General Relativity and Gravity?

In summary, gravity is caused by the warping of space-time, which is in turn caused by the presence of mass. This warping changes the rules of geometry, causing objects to follow curved paths instead of straight lines. The trampoline analogy does not fully capture this concept. A more accurate analogy is the "Parable of the Apple", which explains gravity as geodesic deviation. However, it can be difficult to fully grasp this concept without understanding space-time diagrams and the principle of extremal aging. Ultimately, curved space-time is the cause of gravity.
  • #1
Gold Member
We recently touched base with gravity in regards to general relativity and I'm a bit perplexed. So apparently (and correct me if I'm wrong) gravity is created when the mass of the universe warps, or bends, space-time. I've read all those analogies about a trampoline curving due to an object of mass, but (here's where I'm confused) doesn't a trampoline or blanket anything bend because of the presence of gravity? How can the warping of space-time cause gravity if gravity is the one causing the warping?
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  • #3
Less snarkily (sorry - it's been a strange couple of days), gravity changes the rules of geometry so that the definition of a straight line is replaced with a curve. Objects then follow curved paths because that's what they do in curved spacetime. The trampoline analogy doesn't really express this very well. But it's really not possible for a simple analogy to cover all the details.
  • #4
To restate ibix's perfectly correct explanation but from a different point of view, objects in space-time follow straight lines, BUT those "straight lines" are what are called "geodesics" and when looked at from a Euclidean framework, they look curved.
  • #5
The trampoline analogies tend to be a bit conceptually confused. I'm rather fond of the "Parable of the Apple", which explains gravity as geodesic deviation. I haven't seen any good popularizations of it though. The textbook original can be found by googling for ""Once upon a time a student lay in a garden under an apple tree reflecting on the difference between Einstein's and Newton's views". You should get a hit from "Gravitation, part 3 page 3" in the google books result.

The first thing that is needed to appreciate the analogy is to understand what a geodesic is. The ants are assumed to follow the most economical path on the apple, i.e. the curve of shortest distance lying entirely on the surface of the apple, i.e. a geodesic.

The second necessary mental leap is to understand that the apple does not represent space, but a space-time diagram. To appreciate this, it is very helpful to know the principle of extremal aging, often simplified as the principle of maximal aging. Matter moving through space takes a path through space-time that maximizes the proper time. It gets a bit confusing regarding the path of maximal aging as the "most efficient". It seems more like the least efficient. But it turns out that the details of the sign do not really matter, the point is that the path is an extremal path.

It's this second mental leap that's the hardest to convey. One might think of drawing space-time diagrams on the apple. Of course, one has to know what a space-time diagram is to appreciate this. Unfortunately it seems that the concept of a space-time diagram is abstract enough that it's just not appreciated, it seems to be (for instance) very difficult to get an interested poster to draw one.

If things go well, and both points are appreciated, then the result is this. The geodesic paths on the surface of the apple diverge due to the curvature of the apple. The geodesic paths through space-time diverge due to the curvature of space-time. We can regard this deviation as a tidal force. If we ignore time dilation as an apprxomation (it turns out to be not a very good approximation, unfortunately), we can regard the tidal forces as changes in an underlying force, called gravity.
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  • #6
phinds said:
To restate ibix's perfectly correct explanation but from a different point of view, objects in space-time follow straight lines, BUT those "straight lines" are what are called "geodesics" and when looked at from a Euclidean framework, they look curved.
So it's a facade? They only "look curved", but not really?
  • #7
Ibix said:
Less snarkily (sorry - it's been a strange couple of days), gravity changes the rules of geometry so that the definition of a straight line is replaced with a curve. Objects then follow curved paths because that's what they do in curved spacetime. The trampoline analogy doesn't really express this very well. But it's really not possible for a simple analogy to cover all the details.
That's quite alright! :) Anyway, so does this mean that curved spacetime is the ultimate reason for gravity? Can I say, "Curved spacetime is the cause of gravity" and be entirely correct?
  • #8
ProfuselyQuarky said:
That's quite alright! :) Anyway, so does this mean that curved spacetime is the ultimate reason for gravity? Can I say, "Curved spacetime is the cause of gravity" and be entirely correct?
Curved spacetime is gravity is closer.
  • #9
pervect said:
The trampoline analogies tend to be a bit conceptually confused. I'm rather fond of the "Parable of the Apple", which explains gravity as geodesic deviation. I haven't seen any good popularizations of it though. The textbook original can be found by googling for ""Once upon a time a student lay in a garden under an apple tree reflecting on the difference between Einstein's and Newton's views". You should get a hit from "Gravitation, part 3 page 3" in the google books result.

The first thing that is needed to appreciate the analogy is to understand what a geodesic is. The ants are assumed to follow the most economical path on the apple, i.e. the curve of shortest distance lying entirely on the surface of the apple, i.e. a geodesic.

The second necessary mental leap is to understand that the apple does not represent space, but a space-time diagram. To appreciate this, it is very helpful to know the principle of extremal aging, often simplified as the principle of maximal aging. Matter moving through space takes a path through space-time that maximizes the proper time. It gets a bit confusing regarding the path of maximal aging as the "most efficient". It seems more like the least efficient. But it turns out that the details of the sign do not really matter, the point is that the path is an extremal path.

It's this second mental leap that's the hardest to convey. One might think of drawing space-time diagrams on the apple. Of course, one has to know what a space-time diagram is to appreciate this. Unfortunately it seems that the concept of a space-time diagram is abstract enough that it's just not appreciated, it seems to be (for instance) very difficult to get an interested poster to draw one.

If things go well, and both points are appreciated, then the result is this. The geodesic paths on the surface of the apple diverge due to the curvature of the apple. The geodesic paths through space-time diverge due to the curvature of space-time. We can regard this deviation as a tidal force. If we ignore time dilation as an apprxomation (it turns out to be not a very good approximation, unfortunately), we can regard the tidal forces as changes in an underlying force, called gravity.
Thanks! The "Parable of the Apple" analogy is much more understandable and, I suppose, more accurate. So the apple represents the curved spacetime that Ibix was talking about? I think I got it. Thanks a lot, guys!
  • #10
Ibix said:
Curved spacetime is gravity is closer.
Sorry, what do you mean by that?
  • #11
ProfuselyQuarky said:
Sorry, what do you mean by that?
A series of compressions and rarefactions in the atmosphere doesn't cause sound - it is sound. In the same way, curvature of spacetime doesn't cause gravity, it is gravity.
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  • #12
ProfuselyQuarky said:
So it's a facade? They only "look curved", but not really?
I have no idea what you mean. Do you understand that there are different geometries? Riemann Geometry is one way of describing things. Einstein found that geodesics in space-time follow Riemann Geometry, not Euclidean. From the point of view of Riemann Geometry, lines that are defined as straight in Euclidean Geometry are curved and in Euclidean Geometry, lines that are straight in Riemann Geometry are curved. We humans evolved living in a world where Euclidean Geometry prevails as a description of reality so we tend to use its terms rather that the terms of Riemann Geometry. So we say space-time is curved, but that's just a reference in one framework. One that, as it turns out, is not the best one to describe some aspects of reality.
  • #13
Ibix said:
A series of compressions and rarefactions in the atmosphere doesn't cause sound - it is sound. In the same way, curvature of spacetime doesn't cause gravity, it is gravity.
Got it. Thank you so much! Everything is clear now.
  • #14
ProfuselyQuarky said:
We recently touched base with gravity in regards to general relativity and I'm a bit perplexed. So apparently (and correct me if I'm wrong) gravity is created when the mass of the universe warps, or bends, space-time. I've read all those analogies about a trampoline curving due to an object of mass, but (here's where I'm confused) doesn't a trampoline or blanket anything bend because of the presence of gravity? How can the warping of space-time cause gravity if gravity is the one causing the warping?
Thanks for asking this question! I too have often wondered about this. Cheers!
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Related to General Relativity and Gravity?

1. What is general relativity and how does it explain gravity?

General relativity is a theory of gravity developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It explains that gravity is not a force between masses, but rather a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of massive objects. This curvature dictates the paths of objects moving through spacetime, resulting in the effects we observe as gravity.

2. What is the difference between general relativity and Newton's theory of gravity?

The main difference between these two theories is that general relativity is a more comprehensive and accurate theory of gravity. While Newton's theory describes gravity as a force between masses, general relativity explains it as a curvature of spacetime. General relativity also accounts for the effects of gravity on the behavior of light and the slowing of time in strong gravitational fields, which Newton's theory does not.

3. How does general relativity relate to the theory of special relativity?

General relativity is an extension of the theory of special relativity, which was also developed by Einstein. Special relativity explains the relationship between space and time, while general relativity extends this to include gravity. Both theories are essential for understanding the behavior of objects in the universe.

4. Can general relativity be tested and verified?

Yes, general relativity has been extensively tested and verified through various experiments and observations. One of the most famous examples is the confirmation of the bending of light by massive objects, such as stars, as predicted by general relativity. Other tests include the measurement of the precession of Mercury's orbit and the detection of gravitational waves.

5. How does general relativity impact our understanding of the universe?

General relativity has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe by providing a comprehensive and accurate theory of gravity. It has allowed us to explain and predict various phenomena, such as the motion of planets, the behavior of black holes, and the expansion of the universe. General relativity also plays a crucial role in modern cosmology and our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe.

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