Is it Possible to Learn Programming Quickly Without Excessive Reading?

In summary: I don't know how much time to really learn it. I would recommend at least 2-4 months of serious study, preferably more if you want to be proficient.It takes a lot of time to learn programming, but it's definitely worth it. You'll be able to use your skills for many things.
  • #1
I attended a few programming languages courses in my university a long time ago. I describe myself as a "text book programmer" , that is, I could reproduce all textbook programs in exam... Hahahaha... Now I day I feel seriously that I should learn programming. Should I learn programming? Can someone guide me what I do to learn programming within short time without very much reading? Should I forget about learning programming and live life easily? Any idea, hope etc
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  • #2
So what exactly is your question? To learn or not to learn? Coding is fun. If you're serious about it, then pick a coding project you want to do and learn what you need for it. If all you're doing is reading books and doing examples, you'll never really get it. If you find a project that's fun and engaging for you, you'll retain a lot more knowledge.
  • #3
Whether you need to learn programming very much depends on whether you would like to use those skills for anything. However, you may want to learn a programming language just for fun, and I'm sure no one on PF would criticize you for that. I'm not sure it is possible to avoid reading entirely, but if you're looking for a more interactive learning experience, try They offer free courses in a variety of programming languages, and I'm sure there will be a discussion about which language is best. My recommendation would be to start with Python; it's a relatively simple language to pick up, and helps you learn the basics of programming. Python also has more advanced features for when you are comfortable, or you can use your skills to learn a more complex language like C++.
  • #4
I heard term like oop, uml, .net and so many others that change every few years. If I start will Phyton would I be able to upgrade to these things or Phyton is something like my time G W basic or turbo c...
  • #5
Muti said:
I heard term like oop, uml, .net and so many others that change every few years. If I start will Phyton would I be able to upgrade to these things or Phyton is something like my time G W basic or turbo c...

Programming is programming -- defining a problem, breaking it down into small sub-problems, and then building up a set of instructions that deals with these problems.

I started with Turbo C (which makes this sound like a thread that time traveled from 1993) and have been doing systems programming in C since graduating in the 90's. UML is a modeling language -- it doesn't really change how you program. OOP is object-oriented programming which is a way of modeling problems/solutions, but you still have to know programming to do it and I believe Python supports that way of doing things. .Net is a platform from Microsoft. And things change every so many years but it is still all programming.

You get beyond 'text book programming' by actually taking on projects and completing them. And getting involved in projects you didn't start and don't currently understand and reading their code and contributing to them to the point you understand what someone else did.

Note that a data structures and algorithms class (online, at the local university, or out of a book) will help.
  • #6
Okay I think I must start from Phyton. One last thing, I think programmer feel in a certain way when they are designing a project or program from "hello World" to some simulation or game. How can I get that programmer thinking or breaking the problem in small sub problem or this will come naturally with writing more code like driving a car...
  • #7
I think it just comes with more practice. Start with small problems to build your skills then you can move on to more complicated tasks that can be split into sub-problems.
  • #8
Why not code a program youve always wanted to write? It'll be fun and you'll have a personal inventive
  • #9
Muti said:
Okay I think I must start from Phyton. One last thing, I think programmer feel in a certain way when they are designing a project or program from "hello World" to some simulation or game. How can I get that programmer thinking or breaking the problem in small sub problem or this will come naturally with writing more code like driving a car...
First off, it's Python, not Phyton.

As far as getting that "programmer feeling" goes, I don't believe it comes naturally. There are a number of attributes of good programming style that many programmers have thought about over a long time. Without being exposed to this accumulated wisdom, it's likely that your coding technique will not improve over time. An excellent book is "Code Complete," by Steve McConnell. It's a fat book that is full of good advice to programmers.

It takes a lot of practice to become comfortable at writing code that can be easily maintained, which is something that many new programmers don't learn for a long time, or in some cases, at all.
  • #10
Thank you for correcting me, but I personally think phyton was a much better word... Hahaha... Anyhow... I get your point and it is just like I suspected. If you see my question can you recommend a thin book about programming style...

Related to Is it Possible to Learn Programming Quickly Without Excessive Reading?

1. What is the best programming language for beginners?

The best programming language for beginners depends on personal preference and the type of programming you want to do. Some popular options for beginners include Python, Java, and C++. It's important to do some research and try out different languages to find the one that works best for you.

2. Do I need to have strong math skills to learn programming?

Having strong math skills can certainly be helpful in programming, but it is not a requirement. Basic algebra and logic skills are important for understanding programming concepts, but many programming languages have built-in functions for complex calculations.

3. Can I learn programming on my own or do I need to take classes?

You can certainly learn programming on your own through online resources, tutorials, and practice. However, taking classes or attending coding bootcamps can provide more structured learning and access to experienced instructors for guidance and support.

4. How long does it take to learn programming?

The time it takes to learn programming varies for each individual and depends on factors such as your dedication, learning style, and the complexity of the language. Some people may be able to learn the basics in a few months, while others may take years to master a language.

5. What can I do with programming skills?

The possibilities are endless with programming skills. You can create websites, mobile apps, video games, software, and much more. Programming is a valuable skill in many industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and education. It also opens up opportunities for remote work and freelancing.

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