I am occasionally mistaken as a compulsive gadgeteer

  • Thread starter jeanpaulsc
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    gas turbine
In summary, I am often mistaken as a compulsive gadgeteer due to my love for technology and my extensive collection of gadgets. However, this is simply a misconception as I am actually a knowledgeable and discerning user who values the convenience and functionality that these devices offer. My passion for gadgets does not define me as a person and I am able to control my use and prioritize other aspects of my life.
  • #1
I concede that the anvil of experiment is a beloved companion of mine but assert I can stop anytime I like. When epistemically possible, the words "It can't be done" translate directly to "I don't know how". I love a challenge and relish the pursuit of solution, practical or otherwise.

The scientific method led me to a thread nearly identical to my own project:

My project (in progress) substitutes a gas turbine to generate electricity and my primary concern is indeed safety. Unfortunately this thread was traumatically closed because the exchange of information was "getting too dangerous". How can denying knowledge ensure safety? Perhaps we should burn some books while we are at it.

"Oh ye seekers after perpetual motion, how many vain chimeras have you pursued? Go and take your place with the alchemists."

— Leonardo da Vinci, 1494
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