How does Calabi-Yau space blend into ordinary 3-space?

  • Thread starter euquila
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In summary: Yeah, it's because we can't draw pictures in 10 dimensions. You'll have to make do, and get used to looking at, lower dimensional analogs of higher dimensional spaces. For example, in this illustration, the 2D grid is meant to represent our 3D space. The Calabi-Yau is given a 3D perspective in this illustration, making it the analog of a 4D space. Of course, this fails miserably to convey the full 10 dimensions of the true space; this illustration is merely meant to show you how the compactified extra dimensions are situated relative to the three large dimensions that we know and love.
  • #1
How does Calabi-Yau space "blend" into ordinary 3-space?

Hi there,

I'm wondering about the following:

Assume that string theory is more or less correct and that particular 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold(s) are in fact extra dimensions of spacetime.

Do physicists / mathematicians already understand how this compact space "blends" into the long/extended 3-space that we observe?

I'm not really talking about compactification (or am I?) but more wondering if we are treating the 6-space and 3-space separately or if they influence one another mathematically (a blending of sorts).

My view is that there must be some sort of "blending" since an electron (a presumed string) indeed propagates through 3-space.

Does anyone have any relevant thoughts / sources they wish to share?

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  • #2

euquila said:
Hi there,

Do physicists / mathematicians already understand how this compact space "blends" into the long/extended 3-space that we observe?

There is no such thing as blending. Analogously the dimension "height" (with coordinate "z", say) does not "blend" into the two orthogonal dimensions with coordinates "x" and "y".
  • #3

So all 9 dimensions are orthogonal to each other?

Thank you for your reply.
  • #4

euquila said:
So all 9 dimensions are orthogonal to each other?

Loosely speaking, yes, that's what "dimension" means.

I spare you a more precise definition that is needed when spaces are curved.
  • #6

bapowell said:
This is a helpful illustration

I don't like the way that specific model, there!:confused:
or the calabi-yau manifold itself, more precisely, as representing higher dimensional manifold!
Because, you see, any point on that manifold can be located by three coordinates, sufficiently.

And is not number of coordinates needed to accurately locate an point/event, or whatever you call it in more than 4 higher dimensional manifold, more precise than number of perpendicular axes?

So, is not it 3-dimensional. and how come it be more than three dimensional! Merely because of the distortions and so on?

I don't know much and please clarify me if i am wrong!:blushing:
  • #7

dpa said:
I don't like the way that specific model, there!:confused:
or the calabi-yau manifold itself, more precisely, as representing higher dimensional manifold!
Because, you see, any point on that manifold can be located by three coordinates, sufficiently.

And is not number of coordinates needed to accurately locate an point/event, or whatever you call it in more than 4 higher dimensional manifold, more precise than number of perpendicular axes?

So, is not it 3-dimensional. and how come it be more than three dimensional! Merely because of the distortions and so on?

I don't know much and please clarify me if i am wrong!:blushing:

Because the illustration is not how Calabi-Yau manifolds really look like... it is merely an illustration of 3D projection of a higher dimensional object.
  • #8

dpa said:
I don't like the way that specific model, there!:confused:
or the calabi-yau manifold itself, more precisely, as representing higher dimensional manifold!
Because, you see, any point on that manifold can be located by three coordinates, sufficiently.

And is not number of coordinates needed to accurately locate an point/event, or whatever you call it in more than 4 higher dimensional manifold, more precise than number of perpendicular axes?

So, is not it 3-dimensional. and how come it be more than three dimensional! Merely because of the distortions and so on?

I don't know much and please clarify me if i am wrong!:blushing:
Yeah, it's because we can't draw pictures in 10 dimensions. You'll have to make do, and get used to looking at, lower dimensional analogs of higher dimensional spaces. For example, in this illustration, the 2D grid is meant to represent our 3D space. The Calabi-Yau is given a 3D perspective in this illustration, making it the analog of a 4D space. Of course, this fails miserably to convey the full 10 dimensions of the true space; this illustration is merely meant to show you how the compactified extra dimensions are situated relative to the three large dimensions that we know and love.

Related to How does Calabi-Yau space blend into ordinary 3-space?

1. How is Calabi-Yau space related to ordinary 3-space?

Calabi-Yau space is a type of complex manifold that has six dimensions, three of which are compactified. This means that it is a mathematical construct that is used to describe the geometric properties of compactified dimensions in our universe. In other words, Calabi-Yau space is a way to mathematically represent the hidden dimensions that may exist in our universe, which are not directly observable in our everyday lives.

2. What is the significance of Calabi-Yau space in theoretical physics?

Calabi-Yau space plays a crucial role in string theory, which is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. In string theory, the fundamental building blocks of our universe are not particles, but rather tiny vibrating strings. These strings can only exist in a 10-dimensional space, and the extra dimensions are believed to be compactified in a Calabi-Yau space. Therefore, understanding the properties of Calabi-Yau space is essential in understanding the fundamental nature of our universe.

3. How does Calabi-Yau space "blend" into ordinary 3-space?

Calabi-Yau space does not physically blend into ordinary 3-space. It is a mathematical representation of the hidden dimensions in our universe. However, in theories such as string theory, it is believed that the compactified dimensions in Calabi-Yau space can affect the behavior of particles in our ordinary 3-dimensional space. This is why understanding the properties of Calabi-Yau space is important in understanding the fundamental laws of our universe.

4. Can Calabi-Yau space be observed or tested?

No, Calabi-Yau space cannot be directly observed or tested. It is a mathematical construct that is used to describe the hidden dimensions in our universe. However, predictions based on string theory, which incorporates Calabi-Yau space, can be tested through experiments and observations. So far, there is no experimental evidence to support the existence of Calabi-Yau space, but research in this field is ongoing.

5. Are there other theories besides string theory that incorporate Calabi-Yau space?

Yes, there are other theories such as M-theory and supergravity that incorporate Calabi-Yau space. These theories also attempt to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics, and they use Calabi-Yau space as a way to mathematically represent the hidden dimensions in our universe. However, unlike string theory, these theories propose that there may be more than 10 dimensions in our universe.

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