How to get into analytics field with 'entry level' background

In summary, the individual is currently working as a product analyst in the insurance field, utilizing SQL and Excel for data analysis. They have been in the insurance field for 8 years, but only have 6 months of experience with SQL. They are looking into the actuarial path as a way to develop their skills in analytics, but are struggling to find time to study for exams. They are also considering pursuing data science roles, but are concerned about the requirements for entry level positions. They are thinking about studying R and SAS to gain more experience, but are also considering advanced business consultant roles as a potential career path. Ultimately, they are looking for a new job due to dissatisfaction with their current company and limited growth opportunities.
  • #1
I am currently in the insurance field as a 'product analyst.' My main duties include using SQL to run reports, update reports, create ad hoc reports, and connecting said reports to excel for 'data analysis'(pivot tables etc). My tenure in SQL is around 6 months but I've been in insurance in a non technical field for 8 years. My first thought is of course the actuarial field. I passed the first exam last year, but I've been struggling with blocking out time to study for the second exam. My issue is that i sometimes work long hours for my product role, and it's really hard to focus on one role while studying for exams to plan for a potential future role. Plus, I'm still new in SQL so sometimes I question if I should just develop extra time towards my current role before I try to jump ship that hasn't even arrived yet (make sense?). Oh and I have a child arriving in a couple months.

So with that in mind, I start to question what I want to do. I KNOW that I want to develop in the analytics area. Modeling, forecasting, 'building' stuff. The actuarial path is a way to get there hence the reason I chose actuarial route.

Suppose I give up on actuarial and want to look for analytics/data science jobs, is it still possible? Even the entry level or 'JR' jobs I see requires ph.D or lots of experience. My experience is 6 months of SQL and excel, and a bachelors in math 10 years ago. I do not see myself going back to school. Is it worth my effort to buy a couple of books on R or SAS and get beginner level experience? Will that help me at all in getting a job?

The reason I'm thinking of utilizing my time to study R and SAS over actuarial is that I feel the actuarial does drain too much energy out of me where the software I can choose to study more 'casually'. (I.e no need to do math problems every day, no pressure of exams, etc)

The reason I'm looking for a new job is because the company itself is disorganized, bad benefits, and the 'data' analysis work is very limited. It's not a place that I can grow and develop my skills.
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  • #2
Let me first say that the way you're using the term "analytics" differs from how I typically see it used. The way I usually see "analytics" used it has a very broad meaning, and in fact what you're doing now sounds like what a lot of people I know do who actually have the title "analyst".

Ont he other hand, data science is, while still poorly defined, certainly more defined than "analytics". Data science is distinguished primarily by statistical learning methods. I would suggest either Elements of Statistical Learning or Introduction to Statistical Learning. The latter will probably be fine for a first run, and will help you learn R. There are books out there that walk you through machine learning using python that would be good as well.

However, I think you need to be sure you're making your choice for the right reason. Your post suggests you're considering data science because the actuarial exams are too much of a committment. In the long term, actuarial exams probably require more effort (though not necessarily more intelligence or creativity). However in the short run, if you want to make a move into machine learning, data science, or other big data roles, you'll need to study just as hard as you would for an actuarial exam. It will not be a quick switch, as you have a long way to go.

So if you're choosing between the actuarial path and other big data roles, please do it because of what the work is like on the other side, and not the (relatively) short term costs in between.

If you do decide to go the actuarial route, begin apply to jobs now. While your exam progress is not as far along as other entry level candidates, you already have skills that are needed that those other candidates don't have. If you manage to land a student role, you'll have study time at work.

If you go the data science route, the first step is to do a whole lot of learning. Follow Kaggle competitions, become fluent in R and Python, and get some experience playing with Hadoop or other big data pipelines. Then you can begin applying for entry level roles that may fit what you're looking for.

A third option I'd like to put on the table is to push towards advanced business consultant roles. These would require less outside of work learning than the other two options, but they'll require more muscle. Essentially, I know lots of people who do a great deal of business analytics and are paid reasonably well for their work ($75k - $90k range). They aren't using very advanced statistical methods, and they aren't actuaries. The trick is that there's not a good path to these jobs - you'll just have to keep moving up, keep demonstrating your SQL/SAS/Excel/Access skills and keep changing jobs until you're in the role you want.


Related to How to get into analytics field with 'entry level' background

1. How can I get into the analytics field with an entry level background?

There are several ways to break into the analytics field with an entry level background. One option is to gain relevant skills and knowledge through online courses, workshops, or self-study. Another option is to apply for internships or entry level positions in companies that offer analytics services. Networking and attending industry events can also help you connect with professionals in the field and learn about job opportunities.

2. What skills are necessary to be successful in the analytics field?

Some key skills that are necessary for success in the analytics field include data analysis, statistical analysis, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication. Familiarity with programming languages such as R, Python, or SQL can also be beneficial. It is important to continuously develop and update your skills as the field of analytics is constantly evolving.

3. Do I need a specific degree to work in analytics?

While a degree in a related field such as statistics, mathematics, computer science, or business can be helpful, it is not always a requirement for entry level positions in analytics. Employers often prioritize practical skills and experience over formal education. However, having a degree or relevant coursework can make you a more competitive candidate.

4. What types of companies hire for analytics positions?

A wide range of companies hire for analytics positions, including tech companies, consulting firms, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and retail companies. Many companies now recognize the value of data-driven decision making and are incorporating analytics into their operations, creating a high demand for qualified professionals.

5. How can I stand out as an entry level candidate in the analytics field?

To stand out as an entry level candidate in the analytics field, it is important to showcase your skills and experience through projects or case studies. You can also participate in data science competitions or contribute to open source projects to demonstrate your abilities. Networking and building relationships with professionals in the field can also help you get noticed and potentially lead to job opportunities.

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