Higgs mechanism and Angular momentum

In summary: This is what leads to the expectation values of the W and Z fields, which in turn leads to their masses.In summary, the Higgs mechanism involves the symmetry breaking of a complex Higgs doublet in the Standard Model, resulting in the absorption of three of its four degrees of freedom by the gauge bosons. This leads to the development of a new degree of freedom, the longitudinal component, which some have questioned as being equivalent to a scalar. However, the conservation of Angular momentum J3 is not violated, and it is believed that J2 may also be conserved through the vacuum or one particle states of the theory. The question remains unresolved and is still being discussed among experts.
  • #1
There is an aspect of the Higgs mechanism I am troubled about. This applies to any theory with Higgs, but for sake of definiteness I will restrict the discussion to the Standard Model. The (unbroken) theory starts with a complex Higgs doublet, which corresponds to four degrees of freedom. Then Higgs develops a vacuum expectation value, and through the usual well known machinery three of these four degrees of freedom are absorbed in the longitudinal components of the gauge bosons. The two (oppositely) charged Higgs get absorbed in W+ and W-, and one combination of the neutral Higgs gets absorbed in Z. Before the symmetry breakdown, the gauge bosons were massless, and they had only two physical (transverse) components. After the symmetry breakdown, they acquire a new degree of freedom from the Higgs field, which shows up as the longitudinal component.

Now, why does that not break the conservation of Angular momentum J? To be sure, the third component of the angular momentum, J3 is OK in this case: J3 = 0, and it is conserved. But J2 appears not to be conserved. How did a scalar degree of freedom in Higgs became a part of the three degrees of freedom in a spin-1 particle without violating J2 conservation? I had believed all these years that the longitudinal component of a spin-1 boson is not equivalent to a scalar. Is this belief wrong? Is it not possible to distinguish it from a scalar? And yet in Higgs mechanism it appears to have come from a scalar.
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  • #2
What exactly is J2 operating on? (Before and after)
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
What exactly is J2 operating on? (Before and after)

Good question, and I am not sure what the answer is (perhaps that's the problem.) There are three possibilities: (1) The vacuum (of course the vacuum is different before and after the symmetry breakdown.) (2) One particle states of the theory (and these are different too before and after.) (3) Something more complicated (I don't know what that might be.)

(1) sounds trivial, the vacuum must be in zero angular momentum state before and after both: <0|J2|0>=0. If this were not true, I would have to rethink what spontaneous symmetry breakdown means.

(2) is what I have been thinking, I suppose. For example <fi|J2|fi>=0, and <W|J2|W>=j(j+1)<W|W>=2<W|W>, and <eL|J2|eL>= (3/4)<eL|eL>, etc...
  • #4
Hmmm? Did I ask a very hard and complicated question? Or a rather boring one? Is the question unclear? (I guess it was to some degree, and I had to make a clarification for Vanadium 50.) Never before I had to wait so many days for an answer to a question I asked. I either stumped everybody, or I put everybody to sleep with this question.

I still hope to have some answers soon. At least a discussion... Thank you all who try.
  • #5
I think you are thinking about "before and after" the symmetry breaking. That's not looking at a single physical system as it evolves in time, so I don't think conservation laws apply. Instead, it's looking at "before and after" a particular step in the derivation.
  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
I think you are thinking about "before and after" the symmetry breaking. That's not looking at a single physical system as it evolves in time, so I don't think conservation laws apply. Instead, it's looking at "before and after" a particular step in the derivation.

I think conservation laws associated with unbroken symmetries should apply at all times, even while the vacuum is in the process of changing and settling to a different one. I find it rather unsatisfactory to say that angular momentum is conserved "before" and "after" separately, but not during the process of symmetry breakdown which must have taken place some 13 billion years ago.
  • #7
But you haven't shown any violation of the conservation of angular momentum yet. You keep asserting it, but you haven't shown any.
  • #8
It is an interesting question, but I don't think that there really is a problem.

First of all, I'm not sure if J^2 is really conserved in the expanding universe. Expansion (and GR effects in general) can do all sorts of crazy things, e.g. particle creation.

Symmetry breaking can occur even without expansion. Your concern seems to be along the line that J^2 was zero because the system was in the vacuum state, and now it's not zero because we have spin-1 particles all around. But the initial state was not vacuum, so the expectation value of J^2 was not zero to begin with.
  • #9
But Hamster (and maybe fermi), it's simply not true that in the past EWK symmetry was unbroken. "Before" refers to a step in the derivation, not at some historical time.
  • #10
Vanadium 50 said:
But Hamster (and maybe fermi), it's simply not true that in the past EWK symmetry was unbroken. "Before" refers to a step in the derivation, not at some historical time.

Yes, it was unbroken. Electroweak symmetry breaking is analogous to a phase transition, which occurs when the universe is cooled to a certain critical temperature.
  • #11
Not exactly - what that means is that at high enough temperature either the broken or unbroken symmetric representations give the same predictions.

But you still haven't shown a system where you have the same system before-and-after where J is not conserved.
  • #12
Vanadium 50 said:
Not exactly - what that means is that at high enough temperature either the broken or unbroken symmetric representations give the same predictions.

Well, it *IS* the same field and the same Lagrangian, after all. The difference is that before breaking, the expectation value of the Higgs is zero everywhere, and after breaking it's not.

Related to Higgs mechanism and Angular momentum

1. What is the Higgs mechanism?

The Higgs mechanism is a theoretical concept in particle physics that explains how particles acquire mass. It proposes the existence of a field, called the Higgs field, which permeates the entire universe. This field interacts with certain particles, giving them mass and allowing them to have different levels of energy.

2. How does the Higgs mechanism work?

The Higgs mechanism works by giving particles mass through the interactions with the Higgs field. The Higgs field is made up of tiny particles called Higgs bosons, which act as carriers of the field's energy. When particles interact with the Higgs field, they gain mass and become more stable.

3. What is the role of the Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Higgs mechanism plays a crucial role in the Standard Model, which is the most widely accepted theory explaining the fundamental particles and their interactions. It is responsible for giving particles mass and allows for the existence of the weak force, one of the four fundamental forces in the universe.

4. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that measures the rotational motion of an object around an axis. It is a vector quantity and is defined as the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. It is conserved in a closed system, meaning it remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque.

5. How does the Higgs mechanism relate to angular momentum?

The Higgs mechanism does not directly relate to angular momentum. However, in certain particle interactions, the Higgs field can affect the spin and angular momentum of particles. This is because the Higgs field is a fundamental field that interacts with all particles, including those with spin and angular momentum.

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