Inflation: Why all the 10^27s everywhere?

  • Thread starter Xezlec
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the numerical coincidences observed in various cosmological factors such as the energy scales of inflation and dark energy, the size of the universe during the inflation epoch, and the ratio of the current size of the observable universe to the size at the end of inflation. The concept of "large numbers" was also discussed, with some believing that these ratios hold a deeper meaning. However, others argued that these may just be random coincidences and that the human brain tends to find patterns where there are none. The conversation also touched on the measurement of the diameter of the entire universe, with conflicting figures being mentioned.
  • #1
I was reading about inflation on Wikipedia (warning: I don't really understand physics and cosmology) and I noticed that it said that inflation and dark energy were kind of broadly similar but that their energy scales were off by a factor of about 10^27. This weirded me out a little because I had also noticed that the figure quoted for the change in the size of the universe during the inflation epoch was thought to be around 10^26. Furthermore, the ratio of the current size of the observable universe (yeah, I know, "observable", but still a weird coincidence) to the size of the universe at the end of inflation was about 10^27. What's more, the ratio of the current age of the universe to the age of the universe at the beginning of inflation (yeah, I know, for the last one I said "end of inflation", but still a weird coincidence) is about 10^53, which is almost 10^27 x 10^27.

Am I just going all numerologist here and making connections where there aren't any? If not, does anyone know why these numbers all turn out to be 10^27? Is there some kind of physical constant that comes into play in all of these or something?

I really need to go see that movie "The Number 23".
Space news on
  • #2
Xezlec said:
I really need to go see that movie "The Number 23".

I was going to reference this, but you already did :frown:.

I know that doesn't help your case, but I guess "It is what it is?". If it turns out to be something like the aforementioned movie, I would suggest getting your running shoes and preparing to head for the nearest hill.
  • #3
One of the first to notice these correlations of large numbers with theorist "PAM Dirac" He built a theory called "Large Numbers" based upon the idea that it was more than a coincidence that the strength of the electic field force and the strength of gravity (between for example a positron and and electron) was about 10^42 which is approximately the ratio of the size of the universe to the size of the electron. But the numerology didn't stop there - the critical mass in the universe is on the order of the square of the radius (10^26) = 10^52 ...and there are some others - my personal belief is that these ratio's are telling us something deep - as opposed to Planck numbers which are quoted in almost every cosmological paper as sacrosanct -

Let the hammer fall
  • #4
yogi said:
But the numerology didn't stop there - the critical mass in the universe is on the order of the square of the radius (10^26) = 10^52

Wait, a mass is the square of a distance? Looks like you may have something mixed up there.

...and there are some others - my personal belief is that these ratio's are telling us something deep - as opposed to Planck numbers which are quoted in almost every cosmological paper as sacrosanct

Planck numbers? Are you talking about Planck units? What do you mean by "sacrosanct"? I thought these units were used because they are convenient.
  • #5
yogi said:
the critical mass in the universe is on the order of the square of the radius (10^26)

Also, when you say "the radius", you mean the radius of the observable universe, or what? We don't know the radius of the whole universe, right?
  • #6
Dont read too much into wiki, too much crackpot there. numerology - perhaps. what do you think? the observable universe has a radius of about 13.3 billion light years [light travel time].
  • #7
Xezlec said:
Also, when you say "the radius", you mean the radius of the observable universe, or what? We don't know the radius of the whole universe, right?

The Hubble Radius is about 10^26 meters - there are some transformations that express various cosmological factors in terms of units of distance - Harrison in his book "Cosmology" has an entire chapter on the subject of the cosmic numbers, large and small
  • #8
Haven't you heard the latest measurement of the diameter of entire universe? It's about 156 billion light years wide. No kidding, most part of the universe moving away with the speed of up to 12 times faster than light.
  • #9
Chronos said:
Dont read too much into wiki, too much crackpot there. numerology - perhaps. what do you think? the observable universe has a radius of about 13.3 billion light years [light travel time].

isn't the accepted figure, 45 billion light years radius? And the minimum radius of curvature is 100bly

What's the definition of a coincidence anyway?

The human brain is remarkably good at taking random chaos and recognizing patterns where there are none.
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Related to Inflation: Why all the 10^27s everywhere?

What is inflation in the context of physics?

Inflation in the context of physics refers to the rapid expansion of the universe during the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang. It is theorized to have occurred due to a sudden burst of energy, leading to the exponential growth of the universe.

Why is inflation important in understanding the early universe?

Inflation is important in understanding the early universe because it helps explain the uniformity and flatness of the universe that we observe today. It also helps reconcile certain discrepancies in the Big Bang theory, such as the horizon problem and the flatness problem.

How does inflation explain the presence of 10^27s everywhere?

Inflation explains the presence of 10^27s (or 1 followed by 27 zeros) everywhere by proposing that the rapid expansion of the universe caused by inflation stretched out the fabric of space-time, resulting in the vast distances we observe between objects in the universe today.

Can inflation be tested and confirmed?

Yes, inflation can be tested and confirmed through various observations and experiments. One method is to study the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is believed to be a remnant of the Big Bang. If inflation occurred, it would leave certain imprints on this radiation that can be detected and studied.

Are there any alternative theories to explain the universe's expansion besides inflation?

Yes, there are alternative theories to explain the universe's expansion besides inflation. Some propose that the expansion is due to a repulsive force called dark energy, while others suggest modifications to the laws of gravity. However, inflation remains the most widely accepted explanation for the early universe's rapid expansion.

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