Incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God

In summary, a disclaimer warns viewers that watching a video of Super Mario Bros. 3 may cause intense emotional reactions. Some believe that God created the game due to its perfection and fun factor. One person points out that the player in the video is not cheating, but rather making use of predetermined time in the game to collect extra lives. Others reminisce about their own experiences playing the game as a child.
  • #1
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Disclaimer I: The human mind is not well suited for perceiving such complete and utter perfection. Upon viewing this video, you may collapse in tears of dumbstruck awe and terrible joy. You may hyperventilate from the shock and never fully recover. You may even spontaneously combust.

Disclaimer II: If you have never played Super Mario Bros. 3, well, your loss.

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  • #2
ok.. I see the guy who made super mario 3 wants some attention again;)
  • #3
So wait-- you're saying God made Super Mario 3? No wonder it was so much fun.
  • #4
Notice how in level 8 he's actually showing off. He could have beaten it faster, but he just had to get all those 1-UPS.
  • #5
No, that's the thing-- he couldn't have done it any faster, since those levels move at a predetermined speed. So he had to do something with all that predetermined time-- instead of doing nothing, though, he decided to go get 99+ 1-ups to keep himself occupied. Without getting hit once.
  • #6

Bet i could beat him at Super Mario Kart!
  • #7
ya that was awesome. I played that all the time when I was a kid. I could hit some of the jumps like that, but not all of them. no way.

true skill or playing until induced into a catatonic state where every move is simply a reflexive instict? Who knows..
  • #8
Originally posted by hypnagogue
No, that's the thing-- he couldn't have done it any faster, since those levels move at a predetermined speed. So he had to do something with all that predetermined time-- instead of doing nothing, though, he decided to go get 99+ 1-ups to keep himself occupied. Without getting hit once.

Ah well. In theory I bet I could do that. Do you remember the Game Genie?
  • #9
Ya I remember game genie, but it didn't look like he was cheating. I didn't see him actually hit anything and not die, or walk on air. He hit every jump just right and didn't miss any goombas.
  • #10
He wasn't cheating. I would though.
  • #11
that was pretty wicked cool... we played super mario when i was kid too... though i don't thin i ever made it to the end... i don't think we had much memory on our nintendo.. so we never could save... I've played those first levels sooo many times though... i probably could fly through them like that guy... none of the latter though... and i didn't even know you could get extra guys that way.
  • #12
You don't remember spending hours as a kid trying to get the same stupid trick with the koopas to work in the original Super Mario Bros? Fun times.

Related to Incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God

What is the meaning of incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God?

Incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God refers to proof or evidence that is indisputable and cannot be argued against. It is evidence that is universally accepted and leaves no room for doubt or skepticism.

What forms can incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God take?

Incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God can take many forms, such as personal experiences, historical accounts, philosophical arguments, scientific evidence, and religious texts. These forms of evidence can all contribute to a person's belief in the existence of God.

Is there scientific evidence that proves the existence of God?

While science cannot definitively prove or disprove the existence of God, there are some scientific theories and evidence that some people interpret as supporting the existence of a higher being. For example, the fine-tuning argument suggests that the universe's precise conditions necessary for life to exist point to an intelligent designer.

Can personal experiences be considered incontrovertible evidence for the existence of God?

Personal experiences, such as feelings of spirituality or a sense of connection to a higher power, can be considered evidence for the existence of God for the person experiencing them. However, these experiences cannot be objectively verified and may not be considered incontrovertible evidence for others.

Why is the existence of God still a debated topic if there is incontrovertible evidence?

The existence of God is a complex and deeply personal topic, and what may be considered incontrovertible evidence for one person may not be convincing for another. Additionally, some people may interpret evidence differently or rely on different forms of evidence. Ultimately, the existence of God is a matter of faith and belief, and it is natural for there to be differing opinions and debates around it.

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