Hong-Ou-Mandel with two beam splitters

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In summary, Pittman et al write about a two-photon interference experiment where the misconception that the photons must arrive at the beam splitter simultaneously is dispelled. They also discuss the possibility of using two different beam splitters and extra optics to align the beams, as well as the question of distinguishability between modes. They mention a paper on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference without beam splitters and discuss the comparison to Hanbury Brown-Twiss setup. Finally, they mention the effect of angle between beams on phase variation and its impact on interference visibility.
  • #1
Swamp Thing
Insights Author
In http://ws680.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=104112 , Pittman et al write:
"It is not uncommon for people to think that in these (Hong-Ou-Mandel) types of two-photon interference experiments the photons must arrive at the beam splitter at the same time, which seems to imply that some type of classical local interaction was required between two single photons meeting at the beam splitter and “agreeing” which way to go, or how to be polarized. In this Letter, we hope to dispel this misconception by reporting on a similar type of two-photon experiment in which interference is observed, even though the photons arrive at the beam splitter at much different times."

Is it possible to make a version where the two photons pass through two different beam splitters altogether, but are brought together finally at the detectors? For example by slightly tilting the mirrors upwards and downwards, we can send one photon to a beam splitter that is located just above the central plane, while the other photon passes through another splitter just below the first. After exiting the beam splitters we can have some extra optics that bring the beams back into alignment.

As long as the phase relationships are maintained, HOM interference should still occur -- is this true?
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  • #2
Swamp Thing said:
This is interesting experiment, but note that in experiment it is SA interference that is observed not HOM interference. While SA and HOM interference experiments are very similar, demonstration that SA interference does not happen at beam splitter does not prove that HOM interference does not happen at beam splitter.
Actually when I first saw this experiment some time ago I got impression that it falsifies Bohmian mechanics exactly because I initially did not noticed this difference between SA and HOM setups.

Swamp Thing said:
After exiting the beam splitters we can have some extra optics that bring the beams back into alignment.
That's the tricky part. You can't join two beams into one. You can mix two beams into other two beams using beam splitter, but then the HOM interference would happen in this later beam splitter.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I need to read more about SA interference -- at the moment I'm not very clear about how it relates to HOM. (There's a lot more written about HOM than SA, it seems).

Have you seen this paper:
"Hong-Ou-Mandel interference without beam splitters" --- https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.01639
Is this experiment really equivalent to a HOM setup?
  • #4
That's the tricky part. You can't join two beams into one.
I'm trying to understand this question of, how do we say that two modes are distinguishable or indistinguishable from the detector's point of view? Let's say two beams (modes) are hitting a detector surface, and the angle between them is [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex]. If [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] = 0, we have 100% visibility of interference. At [itex]\Delta \theta = 0.1\deg[/itex] we can expect, say, 99.9% interference visibility. At a [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] of 10 degrees, maybe much less.

But how do we calculate the function relating visibility to [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex]? What factors enter into it? For example, in a photoemulsion film, does each grain of emulsion "know" which beam the photon came from, even if the directions differ by a large [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] like 20 degrees?
  • #5
Swamp Thing said:
Have you seen this paper:
"Hong-Ou-Mandel interference without beam splitters" --- https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.01639
Is this experiment really equivalent to a HOM setup?
It seems more like HBT setup. I don't understand why it should be compared to HOM setup.

Swamp Thing said:
I'm trying to understand this question of, how do we say that two modes are distinguishable or indistinguishable from the detector's point of view? Let's say two beams (modes) are hitting a detector surface, and the angle between them is [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex]. If [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] = 0, we have 100% visibility of interference. At [itex]\Delta \theta = 0.1\deg[/itex] we can expect, say, 99.9% interference visibility. At a [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] of 10 degrees, maybe much less.

But how do we calculate the function relating visibility to [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex]? What factors enter into it? For example, in a photoemulsion film, does each grain of emulsion "know" which beam the photon came from, even if the directions differ by a large [itex]\Delta \theta[/itex] like 20 degrees?
I would say that angle between beams affect variation of phase across the surface of detector. So if collection pinhole of detector is very small you can get good visibility with larger angles. And that's it as I see.
  • #6
Thanks again. The phase variation thing is clear and convincing. But maybe, sometimes, authors think that "welcher weg" is more impressive. :)

Related to Hong-Ou-Mandel with two beam splitters

1. What is Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters?

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters is a phenomenon where two photons, each entering a separate beam splitter, become entangled and exit the beam splitters as a single photon with a higher probability. This effect is a result of the quantum nature of light and is a key demonstration of quantum interference.

2. How does Hong-Ou-Mandel interference work?

In Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, two photons enter the beam splitters from opposite directions. Due to their quantum nature, the photons have a certain probability of either being transmitted or reflected by the beam splitters. When the photons are entangled, they become inseparable and their probabilities of transmission and reflection become correlated, resulting in a higher chance of both photons being transmitted or both being reflected. This leads to a dip in the coincidence rate, which is a signature of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.

3. What applications does Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters have?

Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters has various applications in quantum information processing, such as quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing. It is also used in quantum metrology for precise measurements and in quantum communication for secure information transmission.

4. Can Hong-Ou-Mandel interference be observed with more than two beam splitters?

Yes, Hong-Ou-Mandel interference can be observed with more than two beam splitters. In fact, the number of beam splitters used can affect the strength and visibility of the interference signal. The more beam splitters used, the higher the chance of observing the dip in the coincidence rate.

5. What are the challenges in observing Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters?

One of the main challenges in observing Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with two beam splitters is achieving a high level of indistinguishability between the two photons entering the beam splitters. This requires precise control of the experimental setup and careful elimination of any sources of decoherence. Additionally, the efficiency of the beam splitters also affects the visibility of the interference signal, making it important to use high-quality beam splitters.

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