • #6
I think it points more in the direction of our incomplete understanding of nucleosynthesis than an age problem.

Related to Is There An Age Problem In The Early LCDM Model?

1. What is the Early LCDM Model?

The Early LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) Model is a cosmological model that describes the evolution of the universe from its earliest stages to the present day. It is based on the Big Bang theory and incorporates the concepts of dark matter and dark energy to explain the observed structure and expansion of the universe.

2. What is the age problem in the Early LCDM Model?

The age problem in the Early LCDM Model refers to the discrepancy between the estimated age of the universe based on the model and the age of the oldest observed objects in the universe. The model predicts an age of approximately 13.8 billion years, while the oldest observed objects, such as globular clusters, have ages of around 13.2 billion years.

3. What is causing the age problem in the Early LCDM Model?

The age problem in the Early LCDM Model is thought to be caused by the assumptions and simplifications made in the model. For example, the model assumes a uniform distribution of matter and energy in the universe, but in reality, there are variations and fluctuations that can affect the expansion rate and therefore the estimated age of the universe.

4. Are there any proposed solutions to the age problem in the Early LCDM Model?

Yes, there are several proposed solutions to the age problem in the Early LCDM Model. Some scientists suggest modifying the model by including additional components, such as a cosmological constant or a modified theory of gravity, to better match the observed data. Others propose refining the measurements and techniques used to estimate the age of the universe.

5. How does the age problem in the Early LCDM Model impact our understanding of the universe?

The age problem in the Early LCDM Model highlights the limitations of our current knowledge and understanding of the universe. It also emphasizes the need for continued research and improvements in cosmological models to accurately describe the evolution of the universe. Additionally, the resolution of the age problem could provide new insights and potentially lead to a better understanding of the fundamental principles and mechanisms governing the universe.

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