How to prove the half number factorial formula?

In summary, the conversation was about proving the equation (n+\tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi} \prod_{k=0}^{n}\frac{2k+1}{2} and discussing the concept of the Gamma function. The conversation also included a proof for the equation (-½ )! = √(\pi) using high school calculus and the recurrence relation of (n+1/4)! with the Gamma function. There was also a mention of using integrals and differentiation to non-integral orders
  • #1
Any ideas on how to prove this?
[tex] (n+\tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi} \prod_{k=0}^{n}\frac{2k+1}{2} [/tex]
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  • #2
You've presumably met the Gamma function. Have a look through identites involving Gamma that you know, you should find something useful.
  • #3
How do you define (n+ 1/2)!?

(Schmo already told you that- my point is you should think about it!)
  • #4
Problem is, I don't know what Gamma is other than a greek letter. I can use the formula, that's not the problem. I just was curious if there was a way to prove it. I was messing with my calculator and I noticed that half numbers have factorials and other decimals don't. So, I looked this up. I am not sure what level math it is. I am through Calc 2. If you could let me know what these identies are, I would appreciate it.
  • #5
laker88116 said:
Problem is, I don't know what Gamma is other than a greek letter. I can use the formula, that's not the problem. I just was curious if there was a way to prove it. I was messing with my calculator and I noticed that half numbers have factorials and other decimals don't. So, I looked this up. I am not sure what level math it is. I am through Calc 2. If you could let me know what these identies are, I would appreciate it.

[tex]\Gamma(x)\Gamma(1-x)=\frac{\pi}{\sin(\pi x)}[/tex]

For nonnegative integers, [tex]\Gamma(x+1)=x![/tex]. It is sensible to expand the notation x! to all real numbers other than the nonpositive integers.
  • #6
I'm not understanding that. What does it have to do with my equation I listed.
  • #7
Okie, you know that (and how) factorial n! is defined on the integers. We define Gamma as:


for all x>0 real numbers. Then you, having completed calc 2, can prove the following:

-the integral in the definition of Gamma does indeed converge when x>0
-for all x>0, [tex]\Gamma(x+1)=x\Gamma(x)[/tex], the "Functional equation" of gamma
-if n is a non-negative integer, then [tex]n!=\Gamma(n+1)[/tex], which justifies calling Gamma an extension of factorial.

Some calculators will use Gamma to make sense of arguments of x! that are not non-negative integers, and are essentially defining [tex]x!=\Gamma(x+1)[/tex] when x is a real number greater than -1. I find it odd that yours does half integral values but not other decimals. I believe you, it just seems like an odd thing to do.

To prove your formula, you can use the identity involving sine CRGreathouse supplied to find [tex]\Gamma(1/2)[/tex], then use the functional equation above to find Gamma at 3/2, 5/2, ... n/2 (using induction) then translate back to factorial to get the equation in your first post. Alternatively, look directly at the integral definition of [tex]\Gamma(1/2)[/tex] and try to relate it back to the Gaussian probability integral.
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  • #8
Alright, that makes sense, thanks.
  • #9
Riemann observed in one of his early papers that this expression for factorials of non integers allows differentiation to non integral orders, since by the cauchy integral formula differentiation to a non integral order t, simply requires one to integrate a non integral power, no problem, and determine the appropriate non integral factorial to multiply the integral by.

so you can take the 1/2 derivative of something, e.g. or even the ith, I suppose.

this is a little industry today.
  • #10
I have a somewhat related question. Is there/ does anyone know of a similar equation to the first one shown on this page for quarter integers. Basically:


And particularly one that does not involve the gamma function.
  • #11

The result [tex]({-½ })! = \sqrt{\pi}[/tex] is a well known result of half integer factorials.and can be proved easily using the gamma functiion.I have been searching over the internet for a proof using high school calculus but not successful. Therefore I came up with a short proof to share. Please advise.

To prove: [tex](-½ )! = √(\pi)[/tex]

First prove the relation:
[tex]\int_{0}^{1}({1-x^2})^{n}dx =((2n/(2n +1)) \int_{0}^{1}({1-x^2})^{n-1}dx[/tex]

Using integration by parts,
[tex]\int{ v’}{ u } dx = uv - \int {v}{ u’ } dx [/tex]

Let v = (1 – x2 )n , u = x. Then v’ = n(1 – x2 )n -1 (-2x).

[tex]\int {n}({1-x^2})^{n-1} {(-2x) x } dx[/tex] = [tex]{x(1 – x^2 )^n } - \int {(({1-x^2})^{n})} dx [/tex]
[tex]{-2n}\int {x^2 (1 – x^2 )^(n -1) } dx = {x(1 – x2 )n }- \int { (1 – x^2 )^n} dx [\tex]

Add [tex] 2\int {(1 – x^2 )^(n -1 ) dx [/tex] to both sides,

[tex]2n \int({1-x^2})^{n}dx = {x}{({1-x^2})^{n} - \int({1-x^2})^{n}dx + 2n\int{({1-x^2})^{n-1} dx [/tex]

(2n+ 1)∫ (1 – x2 )n dx = x( 1 - x2 )n + 2n∫ (1 – x2 )n -1 dx

Therefore, ∫ (1 – x2 )n dx = (x( 1 - x2 )n + (2n)∫ (1 – x2 )n-1 dx) /(2n +1)

Set limits from 0 to +1,

∫01 (1 – x2 )n dx = (2n/(2n +1))∫01 (1 – x2 )n-1 dx

Repeating the recurrence n – 1 more times,

∫01 (1 – x2 )n dx = [( 2n n! x / (2n+1)(2n -1)(2n-3)(2n-5)…)]01

= (( 2n n! 2n n!/ (2n+1)! )

= (( 22n (n!)2 / (2n+1)! )

Make (n!) the subject,

(n!) = √(( ∫01 (1 – x2 )n dx )/ ( 22n / (2n+1)! ))

Put n = -½

(-½) ! = √(( ∫01 (1 – x2 )-½ dx )/ ( 22(-½) / (2(-½)+1)! ))

= √ (2( ∫01 (1 – x2 )-½ dx) ) = √(2( ∫01 (1 – x2 ) -½ dx ) ) =√(2( [sin-1 x ] 01) )= √(π).
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  • #12
Very easy induction if you know that [tex] (\frac{1}{2})! = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} [/tex].

We'll use induction. So, true for the case n = 0.

Assume true up to some integer n. Prove n + 1.

So, given,

(n+\tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi} \prod_{k=0}^{n}\frac{2k+1}{2}

Multiply both sides by [tex] (n + 1 + \frac{1}{2}) [/tex]

(n+ 1 + \tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi} \prod_{k=0}^{n}\frac{2k+1}{2} (n + 1 + \frac{1}{2}) = \sqrt{\pi} \prod_{k=0}^{n+1}\frac{2k+1}{2}[/tex]

As requested.
  • #13
Please advise:

How do you prove (1/2)! = sqt (pi)/2

  • #14
leepakkee said:
Please advise:

How do you prove (1/2)! = sqt (pi)/2

1. What is the definition of "(1/2)!"?

2. All you need has already been given. In particular, use [itex]x!= \gamma(x+1)[/itex]
and [tex]\Gamma(x)=\int_{0}^{\infty}t^{x-1}e^{-t}dt[/tex].

What is [itex]\int_0^\infty t^{1/2}e^{-t}dt[/itex]? I suggest the change of variable [itex]u= t^{1/2}[/itex].
  • #15
I am sorry that I messed up the LATEX in my previous post. I hope that this one would work.

The result [tex] (-\tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi}[/tex] is a well known result of half integer factorials, and can be proved easily using the gamma functiion.I have been searching over the internet for a proof using high school calculus WITHOUT USING THE GAMMA FUNCTION but have not been successful. Therefore I came up with a short proof to share. Please advise.

To prove:

[tex] (-\tfrac{1}{2})! = \sqrt{\pi}[/tex]

First prove the relation:
[tex] \int_{0}^{1}(1-x^2 )^n dx = (( 2^{2n} (n!)^2 / (2n+1)! ) [/tex]

Using integration by parts,
[tex]\int ( \frac {dv}{dx}) u dx = uv - \int (\frac {du}{dx})v dx [/tex]

Let [tex] v = (1-x^2 )^n , u = x, then \frac {dv}{dx} = n((1-x^2)^{(n-1)}) (-2x) [/tex].

[tex]\int n(1-x^2 )^{(n-1)} (-2x) x dx = x(1-x^2 )^n - \int (1-x^2 )^n dx [/tex]
[tex] -2n \int x^2 (1-x^2 )^{(n-1)} dx = x(1-x^2)^n - \int (1-x^2 )^n dx [/tex]

Add [tex] 2n \int (1-x^2 )^{(n-1) } dx [/tex] to both sides,

[tex] 2n \int (1-x^2 )^n dx = x(1-x^2 )^n - \int (1-x^2 )^n dx + 2n\int (1-x^2 )^{(n-1)} dx [/tex]

[tex] (2n+ 1) \int (1-x^2 )^n dx = x( 1-x^2 )^n + 2n \int (1-x^2 )^{(n-1) } dx [/tex]

Therefore, [tex] \int (1-x^2 )^n dx = (x( 1-x^2 )^n + (2n) \int (1-x^2 )^{n-1} dx) /(2n +1) [/tex]

Set limits from 0 to +1,

[tex] \int_{0}^{1}(1-x^2 )^n dx = (2n/(2n +1))\int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 )^{n-1} dx [/tex]

Repeating the recurrence n – 1 more times,

[tex] \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 )^n dx = [( 2^n n! x / (2n+1)(2n -1)(2n-3)(2n-5)\cdots]_{0}^{1} [/tex]

[tex] = (( 2^n n! 2^n n!/ (2n+1)! ) [/tex]

[tex] = (( 2^{2n} (n!)^2 / (2n+1)! ) [/tex]

Make [tex](n!) [/tex]the subject,

[tex] (n!) = \sqrt (( \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 )^n dx )/ ( 2^{2n} / (2n+1)! )) [/tex]

Put [tex] n =(-\tfrac{1}{2}) [/tex]

[tex] (n!) =(-\tfrac{1}{2}) ! = \sqrt ( \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 )^{-\tfrac{1}{2}}dx / ( 2^{2(-\tfrac{1}{2})} / (2((-\tfrac{1}{2}))+1)! )) [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt (2( \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 )^{-\tfrac{1}{2}} dx) ) = \sqrt (2( \int_{0}^{1} (1-x^2 ) ^{-\tfrac{1}{2}} dx ) ) =\sqrt (2( [arcsin x ] _{0}^{1}) )= \sqrt {\pi} [/tex].

Related to How to prove the half number factorial formula?

1) How do you derive the half number factorial formula?

The half number factorial formula can be derived by using the Gamma function, which is defined as Γ(n) = (n-1)!. By substituting n/2 in place of n in this equation, we can obtain the half number factorial formula.

2) What is the purpose of proving the half number factorial formula?

The half number factorial formula is useful in solving various mathematical problems involving combinations and permutations, as well as in statistics and probability. Proving this formula helps to understand its underlying principles and how it can be applied in different contexts.

3) What is the notation used for the half number factorial formula?

The half number factorial formula is denoted by (n/2)!, where n is a positive integer. It is also sometimes written as n!! or n‼, with the double exclamation mark representing the half factorial symbol.

4) Can the half number factorial formula be extended to non-integer values?

Yes, the half number factorial formula can be extended to non-integer values using the Gamma function. This allows for the calculation of half factorials for any real number, including negative numbers and fractions.

5) How does the half number factorial formula relate to the full factorial formula?

The half number factorial formula is a special case of the full factorial formula, where n is a multiple of 2. This means that the half number factorial formula can be obtained by dividing the full factorial formula by 2. Additionally, the half number factorial formula is often used in simplifying and solving problems involving the full factorial formula.

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